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Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης
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e-Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae
Effrosyni Peleka
Laboratory Teaching Staff, School of Chemistry
Personal Information
Scopus ID
Γνωστικό Αντικείμενο
Επιστημονική Ειδίκευση
Προστασία του περιβάλλοντος
Προπτυχιακές Σπουδές
Μεταπτυχιακές Σπουδές
Διδακτορικό Δίπλωμα
Course Work
Courses of Winter semester of 2017–18 academic year
Physical Processes
Laboratory of Industrial Processes
Basics Principles of Analytical Chemistry
Courses of Spring semester of 2017–18 academic year
Green Chemistry
Quantitative Chemical Analysis
Chemical Technology
Theses Supervised
Student Theses within AUTh
No results were found.
Without Type
Peleka Effrosyni
Gallios Georgios
Matis Konstantinos
A perspective on flotation: a review
Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology
vol.93 p.615-623
Without Type
Gkotsis P
Peleka Effrosyni
Zampoulis Dimitrios
Mitrakas Manassis
Tolkou A
Zoumpoulis Anastasios
Wastewater Treatment in Membrane Bioreactors: The Use of Polyelectrolytes to Control Membrane Fouling
Environmental Processes
Gkotsis P.K
Batsari E.L
Peleka Effrosyni
Tolkou A.K
Zoumpoulis Anastasios
Fouling control in a lab-scale MBR system: Comparison of several commercially applied coagulants
Journal of Environmental Management
Peleka Effrosyni
Matis Konstantinos
Hydrodynamic aspects of flotation separation
Open Chemistry
vol.14 p.132-139
Without Type
Gkotsis P.K
Zoumpoulis Anastasios
Mitrakas Manassis
Zampoulis Dimitrios
Tolkou A.K
Peleka Effrosyni
Development of an Integrated Methodology for Fouling Control in Membrane Bioreactors
International Journal of Advancements in Bio-informatics and Bio-Technology - IJABB
vol.2 no.1 p.50-54
Without Type
Zoumpoulis Anastasios
Peleka Effrosyni
Samaras Petros
Mineral Scales and Deposits, Scientific and Technological Approaches: Removal of Toxic Materials from Aqueous Streams
Mineral Scales and Deposits, Scientific and Technological Approaches
Without Type
Batsari E
Tolkou A
Zoumpoulis Anastasios
Gkotsis P
Peleka Effrosyni
Fouling control in MBR systems: comparison of several commercial applied coagulants
International Conference IWWATV Industrial Waste and Wastewater Treatment and Valorisation
International Conference IWWATV Industrial Waste and Wastewater Treatment and Valorisation
Athens - Greece
Gkotsis P
Batsari E
Zoumpoulis Anastasios
Peleka Effrosyni
Tolkou A
Zampoulis Dimitrios
Mitrakas Manassis
An innovative hybrid MBR-coagulation system to control membrane fouling
12ο Συνέδριο Χημείας Ελλάδας – Κύπρου «Χημεία, Πυλώνας Ανάπτυξης στη μετά κρίση εποχή»
12ο Συνέδριο Χημείας Ελλάδας – Κύπρου «Χημεία, Πυλώνας Ανάπτυξης στη μετά κρίση εποχή»
Θεσσαλονίκη - Ελλάδα
Gkotsis P
Zoumpoulis Anastasios
Mitrakas Manassis
Peleka Effrosyni
Tolkou A
Zampoulis Dimitrios
Wastewater treatment in MBRs: the application of coagulants for membrane fouling control
IWA 2015
Västerås - Sweden
Gkotsis P
Peleka Effrosyni
Zoumpoulis Anastasios
Zampoulis Dimitrios
Tolkou A
Mitrakas Manassis
Filterability tests and SMP concentration measurements of a pilot-scale MBR: impact of coagulants and flocculants
IWA Balkan Young Water Professionals 2015
Thessaloniki - Greece
Gkotsis P
Zoumpoulis Anastasios
Mitrakas Manassis
Zampoulis Dimitrios
Peleka Effrosyni
Development of an integrated methodology for fouling control in membrane bioreactors
2nd International Conference on Advances in Bio-informatics and Environmental Engineering
Rome - Italy
Without Type
Ζουμπούλης Αναστάσιος
Πελέκα Ευφροσύνη
Τριανταφυλλίδης Κωνσταντίνος
Πράσινη Χημεία και Τεχνολογία στη Βιώσιμη Ανάπτυξη
Ελληνικά Ακαδημαικά Ηλεκτρονικά Συγγράμματα και Βοηθήματα
Without Type
Gkotsis Petros K
Banti Dimitra Ch
Peleka Effrosyni
Zoumpoulis Anastasios
Samaras Petros E
Fouling Issues in Membrane Bioreactors (MBRs) for Wastewater Treatment: Major Mechanisms, Prevention and Control Strategies
vol.2 p.795-866
Without Type
Gkotsis P
Peleka Effrosyni
Zoumpoulis Anastasios
Mitrakas Manassis
Zampoulis Dimitrios
Tolkou A
Using coagulants to control membrane fouling in a membrane bioreactor
MBR for the next generation VI
Antalya - Turkey
Gkotsis P
Πελέκα Ευφροσύνη
Ζουμπούλης Αναστάσιος
Μήτρακας Μανασσής
Ζαμπούλης Δημήτριος
Tolkou A
Επεξεργασία υγρών απόβλητων σε βιοαντιδραστηρες μεμβρανών, ανάπτυξη τεχνικής για τον έλεγχο της έμφραξης με συνδυασμό μεθόδων
5ο Περιβαλλοντικό συνέδριο Μακεδονίας
Thessaloniki - Greece
Peleka Effrosyni
Wastewater treatment in Membrane Bioreactors;: development of an integrated methoodology for fouling control
12th International Conference (Protection and Restoration of the Environment
Skiathos - Greece
Tolkou A
Zoumpoulis Anastasios
Peleka Effrosyni
Novel pre-polymerized coagulant agents used for the treatment of industrial wastewaters
2nd IWA Specialist Conference on EcoTechnologies for Sewage Treatment Plants 2014 "EcoSTP2014"
Verona - Italy
Γκότσης Π
Πελέκα Ευφροσύνη
Ζουμπούλης Αναστάσιος
Μήτρακας Μανασσής
Ζαμπούλης Δημήτριος
Επεξεργασία υγρών αποβλήτων σε βιοαντιδραστήρες μεμβρανών, ανάπτυξη τεχνικής για τον έλεγχο της έμφραξης σε συνδυασμό μεθόδων
5ο Περιβαλλοντικό Συνέδριο Μακεδονίας
5ο Περιβαλλοντικό Συνέδριο Μακεδονίας
Θεσσαλονίκη - Ελλάδα
Without Type
Kyzas G.K
Peleka Effrosyni
Deligianni-Giannakoudaki Eleni
Nanocrystalline Akaganeite as Adsorbent for Surfactant Removal from Aqueous Solutions
vol.6 p.184-197
Without Type
Γκότσης Π
Πελέκα Ευφροσύνη
Ζουμπούλης Αναστάσιος
Ζαμπούλης Δημήτριος
Επεξεργασία υγρών αποβλήτων σε βιοαντιδραστήρες μεμβρανών, ανάπτυξη τεχνικής για τον έλεγχο έμφραξης με συνδυασμό μεθόδων
4th International Conference on “Small and descentralized water and wastewater treatment plant
4th International Conference on “Small and descentralized water and wastewater treatment plant
Βόλος - Ελλάδα
Γκότσης Χρήστος
Πελέκα Ευφροσύνη
Ζουμπούλης Αναστάσιος
Μήτρακας Μανασσής
Ζαμπούλης Δημήτριος
Επεξεργασία υγρών απόβλητων σε βιοαντιδραστηρες μεμβρανών, ανάπτυξη τεχνικής για τον έλεγχο της έμφραξης με συνδυασμό μεθόδων
Εγκαταστήσεις επεξεργασίας νερού και υγρών απόβλητων μικρής κλίμακας
Portaria, Volos - Greece
Without Type
Deligianni-Giannakoudaki Eleni
Peleka Effrosyni
Gallios Georgios
Matis Konstantinos
A critical review of the separation of arsenic oxyanions from dilute aqueous solution(the contribution of LGICT)
International Journal of Environment and Waste Management
Published Version
vol. 8 no.3-4 p. 286-304
Deliyanni E. A
Peleka E. N
Gallios G. P
Matis K. A
A critical review of the separation of arsenic oxyanions from dilute aqueous solution
International Journal of Environmental and Waste Management
vol.8 p.286-304
Loukidou M. X
Peleka E. N
Karapantsios Th. D
Matis K. A
Biosorption of metal ions
Trends in Chemical Engineering
vol.13 p.53-64
Peleka E. N
Matis K. A
Water separation processes and sustainability
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research
vol.50 no.2 p.421-430
Peleka Effrosyni
Lazaridis Nikolaos
Matis Konstantinos
A hybrid flotation: microfiltration cell for effluent treatment
International Journal of Environment and Waste Management
Published Version
Vol. 8 no. 3/4 p. 273 - 285
Zamboulis D
Peleka E. N
Lazaridis N. K
Matis K. A
Metal ion separation and recovery from environmental sources using various flotation and sorption techniques
vol.86 no.3 p.335-344
Without Type
Deligianni-Giannakoudaki Eleni
Peleka Effrosyni
Nanohybrid anionic surfactant-akaganéite: Preparation, structural analysis and cations sorption
International Journal of Environment and Waste Management
Published Version
Vol. 12, no. 2-4
Deliyanni E. A
Peleka E. N
Nanohybrid anionic surfactant-akaganéite: Preparation structural analysis and cations sorption
International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management
vol.12 no.2-4 p.369-380
Matis K. A
Peleka E. N
Alternative flotation techniques for wastewater treatment: focus on electroflotation
Separation Science and Technology
vol.45 p.2465-2474
Triantafyllidis Konstantinos
Peleka Effrosyni
Komvokis V. G
Mavros Paul
Iron-modified hydrotalcite-like materials as highly efficient phosphate sorbents
Journal of colloid and interface science
vol.342 no.2 p.427-436
Without Type
Deliyanni E. A
Peleka E. N
Matis K. A
Modeling the sorption of metal ions from aqueous solution by iron-based adsorbents
Journal of hazardous materials
vol.172 no.2-3 p.550-558
Peleka Effrosyni
Deligianni-Giannakoudaki Eleni
Adsorptive removal of phosphates from aqueous solutions
Published Version
vol.245 no.1-3 p.357-371
Without Type
Peleka Effrosyni
Water separation process and sustainability”, 3rd Symposium of Green Chemistry and Sustainable Development
Symposium on New Frontiers in Chemical & Biochemical Engineering
Without Type
Deligianni-Giannakoudaki Eleni
Peleka Effrosyni
Matis Konstantinos
Removal of arsenites onto akaganėite-type adsorbents
International Journal of Environment and Waste Management
Published Version
vol.2 no.3 p.279-291
Nalbandian L
Delimitis Α
Zaspalis Vasileios
Deligianni-Giannakoudaki Eleni
Bakogiannakis Dimitrios
Peleka Effrosyni
Hydrothermally prepared nanocrystalline Mn–Zn ferrites: Synthesis and characterization
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials
Published Version
vol.114 p.465-473
Peleka Effrosyni
Mayros Paylos
Zoumpoylis Anastasios
Matis Konstantinos
A hybrid flotation-microfiltration cell for effluent treatment
Published Version
vol. 248, no.1-3 p.881-890
Peleka Effrosyni
Matis Konstantinos
Application of flotation as a pretreatment process during desalination
Published Version
vol.222 p.1-8
Without Type
Deligianni-Giannakoudaki Eleni
Peleka Effrosyni
Matis Konstantinos
Akaganeite sorption process for the removal of surfactants from water
Protection and restoration of the environment IX
Kefalonia - Greece
Peleka Effrosyni
Spantidaki M.I
Matis Konstantinos
Metals biosorption and separation in a novel unit
AQUA 2008, 3rd International Conference Water Science and Technology with emphasis on water & climate
Athens - Greece
Peleka Effrosyni
Karapantsios Theodoros
Kostoglou Margaritis
Matis Konstantinos
Collision and Attachment of Particles on Bubbles in Flotation Systems
Eufoam Conference
Noordwijk - The Netherlands
Peleka Effrosyni
Karapantsios Theodoros
Kostoglou Margaritis
Matis Konstantinos
Particle – bubble interactions in flotation systems
Cost P21: Coating and protecting droplets
Capri - Italy
Peleka Effrosyni
Mavros Paul
Zoumpoulis Anastasios
Matis Konstantinos
A Hybrid flotation-microfiltration cell for effluent treatment
Small and Decentralized Water and Wastewater Treatment Units
Skiathos - Greece
Πελέκα Ευφροσύνη
Μάτης Κωνσταντίνος
Η αφαλάτωση του θαλασσινού νερού
3rd Macedonian Environmental Conference
Thessaloniki - Greece
Without Type
Deligianni-Giannakoudaki Eleni
Peleka Effrosyni
Matis Konstantinos
Effect of cationic surfactant on the adsorption of arsenites onto akaganéite nanocrystals
Separation Science and Technology
Published Version
vol.42 p.993-1012
Deliyanni E.A
Peleka Effrosyni
Lazaridis Nikolaos
Comparative study of phosphates removal from aqueous solutions by nanocrystalline akaganeite and hybrid surfactant-akaganeite
Separation and Purification Technology
Published Version
vol.52 no.3 p.478-486
Gallios Georgios
Deligianni-Giannakoudaki Eleni
Peleka Effrosyni
Matis Konstantinos
Flotation of chromite and serpentine
Separation and Purification Technology
Published Version
vol.55 p.232-237
Matis Konstantinos
Peleka Effrosyni
Deligianni-Giannakoudaki Eleni
Removal of zinc ion from water by sorption onto iron-based nanoadsorbent
Journal of Hazardous Materials
Published Version
vol.141 p.176-184
Peleka Effrosyni
Blocher C
Nenov V
Mavrov V
Matis Konstantinos
The recovery of copper from a copper mine effluent in a hybrid flotation/microfiltration cell
International Journal of Environment and Pollution
Published Version
vol.30 no.2 p.273-286
Without Type
Deligianni-Giannakoudaki Eleni
Peleka Effrosyni
Matis Konstantinos
Nanocrystalline hybrid surfactant-akaganéite: Preparation, structural analysis and sorption
1st Conference on Environmental Management, Engineering, Planning and Economics (CEMEPE)
skiathos - Greece
Peleka Effrosyni
Matis Konstantinos
Application of flotation as a pretreatment process during desalination
Desalination and the Environment
Sani, Halkidiki - Greece
Without Type
Deligianni-Giannakoudaki Eleni
Peleka Effrosyni
Matis Konstantinos
Iron-based nanoadsorbents for the removal of metal ions from water
Combined and Hyrbid Adsorbents
Published Version
Peleka E. N
Mavros P
Zamboulis D
Matis K. A
Removal of phosphates from water by a hybrid flotation-membrane filtration cell
vol.198 no.1-3 p.198-207
Peleka E. N
Fanidou M. M
Mavros P
Matis K. A
A hybrid flotation-microfiltration cell for solid/liquid separation: operational characteristics
vol.194 no.1-3 p.135-145
Peleka Effrosyni
Lazaridis Nikolaos
Mayros Paylos
Matis Konstantinos
A New Hybrid Flotation—Microfiltration Cell
Separation Science and Technology
Published Version
vol.41 p.3229-3243
Peleka Effrosyni
Mayros Paylos
Zampoylis Dimitrios
Matis Konstantinos
Removal of phosphates from water by a hybrid flotation– membrane filtration cell
Published Version
vol.198 p.198-207
Peleka Effrosyni
Fanidou M.M
Mayros Paylos
Matis Konstantinos
A Hybrid Flotation - Microfiltration Cell for S/L Separation: Operational Characteristics
Published Version
vol.194 p.135-145
Without Type
Δεληγιάννη - Γιαννακουδάκη Ελένη
Πελέκα Ευφροσύνη
M. Morad
Μάτης Κωνσταντίνος
Συγκριτική μελέτη προσροφητικών υλικών για την απομάκρυνση των φωσφορικών ιόντων από υδατικούς φορείς
Small scale wastewater treatment plants
Portaria, Volos - Greece
Πελέκα Ευφροσύνη
Λαζαρίδης Νικόλαος
Μαύρος Παύλος
Γάλλιος Γεώργιος
Μάτης Κωνσταντίνος
Ανάκτηση μετάλλων από βιομηχανικά απόνερα
The environmental problems of Thessaloniki: Auth aspects
Thessaloniki - Greece
Πελέκα Ευφροσύνη
Μαύρος Παύλος
Ζαμπούλης Δημήτριος
Επίδραση της αέριας παροχής στη λειτουργία μιας υβριδικής συσκευής επίπλευσης - μικροδιήθησης
Small scale wastewater treatment plants
Portaria, Volos - Greece
Without Type
Zampoylis Dimitrios
Zoumpoylis Anastasios
Peleka Effrosyni
Matis Konstantinos
Application of Flotation for the Separation of Metal-Loaded Resins
Separation Science and Technology
Published Version
vol.40 no.4 p.861-876
Without Type
Peleka Effrosyni
Mavros Paul
Zampoulis Dimitrios
Matis Konstantinos
Removal of phosphates from water by a hybrid flotation-membrane filtration cell
PERMEA–2005: Membrane Science and Technology Conference
Polanica Zdrój - poland
Peleka Effrosyni
Deligianni-Giannakoudaki Eleni
Matis Konstantinos
Iron-based nanoadsorbents for the removal of metal ions from water
Combined and Hybrid Adsorbents: Fundamentals and Applications
NATO Advanced Research Workshop, Combined and Hybrid Adsorbents: Fundamentals and Applications
Kiev - Ukraine
Peleka Effrosyni
Lazaridis Nikolaos
Mavros Paul
Zampoulis Dimitrios
Matis Konstantinos
A hybrid flotation – microfiltration cell for metal ions recovery
Proceedings of the 7th World Congress of Chemical Engineering
7th World Congress of Chemical Engineeing
Glasgow - Scotland
Peleka Effrosyni
Lazaridis Nikolaos
Mavros Paul
Matis Konstantinos
A new hybrid flotation-microfiltration cell
Centenary of Flotation 2005 Symposium : Conference proceedings
Centenary of Flotation 2005 Symposium
Brisbane - Australia
Peleka Effrosyni
Mavros Paul
Zampoulis Dimitrios
Adsorbent morphology: influence of transient mixing conditions and feed location on semi-batch goethite precipitation
Fifth International Symposium on Mixing in Industrial Processes: (ISMIP5)
ISMIP5–5th International Symposium on Mixing in Industrial Processes
Seville - Spain
Πελέκα Ευφροσύνη
Μαύρος Παύλος
Ζαμπούλης Δημήτριος
Μάτης Κωνσταντίνος
Υβριδική διεργασία μικροδιήθησης – επίπλευσης: εφαρμογή στην απομάκρυνση φωσφορικών ιόντων
5th Pan Hellenic Scientific Conference of Chemical Engineering
Thessaloniki - Greece
Without Type
Deligianni-Giannakoudaki Eleni
Lazaridis Nikolaos
Peleka Effrosyni
Matis Konstantinos
Metals Removal from Aqueous Solution by Iron-Based Bonding Agents
Environmental Science and Pollution Research
Published Version
vol.11 no.1 p.18-21
Lazaridis Nikolaos
Peleka E.N
Karapantsios Theodoros
Matis Konstantinos
Copper removal from effluents by various separation techniques
Published Version
vol.74 no.1-2 p.149-156
Matis Konstantinos
Erwe T
Mavrov V
Peleka Effrosyni
Zampoylis Dimitrios
Air sparging during the solid/liquid separation by microfiltration: application of flotation
Separation and Purification Technology
Published Version
vol.40 no.1 p.1-7
Peleka Effrosyni
Erwe T
Mavrov V
Matis Konstantinos
Bonding of toxic metal ions
Water Encyclopedia
Published Version
vol.1 p.586-591
Without Type
Matis Konstantinos
Peleka Effrosyni
Mavros Paul
Mavrov V
Metal ions recovery from industrial effluents: a new hybrid process
36th International October conference on mining and metallurgy
36th International October Conference on Mining and Mettalurgy
Danube - Servia
Peleka Effrosyni
Mavros Paul
Zampoulis Dimitrios
Matis Konstantinos
A new hybrid membrane – flotation cell for water treatment and purification
Water resources management: risks and challenges for the 21st century
Izmir - Turkey
Peleka Effrosyni
Lazaridis Nikolaos
Mavros Paul
Zampoulis Dimitrios
Matis Konstantinos
Solid / liquid separation by a hybrid microfiltration flotation process
Protection and Restoration of the Environment VII
Myconos - Greece
Πελέκα Ευφροσύνη
Μαύρος Παύλος
Ζαμπούλης Δημήτριος
Μάτης Κωνσταντίνος
Study of flow field of a combined microfiltration/flotation cell with residence time distribution method
8ο Συνέδριο Χημείας Ελλάδος-Κύπρου με θέμα «Χημεία, Ποιότητα Ζωής και Εκπαίδευση
8th Greece-Cyprus chemical conference “Chemistry, Life quality and education
Thessaloniki - Greece
Without Type
Deligianni-Giannakoudaki Eleni
Bakogiannakis Dimitrios
Zoumpoylis Anastasios
Peleka Effrosyni
Removal of Arsenic and Cadmium by Akaganeite Fixed-Beds
Separation Science and Technology
Published Version
vol.38 no.16 p.3967-3981
Without Type
Deligianni-Giannakoudaki Eleni
Peleka Effrosyni
Matis Konstantinos
Bakogiannakis Dimitrios
Removal of Arsenic and Cadmium by Akaganeite Fixed-beds
8th FECS Conference on Chemistry and the Environment: Chemistry for a Sustaining World
Athens - Greece
Matis Konstantinos
Peleka Effrosyni
Lazaridis Nikolaos
Zampoulis Dimitrios
Removal of metal ions by zeolites and their MF/UF separation
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on the Occurrence, Properties and Utilization of Natural Zeolites
6th International Conference Occurrence, Properties and Utilization of Natural Zeolites
Thessaloniki - Greece
Peleka Effrosyni
Gallios Georgios
Lazaridis Nikolaos
Matis Konstantinos
Simulation of Zn(II) and Cr(VI) Sorptive Flotation by Goethite
8th FECS Conference on Chemistry and the Environment: Chemistry for a Sustaining World
Athens - Greece
Πελέκα Ευφροσύνη
Μαύρος Παύλος
Ζαμπούλης Δημήτριος
Μάτης Κωνσταντίνος
Removal of phosphoric ions from water by adsorption onto synthetic goethite
25th anniversary years of the Chemistry Department of the University of Ioannina – 5th Conference “Basic and Applied Chemical Research”
Ioannina - Greece
Without Type
Peleka Effrosyni
Mavros Paul
Matis Konstantinos
The flotation process: aspects on its hydrodynamics
Open Chemistry
Aggiornato: 2018-08-13