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Study Guide

Qualification AwardedΠΤΥΧΙΟ ΘΕΟΛΟΓΙΑΣ - Εισαγωγική Κατεύθυνση Μουσουλμανικών Σπουδών (Ptychio Theologias - Islamic Studies) (Degree in Theology - Islamic Studies)
Programma di StudioPPS Tm. THeologías - Eisagōgikī Kateýthynsī Mousoulmanikṓn Spoudṓn (EKMS 2016-sīmera)
Ciclo / Livello di Studi1. Corso di Laurea
Anno Accademico2017 - 2018
Contact emailinfo-islam-studies@theo.auth.gr
ECTS / WorkloadOne ECTS unit corresponds to 25 hours of workload.
ΠΤΥΧΙΟ ΘΕΟΛΟΓΙΑΣ - Εισαγωγική Κατεύθυνση Μουσουλμανικών Σπουδών (Ptychio Theologias - Islamic Studies) (Degree in Theology - Islamic Studies)
Corso di Laurea
Certificate of graduation from upper secondary education school. National examinations for the admission to higher education, administered by the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs. Specific categories of graduates.
To obtain the Degree in Islamic Studies, the students are required to attend and be successfully examined in forty-one (41) compulsory courses that is a total of 188 ECTS and elective courses that are credited with a total of 52 ECTS. These courses are included in the online list of the courses offered each semester (https://qa.auth.gr).
Compulsory courses include courses and/or training. Usually, a writing assignment or additional partial examination during the semester is required.
The final assessment of the students varies and depends on each course. It could be oral, written, by an essay or a combination.
In order to acquire the Teaching Certificate, students need to complete successfully a group of pedagogical courses including the "Teaching traineeship" course, that are credited with a total of 30 ECTS.
The program of Islamic Studies aims to provide high quality education in the academic field of Islam and Islamic cultures, to advance toward the knowledge of the Study of Religion and civilisations in general, to teach relevant languages (with emphasis on Arabic and Persian), to promote inter-religious dialogue and reconciliation within the European academic and cultural framework.
The purpose of the curriculum is to prepare: Teachers of Religion who will teach Islam in the public schools of western Thrace, scholars who will deal with Islamic Theology and Tradition as well as religion in general and its relationship with civil society and culture, employees of religious and social organizations, everyone who wish to broaden its knowledge and skills and enhance its professional qualifications.
Learning Outcomes
A. Generic
Graduates are able to: 1. apply knowledge in practice, 2. communicate in a foreign language 3. search, process, analyse and synthesise data and information, using the appropriate technological tools, 4. adapt to novel situations and make decisions, 5. work independently or in groups in international and/or interdisciplinary contexts, 6. respect diversity, multiculturalism and the natural environment, 7. demonstrate social, professional and moral responsibility and sensitivity to gender issues, 8. view themselves, as well as others, critically, 9. promote free, inductive and deductive thinking, 10. demonstrate sensitivity to social issues.
B. Specific
1. Knowledge
Graduates with reference to the courses they have chosen have: 1. knowledge of the historical, social, and cultural significance of religious traditions, 2. critical comprehension of the mechanisms by which religious faith may influence and inform the ethics, outlook, and behaviour of individuals and communities, 3. knowledge of the ways Islam is structured and regulated, 4. comprehension of the interaction between Islam, other religions and societies, both historically and in the contemporary world, 5. knowledge of methods in different branches of Islamic studies as well as the nature of theological research.
2. Skills
Graduates with reference to the courses they have chosen are able: 1. to read the Quran critically in its historical context and with a view to its contemporary application, 2. to participate in the dialogue between Islam and other religions as well as in the intercultural and inter-religious dialogue, 3. to communicate both orally and through the written word, using the terminology and techniques accepted in the profession 4. to convey theological and religious concepts to the general public, 5. to use the necessary IT and web technologies, 6. to know Arabic and/or Persian languages.
3. Competences
Graduates with reference to the courses they have chosen are able: 1. to understand and evaluate new and developing forms of religious belief and practice with a spirit of reconciliation, 2. to understand the role of expert on religious studies and mainly Islam in different environments and societies, 3. to apply academic knowledge in professional and social life, in accordance with human rights and European values, 4. to act on the basis of ethical reasoning, 5. to apply the theory and practice of religious education.
No additional professional qualification is necessary in order to be employed in the public or private sector
The qualification is a terminal award and allows access to postgraduate studies
A scale of 1 to 10 applies to the marks of each subject in the Hellenic Higher Education
The grade scale for the evaluation of the postgraduate students is defined from 0 (zero) to ten (10) including the decimal numbers, as following:
Άριστα (Arista) Excellent: 8.50-10.00
Λίαν Καλώς (Lian Kalos) Very Good: 6.50- 8.49
Καλώς (Kalos) Good: 6.00-6.49
Ανεπιτυχώς (Anepitychos) Fail: 0.00-4.99
Minimum passing grade: 5
The duration of the program that leads to obtaining the Degree in Islamic Studies is eight (8) semesters and the studentworkload is equivalent to 240 ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System).
A full academic year is equivalent to 60 ECTS units and each semester to 30 ECTS (1 ECTS=25-30 hours). Compliance with the ECTS regulations started in 2007, when the Greek Legislation was harmonized with the relevant European Legislation one (Ministerial Decision n. Φ5/89656/B3, art. 1-3, Hellenic Government Gazette n. 1466/B/2007). Each course is credited with a number of ECTS (>=2) according to the studentworkload (contact hours, laboratory work, examination etc.) and the accumulation of credits (ECTS) is accomplished after successful completion of the course.
Full -Time Studies
Nikolaos Ch. Maghioros