Theology and cinema. A love as mighty as death. The sacredness and eroticism with a particular emphasis on the Orthodox tradition

Informazioni sull’Insegnamento
TitoloΘεολογία και κινηματογράφος. Κραταιά ως θάνατος αγάπη. Ιερότητα και ερωτικότητα με ιδιαίτερη έμφαση στην ορθόδοξη παράδοση / Theology and cinema. A love as mighty as death. The sacredness and eroticism with a particular emphasis on the Orthodox tradition
Ciclo / Livello di Studi1. Corso di Laurea, 2. Post Laurea
Semestre di InsegnamentoWinter
CoordinatorChrysostomos Stamoulis
Course ID600012783

Programma di Studio: Anamorfōméno PPS Tmīmatos THeologías (2023-2024)

Registered students: 0
IndirizzoTipo di FrequenzaSemestreAnnoECTS
KORMOSFacoltativo a scelta liberaWinter-3

Informazioni sull’Insegnamento
Anno Accademico2017 – 2018
Faculty Instructors
Weekly Hours3
Class ID
Materiali Online
Last Update