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Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης
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e-Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae
Evangelos Chologkitas
Assistant Professor (Departed), School of Medicine
Personal Information
Scopus IDs
PubMed ID
Γνωστικό Αντικείμενο
Επιστημονική Ειδίκευση
Προπτυχιακές Σπουδές
Ιατρική/ Επιστημών Υγείας
Διδακτορικό Δίπλωμα
Καποδιστριακό Αθηνών
Για 2 έτη (2004-2006) στο ROYAL Free Hospital, London στην ηπατολογία-Μεταμόσχευση ήπατος
Course Work
Courses of Spring semester of 2018–19 academic year
Internal Medicine I
Theses Supervised
Student Theses within AUTh
No results were found.
Administrative Work
Θέση Όργανο / Επιτροπή
Member, b. Μέλος επιστημονικής επιτροπής για την αναδιοργάνωση και αναμόρφωση του προγράμματος σπουδών του Παθολογικού τομέα του ΑΠΘ
Θέση Περιγραφή
Μέλος, Επιτροπή ιστοσελίδας Ελληνικής Εταιρείας Μελέτης ήπατος
Μέλος, Επιτροπή Ερευνας Ελληνικής Εταιρείας Μελέτης ήπατος
Αντιπρόεδρος, Επιτροπής Λοιμώξεων ΓΝΝ Σητείας
Research Projects
Εκτίμηση χρονίων νοσημάτων ήπατος.
Σημασία των μεταβολών του επιφανειακού αντιγόνου HBsAG, της IL-28B και της βιταμίνης D στην έκβαση των ασθενών με χρόνια HBeAG αρνητική ηπατίτιδα Β υπο νουκλεοσ(τ)ιδικά ανάλογα
Εκτίμηση χρόνιων νοσημάτων ήπατος
Νέες θεραπευτικές προσεγγίσεις στη μεταμόσχευση ήπατος: Everolimus
Μεταμοσχευμένοι Ασθενείς
Ηπατοκυτταρικός καρκίνος και μεταμόσχευση ήπατος: Ποιά είναι η βέλτιστη ανοσοκαταστολή
ΔΡΑΣΗ Α:Ενίσχυση Νέων Ερευνητών στη βαθμίδα του Λέκτορα (β' φάση): Εκτίμηση λειτουργίας επινεφριδίων σε ασθενείς με μη-αντιρροπούμενη κίρρωση
Work Acknowledgement
Βιβλιοκρισίες Δημοσιεύσεων ‘Evangelos Chologkitas’
Διεθνή Περιοδικά
Michael D. Voigt
Predicting death in patients with acetaminophen-induced acute liver failure: The King's college hospital modelis on the SOFA,
Liver Transplantation
P. Charatcharoenwitthaya, K. Lindor
Recurrence of primary sclerosing cholangitis: What do we learn from several transplant centers
Liver Transplantation
Robert G. Gish
Do we need to MEND the MELD?
Liver Transplantation
Without Type
Chologkitas Evangelos
Shusang V
Germani G
Tsochatzis E
Raimondo M. L
Marelli L
Senzolo M
Davidson B. R
Patch D
Rolles K
Burroughs A. K
Long-term follow-up of immunosuppressive monotherapy in liver transplantation: tacrolimus and microemulsified cyclosporin
Clinical Transplantation
vol.25 no.4 p.614-624
Chologkitas Evangelos
Goulis Ioannis
Akriviadis Evangelos
Papatheodoridis George V
Hepatitis B immunoglobulin and/or nucleos(t)ide analogues for prophylaxis against hepatitis b virus recurrence after liver transplantation: a systematic review
Liver Transplantation
vol.17 no.10 p.1176-1190
Davenport A
Chologkitas Evangelos
Xirouchakis E
Burroughs A. K
Pitfalls in assessing renal function in patients with cirrhosis--potential inequity for access to treatment of hepatorenal failure and liver transplantation
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
vol.26 no.9 p.2735-2742
Marelli L
Xirouchakis E
Kalambokis G
Chologkitas Evangelos
Hamilton M. I
Burroughs A. K
Does the severity of primary sclerosing cholangitis influence the clinical course of associated ulcerative colitis?
vol.60 no.9 p.1224-1228
Pipili C
Ilonidis Georgios
Chologkitas Evangelos
Hepatitis C virus and kidney: a strong association with different clinical aspects
Liver International
vol.31 no.8 p.1071-1080
Senzolo M
Schiff S
D'Aloiso C. M
Crivellin C
Chologkitas Evangelos
Burra P
Montagnese S
Neuropsychological alterations in hepatitis C infection: the role of inflammation
World Journal of Gastroenterology
vol.17 no.29 p.3369-3374
Senzolo M
Nadal E
Chologkitas Evangelos
Burroughs A. K
Is hydrophobia necessary for the hepatologist prescribing nonselective beta-blockers in cirrhosis?
vol.53 no.6 p.2149-2150
Smyk D
Chologkitas Evangelos
Kriese S
Rigopoulou E. I
Bogdanos D. P
Primary biliary cirrhosis: family stories
Autoimmune Diseases
vol.2011 p.189585
Tsochatzis E. A
Gurusamy K. S
Ntaoula S
Chologkitas Evangelos
Davidson B. R
Burroughs A. K
Elastography for the diagnosis of severity of fibrosis in chronic liver disease: a meta-analysis of diagnostic accuracy
Journal of Hepatology
vol.54 no.4 p.650-659
Xirouchakis E
Marelli L
Chologkitas Evangelos
Manousou P
Calvaruso V
Pleguezuelo M
Guerrini G. P
Maimone S
Kerry A
Hajjawi M
Nair D
, et al
Comparison of cystatin C and creatinine-based glomerular filtration rate formulas with 51Cr-EDTA clearance in patients with cirrhosis
Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrol
vol.6 no.1 p.84-92
Without Type
Chologkitas Evangelos
Xirouchakis E
Garcovich M
Burroughs A. K
Evaluation of renal function in patients with cirrhosis
World Journal of Hepatology
vol.53 no.3 p.589
Chologkitas Evangelos
Vibhakorn S
Lodato F
Burroughs A. K
Angiotensin II antagonists in patients with recurrent hepatitis C virus infection after liver transplantation
Liver International
vol.30 no.2 p.334-335
Chologkitas Evangelos
Tsochatzis Emmanuel
Goulis Ioannis
Burroughs Andrew K
Noninvasive tests for evaluation of fibrosis in HCV recurrence after liver transplantation: a systematic review
Transplant International
vol.23 no.9 p.861-870
Chologkitas Evangelos
Spyrou S
Georgousaki C
Dasenaki M
Comment on: Recurrent skin reaction attributable to darbepoetin alfa in a patient with chronic renal failure
Renal Failure
vol.32 no.4 p.528
Chologkitas Evangelos
Pipili C
Impact of burnout syndrome on gastroesophageal reflux disease and irritable bowel syndrome in health care workers
The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry
vol.71 no.2 p.209-210
Chologkitas Evangelos
Papatheodoridis G. V
Burroughs A. K
Liver grafts from anti-hepatitis B core positive donors: a systematic review
Journal of Hepatology
vol.52 no.2 p.272-279
Chologkitas Evangelos
Ilonidis Georgios
Transmission of varicella-zoster virus originating from a patient with localized herpes zoster: Implications for infection control?
American Journal of Infection Control
vol.38 no.8 p.669-670
Chologkitas Evangelos
Germani G
Burroughs A. K
Prioritization for liver transplantation
Nature Reviews and Gastroenterology Hepatology
vol.7 no.12 p.659-668
Chologkitas Evangelos
Georgousaki C
Spyrou S
Dasenaki M
Linezolid-induced severe hyperbilirubinemia in a patient with decompensated cirrhosis
Journal of Infection
vol.60 no.2 p.182-183
Chologkitas Evangelos
Calvaruso V
Betrosian A
Senzolo M
Shaw S
O'Beirne J
Burroughs A. K
Critically ill patients with cirrhosis and low serum sodium
Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology
vol.44 no.7 p.523-4; author reply 524-5
Chologkitas Evangelos
Burroughs A. K
Is it difficult to obtain an optimal liver biopsy specimen?
vol.51 no.1 p.355-356
Goulding C
Chologkitas Evangelos
Nair D
Kerry A
Patch D
Akyol M
Walker S
Manas D
Smith L
Jamieson N
, et al
Assessment of reproducibility of creatinine measurement and MELD scoring in four liver transplant units in the UK
Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation
vol.25 no.3 p.960-966
Kokolakis G. P
Ioannidis Dimitrios
Chologkitas Evangelos
Krüger-Krasagakis S
Guttate psoriasis occurring on varicella lesions
The Journal of Dermatology
vol.37 no.9 p.857-859
Triantos C. K
Samonakis D
Thalheimer U
Chologkitas Evangelos
Senzolo M
Marelli L
Leandro G
Patch D
Burroughs A. K
Terlipressin therapy for renal failure in cirrhosis
European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
vol.22 no.4 p.481-486
Without Type
Chologkitas Evangelos
Senzolo M
Patch D
Shaw S
O'Beirne J
Burroughs A. K
Cirrhotics admitted to intensive care unit: the impact of acute renal failure on mortality
European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
vol.21 no.7 p.744-750
Chologkitas Evangelos
Pipili C
Ioannidis Dimitrios
Malassezia folliculitis presented as acneiform eruption after cetuximab administration
Journal of drugs in dermatology
vol.8 no.3 p.274-275
Chologkitas Evangelos
Papadakis E
Kaklamanis L
Dasenaki M
Peripheral facial palsy in elderly: not always a benign condition
Geriatrics Gerontology International
vol.9 no.1 p.100-101
Chologkitas Evangelos
Manousou P
Samonakis D
Burroughs A. K
Progression of HCV infection in patients with chronic kidney disease
Journal of Hepatology
vol.50 no.3 p.621-622
Chologkitas Evangelos
Katsogridakis K
Dasenaki M
Acalculous cholecystitis during the course of acute Epstein-Barr virus infection
International Journal of Infectious Diseases
vol.13 no.3 p.e129-130
Chologkitas Evangelos
Karatzi C
Spyrou S
Georgousaki C
Dasenaki M
Linezolid-induced complex partial seizures in a patient with epilepsy
Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases
vol.41 no.6-7 p.540-541
Chologkitas Evangelos
Ioannidis Dimitrios
Acrocyanosis due to cold agglutinins in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis
Journal of Clinical Rheumatology
vol.15 no.7 p.375
Chologkitas Evangelos
Germani G
Tsochatzis E
Burroughs A. K
Towards a better liver allocation system
Journal of Hepatology
vol.51 no.4 p.827-828
Chologkitas Evangelos
Georgousaki C
Spyrou S
Rellos K
Dasenaki M
Staphylococcal pneumonia with multiple muscle abscesses in an immunocompetent patient
International Journal of Infectious Diseases
vol.13 no.6 p.e521
Chologkitas Evangelos
Georgousaki C
Spyrou S
Katsogridakis K
Dasenaki M
Stevens-Johnson syndrome related to ciprofloxacin, possibly enhanced by overadministration of levothyroxine
Dermatology Online Journal
vol.15 no.11 p.16
Chologkitas Evangelos
Georgousaki C
Spyrou S
Dasenaki M
Generalized convulsions due to sorafenib-induced hypocalcemia
Indian Journal of Gastroenterology
vol.28 no.4 p.158-159
Chologkitas Evangelos
Georgousaki C
Spyrou S
Dasenaki M
Ciprofloxacin-induced acute cholestatic hepatitis
Annals of Hepatology
vol.8 no.4 p.400-401
Chologkitas Evangelos
Calvaruso V
Senzolo M
Patch D
Shaw S
O'Beirne J
Burroughs A. K
RIFLE classification as predictive factor of mortality in patients with cirrhosis admitted to intensive care unit
Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
vol.24 no.10 p.1639-1647
Chologkitas Evangelos
Paroxysmal atrial tachycardia associated with prednisolone administration
Journal of Postgraduate Medicine
vol.55 no.4 p.316
Manousou P
Samonakis D
Chologkitas Evangelos
Patch D
O'Beirne J
Dhillon A. P
Rolles K
McCormick A
Hayes P
Burroughs A. K
Outcome of recurrent hepatitis C virus after liver transplantation in a randomized trial of tacrolimus monotherapy versus triple therapy
Liver Transplantation
vol.15 no.12 p.1783-1791
Marelli L
Shusang V
Buscombe J. R
Chologkitas Evangelos
Stigliano R
Davies N
Tibballs J
Patch D
Meyer T
Burroughs A. K
Transarterial injection of (131)I-lipiodol, compared with chemoembolization, in the treatment of unresectable hepatocellular cancer
The Journal of Nuclear Medicine
vol.50 no.6 p.871-877
Papatheodoridis G. V
Chologkitas Evangelos
Archimandritis A. J
Burroughs A. K
Current management of hepatitis B virus infection before and after liver transplantation
Liver International
vol.29 no.9 p.1294-1305
Papatheodoridis George V
Chrysanthos Nikolaos
Chologkitas Evangelos
Pavlou Efthimia
Apergis George
Tiniakos Dina G
Andrioti Evangelia
Theodossiades George
Archimandritis Athanassios J
Thrombotic risk factors and liver histologic lesions in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
Journal of Hepatology
vol.51 no.5 p.931-938
Pipili C
Sfritzeri A
Cholongitas E
Deforming arthropathy in SLE: review in the literature apropos of one case
Rheumatol Int
vol.29 no.10 p.1219-1221
Pipili C
Chologkitas Evangelos
Tzanatos H
Two cases of silent superior vena cava syndrome associated with vascular access and end-stage renal disease
The International Journal of Artificial Organs
vol.32 no.12 p.883-888
Pipili C
Chologkitas Evangelos
Ioannidis Dimitrios
Phytocontact dermatitis caused by artichoke: an exceptionally rare case
Clinical and Experimental Dermatology
vol.34 no.4 p.534-535
Pipili C
Chologkitas Evangelos
Giannikaki E
Ioannidis Dimitrios
Skin infection masquerading as lupus erythematosous profundus
European Journal of Dermatology
vol.19 no.5 p.521-522
Pipili C
Chologkitas Evangelos
Is pulverized levothyroxine a better therapeutic option in patients with heart failure?
Southern Medical Association
vol.102 no.8 p.870-871
Senzolo M
Chologkitas Evangelos
Thalheimer U
Riddell A
Agarwal S
Mallett S
Ferronato C
Burroughs A. K
Heparin-like effect in liver disease and liver transplantation
Clinics in Liver Disease
vol.13 no.1 p.43-53
Senzolo M
Chologkitas Evangelos
Burra P
Leandro G
Thalheimer U
Patch D
Burroughs A. K
β-Blockers protect against spontaneous bacterial peritonitis in cirrhotic patients: a meta-analysis
Liver International
vol.29 no.8 p.1189-1193
Vibhakorn S
Chologkitas Evangelos
Kalambokis G
Manousou P
Quaglia A
Marelli L
Senzolo M
Patch D
Dhillon A
Burroughs A. K
A comparison of four- versus three-pass transjugular biopsy using a 19-G Tru-Cut needle and a randomized study using a cassette to prevent biopsy fragmentation
CardioVascular and Interventional Radiology
vol.32 no.3 p.508-513
Without Type
Chologkitas Evangelos
Shusang V
Patch D
Burroughs A. K
Pathogenesis of primary sclerosing cholangitis
Journal of Hepatology
vol.49 no.5 p.863-4; author reply 864-5
Chologkitas Evangelos
Shusang V
Papatheodoridis G. V
Marelli L
Manousou P
Rolando N
Patch D
Rolles K
Davidson B
Burroughs A. K
Risk factors for recurrence of primary sclerosing cholangitis after liver transplantation
Liver Transplantation
vol.14 no.2 p.138-143
Chologkitas Evangelos
Pipili C
Katsogridakis K
Relos K
Dasenaki M
Dermatitis after suspected imatinib-levothyroxine interaction in a patient with gastrointestinal stromal tumor
Cancer Chemother Pharmacol
vol.61 no.6 p.1083-1084
Chologkitas Evangelos
Pipili C
Kaklamanis L
Dasenaki M
Is there any association between non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and primary sclerosing cholangitis/autoimmune hepatitis overlap syndrome?
Digestive Diseases and Sciences
vol.53 no.3 p.867-868
Chologkitas Evangelos
Pipili C
Ioannidis Dimitrios
Dermatitis herpetiformis in a patient with ulcerative colitis
Inflammatory Bowel Diseases
vol.14 no.4 p.581-582
Chologkitas Evangelos
Pipili C
Dasenaki M
Kaklamanis L
Piperacillin/tazobactam-induced Sweet syndrome in a patient with chronic lymphocytic leukemia and autoimmune cholangitis
The American Journal of Dermatopathology
vol.30 no.2 p.203-204
Chologkitas Evangelos
Pipili C
Dasenaki M
Goudras S
Are upper gastrointestinal symptoms associated with exacerbations of COPD?
International Journal of Clinical Practice
vol.62 no.6 p.967
Chologkitas Evangelos
Pipili C
Dasenaki M
Prevalence of upper and lower gastrointestinal symptoms in Greek patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
Journal of Gastrointestinal and Liver Diseases
vol.17 no.1 p.115-116
Chologkitas Evangelos
Pipili C
Dasenaki M
Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease and irritable bowel syndrome significantly associated with metabolic syndrome
Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology
vol.43 no.11 p.1405-1406
Chologkitas Evangelos
Pipili C
Dasenaki M
Acute angle closure glaucoma presented with nausea and epigastric pain
Digestive Diseases and Sciences
vol.53 no.5 p.1430-1431
Chologkitas Evangelos
Papatheodoridis G. V
Review article: novel therapeutic options for chronic hepatitis C
Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapy
vol.27 no.10 p.866-884
Chologkitas Evangelos
O'Beirne J
Betrossian A
Senzolo M
Shaw S
Patch D
Burroughs A. K
Prognostic impact of lactate in acute liver failure
Liver Transplantation
vol.14 no.1 p.121-122; author reply 123
Chologkitas Evangelos
Marelli L
Kerry A
Nair D
Patch D
Burroughs A. K
MELD and gender in the waiting list for liver transplantation
vol.85 no.10 p.1509-1510
Chologkitas Evangelos
Kokolakis G. P
Ioannidis Dimitrios
Painful pustular eruption in the groin and the scrotum induced by erlotinib
Journal of the Europena Academy of Dermatology an Venereology
vol.22 no.4 p.507-508
Chologkitas Evangelos
Kokolakis G
Ioannidis Dimitrios
How important is the pus culture obtained from epithelial growth factor receptor (EGFR) inhibitors' associated rash?
International Journal of Dermatology
vol.47 no.11 p.1203-1204
Chologkitas Evangelos
Kokolakis G
Giannikaki E
Ioannidis Dimitrios
Persistent generalized lichen nitidus successfully treated with enoxaparin sodium
American Journal of Clinical Dermatology
vol.9 no.5 p.349-350
Chologkitas Evangelos
Betrosian A
Senzolo M
Shaw S
Patch D
Manousou P
O'Beirne J
Burroughs A. K
Prognostic models in cirrhotics admitted to intensive care units better predict outcome when assessed at 48 h after admission
Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
vol.23 no.8 Pt 1 p.1223-1227
Chologkitas Evangelos
Amebic liver abscess in a patient with polycystic disease
Annals of Hepatology
vol.7 no.2 p.180-181
Papatheodoridis G. V
Chrysanthos N
Hadziyannis E
Chologkitas Evangelos
Manesis E. K
Longitudinal changes in serum HBV DNA levels and predictors of progression during the natural course of HBeAg-negative chronic hepatitis B virus infection
Journal of Viral Hepatitis
vol.15 no.6 p.434-441
Pipili C
Sfritzeri A
Chologkitas Evangelos
Deforming arthropathy in systemic lupus erythematosus
European Journal of Internal Medicine
vol.19 no.7 p.482-487
Pipili C
Katsogridakis K
Chologkitas Evangelos
Myocarditis due to Bartonella henselae
Southern Medical Association
vol.101 no.11 p.1186
Pipili C
Chologkitas Evangelos
Ioannidis Dimitrios
Is sunflower seed implicated in the development of black hairy tongue?
European Journal of Dermatology
vol.18 no.6 p.732
Pipili C
Chologkitas Evangelos
Ioannidis Dimitrios
The diagnostic importance of photosensitivity dermatoses in chronic alcoholism: report of two cases
Dermatology Online Journal
vol.14 no.11 p.15
Pipili C
Chologkitas Evangelos
Erythromelalgia in a diabetic patient managed with gabapentin
Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice
vol.79 no.3 p.e15-6
Senzolo M
Patch D
Miotto D
Ferronato C
Chologkitas Evangelos
Burroughs A. K
Interventional treatment should be incorporated in the algorithm for the management of patients with portal vein thrombosis
vol.48 no.4 p.1352-1353
Without Type
Burroughs A. K
Marelli L
Chologkitas Evangelos
Manousou P
Rolles K
Karam V
Delvart V
Adam R
Sabin C
Towards a better liver transplant allocation system
Liver Transplantation
vol.13 no.6 p.935-936
Burroughs A. K
Chologkitas Evangelos
Non-invasive tests for liver fibrosis: encouraging or discouraging results?
Journal of Hepatology
vol.46 no.5 p.751-755
Chologkitas Evangelos
Shusang V
Marelli L
Nair D
Thomas M
Patch D
Burns A
Sweny P
Burroughs A. K
Review article: renal function assessment in cirrhosis - difficulties and alternative measurements
Alimentary Pharmacology Therapeutics
vol.26 no.7 p.969-978
Chologkitas Evangelos
Senzolo M
Quaglia A
Patch D
Dhillon A. P
Burroughs A. K
Noninvasive tests in the post-liver transplantation setting
Liver Transplantation
vol.13 no.4 p.626-7; author reply 628-9
Chologkitas Evangelos
Quaglia A
Samonakis D
Mela M
Patch D
Dhillon A. P
Fanshawe T. R
Burroughs A. K
Transjugular liver biopsy in patients with diffuse liver disease: comparison of three cores with one or two cores for accurate histological interpretation
Liver International
vol.27 no.5 p.646-653
Chologkitas Evangelos
Pipili C
Katsogridakis K
Zouli C
Rellos K
Dasenaki M
Kaklamanis L
Plasmacytic infiltrates of the skin as the first clinical manifestation of multiple myeloma
International Journal of Dermatology
vol.46 no.12 p.1323-1324
Chologkitas Evangelos
Pipili C
Dasenaki M
Plexousakis E
Delibaltadakis G
Is diabetes mellitus or obesity a more important risk factor for colonic adenoma?
The American Journal of Gastroenterology
vol.102 no.3 p.692
Chologkitas Evangelos
Papatheodoridis G. V
Zappoli P
Giannakopoulou Alexandra
Patch D
Marelli L
Shusang V
Kalambokis G
Shirling G
Rolando N
Burroughs A. K
Combined HLA-DR and -DQ disparity is associated with a stable course of ulcerative colitis after liver transplantation for primary sclerosing cholangitis
Liver Transplantation
vol.13 no.4 p.552-557
Chologkitas Evangelos
Marelli L
Kerry A
Senzolo M
Goodier D. W
Nair D
Thomas M
Patch D
Burroughs A. K
Different methods of creatinine measurement significantly affect MELD scores
Liver Transplantation
vol.13 no.4 p.523-529
Chologkitas Evangelos
Marelli L
Kerry A
Goodier D. W
Nair D
Thomas M
Patch D
Burroughs A. K
Female liver transplant recipients with the same GFR as male recipients have lower MELD scores--a systematic bias
American Journal of Transplantion
vol.7 no.3 p.685-692
Kalambokis G
Manousou P
Vibhakorn S
Marelli L
Chologkitas Evangelos
Senzolo M
Patch D
Burroughs A. K
Transjugular liver biopsy--indications, adequacy, quality of specimens, and complications--a systematic review
Journal of Hepatology
vol.47 no.2 p.284-294
Manolakopoulos S
Triantos C
Bethanis S
Theodoropoulos J
Vlachogiannakos J
Chologkitas Evangelos
Sideridis M
Barbatis C
Piperopoulos P
Spiliadi C
Papadimitriou Nikolaos
, et al
Ultrasound-guided liver biopsy in real life: comparison of same-day prebiopsy versus real-time ultrasound approach
Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
vol.22 no.9 p.1490-1493
Marelli L
Stigliano R
Triantos C
Senzolo M
Chologkitas Evangelos
Davies N
Tibballs J
Meyer T
Patch D. W
Burroughs A. K
Transarterial therapy for hepatocellular carcinoma: which technique is more effective?: A systematic review of cohort and randomized studies
CardioVascular and Interventional Radiology
vol.30 no.1 p.6-25
Marelli L
Shusang V
Senzolo M
Chologkitas Evangelos
Goode A
Yu D
Patch D. W
Burroughs A. K
Repeated courses of transarterial embolization with polyvinyl alcohol particles: 'long life elixir' in a cirrhotic patient with unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma
European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
vol.19 no.4 p.329-332
Nebbia G
Mattes F. M
Chologkitas Evangelos
Garcia-Diaz A
Samonakis D. N
Burroughs A. K
Emery V. C
Exploring the bidirectional interactions between human cytomegalovirus and hepatitis C virus replication after liver transplantation
Liver Transplantation
vol.13 no.1 p.130-135
Samonakis D. N
Chologkitas Evangelos
Thalheimer U
Kalambokis G
Quaglia A
Triantos C. K
Mela M
Manousou P
Senzolo M
Dhillon A. P
Patch D
, et al
Hepatic venous pressure gradient to assess fibrosis and its progression after liver transplantation for HCV cirrhosis
Liver Transplanation
vol.13 no.9 p.1305-1311
Senzolo M
Germani G
Chologkitas Evangelos
Burra P
Burroughs A
Veno occlusive disease: update on clinical management
World Journal of Gastroenterology
vol.13 no.29 p.3918-3924
Senzolo M
Coppell J
Chologkitas Evangelos
Riddell A
Triantos C. K
Perry D
Burroughs A. K
The effects of glycosaminoglycans on coagulation: a thromboelastographic study
Blood Coagulation and Fibrinolysis
vol.18 no.3 p.227-236
Senzolo M
Burra P
Chologkitas Evangelos
Lodato F
Marelli L
Manousou P
Patch D
Sturniolo G. C
Burroughs A. K
The transjugular route: the key hole to the liver world
Digestive and Liver Disease
vol.39 no.2 p.105-116
Without Type
Senzolo M
Tibbals J
Chologkitas Evangelos
Triantos C. K
Burroughs A. K
Patch D
Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt for portal vein thrombosis with and without cavernous transformation
Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics
vol.23 no.6 p.767-775
Senzolo M
Patch D
Chologkitas Evangelos
Burroughs A. K
Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt for portal vein thrombosis with and without underlying cirrhosis
CardioVascular and Interventional Radiology
vol.30 no.3 p.545–545
Aggiornato: 2018-09-11