Weitere Bibliographie
Agarwall S. C. and B. A. Glencross (eds). 2011. Social Bioarchaeology. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
Boric, D. and J. Robb (eds) 2008. Past Bodies: Body-Centered Research in Archaeology. Oxford: Oxbow Books
Fowler, C. 2004. The archaeology of personhood. London: Routledge
Gowland, R. and C. Knüsel(eds). 2006. Social Bioarchaeology of Funerary Remains. Oxford: Oxbow Books.
Hamilakis, Y., M. Pluciennik and S. Tarlow (eds). 2002. Thinking through the Body: Archaeologies of Corporeality. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.
Joyce, R. A. 2005. Archaeology of the body/ Annual Review of Anthropology 34: 139-158.
Joyce, R. A. 2008. Ancient Bodies, Ancient Lives. London: Thames & Hudson.
Rautman, A. E. (ed). 2000. Reading the Body. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
Rebay-Salisbury, K., M-L. Stig Sorensen and J. Hughes (eds). 2010. Body Parts and Bodies Whole. Changing Relations and Meanings. Oxford: Pxbow Books
Sofaer, J. 2006. The Body as Material Culture. A Theoretical Osteoarchaeology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.