Informazioni sull’Insegnamento
Ciclo / Livello di Studi1. Corso di Laurea, 2. Post Laurea
Semestre di InsegnamentoWinter/Spring
Course ID600007084

Programma di Studio: 2024-2025

Registered students: 0
IndirizzoTipo di FrequenzaSemestreAnnoECTS
KORMOSFacoltativo a scelta liberaWinter/Spring-6

Informazioni sull’Insegnamento
Anno Accademico2023 – 2024
Faculty Instructors
Weekly Hours3
Total Hours39
Class ID
Course Type 2016-2020
  • Area Scientifica
Organizzazione della Didattica
  • A distanza
Materiali Online
The course is also offered to exchange programme students.
Language of Instruction
  • Inglese (Insegnamento, Esame)
Abilita’ Generali
  • Applicazione pratica delle conoscenze acquisite
  • Ricerca, analisi e raccolta dati e informazioni, con l’utilizzo di tecnologie adeguate
  • Presa di decisione
  • Lavoro autonomo
  • Lavoro in gruppo
  • Rispetto verso la diversita’ e la multiculturalita’
  • Dimostrare responsabilità sociale, professionale e morale e sensibilità verso i problemi di genere
  • Fare riflessioni critiche e autocritiche
  • Promuovere il pensiero indipendente, creativo e intuitivo
Tipologia di Materiale Didattico
  • Podcast
  • Audio
  • Materiale multimediale
  • Esercizi interattivi
Use of Information and Communication Technologies
Use of ICT
  • Uso delle TIC   nell’ insegnamento
  • Uso delle TIC nella comunicazione con gli studenti
  • Uso delle  TIC nella valutazione degli studenti
Organizzazione dell’Insegnamento
ActivitiesCarico di LavoroECTSIndividualeGruppoErasmus
Studio e analisi bibliografica10
Progetto (project)10
Student Assessment
Student Assessment methods
  • Prova scritta semistrutturata con risposta breve (Formativa, Sommativa)
  • Prova scritta con rispote aperte (Formativa, Sommativa)
  • Prova scritta con soluzione di problemi (Formativa, Sommativa)
  • Altro (Formativa, Sommativa)
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
Greenblatt, Stephen et al eds. Norton Shakespeare: The Tragedies, Norton, 2015. Κροντήρη, Τινα. Ο Σαιξπηρ, η Αναγέννηση κι Εμείς (Θεσσαλονίκη, 2001)
Additional bibliography for study
Adelman, Janet. "'Born of Woman': Fantasies of Maternal Power in Macbeth." In Cannibals, Witches, and Divorce: Estranging the Renaissance. Ed. Marjorie Garber. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1987. 90-121. Belsey, Catherine. The subject of tragedy: identity and difference in Renaissance drama. London: Methuen, 1985.(PR658.S42B45) Carroll, William C., ed. Macbeth: texts and contexts. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's, 1999. PR2823.A2C37 Clare, Janet. “The Censorship of the Deposition Scene in Richard II.” The Review of English Studies, 41: 161 (1990): 89-94. Crystal, David. ‘Think on my Words’: Exploring Shakespeare’s Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008.(PR 3072. C79) Dillon, Janette, ed. The Cambridge Introduction to Shakespeare’s Tragedies. Cambridge University Press, 2007. Dollimore, Jonathan & Alan Sinfield. Political Shakespeare. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1989. (PR2976.P644) Drakakis, John and Dale Townshend, eds. Macbeth: a critical reader. London: Bloomsbury, 2013. (PR2895.D73) Eagleton, Terry. William Shakespeare. Blackwell, 1991. Greenblatt, Stephen. Learning to Curse: Essays in Early Modern Culture. New York : Routledge, 1990.PR413.G74 Greenblatt, Stephen, “Shakespeare and the Ethics of Authority.” In Shakespeare and Early Modern Political Thought. Ed. David Armitage et al. Cambridge University Press, 2009. Jackson, Russell. The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare on Film. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000. PR3093.C36 Κrontiris, Tina. Women and/in the Renaissance. Thessaloniki: University Studio Press, 2000. (available online) McDonald, Russ. The Bedford Companion to Shakespeare. Boston: Bedford, 2001. (PR2894.M385) Mullaney, Steven. “Lying Like Truth: Riddle, Representation and Treason in Renaissance England,” ELH, 47: 1 (1980): 32-47. Neill, Michael and David Schalkwyk, eds. The Oxford handbook of Shakespearean tragedy. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016. (Oxford Handbooks Online) Rackin, Phyllis. “The Role of the Audience In Shakespeare's Richard II.” Shakespeare Quarterly, 36: 3 (1985): 262-281. Ranald, Margaret L. “The Degradation of Richard II: An Inquiry into the Ritual Backgrounds.” English Literary Renaissance 7:2 (2008):170-196. Sinfield, Alan, ed. Macbeth. Red Globe Press, 1992. Smith, Emma. The Cambridge Ιntroduction to Shakespeare. Cambridge University Press, 2007. (electronic book) Tennenhouse, Leonard. Power on Display: The Politics of Shakespeare’s Genres. New York: Methuen, 1986. (PR3017.T45 1986) Wells, Robin Headlam. Shakespeare's politics: a contextual introduction. London: Continuum, 2009. (PR3017.W447) Well, Stanley. Shakespeare’s Tragedies: A Very Short Introduction. Cambridge University Press, 2017.
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