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Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης
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e-Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae
Christos Gogos
Associate Professor, School of Dentistry
Personal Information
Scopus ID
Google Scholar ID
Γνωστικό Αντικείμενο
Προπτυχιακές Σπουδές
Οδοντιατρική Σχολή
Αριστοτελειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης
Διδακτορικό Δίπλωμα
Οδοντιατρική Σχολή
Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης
Course Work
Courses of Winter semester of 2016–17 academic year
Biomaterials II
Clinical Endodontics II
Courses of Spring semester of 2016–17 academic year
Preclinical Endodontics I
Clinical Endodontics I
Clinical Endodontics III
Research Projects
Αναγέννηση οδοντικών ιστών ρίζας με χρησιμοποίηση βλαστό-κυττάρων οδοντικού πολφού
Kerezoudi C
Gogos Christos
Samanidou Viktoria
Tziafas Dimitrios
Palaghias Georgios
Evaluation of monomer leaching from a resin cement through dentin by a novel model
Dental Materials
vol.32 no.11 p.e297-e305
Passos A.D
Mouza Aikaterini
Paras Spyridon
Gogos Christos
Tziafas Dimitrios
Designing and testing regenerative pulp treatment strategies: modeling the transdentinal transport mechanisms
Front. Physiol
vol.6 no.257
Gogos Christos
Passos A.D
Paras Spyridon
Mouza Aikaterini
Tziafas Dimitrios
Regenerative pulp treatment applications: modelling the molecules’ transport mechanisms in dentinal tubules
European Society of Endodontology-ESE
Barcelona - Spain
Tziafas Dimitrios
Gogos Christos
Kodonas K
Koliniotou E
Tziafa C
Papadimitriou S
Paras Spyridon
Dental pulp protection and therapy: design and utilization of preclinical models to test regenerative treatment strategies
Venice - Italy
ONAY Emel Olga
Gogos Christos
Economides Nikolaos
LYSSARIS Vasileios
OGUS Ersin
Effect of Er,Cr:YSGG laser irradiation on apical sealing ability of calcium silicatecontaining endodontic materials in root-end cavities
Dental Materials Journal
vol.33 no.4 p.570-575
Onay EO
Gogos Christos
Ungor M
Economides Nikolaos
Lyssaris V
Ogus E
Lamprianidis Theodoros
Effect of Er, Cr:YSGG laser irradiation on apical sealing ability of calcium silicatecontainingendodontic materials in root-end cavities
Dental Materials Journal
no.33 p.570-575
Evangelinaki E
Τορτοπίδης Δημήτριος
Κοντονασάκη Ελεάνα
Fragou T
Γκόγκος Χρήστος
Κοϊδης Πέτρος
Effect of a crown ferrule on the fracture strength of endodontically treated canines restored with fiber posts and metal-ceramic or all-ceramic crowns
Int J Prosthod
vol.26 no.4 p.384-387
Kodonas K
Gogos Christos
Papadimitriou Serafeim
Kouzi-Chatziparaskeva-koliakou Kokkona
Tziafas Dimitrios
Experimental Formation of Dentin-like Structure in the Root Canal Implant Model Using Cryopreserved Swine Dental Pulp Progenitor Cells
Journal of Endodontics
vol.38 no.7 p.913-919
Mastoras K
Vasileiadis Leonidas
Koulaouzidou Elisavet
Gkogkos Christos
Evaluation of push-out bond strength of two endodontic post systems
Journal of Endodontics
vol.38 no.4 p.510-4
Oikonomidis Nikolaos
Gkogkos Christos
Kodonas K
Beltes C
Kolokouris Ioannis
An ex vivo comparison of the push-out strength of a new endodontic filling system (Smartseal) and various gutta-percha filling techniques
vol.100 no.2 p.187-191
Fardi A
Kodonas K
Gkogkos Christos
Oikonomidis Nikolaos
Top-cited articles in endodontic journals
Journal of Endodontics
vol.37 no.9 p.1183-1190
Georgopoulou A
Savva A
Giamarellos-Bourboulis E. J
Georgitsi M
Raftogiannis M
Antonakos N
Apostolidou E
Carrer D
Dimopoulos G
Economou A
Efthymiou G
, et al
Early changes of procalcitonin may advise about prognosis and appropriateness of antimicrobial therapy in sepsis
J Crit Care
vol.26 no.3 p.331.e1-331.e7
Giamarellos-Bourboulis E. J
Tsangaris I
Kanni T
Mouktaroudi M
Pantelidou I
Adamis G
Atmatzidis S
Chrisofos M
Evangelopoulou V
Frantzeskaki F
Giannopoulos P
, et al
Procalcitonin as an early indicator of outcome in sepsis: a prospective observational study
J Hosp Infect
vol.77 no.1 p.58-63
Boutsioukis C
Gogos C
Verhaagen B
Versluis M
Kastrinakis E
Van-der-Sluis L. W. M
The effect of root canal taper on the irrigant flow: Evaluation using an unsteady Computational Fluid Dynamics model
International endodontic journal
vol.43 no.10 p.909-916
Boutsioukis C
Gogos C
Verhaagen B
Versluis M
Kastrinakis E
Van Der Sluis L. W
The effect of apical preparation size on irrigant flow in root canals evaluated using an unsteady Computational Fluid Dynamics model
International Endodontic Journal
vol.43 no.10 p.874-881
Vasiliadis L
Kodonas K
Economides N
Gogos C
Stavrianos C
Short- and long-term sealing ability of Gutta-flow and AH-Plus using an ex vivo fluid transport model
International endodontic journal
vol.43 no.5 p.1
Kodonas K
Gogos C
Tziafas D
Effect of simulated pulpal microcirculation on intrapulpal temperature changes following application of heat on tooth surfaces
International endodontic journal
vol.42 no.3
Kodonas K
Gogos C
Tziafa C
Effect of simulated pulpal microcirculation on intrachamber temperature changes following application of various curing units on tooth surface
Journal of dentistry
vol.37 no.6
Kokorikos I
Kolokouris I
Economides N
Gogos C
Helvatjoglu-Antoniades M
Long-term evaluation of the sealing ability of two root canal sealers in combination with self-etching bonding agents
The journal of adhesive dentistry
vol.11 no.3
Mahera F
Economides N
Gogos C
Beltes P
Fluid-transport evaluation of lateral condensation, ProTaper gutta-percha and warm vertical condensation obturation techniques
Australian Endodontic Journal
vol.35 no.3
Beltes P
Keki P
Kodonas K
Gogos C
Economides N
Effect of Heat Application on Adhesion of Epoxy Resin Sealer
Journal of endodontics
vol.34 no.11
Economides N
Koulaouzidou E. A
Gogos C
Kolokouris I
Beltes P
Antoniades D
Comparative study of the cytotoxic effect of Resilon against two cell lines
Brazilian dental journal
vol.19 no.4
Gogos C
Theodorou V
Economides N
Beltes P
Kolokouris I
Shear Bond Strength of AH-26 and Epiphany to Composite Resin and Resilon
Journal of endodontics
vol.34 no.11
Gogos C
Stavrianos C
Kolokouris I
Economides N
Papadoyannis I
Shear bond strength of two resin cements to human root dentin using three dentin bonding agents
Operative dentistry
vol.32 no.1
Economides N
Panagiotis B
Kolokouris I
Gogos C
Kokorikos I
Comparative study of the sealing ability of a polydimethylsiloxane-based root canal sealer
Brazilian dental journal
vol.16 no.2
Economides N
Kokorikos I
Gogos C
Kolokouris I
Stavrianos C
Comparative study of sealing ability of two root-end-filling materials with and without the use of dentin-bonding agents
Journal of endodontics
vol.30 no.1
Gogos C
Economides N
Stavrianos C
Kolokouris I
Kokorikos I
Adhesion of a new methacrylate resin-based sealer to human dentin
Journal of endodontics
vol.30 no.4
Gogos C
Stavrianos C
Kolokouris I
Papadoyannis I
Economides N
Shear bond strength of AH-26 root canal sealer to dentine using three dentine bonding agents
Journal of dentistry
vol.31 no.5
Σταυριανός Χρήστος
Γκόγκος Χρήστος
Βασιλειάδης Λεωνίδας
Παντελίδου - Παπαδοπούλου Ουρανία
Απεικόνιση μικροεργαλείων ενδοδοντίας με το ψηφιακό σύστημα Panasonic DDX: In vitro αξιολόγηση ευκρίνειας
Σύγχρονος Οδοντίατρος
vol.22 no.2 p.110-120
Aggiornato: 2017-08-06