Weitere Bibliographie
A History of the Ecumenical Movement 1968-2000, J. Briggs – M. A. Oduyoye – G. Tsetsis (eds), vol. 3, WCC, Geneva 2004.
Basdekis, Ath. (Hg.), Orthodoxe Kirche und Ökumenische Bewegung. Dokumente – Erklärungen – Berichte 1900-2006, Lembeck/Boni¬fa¬tius, Frankfurt a.M. 2006.
Matsoukas N., Ecumenical Movement: History - Theology, Pournaras, Thessaloniki 2003.
Stavridis, V., - Varella, Ev., History of the Ecumenical Movement, (Analekta Vlatadon 47), Thessaloniki 1996.
Limouris, G. (ed.), Orthodox Visions of Ecumenism: Statements, Messages and Reports on the Ecumenical Movement, 1902-1992, WCC, Geneva 1994.