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Μονάδα Διασφάλισης Ποιότητας
Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης
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e-Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae
Efstratios-Iordanis Moralidis
Associate Professor, School of Medicine
Personal Information
Scopus ID
PubMed ID
Γνωστικό Αντικείμενο
Πυρηνική Ιατρική
Επιστημονική Ειδίκευση
Ιατρική διαγνωστική και τεχνολογία θεραπείας
Προπτυχιακές Σπουδές
Πτυχίο Ιατρικής
Ιατρική Σχολή
Πυρηνική Ιατρική
Διδακτορικό Δίπλωμα
Διδακτορικό δίπλωμα
Ιατρική Σχολή
Πυρηνική Ιατρική
Στην Πυρηνική Καρδιολογία στη Μεγάλη Βρετανία
Course Work
Courses of Winter semester of 2018–19 academic year
Diagnostic Imaging 2
Medical Physics
Theses Supervised
Student Theses within AUTh
Papadīmītriou Nausika. Καταλληλότητα των ενδείξεων των εξετάσεων άρδευσης μυοκαρδίου: μελέτη χρονικής και τοπικής διαφοροποίησης
Without Type
Ziakas Antonios
Petroglou Dimitrios
Moralidis Efstratios-Iordanis
Tsioufis Konstantinos
Doumas Michail
Argyriadou Eleni
Savvopoulos Christos
Hadjimiltiades Stavros
Stiliadis Ioannis
Kouparanis Antonios
Katranas Sotirios
, et al
Initial Experience with Renal Denervation for the Treatment of Resistant Hypertension: The Utility of Novel Anesthetics and Metaiodobenzylguanidine Scintigraphy (MIBG)
The Open Cardiovascular Medicine Journal
vol.10 no.1 p.163-170
Without Type
Didangelos Triantafyllos
Arsos Georgios
Karamitsos Theodoros
Iliadis Fotios
Papageorgiou Athanasios
Moralidis Efstratios-Iordanis
Athyros Vasileios
Left ventricular systolic and diastolic function in normotensive type 2 diabetic patients with or without autonomic neuropathy: a radionuclide ventriculography study
vol.65 no.10 p. 877 - 882
Without Type
Kakaletsis N
Moralidis Efstratios-Iordanis
Iliadis Fotios
Hilidis I
Psarrakou Anna
Didangelos Triantafyllos
The prognostic efficacy of myocardial perfusion imaging in optimally treated diabetic patients with no manifestations of coronary artery disease
Nuclear Medicine Communications
vol.34 no.9 p.885-92
Without Type
Arsos Georgios
Moralidis Efstratios-Iordanis
Tsechelidis I
Sakagiannis G
Sidiropoulou Vasiliki
Psarouli E
Measurement of glomerular filtration rate with chromium-51 ethylene diamino tetraacetic acid in the presence of gallium-67 citrate: a novel method for the solution of the problem
Nuclear Medicine Communication
vol.32 no.3 p.221-226
Gerasimou G
Moralidis Efstratios-Iordanis
Papanastasiou Efpraxia
Liaros G
Aggelopoulou T
Triantafyllidou E
Lytras N
Settas Loukas
Psarrakou Anna
Radionuclide imaging with human polyclonal immunoglobulin (Tc-HIG) and bone scan in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and serum-negative polyarthritis
vol.15 no.1 p.37-42
Iliadis Fotios
Ntemka A
Didangelos Triantafyllos
Chitoglou-Makedou Areti
Divani M
Moralidis Efstratios-Iordanis
Makedou Kali
Psarrakou Anna
Grekas Dimitrios
Estimation of glomerular filtration rate in type 2 diabetic patients using the new CKI-EPI equation
Clinical Kidney Journal
vol.4 no.suppl 2
Iliadis Fotios
Didangelos Triantafyllos
Ntemka A
Makedou Kali
Moralidis Efstratios-Iordanis
Psarrakou Anna
Kouloukourgiotou T
Grekas Dimitrios
Glomerular filtration rate estimation in patients with type 2 diabetes: creatinine- or cystatin C-based equations?
vol.54 no.12 p.2987-2994
Polyzos Stergios
Kountouras Ioannis
Anastasilakis Athanassios D
Litsas I
Kita Marina
Arsos Georgios
Moralidis Efstratios-Iordanis
Terpos Evangelos
Zoledronic acid-induced transient hepatotoxicity in a patient effectively treated for Pagets disease of bone
Osteoporosis International
vol.22 no.1 p.363-367
Without Type
Gerasimou G
Moralidis Efstratios-Iordanis
Psarrakou Anna
Somatostatin receptor imaging with (111)In-pentetreotide in gastro-intestinal tract and lung neuroendocrine tumors-Impact on targeted treatment
Hellenic Journal of Nuclear Medicine
vol.13 no.2 p.158-162
Moralidis Efstratios-Iordanis
Spyridonidis T
Arsos Georgios
Skemperis Vasileios
Anagnostopoulos Christos
Gavrielidis S
Resting electrocardiogram and stress myocardial perfusion imaging in the determination of left ventricular systolic function: an assessment enhancing the performance of gated SPET
Hellenic Journal of Nuclear Medicine
vol.13 no.2 p.118-126
Moralidis Efstratios-Iordanis
Gerasimou G
Theodoridis Alexandros
Hilidis I
Mylonaki E
Psarrakou Anna
Hypertrophic osteoarthropathy manifested with isolated calcaneal periostitis in bone scintigraphy
Annals of Nuclear Medicine
vol.24 no.4 p.313-317
Moralidis Efstratios-Iordanis
Didangelos Triantafyllos
Arsos Georgios
Athyros Vasileios
Mikhailidis D. P
Myocardial perfusion scintigraphy in asymptomatic diabetic patients: a critical review
Diabetes/metabolism research and reviews
vol.26 no.5 p.336-347
Polyzos Stergios
Anastasilakis Athanasios D
Litsas Ioannis
Sapranidis Michael
Efstathiadou Zoe
Kita Marina
Arsos Georgios
Moralidis Efstratios-Iordanis
Zafeiriadou Efthimia
Papatheodorou Athanassios
Terpos Evangelos
Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry and quantitative ultrasound in patients with Pagets disease of bone before and after treatment with zoledronic acid: association with serum bone markers and Dickkopf-1
Journal of Clinical Densitometry
vol.13 no.2 p.190-196
Polyzos Stergios
Anastasilakis Athanassios D
Litsas I
Efstathiadou Zoe
Kita Marina
Arsos Georgios
Moralidis Efstratios-Iordanis
Papatheodorou Athanasios
Terpos Evangelos
Profound hypocalcemia following effective response to zoledronic acid treatment in a patient with juvenile Pagets disease
Journal of Bone and Mineral Metabolism
vol.28 no.6 p.706-712
Polyzos Stergios
Anastasilakis Athanassios D
Efstathiadou Zoe
Litsas Ioannis
Kita Marina
Panagiotou Athanasios
Papatheodorou Athanasios
Arsos Georgios
Moralidis Efstratios-Iordanis
Barmpalios Georges
Zafeiriadou Efthimia
, et al
Serum homocysteine, folate and vitamin B12 in patients with Paget's disease of bone: the effect of zoledronic acid
Journal of Bone and Mineral Metabolism
vol.28 no.3 p.314-319
Ziakas Antonios
Moralidis Efstratios-Iordanis
Parisiadou A
Samanidi D
Gavriilidis Stavros
Parcharidis Georgios
Successful surgical treatment of a symptomatic myocardial bridge
Clinical Nuclear Medicine
vol.35 no.6 p.448-451
Ηλιάδης Φώτιος
Ντέμκα Α
Διδάγγελος Τριαντάφυλλος
Χίτογλου - Μακέδου Αρετή
Μαργαριτίδης Χ
Μωραλίδης Ευστράτιος-Ιορδάνης
Μακέδου Καλή
Ψαρράκου Άννα
Γρέκας Δημήτριος
Υπολογισμός του ρυθμού σπειραματικής διήθησης με τη νέα CKD-EPI εξίσωση σε ασθενείς με σακχαρώδη διαβήτη τύπου 2
Ελληνική Επιθεώρηση Αθηροσκλήρωσης
vol.1 no.1 p.109
Without Type
Iliadis Fotios
Ntemka A
Didangelos Triantafyllos
Chitoglou-Makedou Areti
Makedou Kali
Moralidis Efstratios-Iordanis
Psarrakou Anna
Estimation of glomerular Filtration rate in type 2 diabetic patients using equation based on both serum cystatin C and creatinine
Munich, Germany
Iliadis Fotios
Ntemka A
Didangelos Triantafyllos
Chitoglou-Makedou Areti
Makedou Kali
Moralidis Efstratios-Iordanis
Psarrakou Anna
Grekas Dimitrios
Estimation of glomerular Filtration Rate in Patients with Diabete Mellitus Type 2: Comparison of MDRD and Cystatin C-Based Formulae
70th Scientific Session of American Diabetes Association
70th Scientific Session of American Diabetes Association
Orlando, Florida - USA
Ηλιάδης Φώτιος
Νικοδημοπούλου Μ
Ντέμκα Α
Διδάγγελος Τριαντάφυλλος
Χίτογλου - Μακέδου Αρετή
Μωραλίδης Ευστράτιος-Ιορδάνης
Μακέδου Καλή
Ψαρράκου Άννα
Υπολογισμός του ρυθμού σπειραματικής διήθησης σε σακχαρώδη διαβήτη τύπου 2: σύγκριση MDRD και εξισώσεων με βάση την κυστατίνη C
16ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Νεφρολογίας
16ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Νεφρολογίας
Κως, Ελλάδα
Without Type
Arsos Georgios
Kyparos Antonios
Moralidis Efstratios-Iordanis
Kyparos D
Georga S
Sotiriadou S
Matziari Chrysoula
Karakatsanis Konstantinos
(99m)Tc-sestamibi uptake in rat skeletal muscle and heart: physiological determinants and correlations
Physiological Research
vol.58 no.1 p.21-28
Chatzopoulos Dimitrios
Moralidis Efstratios-Iordanis
Markou P
Makris V
Yttrium-90 radiation synovectomy in knee osteoarthritis: a prospective assessment at 6 and 12 months
Nuclear Medicine Communications
vol.30 no.6 p.472-479
Moralidis Efstratios-Iordanis
Papanastassiou E
Arsos Georgios
Chilidis I
Gerasimou G
A single measurement with (51)Cr-tagged red cells or (125)I-labeled human serum albumin in the prediction of fractional and whole blood volumes: an assessment of the limitations
Physiological Measurement
vol.30 no.7 p.559-571
Moralidis Efstratios-Iordanis
Mandala Evdokia
Venizelos I
Arsos Georgios
Zafiriadu E
Gkoutzioulis Michail
Karakatsanis Konstantinos
A breast fibroadenoma mimicking an extranodal deposit of Hodgkin's lymphoma in 67Ga imaging
The British Journal of Radiology
vol.82 no.975 p.e58-62
Polyzos Stergios
Anastasilakis Athanassios D
Efstathiadou Zoe
Kita Marina
Litsas Ioannis
Avramidis Avraam
Arsos Georgios
Moralidis Efstratios-Iordanis
Gerou Spyridon
Pavlidou Vassiliki
Papatheodorou Athanassios
, et al
The effect of zoledronic acid on serum dickkopf-1, osteoprotegerin, and RANKL in patients with Pagets disease of bone
Hormone and Metabolic Research
vol.41 no.11 p.846-850
Without Type
Avramidis Avraam
Polyzos Stergios
Moralidis Efstratios-Iordanis
Arsos Georgios
Efstathiadou Zoe
Karakatsanis Konstantinos
Grollios George
Kita Marina
Scintigraphic, biochemical, and clinical response to zoledronic acid treatment in patients with Pagets disease of bone
Journal of Bone and Mineral Metabolism
vol.26 no.6 p.635-641
Chatzopoulos Dimitrios
Moralidis Efstratios-Iordanis
Markou P
Makris V
Arsos Georgios
Baker's cysts in knees with chronic osteoarthritic pain: a clinical, ultrasonographic, radiographic and scintigraphic evaluation
Rheumatology International
vol.29 no.2 p.141-146
Gerasimou G
Kosta Vasiliki
Arnaoutoglou Marianthi
Koutsouraki Effrosyni
Triantafyllou G
Dedousi E
Liaros G
Moralidis Efstratios-Iordanis
Papanastasiou G
Aggelopoulou T
Lytras N
, et al
Cerebral blood flow with Tc-99m-HMPAO in patients with mild cognitive impairment
European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging
vol.35 p.313
Moralidis Efstratios-Iordanis
Papakonstantinou Eleni
Arsos Georgios
Boussios N
Koliouskas Dimitrios
Karakatsanis Konstantinos
Tc-99m HMPAO labeled white blood cell imaging in a child with eosinophilic lung disease
Clinical Nuclear Medicine
vol.33 no.1 p.38-40
Moralidis Efstratios-Iordanis
Arsos Georgios
Papakonstantinou Eleni
Koliouskas Dimitrios
Karakatsanis Konstantinos
I-123 metaiodobenzylguanidine (MIBG) in sympathetic denervation and reinnervation of salivary glands in a child with cervical neuroblastoma
Clinical Nuclear Medicine
vol.33 no.3 p.228-230
Moralidis Efstratios-Iordanis
Arsos Georgios
Papakonstantinou Eleni
Badouraki M
Koliouskas Dimitrios
Karakatsanis Konstantinos
123I-Metaiodobenzylguanidine accumulation in a urinoma and cortex of an obstructed kidney after surgical resection of an abdominal neuroblastoma
Pediatric Radiology
vol.38 no.1 p.118-121
Without Type
Boundas D
Karatzas Nikolaos
Moralidis Efstratios-Iordanis
Arsos Georgios
Drevelegkas Antonios
Gompaki Kyriaki
Karakatsanis Konstantinos
Comparative evaluation of 99mTc-depreotide and 201Tl chloride single photon emission tomography in the characterization of pulmonary lesions
Nuclear Medicine Communications
vol.28 no.7 p.533-540
Moralidis Efstratios-Iordanis
Spyridonidis T
Arsos Georgios
Anagnostopoulos Christos
Identification of advanced coronary artery disease with exercise myocardial perfusion imaging: the clinical value of a novel approach for assessing lung thallium-201 uptake
European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging
vol.34 no.4 p.573-583
Aggiornato: 2018-09-25