To obtain their qualification from the Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Study Programme "Sports and Health" of the Schools of Medicine and Physical Education, according to the programestablishment (Ministerial Decisions, Hellenic Government Gazette no 3610/31-12-2014), graduate students have to successfully complete the 4 semesters that correspond to 120 ECTS. Graduate students have to attend and complete successfully the exams of the courses (basic knowledge, scientific area, and skill development) that are distributed as follows: a) 1st semester (30 ECTS), b) 2nd semester (30 ECTS), and c) 3rd semester (30 ECTS). In 4rth semester (30 ECTS) they have to complete their MasterThesis, which they defend in public.
The aim of this post graduate program is to promote the on-going specialized scientific knowledge and to provide a high-level education concerning the applications of medical science in sport but also the effect of sports on the human body. Some of the studied subjects are the presentation, evaluation and rehabilitation of sports injuries, pathological and cardiopulmonary conditions, the maximisation of athletic performance, the therapeutic physical exercise and the management of musculoskeletal pain through exercising.
The students of the post-graduate program "Sports and Health" are firstly introduced to the basics of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, of Anatomy and of Sports medicine. Afterwards they can broaden their knowledge in more specialised subjects of medical science and its applications in sports. More specifically, students are tought about Ergophysiology, Biomechanics, Athletic Cardiology, Pathology and Nutrition of athlets, Doping, rehabilitation programs, the role of exercise in the prevention of several conditions but also how to apply sports in chronic patients or disabled people and other subjects of Sports Medicine, through a series of lectures and workshops. Finally, every student can choose the topic that they will study more exclussively for their thesis. The graduates of the program will have the ability to apply all the above in a professional level, they will have good knowledge of the most recent results of accademic research in the fields of Sports Medicine.