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Guide de l’étudiant

Programme d' ÉtudesPPS Tmīmatos Ktīniatrikīs (2020-2021)
Cycle / Niveau1er cycle / Licence
Année Académique2017 - 2018
Contact emailinfo@vet.auth.gr
ECTS / WorkloadOne ECTS unit corresponds to hours of workload.
Upper secondary degee. National level examination.
All professional veterinary degrees offered in the European Union are required to meet certain minimum training requirements. These are set out in Article 38 of the EU Directive on the recognition of professional qualifications (Directive 2005/36/EC, as amended by Directive 2013/55/EU), as follows:
The training of the veterinary surgeons shall comprise a total of at least five years of full-time theoretical and practical study, which may in addition be expressed with the equivalent ECTS credits, at a university or at a higher institute providing training recognised as being of an equivalent level, or under the supervision of a university, covering at least the study programme referred to in point 5.4.1 of Annex V.
Trainig as a veterinary surgeon shall provide an assurance that the professional in question has acquired the following knowledge and skills:
(a) adequate knowledge of the scinces on which the activities of a veterinary surgeon are based and of the Union law relating to those activities;
(b)adequate knowledge of the structure, functions, behaviour and physiological needs af animals, as well as the skills and competences needed for their husbandry, feeding, welfare, reproduction and hygiene in general;
(c) the clinical, epidemiological and analytical skills and competences required for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of the diseases of animals, including anaesthesia, aseptic surgery and painless death, whether considered individually or in groups, including specific knowledge of the diseases which may be transmitted to humans;
(d) adequate knowledge, skills and competences for preventive medicine, including competences relating to inquires and certification;
(e) adequate knowledge of the hygiene and technology involved in the production, manufacture and putting into circulation of animal feedstuffs or foodstuffs of animal origin intended for human consumption, including the skills and competences required to understand and explain good practice in this regard;
(f) the knowledge, skills and competences required for the responsible and sensible use of a veterinary medicinal products, in order to treat the animals and ensure the safety of the food chain and the protection of the environment.
The qualification terminal award and allows acces to postgraduate studies.
10 Semesters, 300ECTS
A full academic year is equivalent to 60 ECTS units and each semester to 30 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) (1 ECTS=25-30 hours according to the Ministerial Decision no f/5/89656/B3, art. 1-3, Hellenic Goverment Gazette no 1466/2007/B). Each course is credited with a number of ECTS (>=2) according to the students workload (contract hours, laboratory work, examination etc) and accumulation of credits (ECTS) is accomplished after succesful completion of the course.
Full time
Paschalis Fortomaris