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Study Guide

Qualification AwardedΠΤΥΧΙΟ ΘΕΟΛΟΓΙΑΣ (Ptychio Theologias)(Degree in Theology)
Programma di StudioAnamorfōméno PPS Tmīmatos THeologías (2023-2024)
Ciclo / Livello di Studi1. Corso di Laurea
Anno Accademico2018 - 2019
Contact emailinfo@theo.auth.gr
ECTS / WorkloadOne ECTS unit corresponds to 25 hours of workload.

Courses of the 1st semester

1st semester
9 classes
101Ancient Greek 6O
104Introduction to the Old Testament and Biblical Hebrew Language 5O
106Introduction to the Study and the Methodology of Theology4O
107New Testament I: Introduction, History and Culture of the New Testament period6O
ΑΓ1Εnglish for Theological studies Ι3XG
ΓΑ1French Language (1st semester)3XG
ΓΕ1German Language (1st semester)3XG
ΕΛ1Modern Greek Language 1st semester3XG

Courses of the 2nd semester

2nd semester
8 classes
202History and Literature of the Greek Orthodox Church5O
203Byzantine Archaeology 5O
205History of Philosophy4O
208Theory and methodology in the study of religion(s) of the ancient and current world5O
ΑΓ2English for Theological studies ΙΙ3XG
ΓΑ2French Language (2nd semester)3XG
ΓΕ2German Language (2nd semester)3XG
ΕΛ2Modern Greek Language 2nd semester3XG

Courses of the 3rd semester

3rd semester
4 classes
201Interpretation of the historical books of the old Testament from the Septuagint Text3O
302History of Slavic Orthodox Churches 5O
303Introduction to the Patristic Literature and Hagiology 5O
306Sociology and Sociology of Education6O

Courses of the 4th semester

4th semester
5 classes
301Interpretation of Interpretation of the Poetical and Prophetical Books of the Old Testament from the Septuagint Text4O
402Ecclesiastical Literature with Emphasis to the Latin Fathers6O
403Church Literature and Fathers Interpretation5O
405Sociology of Religion3O
406New Testament II: Interpretation of the Gospels 5O

Courses of the 5th semester

5th semester
4 classes
503Liturgical Theology 6O
504 Pastoral Theology 4O
506New Testament III: Interpretation of the New Testament Epistles4O
601World Religions4O

Courses of the 6th semester

6th semester
5 classes
602Ecclesiastical Literature of the Slavs5O
604Sociology of Christianity4O
605Interreligious Dialogue3O
606The Ecumenical Movement5O

Courses of the 7th semester

7th semester
6 classes
507Dogmatics I.: History of Orthodox Theology and Spirituality and Symbolic Theology5O
704Catechism and Christian Education 6O
705 Introduction to Ethics4O
706Old Testament Theology4O
707Dogmatics II. Exposition of orthodox faith and introduction to the theological gnosiology 5O
2099Teacher Training in Religious Education Instruction 6FsO

Courses of the 8th semester

8th semester
4 classes
802Canon and Ecclesiastical Law6O
806New Testament IV: New Testament Theology5O
807Social Theory of modern culture5O
9999Practical Training / Intership6FsO

Courses of the Winter semester

Winter semester
16 classes
1111The theology of saint Cyprian of Carthage3FsL
1187Sources and institutions of Canon and Ecclesiastical law3FsL
1504Russian spirituality3FsL
2032Digital Preservation of Culture Heritage - Webpages Construction3FsL
2042Worship and Ecology3FsL
2127Ecumenical Portraits of the 20th century3FsL
2140Society, Religion and Law3FsL
2160Theology and cinema. A love as mighty as death. The sacredness and eroticism with a particular emphasis on the Orthodox tradition3FsL
2174Contemporary Bioethical views and Christian anthropology3FsL
2199The Interpretation of the New Testament in the 21st century3FsL
2200Modern Science and Orthodox Theology3FsL
2201Christian Gnosticism and the Epistles of the New Testament3FsL
2205Saint Gregory Palamas, Archbishop of Thessaloniki and his Homilies « In favor of the Holy Hesychasts »3FsL
2211Religion and Politics in the Balkans of the 20th Century: the Relations between the Church and the Politics from the Establishment of Yugoslavia (19183FsL
7777Modern Hebrew (A1).13FsL
7779Modern Hebrew (A2)3FsL

Courses of the Spring semester

Spring semester
17 classes
1692Slavic Hagiology3FsL
2014Theriomorphic understanding of the evil in the New Testament 3FsL
2050The conversion to Christianity during the first centuries: From St. Paul to St. Augustine3FsL
2073Marriage and Family Counseling3FsL
2089Unceasing Worship and the book of Psalms3FsL
2114Iconoclasm: History - Art3FsL
2129Religious Exclusivism and the Concept of Christian Monotheism3FsL
2132Theodicy and the problem of evil3FsL
2161"In markets and public squares" The dialogue of Orthodoxy with the public sphere of the city, politics and culture, with a particular emphasis on fund3FsL
2169Biblical Hebrew language and culture3FsL
2178Informatics Components: Cybernetics, Robotics & Biotechnology - Graphical representation of Information3FsL
2188Hymn, Melody and Ikon in our Liturgical Tradition3FsL
2196Pastoral Theology and Scientific Ethics3FsL
2215ReligiReligion and Society in Second Modernity: Social inequality, climate change, Peace, Violence and Politics3FsL
7778Modern Hebrew (A1).23FsL
7780Modern Hebrew (A2.2)3FsL
ΕΠ011Persian ΙV Β24FsL