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Study Guide

Qualification Awarded
Programma di StudioPDS Tmīmatos CΗīmeías (apó Okt-2016 éōs sīmera)
Ciclo / Livello di Studi
Anno Accademico2018 - 2019
Contact emailinfo@chem.auth.gr
ECTS / WorkloadOne ECTS unit corresponds to hours of workload.

Courses of the 1st semester

1st semester
22 classes
M1Y22Physical Organic Chemistry–Organic Spectroscopy10O
Α08Applied Mathematics in Chemistry II5O
Β02Radiochemistry & Nuclear Chemistry1KOR
Η02Macromolecular Chemistry5O
Η03Industrial Organic Chemistry5O
Η07Environmental Chemistry5O
Κ203Separation Techniques in Chemical Analysis5O
Κ204Electroanalysis 5O
Κ209Instrumental Chemical Analysis ΙΙ5O
Κ316Radioanalytical Chemistry and Applications of Nuclear Techniques1O
Κ408Colour Chemistry and Technology5O
Μ1Υ21Advanced Organic Synthesis Ι10O
Μ2Υ11Spectrometric and Automatic Techniques in Chemical Analysis10O
Μ3Υ21Polymerization Reactions10O
Μ3Υ22Polymer Classes - Biopolymers10O
ΜΧ041Organic Synthesis I10O
ΜΧ092Polymer Classes - Biopolymers10O
ΠΡ03Oenology Ι5O
Υ01General & Inorganic Chemistry I10O
Υ07Physical Chemistry I5O
Υ08Quantitative Chemical Analysis5O
ΥΧΤ361Macromolecular Chemistry2.5O
Organikīs CΗīmeías
1st semester
3 classes
M1Y22Physical Organic Chemistry–Organic Spectroscopy10O
Μ1Υ21Advanced Organic Synthesis Ι10O
ΜΧ041Organic Synthesis I10O
Analytikīs CΗīmeías
1st semester
3 classes
Κ203Separation Techniques in Chemical Analysis5O
Μ2Υ11Spectrometric and Automatic Techniques in Chemical Analysis10O
ΠΡ03Oenology Ι5O
Fysikīs CΗīmeías
1st semester
1 class
Η07Environmental Chemistry5O
Elénchou Rýpansīs Perivállontos
1st semester
2 classes
Η07Environmental Chemistry5O
ΜΧ092Polymer Classes - Biopolymers10O
CΗīmeías kai Technologías Polymerṓn kai CΗrōmátōn
1st semester
9 classes
Η02Macromolecular Chemistry5O
Η03Industrial Organic Chemistry5O
Κ405Technology of Polymeric Materials1O
Κ407Techniques for the Synthesis and Characterisation of Polymers1O
Κ408Colour Chemistry and Technology5O
Μ3Υ21Polymerization Reactions10O
Μ3Υ22Polymer Classes - Biopolymers10O
Μ3Υ23Methods for the Characterization of Polymers1O
ΥΧΤ361Macromolecular Chemistry2.5O
CΗīmeías kai Technologías Trofímōn
1st semester
1 class
Μ3Υ33Research Methodologies in Food Science1YKOR
CΗīmikīs Ekpaídeusīs, Efarmogīs Technologiṓn Plīroforikīs kai Epikoinōniṓn stī CΗīmeía
1st semester
1 class
Α08Applied Mathematics in Chemistry II5O