Coastal and Harbour Engineering

Informazioni sull’Insegnamento
TitoloΑΚΤΟΜΗΧΑΝΙΚΗ ΚΑΙ ΛΙΜΕΝΙΚΑ ΕΡΓΑ / Coastal and Harbour Engineering
Ciclo / Livello di Studi1. Corso di Laurea
Semestre di InsegnamentoWinter
Course ID20000254

Programma di Studio: PPS TPM - EISAKTEOI APO 2022 KAI EXĪS

Registered students: 0
IndirizzoTipo di FrequenzaSemestreAnnoECTS

Informazioni sull’Insegnamento
Anno Accademico2017 – 2018
Faculty Instructors
Weekly Hours5
Class ID
1. ΤΥ1500Theofanis Karampas, Yannis Krestenitis, Evangelia Loukogeorgaki
Course Type 2016-2020
  • Area Scientifica
Organizzazione della Didattica
  • In presenza
The course is also offered to exchange programme students.
Language of Instruction
  • Greco (Insegnamento, Esame)
Abilita’ Generali
  • Applicazione pratica delle conoscenze acquisite
  • Adattamento a nuove situazioni
  • Presa di decisione
  • Lavoro autonomo
  • Lavoro in contesto internazionale
  • Lavoro in equipe interdisciplinari
  • Progettazione e gestione di progetti
  • Rispetto verso l’ambiente naturale
  • Fare riflessioni critiche e autocritiche
  • Promuovere il pensiero indipendente, creativo e intuitivo
Tipologia di Materiale Didattico
  • Appunti
  • Esercizi interattivi
Use of Information and Communication Technologies
Use of ICT
  • Uso delle TIC   nell’ insegnamento
Organizzazione dell’Insegnamento
ActivitiesCarico di LavoroECTSIndividualeGruppoErasmus
Student Assessment
Student Assessment methods
  • Prova scritta semistrutturata con risposta breve (Formativa, Sommativa)
  • Prova scritta con soluzione di problemi (Sommativa)
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
Βιβλίο [11264]: Εισαγωγή στην παράκτια τεχνική και τα λιμενικά έργα, Κουτίτας Χριστόφορος Γ.
Additional bibliography for study
Ελληνική: 1. Μέμος Κ.Δ.(2005).“Εισαγωγή στα Λιμενικά Έργα, Εκδόσεις Συμμετρία, Αθήνα. Ξενόγλωσση: 1. Dean RG & Dalrymple RA (1984). “Water Wave Mechanics for Engineers and Scientists”, Prentice-Hall Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, USA; [also: 2nd Edition (1991) in Advanced Series on Ocean Engineering, Vol. 2, Ed. P LF Liu, World Scientific Press.] 2. Dingemanns MW (1997). “Water Wave Propagation over Uneven Bottoms. Part 1: Linear Wave Propagation”, Advanced Series on Ocean Engineering, Vol. 13, Ed. P LF Liu, World Scientific Press. 3. Dingemanns MW (1997). “Water Wave Propagation over Uneven Bottoms. Part 2: Linear Wave Propagation”, Advanced Series on Ocean Engineering, Vol. 13, Ed. P LF Liu, World Scientific Press. 4. Fredsoe J & Deigaard R (1992). “Mechanics of Coastal Sediment Transport”, Advanced Series on Ocean Engineering, Vol. 3, Ed. P LF Liu, World Scientific Press. 5. Goda Y (1985). “Random Seas and design of Maritime Structures”, University of Tokyo Press, Tokyo, Japan; [also: 2nd Edition (2000) in Advanced Series on Ocean Engineering, Vol. 15, Ed. P LF Liu, World Scientific Press.] 6. Hudspeth RT (2006). “Waves and wave forces on coastal and ocean structures”, Advanced Series on Ocean Engineering, Vol. 21, Ed. P LF Liu, World Scientific Press. 7. Massel SR (1996). “Ocean surface waves: their physics and prediction”, Advanced Series on Ocean Engineering, Vol. 11, Ed. P LF Liu, World Scientific Press. 8. Mei CC (1989). “The applied dynamics of ocean surface waves”, Advanced Series on Ocean Engineering, Vol. 1, Ed. P LF Liu, World Scientific Press. 9. Mei CC, Stiassnie M, Yue D KP (2005). “Theory and applications of ocean surface waves”, Advanced Series on Ocean Engineering, Vol. 23, Ed. P LF Liu, World Scientific Press. 10. Nielsen P (1992). “Coastal Bottom Boundary Layers and Sediment Transport”, Advanced Series on Ocean Engineering, Vol. 4, Ed. P LF Liu, World Scientific Press. 11. Svendsen IA (2006). “Introduction to nearshore hydrodynamics”, Advanced Series on Ocean Engineering, Vol. 24, Ed. P LF Liu, World Scientific Press. 12. US Army Corps of Engineers (2002). “Coastal Engineering Manual: Parts I-IV”.
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