Greek Politics

Informazioni sull’Insegnamento
TitoloGreek Politics / Greek Politics
Ciclo / Livello di Studi1. Corso di Laurea, 2. Post Laurea
Semestre di InsegnamentoWinter
CoordinatorEftichia Teperoglou
Course ID600014084

Programma di Studio: PPS Tmīma Politikṓn Epistīmṓn 2023-sīmera

Registered students: 0
IndirizzoTipo di FrequenzaSemestreAnnoECTS
KORMOSFacoltativo a scelta liberaWinter-4

Informazioni sull’Insegnamento
Anno Accademico2018 – 2019
Faculty Instructors
Weekly Hours3
Class ID
Course Type 2016-2020
  • Conoscenze Generali
Organizzazione della Didattica
  • In presenza
The course is also offered to exchange programme students.
Language of Instruction
  • Inglese (Insegnamento, Esame)
Abilita’ Generali
  • Applicazione pratica delle conoscenze acquisite
  • Ricerca, analisi e raccolta dati e informazioni, con l’utilizzo di tecnologie adeguate
  • Lavoro autonomo
  • Rispetto verso la diversita’ e la multiculturalita’
  • Dimostrare responsabilità sociale, professionale e morale e sensibilità verso i problemi di genere
  • Fare riflessioni critiche e autocritiche
  • Promuovere il pensiero indipendente, creativo e intuitivo
Tipologia di Materiale Didattico
  • Libro
  • Appunti
  • Diapositive
  • Audio
Use of Information and Communication Technologies
Use of ICT
  • Uso delle TIC   nell’ insegnamento
  • Uso delle TIC nella comunicazione con gli studenti
Organizzazione dell’Insegnamento
ActivitiesCarico di LavoroECTSIndividualeGruppoErasmus
Studio e analisi bibliografica431.6
Elaborazione tesina/tesine130.5
Student Assessment
Student Assessment methods
  • Prova scritta strutturata a scelta multipla (Formativa)
  • Prova scritta semistrutturata con risposta breve (Sommativa)
  • Prova scritta con rispote aperte (Sommativa)
  • Prova scritta con soluzione di problemi (Formativa, Sommativa)
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
Θα αναρτηθεί φάκελος με επιλεγμένα άρθρα και μελέτες στο elearning του μαθήματος
Additional bibliography for study
Ενδεικτική βιβλιογραφία Clogg, R. (1988) Parties and Elections in Greece: The Search for Legitimacy, Duke University Press. Ellinas,A.(2013)The rise of Golden Dawn:the new face of the far right in Greece. South European Society and Politics, 18(4), pp. 543–565 Featherstone,K.(2005) Introduction:“modernization” and the structural constraints of Greek politics. West European Politics, 28(2), pp. 223–241. Gunther, R. (2005) Parties and electoral behaviour in Southern Europe. Comparative Politics, 37(3), pp. 253–275 Gunther,R.&Montero,J.R.(2001) The anchors of partisanship: acomparative analysis of voting behavior in four Southern European democracies, in: P.N. Diamandouros & R. Gunther (eds) Parties, Politics, and Democracy in the New Southern Europe , Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, pp. 83–152. Karamichas, J. (2009) ‘The December 2008 Riots in Greece’, Social Movement Studies, vol. 8, no 3, pp. 289-293. Rüdig, W. & Karyotis, G. (2013) ‘Who Protests in Greece? Mass Opposition to Austerity’, British Journal of Political Science, pp. 1-27. Lyrintzis, Christos (2005). “The changing party system: stable democracy, contested modernization”, West European Politics, 28:2, 242-59. Mavrogordatos, G. Th. (1983). ´Rise of the Green Sun: The Greek Election of 1981´, Centre of Contemporary Greek Studies, King's College London, Occasional Paper I. Stavrakakis, Y. & Katsambekis, G. (2014) ‘Left-wing Populism in the European Periphery: The Case of SYRIZA’, Journal of Political Ideologies, 19(2): 119-142. Teperoglou, E. & Tsatsanis, E. (2014) ‘Dealignment, de-legitimation and the implosion of the two party system in Greece: the earthquake election of 6 May 2012’, Journal of Elections, Public Opinion & Parties, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 222–242. Tsatsanis, E., Freire, A. & Tsirbas, Y. (2014). ‘The impact of the economic crisis on the ideological space in Portugal and Greece: a comparison of elites and voters’, South European Society and Politics, vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 519–540. Tsirbas, Y. (2015) ‘The January 2015 parliamentary election in Greece: government change, partial punishment and hesitant stabilisation’, South European Society and Politics, available online at: Verney, S. (2014) ‘Broken and can’t be fixed: the impact of the economic crisis on the Greek party system’, The International Spectator: Italian Journal of International Affairs,, vol. 49, no. 1, pp. 18–35. Τeperoglou, E., Tsatsanis, E. & Nicolacopoulos, E. (2015) ‘Habituating to the new normal in a post-earthquake party system: the 2014 European election in Greece’, South European Society and Politics, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 333–355.
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