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Qualification AwardedΠτυχίο Δασολογίας και Φυσικού Περιβάλλοντος (Ptychio Dasologias kai Fysikou Perivallontos/Diploma in Forestry and Natural Environment)
Programme d' ÉtudesPPS Tmīmatos Dasologías kai Fysikoý Perivállontos (2020-sīmera)
Cycle / Niveau1er cycle / Licence
Année Académique2021 - 2022
Contact emailinfo@for.auth.gr
ECTS / WorkloadOne ECTS unit corresponds to 30 hours of workload.
Πτυχίο Δασολογίας και Φυσικού Περιβάλλοντος (Ptychio Dasologias kai Fysikou Perivallontos/Diploma in Forestry and Natural Environment)
Upper secondary degree (6 years of studies). National level examination.
In order to obtain the Diploma of the School of Forestry and Natural Environment, students are required to attend and be successfully examined in general and special background courses as well as in in-depth or specialty courses depending on the direction of studies to be followed. In addition, during the 10th semester of study, students are required to prepare the diploma thesis which is equivalent to 30 ECTS and to attend the Practical Training program with a total workload of 19 ECTS, as analyzed below:
1. The Practical Training of the second year of studies that is conducted in the University Forest Taxiarchis of Halkidiki and includes the following subjects: General Hydraulics, Hydrology and Rivers Science, Forest Botany-Forest Plant Sociology, Forest Soil Science, Rangeland Ecology and Topography,
2. the Practical Training of the third year of studies that is conducted in the University Forest of Pertouli, Trikala and includes the following subjects: Forest Genetics, Forest Road Construction, Forest Transportations, Sylviculture, Forest Utilization and Forest Protection (Forest Pathology and Entomology).
3. the Practical Training of the fourth year of studies conducted in the University Forest of Pertouli, Trikala and includes the following subjects: Forest Biometry, Forest Management, Wood Technology, Wildlife Management and Freshwater Fisheries, Management and Control of Mountainous Water, Rangeland and Forest Economics.
4. the Practical Training in one of the State Forest Service District Offices or the Forest Directorates of the Greek territory that is carried out after the 8th semester of studies.
The successful completion of undergraduate studies, organized by the School of Forestry and Natural Environment and lasts at least ten (10) academic semesters (compulsory semesters for obtaining a Degree or a Diploma according to the studies program), leads to the award of a single and inseparable postgraduate degree (integrated master) in the specialty of the School. The curriculum leading to the above integrated master degree fully covers the field of environmental science and for this reason is considered identical with the title awarded to environmental scientists.
The six study-directions or specializations of the study program are: Α. Harvesting and Technology of Forest Products, B. Range Science - Wildlife Biology and Freshwater Fisheries, C. Forest and Water Engineering, D. Planning and Development of Natural Resources, Ε. Forest Production and Forest Management and F. Protection of Forests and Natural Environment.
The Undergraduate Study Program (USP) provided by the School of Forestry and Natural Environment aims at studentsapability of studying, comprehending and managing the natural land ecosystems and at transferring modern knowledge of the Forestry and Natural Environment Science. Retaining this Diploma, students are capable of confronting the complicated problems of forestry application and research and in addition, are expected to have a positive contribution to the development of Hellenic Forestry with the aim of the protection and sustainable management of forests and natural environment. In applied level, the USP aims at learning outcomes and skills that give ability to graduates to provide services in the fields of Natural Environment including forests, forest areas and grazing land, Education and Research.
Graduates of the School of Forestry and Natural Environment based on their study specialization, their elective courses and the Diploma Thesis, acquire the skills below:
Selection and application of sustainable harvesting techniques of forest products, wood quality assessment and identification, suitability of each individual wood for various uses, mechanical and chemical technology of wood, industrial production of wood, resin, cork and forest biomass products and energy, conservation and improvement, and quality control of wood and furniture products, studies for establishment and operation of wood and furniture industry and non-wood forest products.
Management studies on wildlife and inland water fish populations, biodiversity and environmental impacts, establishment of game farms, fish hatcheries and fish-farms, wildlife and fish trade controls, administration and management of natural terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, education, research and expertise related to wildlife and inland water fishes. Range management plans for public and/or private rangelands, their inventory and classification. Plans ecophysiology, genetic of forage plant species for seed production, and evaluation of their nutritive value. Eco-development plans for agro-touristic development of natural terrestrial ecosystems. Landscape plans for cultural, aesthetic and ecology value. Establishment and conservation of outdoor recreation units (coarse, parks).
Planning of forest opening-up, study case projects, laying out, construction and maintenance of forest road construction projects ( road network, road surface, road drainage and infrastructure constructions, slide slope stabilization) and transport and logging facilities, topographical referred surveys, forest maps, cadastre, environmental impact assessment (EIA) from road drainage and infrastructure constructions in forest and forested areas, bioclimatic forest constructions, forest engineering in torrent control, types and systems of torrent control, biotechnical engineering and soil stabilization, watershed hydrologic management and management of mountainous water, avalanche management and control, water engineering and protection of natural environment.
Economic analysis and evaluation of forest enterprises and investments. Marketing research of forest products & wood manufacturing products. Social and economic planning in forestry. Forest statistical analysis, forest inventories and forest-biometrical studies. Estimates of trees and stands growth. Forest ecosystems management, forest management plan of wood production, recreation, aesthetic, protected and multi-purpose forests by using photo-interpretation, photogrammetry, GIS, remote sensing and satellite image analysis. Accounting and administrative support to the forest industries and public services. Studies on development and implementation of forest policy. Communication policy and public relations for firms and public companies. Study and planning of forest recreation areas, development studies of mountainous areas and ecotourism. Investigation of environmental problems. Environmental education & Programs of environmental training and sensitization. Programs of environment interpretation. Application of information and communication technologies, information systems, data bases, networks, network services and multimedia on forestry and forest industry.
Application of floristic and vegetation analysis methods aiming at the description, classification, restoration, monitoring and investigation of the dynamics of terrestrial ecosystems. Production of genetically improved material of forest species with high economic, adaptive and aesthetic value. Establishment and operation of nurseries for forest species and ornamental plants, vegetative and seed propagation and trade of the plant reproductive material. Establishment and management of botanical gardens, parks and tree rows, seed orchards, agroforestry systems, operational forest plantations for wood, fruits, biomass, and non-wood products. Identification and certification of forest genetic material. Conservation and management of protected areas, of the biodiversity of terrestrial ecosystems and of their genetic resources. Establishment and silvicultural treatment of forest ecosystems and plantations, and their planning. Forest protection from diseases insect epidemics, air pollution and climatic change. Wild land fire management (prevention, presuppression and control) and ecology.
Forest soil and site classification for the sustainable management of soil resources, studies for the analysis of soil, vegetative tissues and water to estimate the productivity of forests, grasslands and forest nurseries. Development of ecological studies for forest species and forest lands, preparation of plans for environmental impact assessment and environment restoration in forests and forest lands. Planning and implementation of reforestations, landscape architecture and rehabilitation of degraded forest lands including mine lands, urban and peri-urban forests and planning for protection against wildfires.
In addition, graduates of the School of Forestry and Natural Environment, further to the basic knowledge of their discipline and profession are able to : analyze and synthesize the relevant scientific data and information, follow scientific progress and apply the proper technologies to forestry and forest industry, generate new research ideas and knowledge, manage scientific, research and development projects, undertake studies and implement projects on forestry and natural environment, take decisions with scientific, professional and social responsibility, communicate and cooperate in groups and work on interdisciplinary or international level.
Not applicable
The qualification is a terminal award and allows access to postgraduate studies and, under conditions, to doctoral studies.
A scale of 1 to 10 applies to the marks of each subject in the Hellenic Higher Education.
Άριστα (Arista) Excellent: 8.50-10.00
Λίαν Καλώς (Lian Kalos) Very Good : 6.50- 8.49
Καλώς (Kalos) Good : 5.00-6.49
Ανεπιτυχώς (Anepitychos) Fail: 0.00-4.99
Minimum passing grade : 5
A full academic year is equivalent to 60 ECTS units and each semester to 30 ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) (1 ECTS=25-30 student work load hours). Compliance with the ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) regulations started in 2007, when the Greek Legislation was harmonized with the relevant European one (Ministerial Decision no Φ5/89656/β3, art. 1-3, Hellenic Government Gazette no 1466/2007/B). Each course is credited with a number of ECTS (>=2) according to the studentworkload (contact hours, laboratory work, examination etc) and accumulation of credits (ECTS) is accomplished after successful completion of the course.
Prof. Alexandros Dimitrakopoulos