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Μονάδα Διασφάλισης Ποιότητας
Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης
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e-Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae
Anestis Filippidis
Professor, School of Geology
Personal Information
Scopus ID
Google Scholar ID
Researcher ID
Γνωστικό Αντικείμενο
Ορυκτολογία-Κοιτασματολογία / Mineralogy-Economic Geology
Επιστημονική Ειδίκευση
Επιστήμη του περιβάλλοντος
Προπτυχιακές Σπουδές
Πτυχίο Γεωλογίας
Τμήμα Γεωλογίας / Σχολή Φυσικών Επιστημών
Πανεπιστήμιο Λούντ (Lund)
Δίπλωμα Σουηδικής Γλώσσας
Πανεπιστήμιο Λούντ (Lund)
Αγγλική Γλώσσα
The New School of English
Great Britain
Άδεια Χειριστή Ηλεκτρονικού Μικροσκοπίου
Πανεπιστήμιο Ουψάλα (Uppsala)
Μαθήματα Παιδαγωγικής-Διδακτικής
Πανεπιστήμιο Ουψάλα (Uppsala)
Διδακτορικό Δίπλωμα
ΔΔ, PhD, Ορυκτολογίας-Πετρολογίας-Κοιτασματολογίας
Τμήμα Γεωλογίας / Σχολή Φυσικών Επιστημών
Πανεπιστήμιο Ουψάλα (Uppsala)
Course Work
Courses of Winter semester of 2018–19 academic year
GMO 534Υ
Ore Deposits I
GMO 541Ε
Industrial Minerals and Rocks
Mineral Raw materials and environment
Geology & Geochemistry
Courses of Spring semester of 2018–19 academic year
Theses Supervised
Student Theses within AUTh
In progress
Paragyios Ioannis. "Ορυκτολογία και δεσμευτική ικανότητα των ζεολιθοφόρων σχηματισμών Νοτίου Γουρουνορέματος (Αβδέλα ΄Εβρου) και πιθανές περιβαλλοντικές εφαρμογές"
Mouchtaris Theodoros. "Σύνθεση ζεολίθου από ελληνικές ιπτάμενες τέφρες παρουσία υδατικών διαλυμάτων Η2Ο2"
Patsa Ioanna Maria. Καθαρισμός αστικών υγρών αποβλήτων με τη χρήση ζεολιθικού τόφφου.
Byrou Maria Sofia. Ορυκτολογική σύσταση και φυσικοχημικές ιδιότητες των μαρμάρων της περιοχής Πύργων Δράμας.
Atsalos Efstratios. Οι σπάνιες γαίες στην παγκόσμια οικονομία.
Nikolaidis Prodromos. "Μεταλλοφορία χαλκού σε ροδιγκίτες απο το Ανω Γαρέφι,Αριδαία,Βόρεια Ελλάδα'
Ntouma Magdalini. "Μελέτη μεταλλοφορίας σουλφιδίων Fe-Ni-Cu στο δουνιτικό σώμα της περιοχής Στρατονίκης Χαλκιδικής".
Adamoulis Vasileios. Ο γρανάτης στην παγκόσμια οικονομία
Vavlas Nikolaos. Φυσικοί ζεολιθοι και εφαρμο0γές στην εξοικονόμηση ενέργειας
Charisis Konstantinos. Φυσικοί ζεολιθοι και εφαρμο0γές στην εξοικονόμηση ενέργειας
Tzamos Evangelos. "Ορυκτολογία, Πετρολογία και Κοιτασματολογία οφειολίθων Ξερολίβαδου, Βούρινου της Δυτικής Μακεδονίας"
Rousidou Domna. "Οι ζεολιθικοί τόφφοι της περιοχής Παλιουριού Νομού Έβρου"
Petrakis Thomas. Καθαρισμός βιομηχανικών υγρών αποβλήτων με τη χρήση ζεολιθικών τόφφων
Chairopoulos Georgios. Καθαρισμός βιομηχανικών υγρών αποβλήτων με τη χρήση ζεολιθικών τόφφων
Drakoulakou Ioustini. Πολύτιμοι λίθοι: χαρακτηριστικά και ιδιότητες
Samouil Christina. Η χρήση των ζεολιθικών τόφφων στη βιομηχανία κατασκευών
Sarantopoulou Maria. Η χρήση των ζεολιθικών τόφφων στη βιομηχανία κατασκευών
Orfanos Kyriakos. Χρήση Ζεολιθικών Τόφων στη γεωργία
Barba Evangelia. Κτηνοτροφικές Εφαρμογές των Ζεολιθικών Τόφων
Koutsourelis Christos. Κτηνοτροφικές Εφαρμογές των Ζεολιθικών Τόφων
Kechagias Eleftherios. Χρήση Ζεολιθικών Τόφων στη γεωργία
Gkoutzikostas Dimitrios. Χρήση Ζεολιθικών Τόφων στη γεωργία
Gavana Antigoni. Κτηνοτροφικές Εφαρμογές των Ζεολιθικών Τόφων
Nestorov Nikola. Γεωλογική μοντελοποίηση και γεωστατιστική-κοιτασματολογική μελέτη του κοιτάσματος μεικτών θειούχων του Μαντέμ Λάκου Χαλκιδικής
Apostolidis Nikolaos. Ορυκτολογία και δεσμευτική ικανότητα ζεόλιθου Βορείου Γουρουνορέματος (Αβδέλλα ΄Εβρου) και πιθανές περιβαλλοντικές εφαρμογές
Tzamos Evangelos. Ορυκτολογία και δεσμευτική ικανότητα ζεολίθου Νοτίου Ξεροβουνίου (Αβδέλλα ΄Εβρου) και πιθανές περιβαλλοντικές εφαρμογές
Vouta Styliani. Ορυκτολογία και δεσμευτική ικανότητα ζεολίθου Βορείου Ξεροβουνίου (Αβδέλλα ΄Εβρου) και πιθανές περιβαλλοντικές εφαρμογές
Kalampaliki Sofia. Ορυκτολογία και δεσμευτική ικανότητα ζεόλιθου Κεντρικού Ξεροβουνίου (Αβδέλλα ΄Εβρου) και πιθανές περιβαλλοντικές εφαρμογές
Drakoulīs Alexandros. Ο ρόλος του υφαιστιακού γυαλιού στη δεσμευτική ικανότητα βιομηχανικών πετρωμάτων της Μήλου
Mouchtarīs THeodōros. Μετατροπή της ιπτάμενης τέφρας του λιγνιτικού Κέντρου Πτολεμαϊδας-Αμυνταίου σε Ζεόλιθο με την επιδραση Διαλυμάτων NaOH
Theses outside AUTh
Doctoral Level
Αντώνιος Στρατάκης
Συσχέτιση της σύστασης με τις ιδιότητες των τεφρών των λιγνιτικών ατμοηλεκτρικών σταθμών της Βόρειας Ελλάδας, Πολυτεχνείο Κρήτης
Panagiotis Zachariadis
Ophiolites of the Vardar zone, N. Greece, Johannes Gutenberg Universitat of Mainz
Administrative Work
Θέση Όργανο / Επιτροπή
Member, Συνέλευση Τμήματος Γεωλογίας
Member, Γ.Σ.Ε.Σ. Τμήματος Γεωλογίας
Member, Γ.Σ. Τμήματος Γεωλογίας
Member, Γ.Σ.Ε.Σ. Τμήματος Γεωλογίας
Director, Τομέας Ορυκτολογίας-Πετρολογίας-Κοιτασματολογίας
Director, Εργαστήριο Γεωχημείας
Member, Δ.Σ. Τμήματος Γεωλογίας
Director, Τομέας Ορυκτολογίας-Πετρολογίας-Κοιτασματολογίας
Member, Δ.Σ. Τμήματος Γεωλογίας
Member, Γ.Σ. Τμήματος Γεωλογίας
Member, Γ.Σ.Ε.Σ. Τμήματος Γεωλογίας
Head, Τμήμα Γεωλογίας
Head, Δ.Σ. Τμήματος Γεωλογίας
Head, Γ.Σ. Τμήματος Γεωλογίας
Head, Γ.Σ.Ε.Σ. Τμήματος Γεωλογίας
Head, Τμήμα Γεωλογίας
Member, Γ.Σ. Τμήματος Γεωλογίας
Member, Γ.Σ.Ε.Σ. Τμήματος Γεωλογίας
Θέση Όργανο / Επιτροπή
Head, Κοσμήτορας Σχολής Θετικών Επιστημών ΑΠΘ
Head, Επιτροπή Θεμάτων Μεταπτυχιακών Φοιτητών ΑΠΘ
Head, Επιτροπή Διενέργειας Διαγωνισμών Εκπαιδευτικών Εκδρομών ΑΠΘ
Member, Επιτροπή Κτιριακού ΑΠΘ
Member, Επιτροπή Κοσμητόρων ΑΠΘ
Head, Κοσμήτορας Σχολής Θετικών Επιστημών ΑΠΘ
Head, Επιτροπή Φύλαξης ΑΠΘ
Vice Head, Πανεπιστημιακή Φοιτητική Λέσχη ΑΠΘ
Member, Υπηρεσιακό Συμβούλιο Προσωπικού ΑΠΘ
Member, Σύγκλητος ΑΠΘ
Member, Επιτροπή Σαρωτικού Μικροσκοπίου ΑΠΘ
Θέση Περιγραφή
Αν. Μέλος, Εθνική Επιτροπή για τις Ορυκτές Πρώτες Ύλες (Ε.Ε.Ο.Π.Υ.) του ΥΠΕΚΑ
Πρόεδρος, Δ.Σ. της ΟΠΑΠ ΑΕ
Μέλος, Επιτροπή Αξιολόγησης Προγράμματος Μεταπτυχιακών Σπουδών «Γεωεπιστήμες και Περιβάλλον» στο Πανεπιστήμιο Πάτρας
Μέλος, Δ.Σ. της Ελληνικής Γεωλογικής Εταιρίας
Μέλος, Επιτροπή Οικονομικής Γεωλoγίας, Ορυκτολογίας και Γεωχημείας της Ελληνικής Γεωλογικής Εταιρίας
Μέλος, Εξεταστική Επιτροπή Μεταπτυχιακών Προγραμμάτων Υποτροφιών στο Ίδρυμα Κρατικών Υποτροφιών
Μέλος, Δ.Σ. Τμήματος Γεωλογίας Πανεπιστημίου Uppsala Σουηδίας
Μέλος, Δ.Σ. Τομέα Ορυκτολογίας-Πετρολογίας του Τμήματος Γεωλογίας του Πανεπιστήμιο Uppsala Σουηδίας
Μέλος, Επιτροπή Η/Υ της Σχολής Θετικών Επιστημών του Πανεπιστήμιο Uppsala Σουηδίας
Research Projects
ΔΡΑΣΗ Γ:Ενίσχυση ερευνητικής δραστηριότητας βασικής έρευνας: Παρουσία ινωδών ορυκτών στους ηφαιστειοκλαστικούς τόφρους της Μακεδονίας και Θράκης
Ορυκτολογικές αναλύσεις με τη μέθοδο περιθλασιμετρίας ακτίνων-Χ
Ικανότητα απορρόφησης του ελληνικού φυσικού ζεόλιθου
Προσδιορισμός ορυκτολογικών και φυσικοχημικών χαρακτηριστικών ζεολιθοφόρων σχηματισμών Ν. Έβρου.
Συνέδριο: "10ο διεθνές συνέδριο της Ελληνικής Γεωλογικής Εταιρίας"
Διεθνές Συνέδριο, "10ο Διεθνές Συνέδριο της ελληνικής γεωλογικής εταιρείας"
Περιφερειακό επιχειρησιακό δικτυακό σύστημα υποστήριξης και λήψης αποφάσεων για την αντιμετώπιση της περιβαλλοντικής επικινδυνότητας και τη διαχείρηση καταστροφών από μεγάλης κλίμακας βιομηχανικά απόβλητα
Αξιολόγηση και αξιοποίηση του Ελληνικού ορυκτού πλούτου με έμφαση στα ζεολιθοφόρα πετρώματα
Συνέδριο: "Πανελλήνιο συνέδριο - σύνδεση τριτοβάθμιας και δευτεροβάθμιας εκπαίδευσης"
Ενίσχυση ερευνητικής υποδομής, Τμήμα Γεωλογίας
Ορυκτολογική μελέτη μεταλλευμάτων Χαλκιδικής
Οικονομική γεωλογία και ανάπλαση ορυχείων
Βιομηχανικές και περιβαλλοντικές εφαρμογές βιομηχανικών ορυκτών και πετρωμάτων
Ημερίδα: Οι ενεργειακές ορυκτές πρώτες ύλες και η αναπτυξιακή προοπτική τους στην Ελλάδα
Αξιολόγηση και αξιοποίηση του Ελληνικού ορυκτού πλούτου
Έρευνα αξιοποίησης ζεόλιθων Νομού Ροδόπης
Ενίσχυση ερευνητικής υποδομής
Ενίσχυση ερευνητικής υποδομής
Προσροφητικές ιδιότητες των ζεολιθοφόρων πετρωμάτων στους μεταξάδες νομού Έβρου
Work Acknowledgement
Αναφορές στα ΜΜΕ
Γεωργιάδης Γεώργιος
Ορυκτός Πλούτος της Ελλάδας
PONTOS TV, 18:00-19:30.
Γεωργιάδης Γεώργιος
Ορυκτός Πλούτος της Ελλάδας
ΕΡΤ3 - Ειδήσεις, 19:00-20:00.
Σε διεθνή περιοδικό εργασία για την ποιότητα του πόσιμου νερού του δήμου Θέρμης
Εφημ. Θέρμης Δρώμενα
Τσιμπονίδης Ιωάννης
Γνωρίζοντας τον ζεόλιθο
ΔΙΟΝ Τηλεόραση Κεντρικής Μακεδονίας, Εκπομπή «Κοντά στους Αγρότες»
Λουτσιούδης Κων/νος και Αναγνωστίδου Μαρία
Ζεόλιθοι και Ορυκτός Πλούτος της Ελλάδας
TV 100, Εκπομπή «Άκου να δείς»
Κλιάτση Φένια και Μαργαριτίδου Στελίνα
Ζεόλιθοι και Ορυκτός Πλούτος της Ελλάδας
ΒΕΡΓΙΝΑ TV, Εκπομπή «Μέσα σ’ όλα»
Παπαδόπουλος Στ.
Ζεόλιθοι-ζεολιθικοί τόφφοι-εφαρμογές
ΘΡΑΚΗ TV - Ειδήσεις
Χαριτάτος Σπ.
Ζεόλιθοι-ζεολιθικοί τόφφοι-εφαρμογές
ΑΛΦΑ ΡΑΔΙΟ - Ειδήσεις
Πρεμίδης Β.
Ποιότητα και εφαρμογές ζεολιθικών τόφφων
ΕΡΑ Ορεστιάδας.
Ζεόλιθος, πολυάριθμες και πολύμορφες εφαρμογές της υψηλής ποιότητας Ελληνικού Φυσικού Ζεόλιθου (ΕΛΦΥΖΕ) του Νομού Έβρου
Εφημ. Εν Διδυμοτείχω
1, 7
Λαζάρου Λαζ.
Ορυκτός Πλούτος της Ελλάδας
Αποστολάκης, Σάκης
Καυτά ερωτήματα για το ζεόλιθο στον Έβρο
Εφημ. Ελευθεροτυπία
Χαρδαβέλλας, Κ.
Αθέατος κόσμος, Ορυκτός Πλούτος της Ελλάδας
Νάμινι, Ε.
Ζεόλιθος, ο φυσικός αποτοξινωτής
Εφημ. Ζωοκόμος
Χαρδαβέλλας, Κ.
Αθέατος κόσμος, Ορυκτός Πλούτος της Ελλάδας
Ο ορυκτός πλούτος της Ελλάδας
Λυγερός Ν. και Χατζηγεωργίου, Γ.
Η αναγκαία αξιοποίηση του ζεόλιθου
Εφημ. Πτολεμαίος
Καλαρρύτης, Λάμπρος
Ο Ανεκμετάλλευτος πλούτος της Ελλάδας
Εφημ. Επίκαιρα, τεύχος 126
1, 18-36
Χαρδαβέλλας, Κώστας
Χώρα με ορυκτό πλούτο 1 τρις ευρώ
Εφημ. Επίκαιρα, τεύχος 107
1, 56-60
Λασκαρέλιας, Κώστας
Ο κρυμμένος θησαυρός αξίας 1,5 τρις. ευρώ
Εφημ. Ελευθεροτυπία
Κιτσοπούλου, Λένα
Η άρνηση εκμετάλλευσης του ζεολίθου
Εφημ. Ελευθεροτυπία
Λασκαρέλιας, Κώστας
Περίεργα παιχνίδια με τα κοιτάσματα ζεολίθου
Εφημ. Ελευθεροτυπία
Ζεόλιθος: Θαυματουργό πέτρωμα με χαρίσματα
Ηλιάδης, Νίκος
Προς εξόρυξη ο «χρυσός» της Θράκης
Εφημ. Θεσσαλονίκη
Αποστολάκης, Σάκης
Θαμμένα στη Β. Ελλάδα. Κοιτάσματα στο σκοτάδι
Εφημ. Ελευθεροτυπία
1, 37-40
Αλεξίου, Μαρκέλλα
Ο ορυκτός πλούτος μπορεί να σώσει την Ελλάδα από το χρέος
Εφημ. Τύπος Θεσσαλονίκης
1, 9
Θεοδωράκη, Ε.
Βιομηχανικά Ορυκτά και Πετρώματα της Ελλάδας
Μαργαριτίδου, Στελίνα
Ζεόλιθος, ο χρυσός της Θράκης. Ένας ανεκτίμητος θησαυρός παραμένει ανεκμετάλλευτος
Εφημ. Μακεδονία
Αποστολάκης, Σάκης
Φυσικό φίλτρο που μπορεί να καθαρίσει ποτάμια και λίμνες. Αντί για εξόρυξη του ελληνικού ζεόλιθου εισάγουμε τουρκικό
Εφημ. Ελευθεροτυπία
Μαργαριτίδου, Στελίνα
Ελληνικός ορυκτός πλούτος
Εφημ. Hellenic Nexus
Δημολαϊδου, Φιλομήλα
Ζεόλιθος αντί για λίπασμα και φυτοφάρμακα
Εφημ. Μακεδονία
Λεπτοκαρίδης, Στ.
O Ελληνικός Ορυκτός Πλούτος
Κολοκοτρώνης, Αγγ.
Ο Ελληνικός Φυσικός Ζεόλιθος, Ορυκτός Πλούτος της Ελλάδας
Πέτυχαν άοσμη λυματολάσπη
Εφημ. Εγνατία
1, 4
Καραπαναγιωτίδου, Μ.
Πρωϊνή ενημέρωση, Ελληνικός Φυσικός Ζεόλιθος
Σεραφείμ, Όλγα
Χρυσός ή περιβάλλον; Ναι και στα δύο
Εφημ. Εγνατία
Λίμνη Κορώνεια, Ασπίδα προστασίας με αντιτοξικό ορυκτό
Εφημ. Μακεδονία
Σωτήριος ζεόλιθος, ορυκτό θα μπορούσε να ξαναδώσει ζωή στη λίμνη Κορώνεια
Αποστολάκης, Σάκης
Ο ζεόλιθος «φάρμακο» για την Κορώνεια
Εφημ. Ελευθεροτυπία
Ένα ορυκτό δίνει ελπίδες στη λίμνη Κορώνεια
Εφημ. Αγγελιοφόρος
Ο ζεόλιθος καθαρίζει την λίμνη Κορώνεια
Εφημ. Οικονέα
Παπαδόπουλος, Γιάννης
Ζεόλιθος, όπως χρυσός, έρευνα του Τμήματος Γεωλογίας για τις ιδιότητες πετρώματος
Εφημ. Αγγελιοφόρος
Χριστοφορίδου, Σοφία
Στη βιομηχανική περιοχή Καβάλας επικίνδυνες συγκεντρώσεις αρσενικού
Εφημ. Νέα Εγνατία
Κοϊνά, Λίνα
Ζεόλιθος εναντίον χοληστερίνης
Εφημ. Αγγελιοφόρος
Συνοπτική πρόδρομη έκθεση για τις κατολισθήσεις στο Δήμο Σγακιωτών Ν. Λευκάδας
Εφημ. Δρυμώνας
Τσίγγανας, Θανάσης
Ζεόλιθος, θαυματουργό – οικολογικό ορυκτό
Εφημ. Η Καθημερινή
Κοϊνά, Λίνα
Μπλόκο στις διοξίνες, πρωτοποριακή μέθοδος από επιστήμονες του ΑΠΘ για τη διατροφή των ζώων
Εφημ. Αγγελιοφόρος
1, 35
Προστατευόμενς φυσικές περιοχές και περιβαλλοντική εκπαίδευση
Εφημ. Γεωτεχνική Ενημέρωση, τεύχος 110
Μαργαριτίδου, Στελίνα
Ο παράγοντας ορυκτά
Εφημ. Θεσσαλονίκη
Επιχείρηση άντλησης καυσίμων από το πλοίο “Khamza”
Εφημ. Μακεδονία
Χαλκιδική, Συνεχίζεται η άντληση καυσίμων απο το “Κχάμζα”
Εφημ. Αγγελιοφόρος
Καρακασίδης, Άκης
Κίνδυνος εκτεταμένης μόλυνσης
Εμημ. Αγγελιοφόρος
Η γεωλογική έρευνα συντελεστής στην ανάπτυξη της οικονομίας
Εφημ. Αντί, τεύχος 681
Διαμαντίδης, Δ.
Μελέτη-χρυσός για τα μεταλλεία Κασσάνδρας
Εφημ. Μεκεδονία
Without Type
Floros George D
Kokkari Anastasia I
Kouloussis Nikolaos
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Damos Petros
Filippidis Anestis
Kovaios Dimitrios
Evaluation of the Natural Zeolite Lethal Effects on Adults of the Bean Weevil Under Different Temperatures and Relative Humidity Regimes
Journal of Economic Entomology
Gamaletsos Platon N
Godelitsas Athanasios
Kasama Takeshi
Church Nathan S
Douvalis Alexios P
Göttlicher Jörg
Steininger Ralph
Boubnov Alexey
Pontikes Yiannis
Tzamos Evangelos
Bakas Thomas
, et al
Nano-mineralogy and -geochemistry of high-grade diasporic karst-type bauxite from Parnassos-Ghiona mines, Greece
Ore Geology Reviews
vol.84 p.228-244
Kazakis N
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Kalaitzidou K
Kaprara E
Mitrakas Manassis
Frei R
Vargemezis Georgios
Tsourlos Panagiotis
Zoumpoulis Anastasios
Filippidis Anestis
Origin of hexavalent chromium in groundwater: The example of Sarigkiol Basin, Northern Greece
Science of The Total Environment
vol.593-594 p.552-566
Without Type
Filippidis Anestis
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Tsirampidis Ananias
The mineralogical composition of Thrace zeolitic rocks and their potential use as feed additives and nutrition supplements
Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece
Filippidis Anestis
Applications of the Hellenic Natural Zeolite (HENAZE) and specifications of zeolitic tuffs
Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece
Filippidis Anestis
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Specifications for the different uses of the zeolitic tuffs (in Greek with English abstract)
Scientific Annals, School of Geology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
vol.105 p.89-95
Filippidis Anestis
Sorption and fixation of nitrates (NO3-) using the Hellenic Natural Zeolite (HENAZE) (in Greek with English abstract)
Scientific Annals, School of Geology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
vol.105 p.81-87
Filippidis Anestis
Tziritis Evangelos
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Tzamos Evangelos
Gamaletsos Platon
Papastergios Georgios
Filippidis Savvas
Application of Hellenic Natural Zeolite in Thessaloniki industrial area wastewater treatment
Desalination and Water Treatment
Vol.57 no.42
Gamaletsos Platon N
Godelitsas Athanasios
Kasama Takeshi
Kuzmin Alexei
Lagos Markus
Mertzimekis Theo J
Göttlicher Jörg
Steininger Ralph
Xanthos Stelios
Pontikes Yiannis
Angelopoulos George N
, et al
The role of nano-perovskite in the negligible thorium release in seawater from Greek bauxite residue (red mud)
Scientific Reports
vol.6 p.217-237
Kazakis Nerantzis
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Kaprara M
Mitrakas Manassis
Vargemezis Georgios
Voudouris Konstantinos
Chatzipetros Alexandros
Kalaitzidou K
Filippidis Anestis
: An interdisciplinary study in Anthemountas basin, N. Greece
Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece
Megalovasilis Pavlos
Godelitsas Athanasios
Papastergios Georgios
Filippidis Anestis
Environmental geochemistry of Ptolemais lignites, intermediate steriles and combustion products
Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece
Megalovasilis Pavlos
Papastergios Giorgos
Filippidis Anestis
Mineralogy, geochemistry and leachability of ashes produced after lignite combustion in Amyntaio Power Station, northern Greece
Energy Sources
vol.38 no.10 p.1385-1392
Nikolaidou P
Triantafyllou A
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Filippidis Anestis
Mineralogical composition of suspended particles PM10 in the Ptolemais-Kozani area, Macedonia, Greece
Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece
Skordas Konstantinos
Papastergios Georgios
Filippidis Anestis
Kantiranis Nikolaos
A geochemical investigation of soils, apples and leaves in Agia area, Central Greece
Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece
Tsirampidis Ananias
Filippidis Anestis
Gold metallogeny of the Serbomacedonian-Rhodope Metallogenic Belt (SRMB)
Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece
Tzamos Evangelos
Filippidis Anestis
Michailidis Kleopas
Koronaios Antonios
Rassios Annie
Grieco G
Pedrotti M
Stamoulis Kostas
Mineral chemistry and formation of awaruite and heazlewoodite in the Xerolivado chrome mine, Vourinos, Greece
Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece
Tzamos Evangelos
Filippidis Anestis
Rassios A
Grieco G
Michailidis Kleopas
Koronaios Antonios
Stamoulis K
Pedrotti M
Gamaletsos Platon
Major and minor element geochemistry of chromite from the Xerolivado-Skoumtsa mine, Southern Vourinos: Implications for chrome ore exploration
Journal of Geochemical Exploration
vol.165 p.81-93
Tziritis Evangelos
Tzamos Evangelos
Vogiatzis P
Matzari C
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Filippidis Anestis
Theodosiou Nikolaos
Fytianos Konstantinos
Quality assessment and hydrogeochemical status of potable water resources in a suburban area of northern Greece (Thermi Municipality, central Macedonia)
Desalination and Water Treatment
Vol.57 no.25
Without Type
Kazakis Nerantzis
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Kaprara E
Mitrakas Manassis
Vargemezis Georgios
Voudouris Konstantinos
Chatzipetros Alexandros
Kalaitzidou K
Filippidis Anestis
Potential Toxic Elements (PTEs) in ground and spring waters, soils and sediments
14th International Conference of the Geological Society of Greece
14th International Conference of the Geological Society of Greece
Thessaloniki - Greece
Καζάκης Ν
Καντηράνης Νικόλαος
Καλαϊτζίδου Κ
Καπράρα Μ
Μήτρακας Μανασσής
Βαργεμέζης Γεώργιος
Τσούρλος Παναγιώτης
Ζουμπούλης Αναστάσιος
Φιλιππίδης Ανέστης
Προέλευση του εξασθενούς χρωμίου στη λεκάνη Σαριγκιόλ, Κοζάνη
22ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Χημείας
Θεσσαλονίκη - Ελλάδα
Without Type
Τσιραμπίδης Ανανίας
Φιλιππίδης Ανέστης
Καντηράνης Νικόλαος
Τζάμος Ε
Report on the analysis of eight (8) samples of carbonate rocks from Flamouria area of Kozani Municipality (Municipal section of Ellispontos / Local Community of Koilada) (in Greek)
Without Type
Bourliva Anna
Michailidis Kleopas
Sikalidis Konstantinos
Filippidis Anestis
Betsiou Maria
Adsorption of Cd(II), Cu(II), Ni(II) and Pb(II) onto natural bentonite: study in mono- and multi-metal systems
Environmental Earth Sciences
vol.73 p.5435-5444
Filippidis Anestis
Papastergios Georgios
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Filippidis Savvas
Neutralization of dyeing industry wastewater and sludge by fixation of pollutants in very high quality HEU-type zeolitic tuff
Journal of Global Ecology and Environment
vol.2 no.4 p.221-226
Filippidis Anestis
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Papastergios Georgios
Filippidis Savvas
Safe management of municipal wastewater and sludge by fixation of pollutants in very high quality HEU-type zeolitic tuff
Journal of Basic and Applied Research International
vol.7 no.1 p.1-8
Livas A
Καντηράνης Νικόλαος
Φιλιππίδης Ανέστης
Mineral-chemistry and unit cell dimensions of Stibnite from Mavres Petres, Chalkidiki, Greece (in Greek with English abstract)
Scientific Annals School of Geology Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
vol.103 p.31-33
Mitiglaki C
Καντηράνης Νικόλαος
Φιλιππίδης Ανέστης
Stamatakis Michael
Uptake ability of zeolitic tuffs with Clinoptilolite, Analcime, Phillipsite and Mordenite from Samos Island (in Greek with English abstract)
Scientific Annals School of Geology Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
vol.103 p.51-54
Φιλιππίδης Ανέστης
The use of Metaxades-Avdella zeolitic tuffs as dimension stones in the construction industry (in Greek with English abstract)
Scientific Annals School of Geology Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
vol.103 p.77-80
Φιλιππίδης Ανέστης
Quality characteristics and numerous applications of very high quality HEU-type zeolitic tuffs (in Greek with English abstract)
Scientific Annals School of Geology Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
vol.103 p.73-76
Without Type
Filippidis Anestis
Tsirampidis Ananias
Marble and zeolites: Quality characteristics – Reserves and Value – Industrial, environmental and agricultural applications (in Greek)
Entrepreneurial Discovery Focus Group on Non Metallic Minerals in Eastern Macedonia and Thrace. Operational Program “Macedonia-Thrace” 2007-2013, NSRF
Drama, Greece - Drama
Without Type
Godelitsas Athanasios
Tzamos Evangelos
Filippidis Anestis
Sokaras Dimossthenis
Weng T
Grieco G
Papadopoulos Argyrios
Stoulos Stylianos
Gamaletsos Platon
Mertzimekis Theodoros
Daftsis Emmanouil
, et al
New insights into the mineral chemistry of Au-bearing pyrite/As-pyrite/arsenopyrite concentrate from Olympias deposit, Kassandra mines (Chalkidiki, Greece)
Goldschmidt Conference
Prague - Czech Republic
Without Type
Filippidis Anestis
Mineralogical study of zeolitic tuff (zeolite) from ZEOVET (in Greek)
Φιλιππίδης Ανέστης
Καντηράνης Νικόλαος
Mineralogical study of two diatomite samples (in Greek)
Without Type
Φιλιππίδης Ανέστης
Ζεόλιθος – Φυσικοί Ζεόλιθοι – Ζεολιθικοί Τόφφοι – Προδιαγραφές – Ελληνικός Φυσικός Ζεόλιθος (ΕΛΦΥΖΕ) – Χρήσεις 1982-2015
Without Type
Georgiadis Ioannis
Papadopoulos Argyrios
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Filippidis Anestis
Tsirampidis Ananias
Sorption of Malachite green from aqueous solutions onto Greek raw diasporic bauxite
Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology
vol.15 no.2 p.606-615
Papadopoulos Argyrios
Giouri Katerina
Tzamos Evangelos
Filippidis Anestis
Stoulos Stylianos
Natural radioactivity and trace element composition of natural clays used as cosmetic products in the Greek market
Clay Minerals
vol.49 p.53-62
Without Type
Filippidis Anestis
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Tziritis Evangelos
Tzamos Evangelos
Vogiatzis Dimitrios
Filippidis Savvas
The use of Hellenic Natural Zeolite (HENAZE) in the purification of Thessaloniki industrial area wastewaters
10th International Hydrogeological Congress of Greece
10th International Hydrogeological Congress of Greece
Thessaloniki, Greece
Matziari C
Vogiatzis P
Tziritis Evangelos
Tzamos Evangelos
Φυτιάνος Κωνσταντίνος
Θεοδοσίου Νικόλαος
Καντηράνης Νικόλαος
Φιλιππίδης Ανέστης
Tracing and variability of nitrogenous compounds in the potable water reserves of Municipality of Thermi area (C. Macedonia, Greece) (in Greek with English abstract)
5th Environmental Conference of Macedonia
Thessaloniki, Greece - Thessaloniki
Tzamos Evangelos
Tziritis Evangelos
Vogiatzis P
Matzari C
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Filippidis Anestis
Theodosiou Nikolaos
Fytianos Konstantinos
Suitability of potable groundwater reserves of Thermi Municipality (Macedonia, Northern Greece) and definition of main hydrogeochemical signatures
12th International Conference on Protection and Restoration of the Environment
Skiathos, Greece - Skiathos
Without Type
Filippidis Anestis
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Mineralogical study of rock samples for tracing minerals of the asbestos group on behalf of “OLYMPIA” joint venture
Φιλιππίδης Ανέστης
Mineralogical composition of carbonate rocks
Without Type
Filippidis Anestis
Zeolites – Natural Zeolites – Zeolitic Tuffs – Very High Quality – Uses 1982-2014
Φιλιππίδης Ανέστης
Μέλφος Βασίλειος
Καντηράνης Νικόλαος
Χατζηπέτρος Αλέξανδρος
Without Type
Bourliva A
Michailidis Kleopas
Sikalidis Konstantinos
Filippidis Anestis
Spectroscopic and thermal study of bentonites from Milos Island, Greece
Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece
Bourliva A
Michailidis Kleopas
Sikalidis Konstantinos
Filippidis Anestis
Betsiou M
Lead removal from aqueous solutions by natural Greek bentonites
Clay Minerals
vol.48 p.771-787
Filippidis Anestis
Godelitsas Athanassios
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Gamaletsos P
Tzamos Evangelos
Neutralization of sludge and purification of wastewater from Sindos industrial area of Thessaloniki (Greece) using natural zeolite
Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece
Filippidis Anestis
Industrial and municipal wastewater treatment by zeolitic tuff
Water Today
vol.5 no.10 p.34-38
Georgiadis I.K
Papadopoulos A
Filippidis Anestis
Godelitsas A
Tsirampidis Ananias
Vogiatzis Dimitrios
Removal of Malachite green dye from aqueous solutions by diasporic Greek raw bauxite
Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece
Giouri Katerina
Papadopoulos A
Bourliva A
Tzamos E
Papadopoulou Lamprini
Filippidis Anestis
Trace element content and morphological characteristics in microscale of commercially available clays used as cosmetic products
Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece
vol.47 no.2
Megalovasilis Pavlos
Papastergios Georgios
Filippidis Anestis
Behavior study of trace elements in pulverized lignite, bottom ash, and fly ash of Amyntaio power station, Greece
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
vol.185 p.6071-6076
Skordas Konstantinos
Papastergios Georgios
Filippidis Anestis
Major and trace element contents in apples from a cultivated area of central Greece
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
vol.185 p.8465-8471
Without Type
Gamaletsos P
Godelitsas A
Dotsika E
Tzamos E
Gotthlicher J
Filippidis Anestis
Geological sources of As in the Environment of Greece: A review
The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry
(Eds) A. Scozzari & E. Dotsika
Without Type
Bourliva A
Michailidis Kleopas
Sikalidis Konstantinos
Filippidis Anestis
Equilibrium data and process design for adsorption of heavy metals (Cd2+, Cu2+, Ni2+, Pb2+ and Zn2+) onto natural vermiculite
4th International Conference on Small and Decentralized Water and Wastewater Treatment Plants
Volos - Greece
Sofianska E
Michailidis Kleopas
Mladenova V
Filippidis Anestis
Multivariate statistical and GIS-based approach to identify heavy metal sources in soils of the Drama plain, Northern Greece
Geosciences 2013, Proceedings
Bulgarian Geological Society National Conference “GEOSCIENCES 2013”
Sofia - Bulgaria
Without Type
Giouri Katerina
Papadopoulos Argyrios
Bourliva A
Tzamos E
Papadopoulou Lamprini
Ntouanoglou K
Filippidis Anestis
Enrichment of Pb, Se, As, U and Cs in commercial cosmetic clays
Goldschmidt Conference
Florence - Italy
Without Type
Filippidis Anestis
Environmental, agricultural, aquacultural and industrial uses of high quality HEU-type (clinoptilolite-heulandite) natural zeolite. Aristotle University, Faculty of Sciences, Thessaloniki, Greece, Report
Filippidis Anestis
Interview: Zeolite, the natural detoxifier (in Greek). Zookomos, February, Trikala
Filippidis Anestis
Zeolite: Numerous and polymorphic applications of the high quality Hellenic Natural Zeolite (HENAZE) from Evros Prefecture (in Greek). En Didymoteixo, 2 (May)
Filippidis Anestis
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Mineralogical and chemical composition of Chipoka sandy clay, Salima district, Malawi. Thessaloniki, Greece, Report
Filippidis Anestis
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Determination of the mineralogical composition of rocks by the X-Ray diffraction method (in Greek). Thessaloniki, Greece, Report
Filippidis Anestis
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Tzamos Evangelos
Mineralogical study of zeolitic tuffs: F41B (white), F42B (green), Thessaloniki, Greece, Report
Filippidis Anestis
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Tzamos Evangelos
Mineralogical study of zeolitic tuff F43 (white). Thessaloniki, Greece, Report
Tsirampidis Ananias
Filippidis Anestis
Mineral Resources of Greece: Reserves and Value (In Greek). Dept. of Mineralogy-Petrology-Economic Geology, School of Geology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, Report
Without Type
Filippidis Anestis
Environmental, agricultural, aquacultural and industrial uses of high quality HEU-type (clinoptilolite-heulandite) natural zeolite
Tsirampidis Ananias
Filippidis Anestis
Mineral Resources of Greece: Reserves and Value (in Greek)
Without Type
Bourliva A
Michailidis Kleopas
Sikalidis Konstantinos
Filippidis Anestis
Betsiou M
Nickel removal from aqueous solutions utilizing Greek natural bentonite and vermiculite
Fresenius Environmental Bulletin
vol.21 no.8 p.2466-2471
Filippidis Anestis
Tsirampidis Ananias
Quality characteristics of the Greek zeolites, environmental, industrial, agricultural and aquacultural uses of Hellenic natural zeolite: A review (in Greek with English abstract)
Scientific Annals, School of Geology, AUTh
vol.101 p.125-133
Filippidis Anestis
Papastergios Georgios
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Michailidis Kleopas
Chatzikirkou Athanasios
Katirtzoglou Kostas
The species of Silene compacta Fischer as indicator of zinc, iron and copper mineralization
Chemie der Erde - Geochemistry
vol.72 no.1 p.71-76
Georgiadis I.K
Tzamos Evangelos
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Papadopoulou Lamprini
Tsirampidis Ananias
Filippidis Anestis
On the mineralogy of the Wollastonite from Xanthi-Kimmeria (Thrace, Greece) (in Greek with English abstract)
Scientific Annals, School of Geology, AUTh
vol.101 p.17-21
Petrotou Alexandra
Skordas Konstantinos
Papastergios Georgios
Filippidis Anestis
Factors affecting the distribution of potentially toxic elements in surface soils around an industrialized area of northwestern Greece
Environmental Earth Sciences
vol.65 no.3 p.823-833
Sikalidis Konstantinos
Filippidis Anestis
Papastergios Georgios
Tzamos Evangelos
Vermiculite in fluidized bed as decontaminating agent for liquid phases
Water Air and Soil Pollution
vol.223 p.5637-5641
Tsirampidis Ananias
Filippidis Anestis
Greece seeks mineral lifeboat
Industrial Minerals
vol.532 p.38-45
Tsirampidis Ananias
Filippidis Anestis
Exploration key to growing Greek industry
Industrial Minerals
vol.533 p.44-47
Tsirampidis Ananias
Filippidis Anestis
Energy mineral resources of Greece
Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering
vol.B1 p.709-719
Tsirampidis Ananias
Filippidis Anestis
Metallic mineral resources of Greece
Central European Journal of Geosciences
vol.4 no.4 p.641-650
Tzamos Evangelos
Filippidis Anestis
Tsirampidis Ananias
Papadopoulos Argyrios
Apostolidis N
Vouta S
Kalampaliki S
Paragios I
Mineralogy, chemistry and ion exchange capacity of the Avdella-Metaxades (Evros, Greece) zeolitic tuffs (in Greek with English abstract)
Scientific Annals, School of Geology, AUTh
vol.101 p.119-124
Vogiatzis Dimitrios
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Filippidis Anestis
Tzamos E
Sikalidis Konstantinos
Hellenic Natural Zeolite as a replacement of sand in mortar: Mineralogy monitoring and evaluation of its influence on mechanical properties
vol.2 no. 4 p.298-307
Without Type
Γεωργιάδης Ι. Κ
Τζάμος Ε
Καντηράνης Νικόλαος
Παπαδοπούλου Λαμπρινή
Τσιραμπίδης Ανανίας
Φιλιππίδης Ανέστης
Συμβολή στην ορυκτολογία του βολλαστονίτη Ξάνθης-Κιμμερίων (Θράκη, Ελλάδα)
Επιστημονική Επετηρίδα του Τμήματος Γεωλογίας / Τιμητική έκδοση στη μνήμη του Ομότιμου Καθηγητή Κωνσταντίνου Τρ. Σολδάτου
(ed.) Χριστοφίδης, Γ., Καντηράνης, Ν., Μέλφος, Β., Σολδάτος, Τρ
Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης, Σ.Θ.Ε. Τμήμα Γεωλογίας
vol.101 p.17-21
Without Type
Filippidis Anestis
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Vogiatzis Dimitrios
Tzamos E
Papastergios G
Odourless-cohesive zeosewage sludge production and urban wastewater purification by natural zeolite
Proceedings of the International Conference Protection and Restoration of the Environment XI
International Conference Protection and Restoration of the Environment XI
(eds) Katsifarakis, K. L., Theodossiou, N., Christodoulatos, C., Koutsospyros, A., Mallios, Z
Thessaloniki - Greece
Published Version
Filippidis Anestis
Godelitsas Athanasios
Tzamos Evangelos
Gamaletsos Platon
Filippidis Savvas
Production of odorless-cohesive zeo-sewage sludge and zeo-sludge by natural zeolite (in Greek)
4th International Congress of Hellenic Solid Waste Management Association
Athens - Greece
Without Type
Filippidis Anestis
Industrial, agricultural, cattle-raising, aqua-cultural and environmental applications of the mineral wealth of Evros Prefecture (in Greek)
Congress on Memorandum – Economy and Development of North Evros
Didimoticho - Greece
Filippousi M
Pavlidou Eleni
Zampoulis Dimitrios
Filippidis Anestis
Papadopoulou Lamprini
Katsikini Maria
Paloura Eleni
Tzamos Evangelos
Van Tendeloo G
Sorption of zinc and silver by nanozeolitic tuff
9th International Conference on Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies
Thessaloniki - Greece
Without Type
Filippidis Anestis
Tsirampidis Ananias
Industrial and metallic minerals of Greece (in Greek)
Filippidis Anestis
Mineralogical Study of Natural Zeolites on behalf of GEO-VET. Thessaloniki, Greece, Report
Filippidis Anestis
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Mineralogical study of floor-plate for tracing minerals of the asbestos group on behalf of Thecnical Department of the Municipality of Igoumenitsa of Thesprotia Prefecture. Thessaloniki, Greece, Report
Filippidis Anestis
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Tzamos Evangelos
Semi-quantitative mineralogical composition, clay mineralogy and sorption ability of rock samples on behalf of TM S.A. Thessaloniki, Greece, Report
Filippidis Anestis
Natural Zeolites. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Faculty of Sciences, School of Geology, Report
Without Type
Filippidis Anestis
Natural Zeolites
Filippidis Anestis
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Mineral Raw Materials and Environment (in Greek)
Filippidis Anestis
Melfos Vasileios
Geochemistry (in Greek)
Without Type
Filippidis Anestis
Tsirampidis Ananias
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Tzamos Evangelos
Vogiatzis Dimitrios
Papastergios Georgios
Papadopoulos A
Filippidis Savvas
Purification of wastewater from Sindos industrial area of Thessaloniki (N. Greece) using Hellenic Natural Zeolite
Advances Research of Aquatic Environment
vol.2 p.435-442
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Sikalidis Konstantinos
Godelitsas Athanasios
Squires C
Papastergios Georgios
Filippidis Anestis
Extra-framework cation release from heulandite-type rich tuffs on exchange with NH4+
Journal of environmental management
vol.92 no.6 p.1569-1576
Papastergios Georgios
Filippidis Anestis
Fernández-Turiel J.-L
Gimeno D
Sikalidis Konstantinos
Surface soil geochemistry for environmental assessment in Kavala area, northern Greece
Water, air, and soil pollution
vol.216 no.1-4 p.141-152
Papastergios Georgios
Fernández-Turiel J.-L
Filippidis Anestis
Gimeno D
Determination of geochemical background for environmental studies of soils via the use of HNO 3 extraction and Q-Q plots
Environmental Earth Sciences
vol.64 no.3 p.743-751
Tzamos E
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Papastergios G
Vogiatzis Dimitrios
Filippidis Anestis
Sikalidis Konstantinos
Ammonium exchange capacity of the Xerovouni zeolitic tuffs, Avdella area, Evros Prefecture, Greece
Clay Minerals
vol.46 no.2 p.179-187
Without Type
Bourliva A
Michailidis Kleopas
Sikalidis Konstantinos
Filippidis Anestis
Betsiou M
Bantsis G
Copper removal from single and multi-component systems by natural bentonite from Milos island, Greece
Proceedings of 8th Panhellenic Scientific Chemical Engineering Congress
8th Panhellenic Scientific Chemical Engineering Congress
Thessaloniki, Greece
Bourliva A
Michailidis Kleopas
Sikalidis Konstantinos
Filippidis Anestis
Apostolidis N
Betsiou M
Bantsis G
Investigation on the remediation of plating factory wastewaters using natural bentonite
Proceedings of 4th Environmental Conference of Macedonia
4th Environmental Conference of Macedonia
Thessaloniki, Greece
Filippidis Anestis
Moustaka-Gouni Maria
Katsiapi M
Karamitsou V
Filippidis Savvas
Cyanobacteria removal by Hellenic Natural Zeolite
4th Macedonian Environmental Conference
4th Macedonian Environmental Conference
Thessaloniki, Greece
Papastergios G
Tzamos E
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Filippidis Anestis
Vogiatzis Dimitrios
Giouri Aikaterini
Vavelidis Michail
Haralampi B
Environmental monitoring of the groundwater reserves of Asvestohori – Hortiatis area, N. Greece
Proceedings of 4th Environmental Conference of Macedonia
4th Environmental Conference of Macedonia
(ed) Νικολάου, Κ
Tzamos Evangelos
Apostolidis N
Paragios I
Καντηράνης Νικόλαος
Papastergios Georgios
Φιλιππίδης Ανέστης
Σικαλίδης Κωνσταντίνος
Τσιραμπίδης Ανανίας
On exchange capacity of the Gourounorema zeolitic tuffs (Avdella, Evros) and potential environmental applications
Proceedings of the 4th Environmental Conference of Macedonia
4th Environmental Conference of Macedonia
Φιλιππίδης Ανέστης
Μουστάκα Μαρία
Κατσιάπη Μ
Φιλιππίδης Σάββας
Απομάκρυνση κυανοβακτηρίων με τη χρήση Ελληνικού Φυσικού Ζεόλιθου
4ο Περιβαλλοντικό Συνέδριο Μακεδονίας
4ο Περιβαλλοντικό Συνέδριο Μακεδονίας
Φιλιππίδης Ανέστης
Τσιραμπίδης Ανανίας
Τζάμος Ευάγγελος
Βογιατζής Δημήτριος
Παπαστέργιος Γεώργιος
Γεωργιάδης Γ
Παπαδόπουλος Αργύριος
Φιλιππίδης Σάββας
Purification of wastewater from Thessaloniki industrial area using Hellenic natural zeolite
Proccedings of 21st Panhellenic Chemistry Congress
21st Panhellenic Chemistry Congress
Θεσσαλονίκη, Ελλάδα
Without Type
Filippidis Anestis
Natural zeolites – application in cultivations (in Greek)
Scientific Meeting “Multidynamic cultivations, the ippophaes case”
Eani, Kozani - Greece
Without Type
Filippidis Anestis
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Tzamos Evangelos
Mineralogical study of reservoir tank precipitates, Plaramonas, Pieria Prefecture, on behalf of Maliakos-Kleidi construction joint venture. Thessaloniki, Greece, Report
Tsirampidis Ananias
Filippidis Anestis
Industrial Minerals and Rocks (IMR) of Macedonia – Thrace and Exploitation Enterprises of Macedonia – Thrace IMR (in Greek). Thessaloniki, Greece, Report
Tsirampidis Ananias
Filippidis Anestis
The mineral resources of Greece (in Greek). Thessaloniki, Greece, Report
Without Type
Tsirampidis Ananias
Filippidis Anestis
The mineral resources of Greece (in Greek)
Tsirampidis Ananias
Filippidis Anestis
Industrial Minerals and Rocks (IMR) of Macedonia – Thrace and Exploitation Enterprises of Macedonia – Thrace IMR (in Greek)
Without Type
Bourliva A
Michailidis Kleopas
Sikalidis Konstantinos
Filippidis Anestis
Kinetic and isothermal study of lead ion adsorption onto natural bentonites with different cation exchange capacity (CEC) from Milos Island, Greece
Geologica Balcanica
vol.39 no.1-2 p.53-54
Bourliva A
Michailidis Kleopas
Apostolidis N
Filippidis Anestis
Sikalidis Konstantinos
Municipal wastewater treatment with bentonite from Milos island, Greece
Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece
vol.XLIII no.5 p.2532-2539
Filippidis Anestis
Environmental, agricultural, stock-farming and industrial applications of Hellenic Natural Zeolite (in Greek)
vol.7 p.14-16
Filippidis Anestis
Papastergios Georgios
Apostolidis N
Filippidis Savvas
Paragios I
Sikalidis Konstantinos
Purification of urban wastewaters by Hellenic Natural Zeolite
Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece
vol.43 no.5 p.2597-2605
Filippidis Anestis
Environmental, industrial and agricultural applications of Hellenic Natural Zeolite
Hellenic Journal of Geosciences
vol.45 p.91-100
Filippidis Anestis
Purification of municipal wastewaters and production of odorless and cohesive zeo-sewage sludge, using Hellenic Natural Zeolite
Scientific Annals of the School of Geology,Auth
vol.100 p.55-62
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Sikalidis Konstantinos
Papastergios Georgios
Squires C
Filippidis Anestis
Continuous extra-framework Na+ release from Greek Analcime-rich volcaniclastic rocks on exchange with NH4+
Scientific Annals of the School of Geology,Auth
vol.100 p.81-87
Papastergios G
Filippidis Anestis
Fernández-Turiel J.-L
Gimeno D
Environmental assessment of potentially toxic trace elements in sediments of Filippos B port, Northern Aegean sea – A Comparison with other national and international coastal regions
Scientific Annals of the School of Geology,Auth
vol.100 p.113-120
Papastergios Georgios
Filippidis Anestis
Fernandez-Turiel J.L
Gimeno D
Sikalidis Konstantinos
Natural and anthropogenic effects on the soil geochemistry of Kavala area, Northern Greece
Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece
vol.43 no.5 p.2373-2382
Papastergios Georgios
Filippidis Anestis
Fernández-Turiel J.-L
Gimeno D
Sikalidis Konstantinos
Distribution of potentially toxic elements in sediments of an industrialized coastal zone of the Northern Aegean Sea
Environmental Forensics
vol.11 no.3 p.282-292
Papastergios Georgios
Filippidis Anestis
Fernández-Turiel J.-L
Gimeno D
Arsenic distribution in sediments of filippos b port, Kavala, northern Greece
Fresenius Environmental Bulletin
vol.19 no.1 p.81-87
Petrotou Alexandra
Skordas Konstantinos
Papastergios Georgios
Filippidis Anestis
Concentrations and bioavailability of potentially toxic elements in soils of an industrialised area of northwestern Greece
Fresenius Environmental Bulletin
vol.19 no.12 p.2769-2776
Skordas Konstantinos
Pateras Dimitrios
Papastergios Georgios
Lolas A
Filippidis Anestis
Spatial distribution and concentrations of Fe, Mg, Co, Cr and Ni in topsoils of central Greece as affected by parent rocks
Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Petrology – Sofia
vol.48 p.95-102
Tzamos E
Filippidis Anestis
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Sikalidis Konstantinos
Tsirampidis Ananias
Papastergios G
Vogiatzis Dimitrios
Uptake ability of zeolitic rock from south Xerovouni, Avdella, Evros, Hellas
Δελτίο της Ελληνικής Γεωλογικής Εταιρίας
Πάτρα, Ελλάδα
vol. 43 no.5 p.2762-2772
Without Type
Bourliva A
Michailidis Kleopas
Sikalidis Konstantinos
Filippidis Anestis
Betsiou M
Nickel removal from aqueous solutions utilizing Greek natural bentonite and vermiculite
Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Green Chemistry for Environment and Health
2nd International Symposium on Green Chemistry for Environment and Health
Mykonos, Greece
Bourliva A
Michailidis Kleopas
Sikalidis Konstantinos
Filippidis Anestis
Betsiou M
Natural bentonite from Milos Island Greece: A low cost adsorbent for removal of Cadmium from water and wastewaters
Proceedings of Third International Conference Small Decentralized Water & Wastewater Treatment Plants
Third International Conference Small Decentralized Water and Wastewater Treatment Plants
Skiathos, Greece
Filippidis Anestis
Moustaka-Gouni Maria
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Katsiapi M
Papastergios G
Karamitsou V
Vogiatzis Dimitrios
Chroococcus (cyanobacteria) removal by hellenic natural zeolite
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on the Occurrence, Properties and Utilization of Natural Zeolite
8th International Conference on the Occurrence, Properties and Utilization of Natural Zeolites
Sofia, Bulgaria
Filippidis Anestis
Moustaka-Gouni Maria
Papastergios Georgios
Katsiapi M
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Karamitsou V
Vogiatzis Dimitrios
Filippidis Savvas
Cyanobacteria remove by Hellenic natural zeolite
Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on small and decentralized water and wastewater treatment plants
3rd International Conference on small and decentralized water and wastewater treatment plants
Godelitsas Athanasios
Armbruster Th
Neuhoff P.S
Filippidis Anestis
New insights into the mineral chemistry and properties of natural and fully Na+-exchanged HEU-type zeolite crystals
8th International Conference on the Occurrence, Properties and Utilization of Natural Zeolites
Sofia - Bulgaria
Papastergios Georgios
Skordas Konstantinos
Φιλιππίδης Ανέστης
Καντηράνης Νικόλαος
Tzamos Evangelos
Content of arsenic and other potentially toxic trace elements in Fluvisols and Lithosols of Kavala region
Proceedings of 13th Panhellenic Pedologic Congress
13th Panhellenic Pedologic Congress
Without Type
Tzamos Evangelos
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Papastergios Georgios
Vogiatzis Dimitrios
Filippidis Anestis
Sikalidis Konstantinos
Tsirampidis Ananias
Vouta S
Kalampaliki S
Sorption ability and potential environmental uses of zeolitic rock from Xerovouni, Avdella, Evros, Hellas
8th International Conference on the Occurrence, Properties and Utilization of Natural Zeolites
Sofia - Bulgaria
Vogiatzis Dimitrios
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Filippidis Anestis
Christaras Vasileios
Sikalidis Konstantinos
Papastergios G.K
Tzamos E.I
Lighter with higher porosity mortar using Hellenic Natural Zeolite
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on the Occurrence, Properties and Utilization of Natural Zeolites
8th International Conference on the Occurrence, Properties and Utilization of Natural Zeolites
Sofia, Greece
Without Type
Filippidis Anestis
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Tzamos Evangelos
Mineralogical study of rock samples for tracing minerals of the asbestos group on behalf of “OLYMPIA” joint venture. Thessaloniki, Greece, Report
Filippidis Anestis
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Tzamos Evangelos
Study concerning the source of iron in water from a drill-hole of Chortiati area on behalf of CHEMICO Ο.Ε. Thessaloniki, Greece, Report
Without Type
Trontsios Georgios
Filippidis Anestis
Melfos Vasileios
Geochemistry for chemistry students (in Greek)
Without Type
Φιλιππίδης Ανέστης
Αποστολίδης Ν
Φιλιππίδης Σάββας
Παραγιός Ι
Καθαρισμός αστικών λυμάτων και παραγωγή άοσμης-συνεκτικής λυματολάσπης με Ελληνικό Φυσικό Ζεόλιθο
ΥΔΡΟΓΑΙΑ. Τιμητικός Τόμος στον Καθηγητή Χρήστο Τζιμόπουλο
ed. Γιαννόπουλος, Σταύρος
Without Type
Filippidis Anestis
Papastergios Georgios
Apostolidis N
Paragios I
Filippidis Savvas
Sikalidis Konstantinos
Oderless and cohesive zeo-sewage sludge produced by Hellenic Natural Zeolite treatment
Proceedings of 3rd AMIREG International Conference Resource Utilization and Hazardous Waste Management
Filippidis Anestis
Management of urban and industrial wastewaters using Hellenic Natural Zeolite. Review article
Proceedings of Congress Integrated Management of Water Resources in Climatic Change Conditions
Congress Integrated Management of Water Resources in Climatic Change Conditions
Pavlidou Eleni
Filippousi M
Zampoulis Dimitrios
Vouroutzis Nikolaos
Filippidis Anestis
Georgiadis I
Preparation and characterization of Palladium supported on zeolites
XXV Panhellenic Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science
Thessaloniki - Greece
Without Type
Godelitsas Athanasios
Astilleros J.M
Filippidis Anestis
Nanoscience and nanotechnology in earth and environmental sciences: new developments in nanogeoscience
6th International Conference on Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies
Thessaloniki - Greece
Zampoulis Dimitrios
Filippousi M
Pavlidou Eleni
Vouroutzis Nikolaos
Misailidis Panagiotis
Filippidis Anestis
Angelakeris Mavroeidis
Synthesis of magnetite nanoparticles for magnetic hyperthermia measurements and as palladium-103 carriers
6th International Conference on Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies
Thessaloniki - Greece
Without Type
Filippidis Anestis
Apostolidis N
Paragios I
Filippidis Savvas
Zeolites clean up
Industrial Minerals
vol.487 p.68-71
Without Type
Filippidis Anestis
Geosciences and health (in Greek)
Scientific Meeting “The Geosciences in the Society’s Service”
Kozani - Greece
Filippidis Anestis
Apostolidis N
Paragios I
Filippidis S
Safe management of sewage sludge, produced by treatment of municipal sewage with Hellenic Natural Zeolite
AQUA, 3rd International Conference on Water Science and Technology with emphasis on water and climate
AQUA, 3rd International Conference on Water Science and Technology with emphasis on water and climate
Filippidis Anestis
Apostolidis N
Paragios I
Filippidis Savvas
Purification of dye-work and urban wastewaters, production of odorless and cohesive zeo-sewage sludge, using Hellenic Natural Zeolite
1st International Conference Hazardous Waste Management
1st International Conference Hazardous Waste Management
Filippidis Anestis
Apostolidis N
Filippidis Savvas
Paragios I
Purification of industrial and urban wastewaters, production of odorless and cohesive zeo-sewage sludge using Hellenic Natural Zeolite
Second Conference Small and Decentralized Water and Wastewater Treatment Plants SWAT ’08
2nd Conference Small and Decentralized Water and Wastewater Treatment Plants SWAT ’08
Filippidis Anestis
Treatment and recycling of municipal and industrial waste waters using Hellenic Natural Zeolite: A Review
3rd International Conference "AQUA 2008" on Water Science and Technology
Βογιατζής Δημήτριος
Φιλιππίδης Ανέστης
Κασώλη - Φουρναράκη Άννα
Καντηράνης Νικόλαος
Μοροπούλου Α
Μπακόλας Α
Φιλιππίδης Ανέστης
Αξιολόγηση της συμπαγοποίησης των κονιαμάτων τσιμέντου - άμμου - ελληνικού φυσικού ζεόλιθου με τεχνικές υπερήχων
1ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Δομικών Υλικών και Στοιχείων
1ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Δομικών Υλικών και Στοιχείων
Αθήνα, Ελλάδα
vol.B p.1099-1110
Φιλιππίδης Ανέστης
Apostolidis N
Paragios I
Φιλιππίδης Σάββας
Purification of dye-work wastewaters and production of cohesive zeo-sludge using Hellenic Natural Zeolite
Πρακτικά του 8ου Διεθνούς Υδρογεωλογικού Συνεδρίου της Ελλάδας
8ο Διεθνές Υδρογεωλογικο Συνεδρίο της Ελλάδας
vol.2 p.783-788
Φιλιππίδης Ανέστης
Apostolidis N
Paragios I
Φιλιππίδης Σάββας
Production of odorless sewage sludge, purification of dye-work and urban waste-waters, using Hellenic Natural Zeolite
Πρακτικά του 3ου Περιβαλλοντικού Συνεδρίου Μακεδονίας ΕΕΧ-ΠΤΚΔΜ
3ο Περιβαλλοντικο Συνεδρίο Μακεδονίας ΕΕΧ-ΠΤΚΔΜ
Φιλιππίδης Ανέστης
Apostolidis N
Φιλιππίδης Σάββας
Paragios I
Purification of urban wastewaters, production of odorless and cohesive zeo-sewage sludge using Hellenic Natural Zeolite
Πρακτικά του 8ου Διεθνούς Υδρογεωλογικού Συνεδρίου της Ελλάδας
8ο Διεθνές Υδρογεωλογικο Συνεδρίο της Ελλάδας
vol.2 p.789-798
Without Type
Filippidis Anestis
Apostolidis N
Filippidis S
Paragios I
Anagnostopoulou M
Purification of urban wastewaters, production of odorless zeo-sewage sludge and food quality improvement, using Hellenic Natural Zeolite
26th European Conference on Health Implications of Environmental Contamination
Athens - Greece
Filippidis Anestis
Improvement and protection of Kastoria lake, production increase and quality improvement of agricultural products using Hellenic Natural Zeolite (in Greek)
Scientific Meeting “The Kastoria Lake and environmentally friendly agricultural methods”
Mavrochori, Kastoria - Greece
Papastergios G
Filippidis Anestis
Christofidis Georgios
Kasoli-Fournaraki Anna
Fernandez-Turiel J-L
Georgakopoulos Andreas
Gimeno D
Arsenic baseline concentrations in surface soils of the Kavala area, Northern Greece
26th European Conference on Health Implications of Environmental Contamination
Athens - Greece
Papastergios G
Filippidis Anestis
Christofidis Georgios
Kasoli-Fournaraki Anna
Fernandez-Turiel J-L
Georgakopoulos Andreas
Gimeno D
Arsenic concentration values in sea sediments of the Filippos B port, Kavala, Northern Greece
26th European Conference on Health Implications of Environmental Contamination
Athens - Greece
Without Type
Filippidis Anestis
Mineralogical study of floor-plates targeting the detection of asbestos minerals on behalf of Macedonia University Technical Department (in Greek). Thessaloniki, Greece, Report
Without Type
Adamidou K
Kasoli-Fournaraki Anna
Filippidis Anestis
Christanis Kimon
Amanatidou E
Tsikritzis L
Patrikaki O
Chemical investigation of lignite samples and their ashing products from Kardia lignite field of Ptolemais, Northern Greece
vol.86 no.16 p.2502-2508
Filippidis Anestis
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Experimental neutralization of lake and stream waters from N. Greece using domestic HEU-type rich natural zeolitic material
vol.213 no.1-3 p.47-55
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Filippidis Anestis
Vouta S
Drakoulis Alexandros
Koutles Th
Tzamos Evangelos
The cation exchange capacity of industrial minerals and rocks of Milos island
Bulletin Geological Society of Greece
vol.40 no.1 p.775-780
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Filippidis Anestis
Stamatakis Michael
Tzamos Evangelos
Drakoulis Alexandros
A preliminary study of the Colemanite-rich tuff layer from the Sourides area, Karlovassi basin, Samos island, Hellas
Bulletin Geological Society of Greece
vol.40 no.1 p.769-774
Papastergios G
Filippidis Anestis
Christofidis Georgios
Kasoli-Fournaraki Anna
Fernández-Turiel J.-L
Georgakopoulos Andreas
Gimeno D
Trace element contents in uncultivated surface soils in the Kavala area, Northern Greece
Bulletin Geological Society of Greece
vol.XXXX no.3 p.1491-1498
Φιλιππίδης Ανέστης
Καντηράνης Νικόλαος
Stamatakis M
Drakoulis A
Tzamos Evangelos
The cation exchange capacity of the Greek zeolitic rocks
Bulletin Geological Society of Greece
vol.40 no.1 p.723-735
Without Type
Filippidis Anestis
Apostolidis N
Filippidis Savvas
Paragios I
Purification of urban wastewaters and production of odorless sewage sludge using porous Hellenic natural zeolite of Petrota (Evros Prefecture) (in Greek)
3rd Panhellenic Symposium on Porous Materials
Thessaloniki - Greece
Filippidis Anestis
Apostolidis N
Filippidis Savvas
Paragios I
Improvement and protection of the lake Koronia using Hellenic natural zeolite of Petrota (Evros Prefecture) (in Greek)
3rd Panhellenic Symposium on Porous Materials, Thessaloniki, Greece
Thessaloniki - Greece
Filippidis Anestis
Siomos Anastasios
Barbayiannis Nikolaos
Filippidis Savvas
Agricultural and environmental applications using Hellenic Natural Zeolite of Petrota (Evros)
Proceedings of the Conference of Jean Monnet Action of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Conference of Jean Monnet Action of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Veria, Greece
Godelitsas Athanasios
Misailidis Panagiotis
Filippidis Anestis
Vlessides A
Complex compounds of transitional elements fixated at the surface and the pores of natural zeolite crystals (in Greek)
3rd Panhellenic Symposium on Porous Materials, Thessaloniki, Greece
Thessaloniki - Greece
Φιλιππίδης Ανέστης
Zeolites of Trigono Municipality of Evros Prefecture in industrial, agricultural, cattle-raising and environmental technology
Proceedings, Scientific Meeting on Development Perspectives of Northern Evros
Scientific Meeting on Development Perspectives of Northern Evros
Without Type
Filippidis Anestis
Astaras Theodoros
Kasoli-Fournaraki Anna
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Oikonomidis Dimitrios
Mouratidis Antonios
A Regional Enterprise Network Decision Support System for Environmental Risk and Disaster Management of Large-Scale Industrial Spills: Final Research Report, Thessaloniki, Greece
Without Type
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Filippidis Anestis
Mouhtaris Th
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Zormpa Triantafyllia
Squires C
Charistos Dimitrios
EPI-type zeolite synthesis from Greek sulphocalcic fly ashes promoted by H2O2 solutions
vol.85 no.3 p.360-366
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Filippidis Anestis
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Thermal distinction of HEU-type mineral phases contained in Greek zeolite-rich volcaniclastic tuffs
European Journal of Mineralogy
vol.18 no.4 p.509-516
Without Type
Christaras Vasileios
Chatzigogos Theodoros
Dimitriou Α
Chatzigogos Theodoros
Makedon Thomas
Vogiatzis Dimitrios
Filippidis Anestis
Dotsika El
Methodology for supporting the under touristic development Poliphimos cave in Maronia, Thrace, Greece
Proceeding of the 7th European Commission Conference “SAUVEUR”
7th European Commission Conference “SAUVEUR”
Prague, Czech Republic
Published Version
v. 2, p.1018-1020
Φιλιππίδης Ανέστης
Καντηράνης Νικόλαος
Δρακούλης Α
Βογιατζής Δημήτριος
Improvement and protection of the lake Koronia using natural zeolite
Proceedings of the 2nd Congress of Aristotle University Environment Council
2nd Congress of Aristotle University Environment Council
Thessaloniki, Greece
Published Version
Without Type
Drakoulis Alexandros
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Filippidis Anestis
The uptake ability of volcanic rocks from Milos, Greece
8th European Mineralogical Union School on Technical Mineralogy: Silicate Based Materials
Budapest - Hungary
Without Type
Filippidis Anestis
Mineralogical study of Biowish product on behalf of IK (in Greek). Thessaloniki, Greece, Report
Filippidis Anestis
Voudouris Konstantinos
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Vogiatzis Dimitrios
Drakoulis A
Myriounis Chr
Study on the exploitation abilities of Chavrias (Chalkidiki) river-stream water efficiency for the construction of small hydroelectric station (in Greek). Thessaloniki, Greece, Report
Karamanlis Xanthippos
Fortomaris Paschalis
Arsenos Georgios
Kamarianos Athanasios
Batzios Christos
Filippidis Anestis
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Squires C
Drakoulis Alexandros
Papaioannou D
Dosis I
The effect of the incorporation of one Greek natural zeolite in the ration and the litter on the quality of micro-environment and the performance of broiler chickens (in Greek). Research Report, Thessaloniki, Greece
Without Type
Filippidis Anestis
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Industrial, agricultural and environmental uses of the natural zeolites of Thrace (In Greek with English summary)
Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece
vol.37 p.90-101
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Filippidis Anestis
Georgakopoulos Andreas
Investigation of the uptake ability of fly ashes produced after lignite combustion
Journal of environmental management
vol.76 no.2 p.119-123
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Filippidis Anestis
Tsirampidis Ananias
Christaras Vasileios
Thermal decomposition study of crystalline limestone using P-wave velocity
Construction and Building Materials
Published Version
vol.19 no.5 p.359-365
Without Type
Φιλιππίδης Ανέστης
Χριστοφίδης Γεώργιος
Γεωργακόπουλος Ανδρέας
Πρακτικά: Διεθνές Συνέδριο της Ελληνικής Γεωλογικής Εταιρίας (2005 : Θεσσαλονίκη, Ελλάδα),
Δελτίον της Ελληνικής Γεωλογικής Εταιρείας - Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece
Γεωτεχνικό Επιμελητήριο Ελλάδας
Without Type
Filippidis Anestis
Improvement and protection of Lake Koronia waters with natural zeolite (in Greek)
13th Seminar for the Environmental Protection
Thessaloniki - Greece
Filippidis Anestis
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Drakoulis A
Vogiatzis Dimitrios
Quality, pollution, treatment and management of drinking waste, underground and surface waters, using analcime-rich zeolitic tuff from Samos island, Hellas
Πρακτικά 7ο Πανελλήνιο Υδρογεωλογικό Συνέδριο
7ο Πανελλήνιο Υδρογεωλογικό Συνέδριο
vol.2 p.219-224
Δρακούλης Αλέξανδρος
Καντηράνης Νικόλαος
Φιλιππίδης Ανέστης
Στεργίου Α
Δεσμευτική ικανότητα πλούσιων σε άμορφες φάσεις βιομηχανικών υλικών της νήσου Μήλου
2ο Συνέδριο της Επιτροπής Οικονομικής Γεωλογίας, Ορυκτολογίας, Γεωχημείας της Ελληνικής Γεωλογικής Εταιρίας
2ο Συνέδριο της Επιτροπής Οικονομικής Γεωλογίας, Ορυκτολογίας, Γεωχημείας της Ελληνικής Γεωλογικής Εταιρίας
Θεσσαλονίκη, Ελλάδα
Καντηράνης Νικόλαος
Φιλιππίδης Ανέστης
Δρακούλης Αλέξανδρος
Τσιραμπίδης Ανανίας
Μελέτη δεσμευτικής ικανότητας του μπεντονίτη της Μήλου και του αταπουλγίτη των Γρεβενών
2ο Συνέδριο της Επιτροπής Οικονομικής Γεωλογίας, Ορυκτολογίας, Γεωχημείας της Ελληνικής Γεωλογικής Εταιρίας
2ο Συνέδριο της Επιτροπής Οικονομικής Γεωλογίας, Ορυκτολογίας, Γεωχημείας της Ελληνικής Γεωλογικής Εταιρίας
Καντηράνης Νικόλαος
Φιλιππίδης Ανέστης
Βογιατζής Δημήτριος
Δρακούλης Αλέξανδρος
Καρατάσιος Γ
Καταλληλόλητα της ποζολάνης της Νισύρου για χρήση σε παραδοσιακά κονιάματα
2ο Συνέδριο της Επιτροπής Οικονομικής Γεωλογίας, Ορυκτολογίας, Γεωχημείας της Ελληνικής Γεωλογικής Εταιρίας
2ο Συνέδριο της Επιτροπής Οικονομικής Γεωλογίας, Ορυκτολογίας και Γεωχημείας
Published Version
Without Type
Filippidis Anestis
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Quality, pollution and irrigation control, sustainable use, treatment and management of drinking, waste, underground and surface waters, using Greek natural zeolite
AQUA, International Conference on New Water Culture of South-East European Countries
Athens - Greece
Without Type
Filippidis Anestis
Mineralogical characteristics of mica sample on behalf of Th.Th (in Greek). Thessaloniki, Greece, Report
Filippidis Anestis
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Mineralogical study of mortar samples targeting the detection of asbestos minerals on behalf of DK (in Greek). Thessaloniki, Greece, Report
Filippidis Anestis
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Squires C
Evaluation and exploitation of Greek mineral wealth with emphasis to zeoliferous rocks (in Greek). Research Report, Thessaloniki, Greece
Filippidis Anestis
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Mineralogical study of rock as concrete aggregate material on behalf of Egnatia driveway (in Greek). Thessaloniki, Greece, Report
Filippidis Anestis
Sklavounos Spyridonas
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Mineralogical study of furred-ceiling plates targeting the detection of asbestos minerals on behalf of AP (in Greek). Thessaloniki, Greece, Report, 3p
Filippidis Anestis
Mineralogy and physico-chemical characteristics of five natural zeolite samples on behalf of N. Alexandridis Co OE (in Greek). Thessaloniki, Greece, Report
Without Type
Ganas A
Aerts J
Astaras Theodoros
De Vente J
Frogoudakis E
Lamprinos Nikolaos
Riskakis C
Oikonomidis Dimitrios
Filippidis Anestis
Kasoli-Fournaraki Anna
The Use of Earth Observation and Decision Support Systems in the restoration of open-cast nickel mines in Evia, central Greece
International Journal of Remote Sensing
Taylor and Francis
vol.25 no.16 p.3261-3274
Grigoriadou A
Georgakopoulos Andreas
Kasoli-Fournaraki Anna
Filippidis Anestis
Papastergios G
Schwarzbauer J
Organic pollutants in the industrial area east of Kavala, Northern Greece
Bulletin Geological Society of Greece
vol.XXXVI no.1 p.254-262
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Stamatakis M
Filippidis Anestis
Squires C
The uptake ability of the clinoptilolitic tuffs of Samos island, Greece
Bulletin Geological Society of Greece
vol.36 no.1 p.89-96
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Georgakopoulos Andreas
Filippidis Anestis
Drakoulis A
Mineralogy and organic matter content of bottom ash samples from Agios Dimitrios Power Plant, Greece
Bulletin Geological Society of Greece
vol.XXXVI no.1 p.320-326
Papastergios Georgios
Georgakopoulos Andreas
Filippidis Anestis
Grigoriadou A
Fernández-Turiel J.-L
Gimeno D
Heavy metals and Toxic Trace elements contents in selected areas of the Kavala Prefecture, Northern Greece
Bulletin Geological Society of Greece
vol.XXXVI no.1 p.263-272
Βογιατζής Δημήτριος
Δημητρίου Α
Παπαθανασίου Γεώργιος
Χρηστάρας Βασίλειος
Καντηράνης Νικόλαος
Φιλιππίδης Ανέστης
Καταπτώσεις βράχων κατά το σεισμό της 14/8/03 και πιθανά μέτρα προστασίας στο Ανάντη Πρανές του χωριού Δρυμώνας του Δήμου Σφακιωτών, Ν. Λευκάδας
∆ελτίο της Ελληνικής Γεωλογικής Εταιρίας
Θεσσαλονίκη, Ελλάδα
vol.XXXVI no.4 p.1735-1742
Καντηράνης Νικόλαος
Στεργίου Αναγνώστης
Φιλιππίδης Ανέστης
Drakoulis Alexandros
Υπολογισμός του ποσοστού του άμορφου υλικού με τη χρήση περιθλασιογραμμάτων ακτίνων-Χ
Bulletin Geological Society of Greece
vol.36 no.1 p.446-453
Χρηστάρας Βασίλειος
Χατζηγώγος Θεόδωρος
Δημητρίου Α
Χατζηγώγος Ν
Μακεδών Θωμάς
Βογιατζής Δημήτριος
Φιλιππίδης Ανέστης
Ευστάθεια του σπηλαίου Πολύφημος στη Μαρώνεια Θράκης
Bulletin Geological Society of Greece
vol.XXXVI νο.4 p.1892-1901
Without Type
Drakoulis Alexandros
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Filippidis Anestis
Stergiou Anagnostis
Zormpa Triantafyllia
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Squires C
The estimation of volcanic glass content in natural materials using PXRD and FTIR techniques
5th European Conference on Mineralogy and Spectroscopy
Vienna - Austria
Without Type
Filippidis Anestis
Mineralogical study of Elenit wavelike housing-plate samples targeting the detection of asbestos minerals on behalf of Drama-Kavala-Xanthi Prefectorial Self-administration (in Greek). Thessaloniki, Greece, Report
Without Type
Godelitsas Athanasios
Charistos Dimitrios
Tsipis Konstantinos
Misailidis Panagiotis
Filippidis Anestis
Schindler M
Heterostructures patterned on aluminosilicate microporous substrates: Crystallization of cobalt(III) tris(N,N-diethyldithiocarbamato) on the surface of a HEU-type zeolite
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials
vol.61 no.1-3 p.69-77
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Filippidis Anestis
Christaras Vasileios
Tsirampidis Ananias
Kasoli-Fournaraki Anna
The role of organic matter of carbonate rocks in the reactivity of the produced quicklime
Materials and Structures
Published Version
vol.36 no.2 p.135-138
Mouhtaris Th
Charistos Dimitrios
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Filippidis Anestis
Kasoli-Fournaraki Anna
Tsirampidis Ananias
GIS-type zeolite synthesis from Greek lignite sulphocalcic flly ashes promoted by NaOH solutions
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials
vol.61 p.57-67
Without Type
Christaras Vasileios
Filippidis Anestis
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Vogiatzis Dimitrios
Brief prodrome report of Aristotle University’s research team visit of 30-08-03 to the Sfakiotes Municipality of Lefkas Prefecture, after the earthquake of 14-08-03 (Ms = 6.4) (in Greek). Thessaloniki, Greece, Report
Without Type
Georgakopoulos Andreas
Filippidis Anestis
Kasoli-Fournaraki Anna
Iordanidis Andreas
Fernández-Turiel J.-L
Llorens J. F
Gimeno D
Environmentally important elements in fly ashes and their leachates of the power stations of Greece
Energy Sources
vol.24 no.1 p.83-91
Georgakopoulos Andreas
Filippidis Anestis
Kasoli-Fournaraki Anna
Leachability of major and trace elements of fly ash from Ptolemais power station, Northern Greece
Energy Sources
vol.24 no.2 p.103-113
Kolovos N
Georgakopoulos Andreas
Filippidis Anestis
Kavouridis C
Environmental Effects of Lignite and Intermediate Steriles Coexcavation in the Southern Lignite Field Mine of Ptolemais, Northern Greece
Energy Sources
Taylor & Francis
vol.24 no.6 p.561-579
Kolovos N
Georgakopoulos Andreas
Filippidis Anestis
Kavouridis C
Utilization of lignite reserves and simultaneous improvement of dust emissions and operation efficiency of a Power Plant by controlling the calcium (total and free) content of the fed lignite: Application on the Agios Dimitrios Power Plant, Ptolemais, Greece
Energy & Fuels
American Chemical Society
vol.16 no.6 p.1516-1522
Kolovos N
Georgakopoulos Andreas
Filippidis Anestis
Kavouridis C
The Effects on the Mined Lignite Quality Characteristics by the Intercalated Thin Layers of Carbonates in Ptolemais Mines, Northern Greece
Energy Sources
vol.24 no.8 p.761-772
Without Type
Giannakopoulos Athanasios
Tserveni-Gousi Angeliki
Fortomaris Paschalis
Arsenos Georgios
Filippidis Anestis
Kasoli-Fournaraki Anna
Effects of dietary inclusion of natural Greek zeolite on the reproductive characteristics of sows
6th International Conference on Occurrence, Properties and Utilization of Natural Zeolites
Thessaloniki - Greece
Godelitsas Athanasios
Charistos Dimitrios
Tsipis Konstantinos
Misailidis Panagiotis
Filippidis Anestis
Schindler M
Heterostructures patterned on aluminosilicate microporous substrates: crystallisation of Cobalt(III) tris(N,N-diethyldithiocarbamato) on the surface of a HEU-type zeolite
6th International Conference on Occurrence, Properties and Utilization of Natural Zeolites
Thessaloniki - Greece
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Filippidis Anestis
Mouhtaris Th
Charistos Dimitrios
Kasoli-Fournaraki Anna
Tsirampidis Ananias
The uptake ability of the Greek natural zeolites
6th International Conference on Occurrence, Properties and Utilization of Natural Zeolites
6th International Conference on Occurrence, Properties and Utilization of Natural Zeolites
Thessaloniki - Greece
Kolovos N
Georgakopoulos Andreas
Filippidis Anestis
The Distribution of Lignite Quality in Southern Field Mine, Ptolemais-Amynteo Lignite Basin, Greece
Proceedings IInd International Scientific Conference on Modern Management of Mine Producing, Geology and Environmental Protection “Surveying Geology-Ecology-Management” SGEM 2002, Section I: Mineral Resources, Geotechnologies and Gasification
2nd International Scientific Conference on Modern Management of Mine Producing, Geology and Environmental Protection “Surveying Geology-Ecology-Management” SGEM 2002, Section I: Mineral Resources, Geotechnologies and Gasification
Varna, Bulgaria
Mouhtaris Th
Charistos Dimitrios
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Filippidis Anestis
Kasoli-Fournaraki Anna
Tsirampidis Ananias
GIS-type zeolite synthesis from Greek lignite sulphocalcic fly ashes promoted by NaOH solutions
6th International Conference on Occurrence, Properties and Utilization of Natural Zeolites
6th International Conference on Occurrence, Properties and Utilization of Natural Zeolites
Thessaloniki - Greece
Γεωργακόπουλος Ανδρέας
Kapina V
Markova K
Φιλιππίδης Ανέστης
Κασώλη - Φουρναράκη Άννα
A. Differential Thermal Analysis application in the study of solid energy raw materials of Northern Greece
Proceedings of 1st Panhellenic Congress Thermal Analysis
Kerkini, Greece
Γεωργακόπουλος Ανδρέας
Φιλιππίδης Ανέστης
Fernández-Turiel J.-L
Κασώλη - Φουρναράκη Άννα
Ιορδανίδης Ανδρέας
Λιθογενής και ανθρωπογενής προέλευση των ιχνοστοιχείων σε επιφανειακά εδάφη της λιγνιτοφόρου λεκάνης Αμύνταιου - Πτολεμαϊδας - Κοζάνης = Lithogenic and anthropogenic origin of trace elements in surface soils from Amynteo-Ptolemais-Kozani lignite basin
Πρακτικά του 6ου Πανελλήνιου Γεωγραφικού Συνέδριου
6ο Πανελλήνιο Γεωγραφικο Συνέδριο
vol.ΙΙ p.335-342
Φιλιππίδης Ανέστης
Κασώλη - Φουρναράκη Άννα
Management of aquatic ecosystems using Greek natural zeolites
12th Sem. Environmental Protection
Thessaloniki, Greece
Without Type
Filippidis Anestis
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Study: Morphology, mineralogy, chemistry, mineral-chemistry and ion exchange capacity of five natural zeolite samples on behalf of N. Alexandridis & Co OE (in Greek). Thessaloniki, Greece, Report
Filippidis Anestis
Mineralogical study of Elenit wavelike housing-plate samples targeting the detection of asbestos minerals on behalf of AP (in Greek). Thessaloniki, Greece, Report
Filippidis Anestis
Mineralogical, morphological and mineral-chemical study of volcanic dust sample on behalf of Argostoli Municipality, Kefallinia Prefecture (in Greek). Thessaloniki, Greece, Report
Kasoli-Fournaraki Anna
Filippidis Anestis
Christaras Vasileios
Laboratory determinations of sand samples on behalf of LIL (in Greek). Thessaloniki, Greece, Report
Koshiaris G
Marantos I
Tsirampidis Ananias
Stamatakis M
Kasoli-Fournaraki Anna
Filippidis Anestis
The Zeolite Deposits of Thrace (N.E. Greece). 6th International Conference on the Occurrence, Properties and Utilization of Natural Zeolites, Thessaloniki, Greece, 3-7/06/2002, Field Trip Guide
Without Type
Filippidis Anestis
Applied and Environmental Geochemistry (in Greek)
Without Type
Φιλιππίδης Ανέστης
Βαβελίδης Μιχαήλ
Μιχαηλίδης Κλέοπας
Σημειώσεις κοιτασματολογίας
Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης
Φιλιππίδης Ανέστης
Εφαρμοσμένη και Περιβαλλοντική Γεωχημεία
Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο, Θεσσαλονίκη
Without Type
Barbier M
Castorina F
Masi U
Garbarino C
Nicoletti M
Kasoli-Fournaraki Anna
Filippidis Anestis
Mignard S
Geochemical and isotopic evidence for the origin of rhyolites from petrota (North thrace, Greece) and geodynamische bedeutung
Chemie der Erde Geochemistry
vol.61 no.1 p.13-39
Georgakopoulos Andreas
Fernández-Turiel J.-L
Christanis Kimon
Kalaitzidis S
Kasoli-Fournaraki Anna
Llorens J. F
Filippidis Anestis
Gimeno D
The Drama basin water: quality and peat/lignite interaction
Environmental Geology
vol.41 no.1-2 p.121-127
Godelitsas Athanasios
Charistos Dimitrios
Tsipis A
Tsipis Konstantinos
Filippidis Anestis
Triantafyllidis Konstantinos
Manos G
Siapkas Dimitrios
Characterisation of zeolitic materials with a HEU-type structure modified by transition metal elements: Definition of acid sites in nickel-loaded crystals in the light of experimental and quantum-chemical results
Chemistry - A European Journal
vol.7 no.17 p.3705-3721
Iordanidis Andreas
Iordanidis Andreas
Georgakopoulos Andreas
Markova K
Filippidis Anestis
Kasoli-Fournaraki Anna
Application of TG-DTA to the study of Amynteon lignites, northern Greece
Thermochimica Acta
vol.371 no.1-2 p.137-141
Iordanidis Andreas
Georgakopoulos Andreas
Filippidis Anestis
Kasoli-Fournaraki Anna
A correlation study of trace elements in lignite and fly ash generated in a power station
International journal of environmental analytical chemistry
vol.79 no.2 p.133-141
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Christaras Vasileios
Filippidis Anestis
Tsirampidis Ananias
The usage of ultrasonic techniques at calcination studies
Bulletin of Tampere University of Technology
vol.50 no.2 p.389-394
Καντηράνης Νικόλαος
Τσιραμπίδης Ανανίας
Φιλιππίδης Ανέστης
Κασώλη - Φουρναράκη Άννα
Χρηστάρας Βασίλειος
Industrial uses of carbonate rocks from Thassos island (Greece)
Bulletin of the Geological society of Greece
vol.34 no.3 p.1145-1154
Καπινά Β
Γεωργακόπουλος Ανδρέας
Κασώλη - Φουρναράκη Άννα
Φιλιππίδης Ανέστης
Μελέτη της συμπεριφοράς του λιγνίτη του Νοτίου Πεδίου της λεκάνης Πτολεμαίδος κατά την πυρόλυση
Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece
vol.XXXIV no.3 p.1205-1212
Σαχανίδης Χ
Γεωργακόπουλος Ανδρέας
Φιλιππίδης Ανέστης
Κασώλη - Φουρναράκη Άννα
Περιεκτικότητα σε ιχνοστοιχεία των μαργαϊκών ενστρώσεων της λιγνιτοφόρου λεκάνης Πτολεμαίδας-Αμυνταίου, Δ. Μακεδονία
Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece
vol.XXXIV no.3 p.1115-1122
Without Type
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Christaras Vasileios
Filippidis Anestis
Tsirampidis Ananias
The usage of ultrasonic techniques at calcination studies
Kuula-V.isänen P
Uusinoka R
Proceedings of the International meeting “Aggregate 2001 – Environment and Economy” – Hosted by Finnish National Group of IAEG
International meeting “Aggregate 2001 – Environment and Economy” – Hosted by Finnish National Group of IAEG
Tampere University of Technology, Laboratory of Enginnering Geology pub. no50
vol.2 no.389 p.394
Φιλιππίδης Ανέστης
Mineral resources and the environment
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Protected Natural Areas and Environmental Education
International Symposium on Protected Natural Areas and Environmental Education
Sigri,Natural History Museum of the Lesvos Petrified Forest,Lesvos
Without Type
Filippidis A
Jain L. C
Martin N
Multisensor data fusion for surface land-mine detection
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics Part C: Applications and Reviews
vol.30 no.1 p.145-150
Filippidis A
Jain L. C
Martin N
Fusion of intelligent agents for the detection of aircraft in SAR images
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
vol.22 no.4 p.378-384
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Christaras Vasileios
Filippidis Anestis
Tsirampidis Ananias
The usage of ultrasonic techniques at calcinations studies
PACT 59/2000 (Revue du Conseil de l’ Europe)
Without Type
Giannakopoulos Athanasios
Tserveni-Gousi Angeliki
Kasoli-Fournaraki Anna
Tsirampidis Ananias
Michailidis Kleopas
Filippidis Anestis
Lutat U
Effects of dietary clinoptilolite-rich tuff on the performance of growing-finishing pigs
Natural Zeolites for the Third Millennium
(eds) Colella, C. and Mumpton, F. A
De Frede
Kasoli-Fournaraki Anna
Stamatakis M
Hall A
Filippidis Anestis
Michailidis Kleopas
Tsirampidis Ananias
Koutles Th
The Ca-rich clinoptilolite deposit of Pentalofos, Thrace, Greece
Natural Zeolites for the Third Millennium
(eds) Colella, C., Mumpton, F. A
De Frede
Without Type
Filippidis Anestis
Kasoli-Fournaraki Anna
Environmental uses of natural zeolites from Evros district, Thrace, Greece
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Environmental Pollution
Fifth International Conference on Environmental Pollution
Thessaloniki - Greece
Filippidis Anestis
Kasoli-Fournaraki Anna
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Chromites in the Southern sector of Xerolivado mine of Vourinos, Macedonia, Greece
Proceedings of 1st Conference of Economic Geology, Mineralogy & Geochemistry Committee of the Geological Society of Greece
1st Conference of Economic Geology, Mineralogy & Geochemistry Committee of the Geological Society of Greece
Kozani, Greece
Georgakopoulos Andreas
Fernández-Turiel J.-L
Christanis Kimon
Filippidis Anestis
Llorens J. F
Kasoli-Fournaraki Anna
Gimeno D
Quality of surface waters in the lignite bearing Drama basin, Northern Greece
Proceedings of 5th International Conference Environmental Pollution
5th International Conference Environmental Pollution
Godelitsas Athanasios
Μισαηλίδης Παναγιώτης
Φιλιππίδης Ανέστης
Παυλίδου Ελένη
Καντηράνης Νικόλαος
Interaction of the marly limestone from Lignite Center of Ptolemais-Amynteon with solutions containing toxic concentrations of heavy metals
Proceedings of 1st Conference of Economic Geology, Mineralogy & Geochemistry Committee of the Geological Society of Greece
1st Conference of Economic Geology, Mineralogy & Geochemistry Committee of the Geological Society of Greece
Kozani, Greece
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Filippidis Anestis
Tsirampidis Ananias
Kasoli-Fournaraki Anna
Christaras Vasileios
Environmental uses of lime from Agios Panteleimon, Florina, Macedonia, Greece
Proceedings of 5th International Conference Environmental Pollution
5th International Conference Environmental Pollution
Kolovos N
Georgakopoulos Andreas
Filippidis Anestis
Kavouridis K
Kasoli-Fournaraki Anna
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Stamoulis K
Sotiropoulos D
Laskos K
Economic and environmental importance of the intercalated sterile materials co-excavation in the Southern field of the Lignite Center of Ptolemais-Amynteon
Proceedings of the 1st Conference of Economic Geology, Mineralogy & Geochemistry Committee of the Geological Society of Greece
1st Conference of Economic Geology, Mineralogy & Geochemistry Committee of the Geological Society of Greece
Kozani, Greece
Mouhtaris Th
Φιλιππίδης Ανέστης
Κασώλη - Φουρναράκη Άννα
Χαριστός Δημήτριος
Zeolite synthesis from fly ash of the Agios Dimitrios power plant promoted by ΝaΟΗ solutions
Proceedings of the 1st Conference of Economic Geology, Mineralogy Geochemistry Committee of the Geological Society of Greece
1st Conference of Economic Geology, Mineralogy Geochemistry Committee of the Geological Society of Greece
Kozani, Greece
Sachanidis Ch
Georgakopoulos Andreas
Filippidis Anestis
Kasoli-Fournaraki Anna
Iordanidis Andreas
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Environmental aspects of trace elements in Ptolemais-Amynteon lignites, Northern Greece
Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Environmental Pollution
5th International Conference on Environmental Pollution
(ed.) Anagnostopoulos, A
Thessaloniki, Greece
Triantafyllou Athanassios
Φιλιππίδης Ανέστης
Patra A
Pavlidis A
Καντηράνης Νικόλαος
Concentrations, mineralogy and morphology of the suspended particles PM10 in the city of Kozani
Proceedings of the 1st Conference of Economic Geology, Mineralogy Geochemistry Committee of the Geological Society of Greece
1st Conference of Economic Geology, Mineralogy Geochemistry Committee of the Geological Society of Greece
Kozani, Greece
Ιορδανίδης Ανδρέας
Γεωργακόπουλος Ανδρέας
Φιλιππίδης Ανέστης
Κασώλη - Φουρναράκη Άννα
Geochemical study of Amynteon lignite deposit
Proceedings of 1st Conference of Economic Geology, Mineralogy & Geochemistry Committee of the Geological Society of Greece
1st Conference of Economic Geology, Mineralogy & Geochemistry Committee of the Geological Society of Greece
Kozani, Greece
Καντηράνης Νικόλαος
Τσιραμπίδης Ανανίας
Φιλιππίδης Ανέστης
Χρηστάρας Βασίλειος
Κασώλη - Φουρναράκη Άννα
Study of the crystalline limestone from Agios Panteleimonas, Florina
Proceedings of 1st Conference of Economic Geology, Mineralogy Geochemistry Committee of the Geological Society of Greece
1st Conference of Economic Geology, Mineralogy Geochemistry Committee of the Geological Society of Greece
Kozani, Greece
Καντηράνης Νικόλαος
Τσιραμπίδης Ανανίας
Φιλιππίδης Ανέστης
Χρηστάρας Βασίλειος
Κασώλη - Φουρναράκη Άννα
Hich-Ca quick lime and hydrated lime of the limestone from Agios Panteleimonas, Florina for use in water processing
Proceedings of 1st Conference of Economic Geology, Mineralogy Geochemistry Committee of the Geological Society of Greece
1st Conference of Economic Geology, Mineralogy Geochemistry Committee of the Geological Society of Greece
Kozani, Greece
Καντηράνης Νικόλαος
Χρηστάρας Βασίλειος
Φιλιππίδης Ανέστης
Τσιραμπίδης Ανανίας
The usage of ultrasonic techniques at calcination studies. Compatible Materials Recommendations for the Protection of European Cultural Heritage
vol.59 p.231-237
Φιλιππίδης Ανέστης
Κασώλη - Φουρναράκη Άννα
The possibility of using Greek natural zeolites for the restoration of the mined land in the Lignite Center of Ptolemais-Amynteo, Macedonia, Greece
Proceedings of the 1st Conference of Economic Geology, Mineralogy & Geochemistry Committee of the Geological Society of Greece
1st Conference of Economic Geology, Mineralogy & Geochemistry Committee of the Geological Society of Greece
Kozani, Greece
Φιλιππίδης Ανέστης
Καντηράνης Νικόλαος
Φιλιππίδης Σάββας
Κασώλη - Φουρναράκη Άννα
The role of the VLF geophysical method and the mineralogical-chemical composition in the exploitation of the dolomitic and calcitic Greek marbles
Proceedings of 2nd Panhellenic Congress, The Greek Marble
2nd Panhellenic Congress, The Greek Marble
Thessaloniki, Greece
Φιλιππίδης Σάββας
Καντηράνης Νικόλαος
Φιλιππίδης Ανέστης
Κασώλη - Φουρναράκη Άννα
Environmental and economical aspects of the VLF method and the mineralogical-chemical composition in the exploitation of Kastania white marble, Vermio, Macedonia, Greece
Proceedings of 1st Conference of Economic Geology, Mineralogy & Geochemistry Committee of the Geological Society of Greece
1st Conference of Economic Geology, Mineralogy & Geochemistry Committee of the Geological Society of Greece
Kozani, Greece
Without Type
Mouhtaris Th
Charistos Dimitrios
Filippidis Anestis
Kasoli-Fournaraki Anna
Zeolite synthesis from Greek sulphocalcic fly ashes promoted by NaOH solutions. XRD, FT-IR and SEM-EDS analyses
2nd International Conference on Chemical Sciences for Sustainable Development
Chalkidiki - Greece
Without Type
Cobopoulos Y
Ganas A
Astaras Theodoros
Lamprinos Nikolaos
Filippidis Anestis
Kasoli-Fournaraki Anna
Oikonomidis Dimitrios
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Banninger C
ASTERISMOS-Application of Space Technology to Environmental Aspects of Surface Mining-A surface mining decision support system. Research Report, Thessaloniki, Greece
Filippidis Anestis
Kasoli-Fournaraki Anna
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Mineralogical study of floor-plate for tracing minerals of the asbestos group on behalf of Thecnical Department of the Municipality of Igoumenitsa of Thesprotia Prefecture. Thessaloniki, Greece, Report
Georgakopoulos Andreas
Filippidis Anestis
Kasoli-Fournaraki Anna
Environmental study of coals and their combustion products (in Greek): Research Report, Thessaloniki, Greece
Kasoli-Fournaraki Anna
Filippidis Anestis
Georgakopoulos Andreas
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Sachanidis C
Filippidis Savvas
Trace element distribution in the Kozani-Ptolemais-Amynteo lignite-bearing basin and their environmental importance (in Greek). Research Report, Thessaloniki, Greece
Without Type
Filippidis A
Jain L. C
Martin N. M
Using genetic algorithms and neural networks for surface land mine detection
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing
vol.47 no.1 p.176-186
Filippidis Anestis
Jain L. C
Lozo P
Degree of familiarity ART2 in knowledge-based landmine detection
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks
vol.10 no.1 p.186-193
Godelitsas Athanasios
Charistos Dimitrios
Dwyer J
Tsipis Konstantinos
Filippidis Anestis
Chatzidimitriou Antonios
Pavlidou Eleni
Copper(II)-loaded HEU-type zeolite crystals: Characterization and evidence of surface complexation with N,N-diethyldithiocarbamate anions
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials
vol.33 no.1-3 p.77-87
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Tsirampidis Ananias
Filippidis Anestis
Christaras Vasileios
Technological characteristics of the calcined limestone from Agios Panteleimonas, Macedonia, Greece
Materials and Structures
Published Version
vol.32 no.7 p.546-551
Mouhtaris Th
Filippidis Anestis
Kasoli-Fournaraki Anna
Charistos Dimitrios
Zeolite synthesis from fly ash of the Amynteon-Filotas power plant promoted by NaOH 0,5Μ (in Greek with English abstract)
Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece
vol.33 p.69-74
Καντηράνης Νικόλαος
Φιλιππίδης Ανέστης
Χρηστάρας Βασίλειος
Τσιραμπίδης Ανανίας
Κασώλη - Φουρναράκη Άννα
Ο ρόλος της οργανικής ύλης των ανθρακικών πετρωμάτων στη δραστικότητα της παραγόμενης ασβέστου
Bulletin Geological Society of Greece
vol.33 p.105-111
Without Type
Iordanidis Andreas
Georgakopoulos Andreas
Markova K
Filippidis Anestis
Kasoli-Fournaraki Anna
Application of TG-DTA to the study of Amynteon lignites, Northern Greece
Proceedings of 4th Mediterranean Conference on Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis- MEDICTA’99
4th Mediterranean Conference on Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis- MEDICTA’99
Patras, Greece
Καντηράνης Νικόλαος
Φιλιππίδης Ανέστης
Χρηστάρας Βασίλειος
Τσιραμπίδης Ανανίας
Κασώλη - Φουρναράκη Άννα
Ο ρόλος της οργανικής ύλης των ανθρακικών πετρωμάτων στη δραστικότητα της παραγόμενης ασβέστου
Δελτίο Ελληνικής Γεωλογικής Εταιρίας
Γενική Επιστημονική Συνεδρία Ε.Γ.Ε
Published Version
v. 23 p.105-111
Without Type
Iordanidis Andreas
Georgakopoulos Andreas
Filippidis Anestis
Kasoli-Fournaraki Anna
Environmental aspects of trace elements in Amynteon lignites, Northern Greece
3rd Euroconference on Environmental Analytical Chemistry
Chalkidiki - Greece
Without Type
Filippidis Anestis
Kasoli-Fournaraki Anna
Yannakopoulos A
Filippidis Savvas
Research on utilizing zeolites of Rhodope Prefecture: Zeolite utilization in animal feeding (in Greek). Research Report, Thessaloniki, Greece
Filippidis Anestis
Kasoli-Fournaraki Anna
Sofoniou Michail
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Pulverized and hydrated high-Ca quick lime from Agios Panteleimonas of Florina for use in water processing (in Greek). Thessaloniki, Greece, Report, 2p
Without Type
Βαβελίδης Μιχαήλ
Φιλιππίδης Ανέστης
Μιχαηλίδης Κλέοπας
Σημειώσεις γεωλογίας μεταλλείων
Without Type
Misailidis Panagiotis
Godelitsas Athanasios
Stephan A
Meijer J
Rolfs C
Harissopulos Sotirios
Kokkoris M
Filippidis Anestis
Application of Proton Microprobe and 12C-Rutherford Backscattering Spectroscopy to the Identification of Hg(II)-Cations Sorbed by Granite Minerals
Radiochimica Acta
vol.83 no.1 p.43-48
Without Type
Filippidis Anestis
Filippidis Savvas
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Geophysical, mineralogical and geochemical investigations before the exploitation of Thassos carbonate rocks (in Greek)
1st Congress of Thassos Development Perspectives
Prinos - Greece
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Filippidis Anestis
Tsirampidis Ananias
Christaras Vasileios
Kasoli-Fournaraki Anna
Volatilization of arsenic during calcination of crystalline limestone from Agios Panteleimonas, Florina, Macedonia, Greece
Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Environmental Pollution-Toxic Metals
4th International Conference on Environmental Pollution-Toxic Metals
Thessaloniki, Greece
Without Type
Filippidis Anestis
Kasoli-Fournaraki Anna
Mineralogical and chemical composition of pumice stone sample (in Greek). Thessaloniki, Greece, Report
Filippidis Anestis
Mineralogical characteristics of smoky quartz sample on behalf of VT (in Greek). Thessaloniki, Greece, Report
Kasoli-Fournaraki Anna
Filippidis Anestis
Tsirampidis Ananias
Michailidis Kleopas
Giannakopoulos Athanasios
Tserveni-Gousi Angeliki
Development of industrial and environmental uses of European natural zeolites. Research Report, Thessaloniki, Greece
Kasoli-Fournaraki Anna
Filippidis Anestis
Christaras Vasileios
Laboratory determinations of sand samples on behalf of LIL (in Greek): Thessaloniki, Greece, Report
Without Type
Charistos Dimitrios
Godelitsas A
Tsipis C
Sofoniou Michail
Dwyer J
Filippidis A
Filippidis Anestis
Interaction of natrolite and thomsonite intergrowths with aqueous solutions of different initial pH values at 25°C in the presence of KCl: Reaction mechanisms
Applied Geochemistry
vol.12 no.5 p.693-703
Filippidis Anestis
Misailidis Panagiotis
Clouvas Alexandros
Godelitsas Athanasios
Barbayiannis Nikolaos
Anousis Ioannis
Mineral, chemical and radiological investigation of a black sand at Touzla Cape, near Thessaloniki, Greece
Environmental Geochemistry and Health
vol.19 no.2 p.83-88
Filippidis Anestis
Chemical variation of chromite in the Gorgona olivine-orthopyroxenite, Thrace, Greece
Neues Jahrbuch Fur Mineralogie-Monatshefte
no.3 p.113-130
Filippidis Anestis
Chemical variation of chromite in the central sector of Xerolivado chrome mine of Vourinos, Western Macedonia, Greece
Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Monatshefte
vol.8 p.354-370
Sikalidis Konstantinos
Kasoli-Fournaraki Anna
Filippidis Anestis
Feldspars from the Paranesti pegmatite veins (NE Greece) for the ceramic and glass industry
InterCeram: International Ceramic Review
vol.46 no.4 p.227-231
Tserveni-Gousi Angeliki
Giannakopoulos Athanasios
Katsaounis Nikolaos
Filippidis Anestis
Kasoli-Fournaraki Anna
Some interior egg characteristics as influenced by addition of Greek Clinoptilolitic rock material in the hen diet
Archiv fur Geflugelkunde
vol.61 no.6 p.291-296
Without Type
Astaras Theodoros
Oikonomidis Dimitrios
Dimopoulos Georgios
Lamprinos Nikolaos
Filippidis Anestis
Environmental monitoring of the Stratoni-Stratoniki area, Chalkidiki, Greece, using LANDSAT /TM digital images
Proccedings of the 16th EARSel (European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories) Congress
16th EARSel (European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories) Congress
Ed. Spiteri, A
Rotterdam / Brookfield
Balkema Publications
Filippidis Anestis
Kasoli-Fournaraki Anna
Georgakopoulos Andreas
Mineralogy, major and trace element contents of fly ashes from the Electric Power Stations of the Ptolemais-Aminteo Lignite Center
Proccedings of Meeting: Fly Ash Uses in Constructions
Meeting: Fly Ash Uses in Constructions
vol.B p.159-168
Filippidis Anestis
Kasoli-Fournaraki Anna
Charistos Dimitrios
Tsirampidis Ananias
Greek zeolites, a material for removing trace elements and neutralizing the pH of water
Proceedings of 4th Hydrogeological Congress
4th Hydrogeological Congress
Filippidis Anestis
Georgakopoulos Andreas
Kasoli-Fournaraki Anna
Blondin J
Fernández-Turiel J.-L
The sulphocalcic coal fly ashes of Ptolemais (Macedonia, Greece) and Gardanne (Provence, France)
Proceedings of “Coal Fly Ash: A Secondary Raw Material” European Seminar (Directorate-General for Energy, DG XVII), A.R.ENE
Giannakopoulos Athanasios
Tserveni-Gousi Angeliki
Kasoli-Fournaraki Anna
Lutat U
Michailidis Kleopas
Filippidis Anestis
Tsirampidis Ananias
Some results in swines performance after adding natural Greek zeolite in their diets
5th International Conference on the Occurrence, Properties and Utilization of Natural Zeolites
Ischia, Naples - Italy
Kasoli-Fournaraki Anna
Stamatakis M
Hall A
Filippidis Anestis
Michailidis Kleopas
Tsirampidis Ananias
Koutles Th
The Ca-rich clinoptilolite deposit of Pentalofos, Thrace, Greece
5th International Conference on the Occurrence, Properties and Utilization of Natural Zeolites
Ischia, Naples - Italy
Without Type
Tsirampidis Ananias
Christaras Vasileios
Filippidis Anestis
Kasoli-Fournaraki Anna
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Dimitriou A
Geotectonic and petrological-geochemical study of the carbonate rocks of Ag. Panteleimonas area in Florina (in Greek). Research Report, Thessaloniki, Greece
Without Type
Filippidis Anestis
Godelitsas Athanasios
Charistos Dimitrios
Tsipis C
Natrolite/thomsonite intergrowths from basaltic rocks of Deccan Traps (Western India)
Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Monatshefte
vol.4 p.161-170
Filippidis Anestis
Godelitsas A
Charistos Dimitrios
Misailidis Panagiotis
Kasoli-Fournaraki Anna
The chemical behavior of natural zeolites in aqueous environments: Interactions between low-silica zeolites and 1 M NaCl solutions of different initial pH-values
Applied Clay Science
vol.11 no.2-4 p.199-209
Filippidis Anestis
Georgakopoulos Andreas
Kasoli-Fournaraki Anna
Misailidis Panagiotis
Yiakkoupis P
Broussoulis J
Trace element contents in composited samples of three lignite seams from the central part of the drama lignite deposit, Macedonia, Greece
International Journal of Coal Geology
vol.29 no.4 p.219-234
Filippidis Anestis
Georgakopoulos Andreas
Kasoli-Fournaraki Anna
Mineralogical components of some thermally decomposed lignite and lignite ash samples from the Ptolemais Basin, Greece
International Journal of Coal Geology
vol.30 p.303-314
Filippidis Anestis
Data fusion using sensor data and a priori information
Control Engineering Practice
vol.4 no.1 p.43-53
Filippidis Anestis
Chemical variation of olivine in the serpentinite of the central section in the Xerolivado chrome mine of Vourinos, Greece
Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie
vol.170 no.2 p.189-205
Giannakopoulos Athanasios
Tserveni-Gousi Angeliki
Katsaounis Nikolaos
Kasoli-Fournaraki Anna
Filippidis Anestis
The influence of Greek natural zeolite on the performance of hens, in the whole period of laying (in Greek)
Animal Science Review
vol.17 p.43-44
Godelitsas Atahnasios
Misailidis Panagiotis
Moroz N.K
Braithwaite R.S.W
Gabuda S.P
Filippidis Anestis
Bethge K
Investigation of natural Prehnite using spectroscopic and nuclear reaction techniques
Journal of Conference Abstracts
vol.1 no.1 p.205
Godelitsas Athanasios
Misailidis Panagiotis
Filippidis Anestis
Charistos Dimitrios
Anousis Ioannis
Uranium sorption from aqueous solutions on sodium-form of HEU-type zeolite crystals
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry
vol.208 no.2 p.393-405
Godelitsas Athanassios
Misailidis Panagiotis
Charistos Dimitrios
Filippidis Anestis
Anousis Ioannis
Interaction of HEU-type zeolite crystals with thorium aqueous solutions
Chemie der Erde - Geochemistry
vol.56 no.2 p.143-156
Without Type
Astaras Theodoros
Oikonomidis Dimitrios
Dimopoulos Georgios
Lamprinos Nikolaos
Filippidis Anestis
Environmental monitoring of the Stratoni – Stratoniki area ,Chalkidiki ,Greece ,using LANDSAT/TM digital images
Proceedings of 16th EARSEL Congress
16th EARSEL Congress
Georgakopoulos Andreas
Filippidis Anestis
Kasoli-Fournaraki Anna
Fernández-Turiel J.-L
Llorens J. F
The content of some trace elements in surface soils and fly ash of Ptolemais lignite basin, Macedonia, Greece
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Environmental Pollution
(ed.) Anagnostopoulos, A
Thessaloniki, Greece
Without Type
Filippidis Anestis
Environmental Geology: Mineral Resources and Environment (in Greek)
Without Type
Barbieri M
Garbarino C
Masi U
Mignard S
Nicoletti M
Kasoli-Fournaraki Anna
Filippidis Anestis
A further contribution to the geochemistry of the granitoid pluton of Stratoni (Eastern Chalkidiki, Greece)
Bulletin of Geological Society of Greece
vol.4 no.2 p.430-435
Georgakopoulos Andreas
Fernández-Turiel J.-L
Filippidis Anestis
Llorens J. F
Kasoli-Fournaraki Anna
Querol X
Lopez-Soler A
Trace element contents of the lava xylite/lignite and Ptolemais lignite deposits, Macedonia county, Greece
Coal Science, Vols i and Ii
vol.24 p.163-166
Kasoli-Fournaraki Anna
Filippidis Anestis
Kolcheva K
Hatzipanayotou K
Koepke J
Dimadis E
Multi-stage alteration of the Gorgona ultramafic body, central Rhodope Massif, Greece
Chemie Der Erde-Geochemistry
vol.55 no.4 p.331-344
Koutles Th
Kasoli-Fournaraki Anna
Filippidis Anestis
Tsirampidis Ananias
Geology and geochemistry of the Eocene zeolitic-bearing volcaniclastic sediments of Metaxades, Thrace, Greece
Estudios Geologicos
vol.51 no.1-2 p.19-27
Michailidis Kleopas
Kasoli-Fournaraki Anna
Ericsson T
Filippidis Anestis
Godelitsas A
Prehnite formation and metamorphic relations in the metagabbros of the Oreokastro ophiolite suite, Macedonia, Greece
Taylor & Francis
vol.117 no.1 p.15-21
Misailidis Panagiotis
Godelitsas A
Filippidis Anestis
Charistos Dimitrios
Anousis Ioannis
Thorium and uranium uptake by natural zeolitic materials
Science of the Total Environmen
vol.173-174 p.237-246
Misailidis Panagiotis
Godelitsas Athanasios
Filippidis Anestis
The use of zeoliferous rocks from Metaxades-Thrace, Greece, for the removal of caesium from aqueous solutions
Fresenius Environmental Bulletin
vol.4 no.4 p.227-231
Without Type
Filippidis Anestis
Godelitsas Athanasios
Charistos Dimitrios
Misailidis Panagiotis
Kasoli-Fournaraki Anna
The chemical behaviour of a natural low-silica zeolitic material in 1M NaCl solutions of different initial pH values
Proceedings of the International Symposium and Exhibition on Natural Zeolites
International Symposium and Exhibition on Natural Zeolites
Sofia - Greece
Giannakopoulos Athanasios
Tserveni-Gousi Angeliki
Katsaounis Nikolaos
Kasoli-Fournaraki Anna
Filippidis Anestis
Tsolakidou A
The influence of Greek clinoptilolite-bearing rocks on the performance of laying hens, in the early stage of laying
International Symposium and Exhibition on Natural Zeolites
Sofia - Bulgaria
Godelitsas Atahnasios
Dwyer J
Charistos Dimitrios
Manos G
Tsipis Konstantinos
Filippidis Anestis
Chatzikostas Christos
Misailidis Panagiotis
Surface chemistry of HEU-type zeolite crystals in respect of Cobalt complex-compounds
International Symposium and Exhibition on Natural Zeolites
Sofia - Bulgaria
Koutles Th
Tsirampidis Ananias
Kasoli-Fournaraki Anna
Filippidis Anestis
Origin of the Eocene zeolite-rich volcaniclastic sediments of Metaxades, Thrace, Greece
Proceedings of the International Symposium and Exhibition on Natural Zeolites
International Symposium and Exhibition on Natural Zeolites
Sofia - Bulgaria
Tserveni-Gousi Angeliki
Giannakopoulos Athanasios
Katsaounis Nikolaos
Filippidis Anestis
Kasoli-Fournaraki Anna
Fortomaris Paschalis
The influence of Greek clinoptilolite-bearing rocks on the egg shell quality, in the early stage of laying
International Symposium and Exhibition on Natural Zeolites
Sofia - Bulgaria
Without Type
Filippidis Anestis
Godelitsas Athanasios
Misailidis Panagiotis
Charistos Dimitrios
Kasoli-Fournaraki Anna
Tsirampidis Ananias
The zeoliferous rock of Metaxades-Thrace and its ability to adsorb radionuclides and heavy metals from their toxic concentrations (in Greek)
Scientific Meeting “Mineralogy and Geochemistry: Their contribution to the environmental protection”
Thessaloniki - Greece
Godelitsas Athanasios
Dwyer J
Charistos Dimitrios
Filippidis Anestis
Tsipis Konstantinos
Structural characteristics and surface chemistry of chemically modified natural zeolite crystals
International NATO Meeting on New Trends in Materials Chemistry
Lucca - Italy
Without Type
Filippidis Anestis
Kasoli-Fournaraki Anna
Tsirampidis Ananias
The zeolites of Petrota and Metaxades (Thrace) and the kaolins of Leucogia (Macedonia), Greece. International Symposium and Exhibition on Natural Zeolites, Sofia, Bulgaria, 18-25/06/1995, Field Trip Guide (B. Aleksiev, ed.), 49-62
Filippidis Anestis
Mineralogical analysis of concrete samples by XRD (in Greek). Thessaloniki, Greece, Report
Without Type
Georgakopoulos Andreas
Filippidis Anestis
Kasoli-Fournaraki Anna
Morphology and trace element contents of the fly ash from Main and Northern lignite fields in Ptolemais, Greece
vol.73 no.11 p.1802-1804
Godelitsas Athanasios
Charistos Dimitrios
Zormpa Triantafyllia
Filippidis Anestis
Siapkas Dimitrios
FT-IR spectroscopic study of fibrous natural zeolites
Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece
vol.30 no.3 p.301-309
Without Type
Godelitsas Athanasios
Χαριστός Δημήτριος
Τσίπης Κωνσταντίνος
Φιλιππίδης Ανέστης
Stiakaki M. A
Σιάπκας Δημήτριος
Ζορμπά Τριανταφυλλιά
Characterization of HEU type zeolite by powder XRD, 29Si & 27Al MAS NMR, FT-IR and XPS-ESCA
Πρακτικά 15ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Χημείας
15ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Χημείας
vol.B p.485-488
Μισαηλίδης Παναγιώτης
Godelitsas Athanasio
Φιλιππίδης Ανέστης
The caesium uptake by the zeoliferous rocks of Metaxades area (Evros, Thrace)
Πρακτικά 15ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Χημείας
15ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Χημείας
vol.A p.218-221
Without Type
Misailidis Panagiotis
Godelitsas Athanasios
Charistos Dimitrios
Filippidis Anestis
Anousis Ioannis
Uranium and thorium uptake by natural zeolitic material
7th International Symposium on Environmental Radiochemical Analysis
Bournemouth - U.K
Without Type
Filippidis Anestis
New Find of Moissanite in the Metaxades Zeolite-Bearing Volcaniclastic Rocks, Thrace County, Greece
Neues Jahrbuch Fur Mineralogie-Monatshefte
no.11 p.521-527
Melfos Vasilios
Vavelidis Michail
Filippidis Anestis
Christofidis Georgios
Evangelou E
"Framboidal" pyrite in the Fe-Cu-(Zn-Pb-Au) mineralization of Xylagani area, Rhodopi prefecture (Thrace)
Bulletin of the Geological Society οf Greece
vol.28 no.2 p.407-415
Misailidis Panagiotis
Godelitsas A
Charistos Dimitrios
Noli Foteini
Filippidis Anestis
Sikalidis Konstantinos
Determination of heavy metal uptake by the sodium form of heulandite using radiochemical techniques
Geologica Carpathica - Clays
vol.1 no.2 p.115-119
Tsirampidis Ananias
Filippidis Anestis
Kasoli-Fournaraki Anna
Zeolitic alteration of Eocene volcaniclastic sediments at Metaxades, Thrace, Greece
Applied Clay Science
vol.7 no.6 p.509-526
Without Type
Filippidis Anestis
Chatzikirkou A
Katirtzoglou C
Skounakis S
Michailidis Kleopas
Kasoli-Fournaraki Anna
Trace element contents in pyrites from the Tertiary and Pre-Mesozoic sulphide deposits of the Kirki-Leptokaria-Essimi area, Thrace, Greece
Proceedings of the Second Biennial SGA Meeting
Second Biennial SGA Meeting
(eds) Hach-Ali, F., Torres-Ruiz, J. and Gervilla, F
Granada, Spain
University of Granada
Kasoli-Fournaraki Anna
Georgakopoulos Andreas
Michailidis Kleopas
Filippidis Anestis
Morphology, mineralogy and chemistry of the respirable-size (<5μm) fly ash fraction from the Main and Northern lignite fields in Ptolemais, Macedonia, Greece
Proceedings of the Second Biennial SGA Meeting
Second Biennial SGA Meeting
(eds) Hach-Ali, F., Torres-Ruiz, J., Gervilla, F
University of Granada
Michailidis Kleopas
Filippidis Anestis
Kasoli-Fournaraki Anna
Polytypism and rhenium-contents of molybdenites from two Mo-deposits in Northern Greece
Proceedings of the Second Biennial SGA Meeting
Second Biennial SGA Meeting
(eds) Hach-Ali, F., Torres-Ruiz, J., Gervilla, F
Granada, Spain
University of Granada
Savin S.M
Tsirampidis Ananias
Kasoli-Fournaraki Anna
Filippidis Anestis
Oxygen-isotope evidence for the alteration of the Eocene zeolite-bearing volcaniclastic sediments of Metaxades, Thrace, Greece
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on the Occurrence, Properties and Utilization of Natural Zeolites
4th International Conference on the Occurrence, Properties and Utilization of Natural Zeolites
Boise, Idaho - U.S.A
Without Type
Ericsson T
Papatheodorou K
Sklavounos Spyridonas
Filippidis Anestis
Oxidation state of biotite from heated perlite samples from Chivadolimni deposits in Milos Island, Greece
Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie Monatshefte
vol.1 p.1-12
Filippidis Anestis
Georgakopoulos Andreas
Kasoli-Fournaraki Anna
Mineralogical components from ashing at 600°C to 1000°C of the Ptolemais lignite, Greece
Trends in Mineralogy
vol.1 p.295-300
Filippidis Anestis
Trace element contents of pyrites from Tertiary sulfide deposits of the Kirki - Essimi basin, Northeastern Greece
Mineral Wealth
vol.78 p.45-52
Filippidis Anestis
Georgakopoulos Andreas
Mineralogical and chemical investigation of fly ash from the Main and Northern lignite fields in Ptolemais, Greece
vol.71 no.4 p.373-376
Georgakopoulos Andreas
Kasoli-Fournaraki Anna
Filippidis Anestis
Morphology, Mineralogy and Chemistry of the fly ash from the Ptolemais lignite basin (Greece) in relation to some problems in human health
Trends in Mineralogy
vol.1 p.301-305
Kasoli-Fournaraki Anna
Georgakopoulos Andreas
Filippidis Anestis
Heating experiments of the Ptolemais lignite in the temperature range from 100°C to 500°C
Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie
vol.11 p.487-493
Sklavounos Spyridonas
Ericsson L
Filippidis Anestis
Michailidis Kleopas
Kougoulis C
Chemical, X-ray and Mossbauer investigation of a turquoise from the Vathi area volcanic rocks, Macedonia, Greece
Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie Monatschefte
vol.10 p.469-480
Without Type
Georgakopoulos Andreas
Filippidis Anestis
Kasoli-Fournaraki Anna
Mineralogy, chemistry and morphology of ash from laboratory combustion at 1000o C and fly ash from Ptolemais lignite – Utilization and environment (in Greek)
Proceedings of Sci. Meeting “Lignite & Energy balance”
Sci. Meeting “Lignite & Energy balance”
Kozani - Greece
Georgakopoulos Andreas
Kasoli-Fournaraki Anna
Filippidis Anestis
Morphology, mineralogy and chemistry of the fly ash from the Ptolemais lignite basin (Greece) in relation to some problems in human healt
29th International Geological Congress
Kyoto, Japan
vol.1 p.301-305
Without Type
Filippidis Anestis
Further comments on the opaque mineral assemblages in ultramafic rocks - an experimental study
vol.16 no.1 p.1-6
Without Type
Melfos Vasilios
Vavelidis Michail
Filippidis Anestis
Christofidis Georgios
Evangelou E
Re-rich and Re-poor molybdenite in the Maronia rhyolitic intrusion, Northeastern Greece
Proceedings of the 25 years SGA anniversary meeting
25 years SGA Anniversary Meeting
(eds) Pagel, M., Leroy, J
Nancy, France
Balkema Press
Without Type
Filippidis Anestis
Georgakopoulos Andreas
Kasoli-Fournaraki Anna
Mineralogical study of fly ash from North and Main field of Ptolemais lignite basin (in Greek)
1st Congress “Geosciences and Environment”
Patras - Greece
Without Type
Dimadis E
Kasoli-Fournaraki Anna
Kolcheva K
Filippidis Anestis
Tsirampidis Ananias
Ultramafic body in Gorgona area, North of Xanthi (Central Rhodope Massif, Greece)
Geologica Rhodopica
vol.2 p.117-126
Filippidis Anestis
Experimental investigation on the Mg-rich side of the Mg2SiO4-Fe2SiO4-Zn2SiO4 system
Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece
vol.22 p.115-124
Kirov G. N
Filippidis Anestis
Tsirampidis Ananias
Tzvetanov R. G
Kasoli-Fournaraki Anna
Zeolite-bearing rocks in Petrota area (Eastern Rhodope Massif, Greece)
Geologica Rhodopica
vol.2 p.500-511
Without Type
Filippidis Anestis
High temperature study of the system Fe2SiO4-Mn2SiO4-Mg2SiO4
Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece
vol.23 no.2 p.283-293
Michailidis Kleopas
Filippidis Anestis
Vavelidis Michail
Evangelou E
Chemical composition of some ore minerals from the St. Philippos (Kirki) polymetallic deposits
Geologica Rhodopica
vol.1 p.389-395
Morad S
Filippidis Anestis
AlDahan A.A
Collini B
Qunchanum P
Stellerite and Sr-containing stilbite in granitic rocks from the Siljan ring structure, central Sweden
Bulletin of the Geological Institutions of the University of Uppsala
vol.12 p.143-149
Sklavounos Spyridonas
Filippidis Anestis
Meta-autunite and autunite occurrence in the Dipotama granite, Drama, North Greece
Geologica Rhodopica
vol.1 p.431-437
Tsirampidis Ananias
Kasoli-Fournaraki Anna
Filippidis Anestis
Soldatos Triantafyllos
Preliminary results on clinoptilolite-containing volcaniclastic sediments from Metaxades, NE Greece
Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece
vol.23 no.2 p.451-460
Vavelidis Michail
Filippidis Anestis
Michailidis Kleopas
Evangelou E
The polymetallic ore mineralization of the Kirki area, Alexandroupolis district, Northeast Greece
Geologica Rhodopica
vol.1 p.350-365
Without Type
Kasoli-Fournaraki Anna
Filippidis Anestis
Soldatos Triantafyllos
Thimiatis Th
Chemical investigation of basic meta‐igneous rocks in Sykia, South Sithonia, Northern Greece
Proceedings of XIV Congress of Carpathian Balkan Geological Association (CBGA)
XIV Congress of Carpathian Balkan Geological Association (CBGA)
Sofia, Bulgaria
Without Type
Kirov G.N
Filippidis Anestis
Tsirampidis Ananias
Tzvetanov R.G
Kasoli-Fournaraki Anna
Zeolite-bearing rocks in Petrota area (Eastern Rhodope Massif, Greece)
2nd Hellenic-Bulgarian Symposium for the Rhodope Massif
Thessaloniki - Greece
Without Type
Filippidis Anestis
Kougoulis C
Michailidis Kleopas
Sr-bearning stilbite in a quartz-monzonite from Vathi, Kolkis, Northern Greece
Schweizer Mineralogische und Petrographische Mitteilungen
vol.68 p.67-76
Without Type
Vavelidis Michail
Michailidis Kleopas
Filippidis Anestis
Boboti I
Das Seifengoldvorkommen von Apollonia, Prefektur Thessaloniki/Griechenland
Fortschritte der Mineralogie
vol.65 no.1 p.187
Without Type
Michailidis Kleopas
Vavelidis Michail
Filippidis Anestis
Industrial Minerals and Rocks (in Greek)
Without Type
Ericsson Tony
Filippidis Anestis
Cation ordering in the limited solid solution Fe2SiO4- Zn2SiO4
American Mineralogist
vol.71 no.11-12 p.1502-1509
Filippidis Anestis
Vavelidis Michail
Michailidis Kleopas
Evagelou E
Re-rich and Re-poor Molybdenite in the Melitena porphyritic intrusion, Rhodope massive (Greece)
Fortschritte der Mineralogie
vol.64 no.1 p.47
Without Type
Filippidis Anestis
Experimental work on opaque mineral assemblages in ultramafic rocks
International Geological Collaboration Program for the Metallogeny of Ophiolites (IGCP 197)
Athens - Greece
Without Type
Filippidis Anestis
Michailidis Kleopas
Vavelidis Michail
Geochemistry II: Applied Geochemistry (in Greek)
Filippidis Anestis
Michailidis Kleopas
Vavelidis Michail
Economic Geology II: Metallic Mineral Deposits (in Greek)
Michailidis Kleopas
Vavelidis Michail
Filippidis Anestis
Economic Geology I: General Economic Geology (in Greek)
Vavelidis Michail
Filippidis Anestis
Michailidis Kleopas
Mining Geology (in Greek)
Vavelidis Michail
Filippidis Anestis
Michailidis Kleopas
Economic Geology (in Greek)
Without Type
Βαβελίδης Μιχαήλ
Φιλιππίδης Ανέστης
Μιχαηλίδης Κλέοπας
Σημειώσεις οικονομικής κοιτασματολογίας
Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης
Φιλιππίδης Ανέστης
Μιχαηλίδης Κλέοπας
Βαβελίδης Μιχαήλ
Σημειώσεις κοιτασματολογίας
Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης
Without Type
Filippidis Anestis
Formation of awaruite in the system Ni-Fe-Mg-Si-O-H-S and olivine hydration with NaOH solution, an experimental study
Economic Geology
vol.80 no.7 p.1974-1980
Without Type
Ericsson T
Filippidis Anestis
A Mossbauer and X-Ray Investigation of Zn-containing Fayalite and Fe-containing Willemite
VIII International Conference of Solid Compounds of Transition Elements
Vienna - Austria
Without Type
Annersten H
Filippidis Anestis
Cation ordering in Ni-Fe olivines: reply
American Mineralogist
vol.69 no.1-2
Annersten H
Adetunji J
Filippidis Anestis
Cation ordering in Fe-Mn silicate olivines
American Mineralogist
vol.69 no.11-12 p.1110-1115
Without Type
Arnbom J-O
Filippidis Anestis
Filippidis Savvas
Sokoutis D
The VLF-method for water prospecting in Greece (in Swedish with English summary)
Without Type
Andersson S-G
Filippidis Anestis
Holmgren J
Smeds S-A
Kompendium i Mineral-och Bergartskannedom for Geovetenskap (in Swedish)
Uppsala, Sweden
Arnbom J-O
Filippidis Anestis
Thelin B
Berggrunden i Sverige och Ovriga Fennoskandia (in Swedish)
Uppsala, Sweden
Without Type
Annersten H
Ericsson T
Filippidis Anestis
Cation ordering in Ni-Fe olivines
American Mineralogist
vol.67 no.11-12 p.1212-1217
Filippidis Anestis
Experimental study of the serpentinization of Mg-Fe-Ni olivine in the presence of sulfur
Canadian Mineralogist
vol.20 no.4 p.567-574
Nord A. G
Annersten H
Filippidis Anestis
The cation distribution in synthetic Mg-Fe-Ni olivines
American Mineralogist
vol.67 no.11-12 p.1206-1211
Without Type
Filippidis Anestis
Experimental study on the serpentinization of Mg-Fe-Ni olivine in the presence of sulfur
Nord A.G
Annersten H
Filippidis Anestis
The cation distribution in synthetic Mg-Fe-Ni olivines
Without Type
Filippidis Anestis
Nickel partitioning in olivine and its decomposition products in serpentinized ultramafic rocks. Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, PhD-theisis
Uppsala, Sweden
Without Type
Filippidis Anestis
Annersten H
Mineral chemical investigation of an ultramafic nickel bearing body in the Swedish Caledonides
Unesco. An International Symposium on Metallogeny of Mafic and Ultramafic Complexes: The Eastern Mediterranean-Western Asia Area, and its Comparison with Similar Metallogenic Environments in the World (IGCP 169)
An International Symposium on Metallogeny of Mafic and Ultramafic Complexes: The Eastern Mediterranean-Western Asia Area, and its Comparison with Similar Metallogenic Environments in the World (IGCP 169)
National Technical University of Athens; First Edition (1981)
vol.2 p.115-130
Without Type
Annersten H
Ericsson T
Filippidis Anestis
Cation ordering in Ni-Fe - olivines. Uppsala University Department Mineralogy and Petrology (UUDMP) Research Report, 25
Filippidis Anestis
Annersten H
Nickel partitioning between silicates and ore minerals in serpentinized ultramafic rocks from the Swedish Caledonides
Aggiornato: 2018-11-03