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e-Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae
Maria Zamaki-Zamani-valasiadou
Professor (Retired), School of Physics
Personal Information
Course Work
Courses of Winter semester of 2016–17 academic year
Nuclear Physics
Fundamentals of Nuclear Physics and Elementary Particles
Nuclear Physics Laboratory I
Courses of Spring semester of 2016–17 academic year
Nuclear Physics Laboratory I
Research Projects
Έργο Υπεραξίας
Φασματοσκοπία νετρονίων σε περιβάλλον πηγών θρυμματισμού με αναλογικούς απαριθμητές
ΠΥΘΑΓΟΡΑΣ ΙΙ (Γενικό): Ατομική δοσιμετρία με χρήση ανιχνευτών MOSFET
Συνέδριο: "XII συμπόσιο του Προγράμματος Ενέργεια και Μεταστοιχείωση Πυρηνικών Καταλοίπων"
Παραγωγή νετρονίων σε ευρείς στόχους με ακτινοβόληση σχετικιστικών βαρέων ιόντων
Αλληλεπιδράσεις βαρέων ιόντων (συμπεριλαμβανομένης της δυναμικής των αντιδράσεων)
VII Συμπόσιο: "Αλληλεπιδράσεις βαρέων ιόντων σε σχετικιστικές ενέργειες"
Νέο προσωπικό δοσίμετρο ηλεκτρονίων
Μελέτη και ανάπτυξη ατομικού ηλεκτρονικού δοσίμετρου νετρονίων
Zamaki-Zamani-valasiadou Maria
Phenomenological calculations of shielding spallation neutron sources
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A
Manolopoulou M
Fragopoulou M
Stoulos S
Vagena E
Westmeier W
Zamani M
Neutron spectrometry with He-3 proportional counters
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
vol.366 no.1
Stoulos S
Westmeier W
Hashemi-Nezhad R
Fragopoulou M
Lagoyannis A
Zamani M
Nuclear fission cross sections induced by deuterons of 4 GeV
Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics
vol.85 no.2
Gavelle M
Sarrabayrouse G
Scheid E
Siskos S
Fragopoulou M
Zamani M
MOSFET with a boron-loaded gate as a low-energy neutron dosimeter
Radiation Physics and Chemistry
vol.80 no.12 p.1437-1440
Hashemi-Nezhad S. R
Zamani-Valasiadou M
Krivopustov M. I
Brandt R
Ensinger W
Odoj R
Westmeier W
Neutron production in thick targets irradiated with high-energy ions
Physics Research International
Hashemi-Nezhad S. R
Westmeier W
Zamani-Valasiadou M
Thomauske B
Brandt R
Optimal ion beam, target type and size for accelerator driven systems: Implications to the associated accelerator power
Annals of Nuclear Energy
vol.38 no.5 p.1144-1155
Westmeier W
Odoj R
Tyutyunnikov S. I
Hashemi-Nezhad S. R
Ensinger W
Zamani-Valasiadou M
Brandt R
Thomauske B
Experiments on transmutation of longlived radioactive waste
Experimente zur Transmutation langlebiger radioaktiver Abfälle
vol.56 no.11 p.620-628
Zamani M
Stoulos S
Fragopoulou M
Krivopustov M
Erratum: Measurements of inelastic cross sections in relativistic deuteron-on-lead reactions (Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics (2010) 82 (044605))
Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics
vol.83 no.1
Manolopoulou M
Fragopoulou M
Stoulos S
Vagena E
Westmeier W
Zamani M
Neutron spectrometry with He-3 proportional counters
Zamani M
Stoulos S
Fragopoulou M
Krivopustov M
Inelastic Cross section measurements of deuterons on Lead
20th meeting Hellenic Nuclear Physics Society
Fragopoulou M
Konstantakos V
Zamani M
Siskos S
Laopoulos T
Sarrabayrouse G
High sensitivity MOSFET-based neutron dosimetry
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment
vol.621 no.1-3 p.611-614
Manolopoulou M
Fragopoulou M
Stoulos S
Westmeier W
Lagogiannis A
Zamani M
Non-linearity of recoil pulse height events in He-3 tubes
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment
vol.618 no.1-3 p.284-293
Zamani M
Stoulos S
Fragopoulou M
Manolopoulou M
Krivopustov M
Indirect measurement of inelastic cross section of relativistic protons in Pb target
Annals of Nuclear Energy
vol.37 no.7 p.923-926
Zamani M
Stoulos S
Fragopoulou M
Krivopustov M
Measurement of inelastic cross sections in relativistic deuteron-on-lead reactions
Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics
vol.82 no.4
Zamani-Valasiadou M
Fragopoulou M
Manolopoulou M
Stoulos S
Jokic S
Sosnin A. N
Krivopustov M. I
Performance of a Pb-spallation target surrounded by a U-blanket during irradiations with 1.6 and 2.5 GeV deuteron beams: Comparison with relativistic proton beams
Annals of Nuclear Energy
vol.37 no.2 p.241-247
Fragopoulou M
Konstantakos V
Zamani M
Siskos S
Laopoulos T
Sarrabayrouse G
High sensitivity MOSFET-based neutron dosimetry
19 Symposium of Hellenic Nuclear Physics Society
Fragopoulou M
Konstantakos V
Sarrabayrouse G
Siskos S
Laopoulos Th
Zamani M
A neutron dosemeter based on a stack of two p-MOSFETs
2010 IEEE International Conference on Imaging Systems and Techniques, IST 2010
Makridou A
Tsiaka Ch
Stoulos S
Fragopoulou M
Zamani M
Determination of the electron fluence at the isocentre in Medical accelerators
19 Symposium of Hellenic Nuclear Physics Society
Stoulos S
Fragopoulou M
Zamani M
Benton E
Uchihori Y
Siskos S
Laopoulos Th
Konstantakos V
Sarrabayrouse G
The sensitivity of a new type p-MOSFET dosemeter to high energy protons
15th Workshop on Radiation Monitoring for the International Space Station (WRMISS 2010)
Rome, Italy
Zamani M
Stoulos S
Fragopoulou M
Manolopoulou M
Krivopustov M
Indirect measurement of inelastic cross section of relativistic protons in Pb target
19 Symposium of Hellenic Nuclear Physics Society
Fragopoulou M
Siskos S
Manolopoulou M
Zamani M
Sarrabayrouse G
Thermal neutron dosimetry using MOSFET dosemeters
Radiation Measurements
vol.44 no.9-10 p.1006-1008
Krivopustov M. I
Pavliouk A. V
Kovalenko A. D
Mariin I. I
Elishev A. F
Adam J
Kovalik A
Batusov Y. A
Kalinnikov V. G
Brudanin V. B
Chaloun P
, et al
First results studying the transmutation of129I, 237Np, 238Pu, and239Pu in the irradiation of an extendednatU/Pb-assembly with 2.52 GeV deuterons
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry
vol.279 no.2 p.567-584
Stoulos S
Fragopoulou M
Sosnin A
Manolopoulou M
Krivopustov M
Zamani M
Hadron multiplicity studies on a combined Pb/U-blanket spallation source: Experimental and simulation benchmark analysis
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment
vol.599 no.1 p.106-112
Zamani M
Fragopoulou M
Stoulos S
Manolopoulou M
Kulakov B. A
Krivopustov M. I
Sosnin N. A
Brandt R
Westmeier W
Debeauvais M
Hashemi-Nezhad S. R
Erratum to "Neutron yields from massive lead and uranium targets irradiated with relativistic protons" [Radiation Measurements 40 (2005) 410-414] (DOI:10.1016/j.radmeas.2005.04.024)
Radiation Measurements
vol.44 no.2 p.214
Siskos S
Laopoulos T
Fragopoulou M
Konstantakos V
Sarrabayrouse G
Zamani M
A neutron dosemeter of high sensitivity based on p-MOSFETs
EURISOL Design Study
Pisa, Italy
Zamani M
Stoulos S
Fragopoulou M
Siskos S
Laopoulos T
Konstantakos V
Sarrabayrouse G
High sensitive MOSFET-based dosemeter for application in space
14th Workshop on Radiation Monitoring for the International Space Station
Brandt R
Ditlov V. A
Dwivedi K. K
Ensinger W
Ganssauge E
Shi-Lun G
Haiduc M
Hashemi-Nezhad S. R
Khan H. A
Krivopustov M. I
Odoj R
, et al
Studies with SSNTD and nuclear chemistry on nuclear reactions induced by relativistic heavy ions in thick targets: A review
Radiation Measurements
vol.43 suppl.1 p.S132-S138
Brandt R
Ditlov V. A
Dwivedi K. K
Ensinger W
Ganssauge E
Shi-Lun G
Haiduc M
Hashemi-Nezhad S. R
Khan H. A
Krivopustov M. I
Odoj R
, et al
Interactions of relativistic heavy ions in thick heavy element targets and some unresolved problems
Physics of Particles and Nuclei
vol.39 no.2 p.259-285
Fragopoulou M
Stoulos S
Manolopoulou M
Krivopustov M
Zamani M
Dose measurements around spallation neutron sources
Radiation Protection Dosimetry
vol.132 no.3 p.277-282
Fragopoulou M
Manolopoulou M
Jokic S
Zamani M
Krivopustov M
Sosnin A
Stoulos S
Preliminary results on neutron production from a Pb/U target irradiated by deuteron beam at 1.25 GeV/amu
Radiation Measurements
vol.43 suppl.1 p.S215-S218
Manolopoulou M
Stoulos S
Fragopoulou M
Brandt R
Westmeier W
Krivopustov M. I
Sosnin N. A
Hashemi-Nezhad S. R
Zamani-Valasiadou M
Proton and neutron production from GAMMA-2 spallation source irradiated by relativistic proton beams
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment
vol.586 no.2 p.239-245
Stoulos S
Fragopoulou M
Manolopoulou M
Sosnin A
Krivopustov M
Westmeier W
Brandt R
Debeauvais M
Zamani M
Erratum to "Neutron measurements by passive methods in the Dubna transmutation assemblies" [Nucl. Instr. and Meth. Phys. Res. A 519 (2004) 651-658] (DOI:10.1016/j.nima.2003.10.087)
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment
vol.594 no.3 p.425
Zamani M
Fragopoulou M
Stoulos S
Krivopustov M. I
Sosnin A. N
Brandt R
Westmeier W
Manolopoulou M
A spallation neutron source based on Pb target surrounded by U blanket
Radiation Measurements
vol.43 suppl.1 p.S151-S155
Fragopoulou M
Siskos S
Manolopoulou M
Zamani M
Sarrabayrouse G
Thermal Neutron Dosimetry using MOSFET dosimeters
24th ICNTS
Bologna, Italy
Fragopoulou M
Manolopoulou M
Stoulos S
Brandt R
Westmeier W
Kulakov B. A
Krivopustov M. I
Sosnin A. N
Debeauvais M
Adloff J. C
Zamani-Valasiadou M
Spatial distribution of moderated neutrons along a Pb target irradiated by high-energy protons
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment
vol.560 no.2 p.571-576
Fragopoulou M
Manolopoulou M
Stoulos S
Brandt R
Westmeier W
Krivopustov M
Sosnin A
Golovatyuk S
Zamani M
Shielding around spallation neutron sources
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
vol.41 no.1 p.514-518
Manolopoulou M
Stoulos S
Fragopoulou M
Brandt R
Westmeier W
Krivopustov M
Sosnin A
Zamani M
Detection of spallation neutrons and protons using the natCd activation technique in transmutation experiments at Dubna
Applied Radiation and Isotopes
vol.64 no.7 p.823-829
Manolopoulou M
Fragopoulou M
Stoulos S
Koukorava C
Spyrou A
Perdikakis G
Hashemi-Nezhad S. R
Zamani M
Studies on the response of 3He and 4He proportional counters to monoenergetic fast neutrons
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment
vol.562 no.1 p.371-379
Zamani M
Fragopoulou M
Manolopoulou M
Stoulos S
Brandt R
Westmeier W
Krivopustov M
Sosnin A
Golovatyuk S
Experience gained during 10 years transmutation experiments in Dubna
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
vol.41 no.1 p.475-483
Hashemi-Nezhad S. R
Brandt R
Westmeier W
Odoj R
Krivopustov M. I
Sosnin A. N
Zamani-Valassiadou M
Slow and fast neutron detection using bare CN-85 cellulose nitrate detectors
Radiation Measurements
vol.40 no.2-6 p.590-594
Westmeier W
Brandt R
Langrock E. J
Robotham H
Siemon K
Odoj R
Adam J
Bradnova V
Golovatyuk V. M
Krasnov V. A
Krivopustov M. I
, et al
Transmutation experiments on 129I, 139La and 237Np using the Nuclotron accelerator
Radiochimica Acta
vol.93 no.2 p.65-73
Zamani M
Fragopoulou M
Stoulos S
Manolopoulou M
Kulakov B. A
Krivopustov M. I
Sosnin N. A
Brandt R
Westmeier W
Debeauvais M
Hashemi-Nezhad S. R
Neutron yields from massive lead and uranium targets irradiated with relativistic protons
Radiation Measurements
vol.40 no.2-6 p.410-414
Stoulos S
Fragopoulou M
Manolopoulou M
Sosnin A
Krivopustov M
Westmeier W
Brandt R
Debeauvais M
Zamani M
Neutron measurements by passive methods in the Dubna transmutation assemblies
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment
vol.519 no.3 p.651-658
Krivopustov M. I
Chultem D
Adam J
Kalinnikov V. G
Pavliouk A. V
Perelygin V. P
Polanski A
Sosnin A. N
Sereter Zh
Zaverioukha O. S
Tumendelger Ts
, et al
First experiments with a large uranium blanket within the installation "energy plus transmutation" exposed to 1.5 GeV protons
vol.68 no.1-2 p.48-55
Stoulos S
Fragopoulou M
Adloff J. C
Debeauvais M
Brandt R
Westmeier W
Krivopustov M
Sosnin A
Papastefanou C
Zamani M
Manolopoulou M
Application of activation methods on the Dubna experimental transmutation set-ups
Applied Radiation and Isotopes
vol.58 no.2 p.169-175
Zamani M
Fragopoulou M
Manolopoulou M
Stoulos S
Spyrou A
Debeauvais M
Brandt R
Westmeier W
Krivopustov M
Sosnin A
Spallation neutron production in the new Dubna transmutation assembly
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment
vol.508 no.3 p.454-459
Adam J
Adloff J. C
Balabekyan A
Bamblevski V. P
Barabanov M. Y
Brandt R
Bradnova V
Chaloun P
Debeauvais M
Dwivedi K. K
Guo S. L
, et al
Transmutation of 239Pu and other nuclides using spallation neutrons produced by relativistic protons reacting with massive U- and Pb-targets
Radiochimica Acta
vol.90 no.8 p.431-442
Sosnin A. N
Krivopustov M. I
Chultem D
Zamani M
Manolopoulou M
Odoj R
Westmeier W
Robotham H
Brandt R
Vater P
Hashemi-Nezhad S. R
Monte Carlo modeling of neutron fields generated in U/Pb model assembly irradiated with protons
Izvestiya Akademii Nauk. Ser. Fizicheskaya
vol.66 no.10 p.1494-1497
Bartlett D. T
Ambrosi P
Back C
Bordy J. M
Christensen P
Colgan P. A
De Carvalho A. F
Delgado A
Van Dijk J. W. E
Fantuzzi E
Hyvönen H
, et al
Harmonisation and dosimetric quality assurance in individual monitoring for external radiation
Radiation Protection Dosimetry
vol.96 no.1-3 p.27-33
Van Dijk J. W. E
Bordy J. M
Vanhavere F
Wernli C
Zamani-Valasiadou M
Bartlett D. T
Böhm J
Hyvönen H
A review of the properties of the dosimetric systems and the quality assurance programmes of 48 dosimetric services in the European Union and Switzerland
Radiation Protection Dosimetry
vol.96 no.1-3 p.151-157
Wan J. S
Schmidt Th
Langrock E. J
Vater P
Brandt R
Adam J
Bradnova V
Bamblevski V. P
Gelovani L
Gridnev T. D
Kalinnikov V. G
, et al
Transmutation of 129I and 237Np using spallation neutrons produced by 1.5, 3.7 and 7.4 GeV protons
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment
vol.463 no.3 p.634-652
Adloff J. C
Brandt R
Debeauvais M
Fernandez F
Krivopustov M
Kulakov B. A
Sosnin A
Zamani M
Secondary neutron production from thick Pb target by light particle irradiation
Radiation Measurements
vol.31 no.1 p.551-554
D'Enterria D. G
Fernández F
Jokic S
Savovic S
Debeauvais M
Zamani M
Ternary events measured with CR-39 in the 238U + 197Au reaction at 15 MeV/nucleon
Radiation Measurements
vol.31 no.1-6 p.527-532
Jokić S
Vorkapić D
Ivanišević B
Kelić A
Todorović Ž
Savović S
Botchev B
Zamani M
Fernández F
Letter of intent: Investigation of the fission before K-equilibration
vol.43 no.3 p.275-280
Wan J. S
Ochs M
Brandt R
Schmidt Th
Langrock E. J
Vater P
Abdullaev I. G
Adam J
Bamblevskij V. P
Bradnova V
Butsev V. S
, et al
Transmutation of radioactive waste by means of relativistic heavy ions
vol.63 no.4 p.167-176
Adloff J. C
Brandt R
Butsev V. S
Debeauvais M
Fernandez F
Kulakov B. A
Krivopustov M. I
Ochs M
Sosnin A. N
Zamani M
High flux neutron production from 12C beams on heavy targets
Radiation Measurements
vol.28 no.1-6 p.313-316
Ochs M
Abdullaev I. G
Adam I
Adloff J. C
Bersina I. G
Bradnova V
Brandt R
Bognitzki M
Butsev V. S
Debeauvais M
Dwivedi K. K
, et al
SSNTD and radiochemical studies on the transmutation of nuclei using relativistic ions
Radiation Measurements
vol.28 no.1-6 p.255-268
Savvidis E
Zamani M
Efficiencies of an SSNTD and an electronic neutron dosemeter with the same (n,α) (n,p) converter
Radiation Protection Dosimetry
vol.70 no.1-4 p.83-86
Vareille J. C
Barelaud B
Barth J
Bordy J. M
Curzio G
D'Errico F
Decossas J. L
Fernandez-Moreno F
Lahaye T
Luguera E
Sampsonidis D
, et al
Advanced detectors for active neutron dosemeters
Radiation Protection Dosimetry
vol.70 no.1-4 p.79-82
Zamani M
Savvidis E
A real-time personal neutron dosemeter based on PIPS diodes and a double layer neutron converter
Radiation Protection Dosimetry
vol.63 no.4 p.299-303
Zamani M
Sampsonidis D
Savvidis E
An individual neutron dosemeter with (n,α) and (n,p) converters
Radiation Measurements
vol.26 no.1 p.87-92
Abdullaev I. G
Adloff J. C
Bersina I. G
Bisplinghoff B
Bradnova V
Brandt R
Butsev V. S
Cui H. H
Debeauvais M
Dwivedi K. K
Friedlander E. M
, et al
Neutron production in extended Cu-target irradiated with relativistic 12C-ions at Dubna, as studied with SSNTD and nuclear chemistry
Radiation Measurements
vol.25 no.1-4 p.219-230
D'Enterria D. G
Fernandez F
Luguera E
Debeauvais M
Ralarosy J
Jokic S
Zamani M
Adloff J
Multifragment events in the U238+Au197 reaction at 15 MeV/nucleon
Physical Review C
vol.52 no.6 p.3179-3188
Sampsonidis D
Papanastassiou E
Zamani M
Debeauvais M
Adloff J. C
Kulakov B. A
Krivopustov M. I
Butsev V. S
Fragmentation cross sections of O16, Mg24, and S32 projectiles at 3.65 GeV/nucleon
Physical Review C
vol.51 no.6 p.3304-3308
Sampsonidis D
Debeauvais M
Adloff J. C
Kulakov B. A
Krivopustov M. I
Butsev V. S
Zamani M
Projectile fragmentation of 16O and 32S at 3.65 GeV/n on several targets
Radiation Measurements
vol.25 no.1-4 p.231-234
Savvidis E
Alberts W. G
Luszik-Bhadra M
Zamani M
A passive neutron dosemeter based on a CR-39 track detector with multi-field evaluation
Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, B
vol.94 no.3 p.325-329
Debeauvais M
Ralarosy J
Adloff J. C
Zamani M
Fernandez F
Savovic S
Jokic S
Application of SSNTD in nuclear physics and especially to the reaction 238U + Ag at 15 MeV/n
Nuclear Tracks And Radiation Measurements (1993)
vol.22 no.1-4 p.571-576
Sampsonidis D
Zamani M
An image analysis system for automatic measurements in solid state nuclear track detectors
Microprocessing and Microprogramming
vol.34 no.1-5 p.153-155
Savvidis E
Sampsonidis D
Zamani M
A CR-39 fast neutron dosemeter based on an (n,α) converter
Radiation Protection Dosimetry
vol.44 no.1-4 p.341-342
Adloff J. C
Butsev V. S
Cui H. H
Debeauvais M
Fernandez F
Guo Y. H
Jokic S
Krivopustov M. I
Kulakov B. A
Ralarosy J
Zamani M
Total reaction cross sections at relativistic energies
Nuclear Tracks and Radiation Measurements
vol.19 no.1-4 p.547-552
Fernández F
Domingo C
Baixeras C
Luguera E
Zamani M
Debeauvais M
Fast neutron dosimetry with CR-39 using electrochemical etching
International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation. Part
vol.19 no.1-4 p.467-470
Ralarosy J
Debeauvais M
Adloff J. C
Zamani M
Fernandez F
Jokic S
Todorovic Z
Interpretation of the 3-pronged events from the 238U+Au reaction registered within CR 39 solid state nuclear track detectors
Nuclear Tracks and Radiation Measurements
vol.19 no.1-4 p.651-654
Savvidis E
Zamani M
Sampsonidis D
Charalambous Stef
Fast neutron detection using (n-p), (n-α) converter
Nuclear Tracks and Radiation Measurements
vol.19 no.1-4 p.527-530
Savvidis E
Anthaki E
Parissoglou G
Zamani M
Charalambous Stef
Effects of thermal treatment on alpha registration on CN-85 and CR-39 detectors
International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation. Part
vol.19 no.1-4 p.115-116
Jokic S
Zamani M
Fernandez F
Ralarosy J
Debeauvais M
Adloff J
Three body events from Kr + Ag, Au systems at 17.7 MeV per nucleon
Nuclear tracks
vol.17 no.1 p.70
Savvides E
Zamani M
Charalambous S
Thermal and fast neutron detection in a polyenergetic field of neutrons
Radiation Protection Dosimetry
vol.34 no.1-4 p.331-333
Zamani M
Debeauvais M
Ralarosy J
Adloff J. C
Fernandez F
Jokic S
Sampsonidis D
Multifragment emission in reactions of Kr84 on Ag and Au at 17.7, 27, and 35 MeV/nucleon
Physical Review C
vol.42 no.1 p.331-335
Zamani M
An application of SSNT-detectors in intercalation studies
Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, B
vol.44 no.2 p.216-218
Debeauvais M
Adloff J. C
Ralarosy J
Fernandez F
Jokic S
Zamani M
Reaction cross-section of 3.7 GeV/n 12C + Cu, Pb and 1.8 GeV/n 40Ar + Cu studied by the SSNTD technique
International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation. Part
vol.15 no.1-4 p.319-321
Fernandez F
Baixeras C
Zamani M
Lopez D
Jokic S
Debeauvais M
Ralarosy J
CR-39 registration efficiency of protons using electrochemical etching
Radiation Protection Dosimetry
vol.23 no.1-4 p.175-178
Savvides E
Zamani M
Charalambous Stef
An approach to fast and thermal neutron spectroscopy based on 6Li(n,a)3H reaction
International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation. Part
vol.15 no.1-4 p.495-498
Zamani M
Fernandez F
Jokic S
Ralarosy J
Debeauvais M
Multi-fragment events in Kr + Ag interactions at 17.7 and 35 MeV/n
International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation. Part
vol.15 no.1-4 p.437-440
Fernández F
Jokic S
Baixeras C
Zamani M
Debeauvais M
Ralarosy J
A comparative study of methods to determine the alpha-particle track density in different SSNT detectors
International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation. Part
vol.12 no.1-6 p.291-294
Savvides E
Christodoulou M
Zamani M
Charalambous Stef
Temperature effects on registration properties of CN-85
International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation. Part D. Nuclear Tracks and Radiation Measurements
vol.12 no.1-6 p.145-148
Zamani M
Savvides E
Petrakis J
Charalambous Stef
Gamma dose discrimination properties of SSNT detectors
International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation. Part D. Nuclear Tracks and Radiation Measurements
vol.12 no.1-6 p.141-144
Zamani M
Sampsonidis D
Jokic S
Fernandez F
Ralarosy J
Debeauvais M
Electrochemically developed α-particle tracks in CN-85 cellulose nitrate
Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A
vol.244 no.3 p.547-550
Zamani M
Sampsonidis D
Charalambous Stef
Dose rate effects on CR-39 SSNT detector
International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation. Part
vol.12 no.1-6 p.125-128
Zamani M
Ralarosy J
Debeauvais M
Multipronged events issuing from reactions of 14 MeV/nucleon 132Xe on silver and gold targets
International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation. Part D. Nuclear Tracks and Radiation Measurements
vol.12 no.1-6 p.321-324
Zamani M
Manolopoulou M
Charalambous S
Etching properties of CN-85 plastic track detector
International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation. Part
vol.11 no.1-2 p.39-43
Zamani M
Jokic S
Fernández F
Debeauvais M
Ralarosy J
A study of electrochemical etched alpha and proton tracks in CR-39 as function of energy
International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation. Part
vol.12 no.1-6 p.167-170
Zamani M
Charalambous S
Light particle discrimination using CR-39
International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation. Part
vol.11 no.1-2 p.35-38
Fernandez F
Jokic S
Baixeras C
Zamani M
Debeauvais M
Ralarosy J
Nuclear tracks
vol.12 no.1-6 p.291-294
Zamani M
Jokic S
Fernandez F
Debeauvais M
Ralarosy J
Nuclear tracks
vol.12 no.1-6 p.167-170
Zamani M
Zioutas K
Charalambous Stef
Alphas emission from π- absorption in Li using CR-39
Nuclear Tracks and Radiation Measurements (1982)
vol.8 no.1-4 p.555-558
Zamani M
Charalambous Stef
The response of CR-39 to gamma radiation
Nuclear Tracks and Radiation Measurements (1982)
vol.8 no.1-4 p.183-186,IN5
Zamani M
Zioutas K
Charalambous Stef
Nuclear tracks
vol.8 no.1-4 p.555-558
Zamani M
Charalambous S
Nuclear tracks
vol.8 no.1-4 p.183-186
Zamani M
Savides E
Charalambous Stef
Nuclear tracks
vol.4 no.3 p.171-176
Zamani M
Charalambous Stef
Nuclear tracks
vol.4 no.3 p.177-185
Zamani M
Charalambous Stef
On the shape of etched tracks in SSNT detectors
Nuclear Track Detection
vol.2 no.4 p.227-231
Charalambous Stef
Zamani M
On the optical contrast of particle tracks in nuclear track detectors
Nuclear Instruments and Methods
vol.138 no.2 p.311-315
Manolopoulou M
Stoulos S
Fragopoulou M
Krivopustov M. I
Sosnin A
Zamani-Valasiadou M
Accelerator driven system based on a combined Pb/U-blanket spallation source
Zamani M
Charalambous S
Aggiornato: 2017-08-08