Facolta’ | Filosofia |
Dipartimento | |
Qualification Awarded | Μεταπτυχιακό Δίπλωμα Ειδίκευσης, Μ.Δ.Ε. (Metaptychiako Diploma Eidikefsis – Second-cycle degree of specialization) equivalent to a ‘Master’ Degree. |
Programma di Studio | Paidagōgikī epistīmī 2016 |
Ciclo / Livello di Studi | 2. Post Laurea |
Anno Accademico | 2016 - 2017 |
Stato | Attivo |
Website | http://www.edlit.auth.gr |
Contact email | info@edlit.auth.gr |
ECTS / Workload | One ECTS unit corresponds to 25 hours of workload. |
Codice | Titolo | ECTS | Tipo |
Π1808 | Vocational Education and Training: programme planning and assessment | 5 | FsL |
Φ101 | Introduction To Philosophy | 5 | EE |
Φ114 | Contemporary Philosophy | 5 | EE |
Codice | Titolo | ECTS | Tipo |
ΠΕ201 | Peace Education | 10 | O |
Codice | Titolo | ECTS | Tipo |
ΠΕ301 | Current Issues in Special Education | 10 | O |
Codice | Titolo | ECTS | Tipo |
ΠΕ401 | History of pedagogical ideas | 10 | O |
Codice | Titolo | ECTS | Tipo |
ΠΕ501 | Logotechnikī Ekpaídeusī: orismós tou pedíou, proséngiseis ennoiṓn, thesmoí | 10 | O |
Codice | Titolo | ECTS | Tipo |
ΠΕ601 | Theoretical foundations, historical perspectives and basic principles of Adult and Continuing Education | 10 | O |
Codice | Titolo | ECTS | Tipo |
ΠΕ202 | Intercultural Education | 10 | O |
ΠΕ203 | International school textbook research | 10 | O |
Codice | Titolo | ECTS | Tipo |
ΠΕ302 | Academic and phychosocial support to students with learning disabilities | 10 | O |
ΠΕ303 | Educational approaches to Learning Disabilities | 10 | O |
Codice | Titolo | ECTS | Tipo |
ΠΕ402 | History of education: 19th century | 10 | O |
ΠΕ503 | Teaching and learning to promote the development of critical thinking, theory, methodogy and examples | 10 | O |
Codice | Titolo | ECTS | Tipo |
ΠΕ502 | Cirriculum and School textbook | 10 | O |
ΠΕ503 | Teaching and learning to promote the development of critical thinking, theory, methodogy and examples | 10 | O |
Codice | Titolo | ECTS | Tipo |
ΚΕ800 | Sociology of Education (socialisation-interculturalism) | 3 | EE |
Π1000 | Introduction to Pedagogical Research | 6 | FsL |
Π1312 | School classroom peer group and the teacher's sociopedagogical task | 5 | FsL |
Π1438 | Teaching methods and New Technologies | 5 | FsL |
Π3003 | The Phychology of Adolescence | 6 | FsL |
Φ366 | 20th Century Moral Theories | 3 | FsL |
Codice | Titolo | ECTS | Tipo |
ΚΕ800 | Sociology of Education (socialisation-interculturalism) | 3 | EE |
Π1312 | School classroom peer group and the teacher's sociopedagogical task | 5 | FsL |
Π1438 | Teaching methods and New Technologies | 5 | FsL |
Π3003 | The Phychology of Adolescence | 6 | FsL |
Φ366 | 20th Century Moral Theories | 3 | FsL |