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Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης
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e-Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae
Georgios Kitis
Professor, School of Physics
Personal Information
Scopus ID
Γνωστικό Αντικείμενο
Δοσιμετρία Ιοντιζουσών Ακτινοβολιών και εφαρμογές
Dosimetry of Ionizing Radiations and Applications
Επιστημονική Ειδίκευση
Φυσικές επιστήμες
Προπτυχιακές Σπουδές
Θετικών Επιστημών
Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης
Διδακτορικό Δίπλωμα
Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης
Δοσιμετρία Ακτινοβολιών-Αρχαιομετρία
Course Work
Courses of Winter semester of 2017–18 academic year
Medical Physics and dosimetry
Atomic and Molecular Physics Laboratory
History and Evolution of Physics
Physics and Philoshophy
Neuclear Physics Laboratory II
Nuclear Physics Laboratory
Courses of Spring semester of 2017–18 academic year
Physics V (Modern Physics)
Atomic and Molecular Physics Laboratory
Nuclear Physics Laboratory
Theses Supervised
Student Theses within AUTh
In progress
Afouxenidis Dimitrios. "Συσχετισμός Θερμικώς και Οπτικώς Προτρεπόμενης φωταύγειας σε δοσίμετρα σκτινοβολιών Στερεάς Κατάστασης"
Angeli Vasiliki. "Χαρακτηρισμός δοσιμέτρων ιονιζουσών ακτινοβολιών με θερμικώς και οπτικώς προτρεπόμενη φωταύγεια"
Afouxenidis Dimitrios. "Συσχετισμός Θερμικώς και Οπτικώς Προτρεπόμενης φωταύγειας σε δοσίμετρα σκτινοβολιών Στερεάς Κατάστασης"
Mavrokefalou Georgia. "Μελέτη σχέσης ραδιενεργού ρύπανσης με δορυφορικές παρατηρήσεις παραμέτρων θαλασσίου περιβάλλοντος και συγκριτική τους απεικόνιση σε σύστημα γεωγραφικών πληροφοριών"
Sfampa Ioanna. "Πειραματικός και Θεωρητικός Συσχετισμός Θερμικώς και Οπτικώς Προτρεπομένης Φωταύγειας". Εξειδίκευση: "Πειραματικός και θεωρητικός συσχετισμός θερμικώς και οπτικώς προτρεπομένης φωταύγειας (Θ&ΟΠΦ): Το μοντέλο του φαινομένου σήραγγος και η εφαρμογή του στην ερμηνεία ΟΦ&ΟΠΦ δοσιμέτρων ιοντιζουσών ακτινοβολιών"
Sotiropoulou Maria. "Μοντέλα δοσιμετρίας στο οικοσύστημα: Προσαρμογή και εφαρμογή μοντέλων δοσιμετρίας ιοντιζουσών ακτινοβολιών", Συγγραφή στην αγγλική: "Radiological modeling in the environment: Application and adaptation of ionising radiation dosimetry models in the Mediterranean terrestrial ecosystem"
Sfampa Ioanna. "Δοσιμετρικός χαρακτηρισμός του βρωμιούχου καλίου (ΚΒr)"
Subedi Bhagawan. "Δοσιμετρικός χαρακτηρισμός υλικών με εφαρμογή στην Αρχαιομετρία και Οπισθοβατική (retrospective) Δοσιμετρία"
Kazakis Nikolaos. "Δοσιμετρία υψηλών δόσεων και δοσιμετρία ατυχημάτων ακτινοβολίας", Εξειδίκευση: "Δοσιμετρία υψηλών δόσεων με έμφαση στην βιομηχανική αποστείρωση και δοσιμετρία ατυχημάτων ακτινοβολίας"
Without Type
Polymeris G.S
Giannoulatou V
Kyriakidou A
Sfampa I.K
Theodorou Georgios
Şahiner E
Meriç N
Kitis Georgios
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Bioactivity characterization of 45S5 bioglass using TL, OSL and EPR: Comparison with the case of 58S sol-gel bioactive glass
Materials Science and Engineering: C
vol.70 no.P1 p.673-680
Without Type
Kitis Georgios
Kiyak Nafiye G
Polymeris George S
Temperature lags of luminescence measurements in a commercial luminescence reader
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms
vol.359 no.C p.60-63
Oniya Ebenezer O
Polymeris George S
Jibiri Nnamdi N
Tsirliganis Nestor C
Babalola Isreal A
Kitis Georgios
Contributions of pre-exposure dose and thermal activation in pre-dose sensitizations of unfired and annealed quartz
Radiation Physics and Chemistry
vol.110 no.C p.105-113
Pagonis V
Kitis Georgios
Mathematical aspects of ground state tunneling models in luminescence materials
Journal of Luminescence
Pagonis V
Polymeris G
Kitis Georgios
On the effect of optical and isothermal treatments on luminescence signals from feldspars
Radiation Measurements
Vol. 82 p. 93–101
Polymeris George S
Şahiner Eren
Meriç Niyazi
Kitis Georgios
Experimental features of natural thermally assisted OSL (NTA-OSL) signal in various quartz samples; preliminary results
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms
vol.349 no.C p.24-30
Sadek A.M
Eissa H.M
Basha A.M
Kitis Georgios
Properties of the thermoluminescence glow peaks simulated by the interactive multiple-trap system (IMTS) model
Physica Status Solidi (B) Basic Research
Sfampa I.K
Polymeris G.S
Pagonis V
Theodosoglou E
Tsirliganis N.C
Kitis Georgios
Correlation of basic TL, OSL and IRSL properties of ten K-feldspar samples of various origins
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms
vol.359 no.C p.89-98
Without Type
Borbon-Nunez HA
Cruz-Vazquez C
Bernal R
Kitis Georgios
Furetta C
Castano VM
Thermoluminescence properties of sintered ZnO
Optical Materials
Sadek A.M
Eissa H.M
Basha A.M
Kitis Georgios
Development of the peak fitting and peak shape methods to analyze the thermoluminescence glow-curves generated with exponential heating function
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms
vol.330 no.C p.103-107
Sfampa I.K
Polymeris G.S
Tsirliganis N.C
Pagonis V
Kitis Georgios
Prompt isothermal decay of thermoluminescence in an apatite exhibiting strong anomalous fading
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms
vol.320 no.C p.57-63
Without Type
Kitis Georgios
Polymeris G
Pagonis V
Tsirliganis N.C
Anomalous fading of OSL signals originating from very deep traps in Durango apatite
Radiation Measurements
Vol. 49
Oniya E.O
Polymeris G.S
Jibiri N.N
Tsirliganis N.C
Babalola I.A
Kitis Georgios
Influence of entire glow-curve structure of quartz on MATAC of its 110 °c TL glow peak
Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials Science
Pagonis V
Phan H
Ruth D
Kitis Georgios
Further investigations of tunneling recombination processes in random distributions of defects
Radiation Measurements
Vol. 58 p. 66–74
Without Type
Afouxenidis D
Polymeris G. S
Tsirliganis N. C
Kitis G
Computerised curve deconvolution of TL/OSL curves using a popular spreadsheet program
Radiation Protection Dosimetry
vol.149 no.4 p.363-370
Kitis G
Vlachos N. D
General semi-analytical expressions for TL, OSL and other luminescence stimulation modes derived from the OTOR model using the Lambert W-function
Radiation Measurements
Kitis G
Carinou E
Askounis P
Glow-curve de-convolution analysis of TL glow-curve from constant temperature hot gas TLD readers
Radiation Measurements
vol.47 no.4 p.258-265
Oniya E. O
Polymeris G. S
Tsirliganis N. C
Kitis G
Radiation dose response correlation between thermoluminescence and optically stimulated luminescence in quartz
Journal of Luminescence
vol.132 no.7 p.1720-1728
Oniya E. O
Polymeris G. S
Tsirliganis N. C
Kitis G
On the pre-dose sensitization of the various components of the LM-OSL signal of annealed quartz; comparison with the case of 110 °C TL peak
Radiation Measurements
Oniya E. O
Polymeris G. S
Tsirliganis N. C
Kitis G
On the pre-dose sensitization of the various components of the LM-OSL signal of annealed quartz; comparison with the case of 110 degrees C TL peak
Radiation Measurements
vol.47 no.9 p.864-869
Oniya E. O
Polymeris G. S
Tsirliganis N. C
Kitis G
Behavior of various nigerian quartz samples to repeated irradiation and heating
vol.39 no.3 p.212-220
Pagonis V
Morthekai P
Singhvi A. K
Thomas J
Balaram V
Kitis G
Chen R
Time-resolved infrared stimulated luminescence signals in feldspars: Analysis based on exponential and stretched exponential functions
Journal of Luminescence
vol.132 no.9 p.2330-2340
Pagonis V
Kitis G
Prevalence of first-order kinetics in thermoluminescence materials: An explanation based on multiple competition processes
Physica Status Solidi (B) Basic Research
vol.249 no.8 p.1590-1601
Polymeris G. S
Oniya E. O
Jibiri N. N
Tsirliganis N. C
Kitis G
In-homogeneity in the pre-dose sensitization of the 110 degrees C TL peak in various quartz samples: The influence of annealing
Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms
vol.274 p.105-110
Polymeris G. S
Oniya E. O
Jibiri N. N
Tsirliganis N. C
Kitis G
In-homogeneity in the pre-dose sensitization of the 110 °c TL peak in various quartz samples: The influence of annealing
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms
vol.274 p.105-110
Polymeris G. S
Kitis G
Thermally assisted photo transfer OSL from deep traps in Al2O3:C grains exhibiting different TL peak shapes
Applied Radiation and Isotopes
vol.70 no.10 p.2478-2487
Polymeris G. S
Kitis G
Thermally assisted photo transfer OSL from deep traps in Al 2O 3: C grains exhibiting different TL peak shapes
Applied Radiation and Isotopes
vol.70 no.10 p.2478-2487
Subedi B
Polymeris G. S
Tsirliganis N. C
Pagonis V
Kitis G
Reconstruction of thermally quenched glow curves in quartz
Radiation Measurements
vol.47 no.4 p.250-257
Without Type
Polymeris G. S
Goudouri O. M
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Kitis G
The 110°C Thermoluminescence peak as a probe in bioactivity study of the 58S sol-gel bioactive glass
23rd Symposium and Annual Meeting of International Society for Ceramics in Medicine
vol.493-494 p.49-54
Without Type
Kitis G
Polymeris G. S
Kiyak N. G
Pagonis V
Preliminary results towards the equivalence of transformed continuous-wave optically stimulated luminescence (CW-OSL) and linearly-modulated (LM-OSL) signals in quartz
vol.38 no.3 p.209-216
Kitis G
A simple method to record thermoluminescence glow-curves between 77 and 300 K
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment
vol.637 no.1 p.88-94
Pagonis V
Chen R
Kitis G
On the intrinsic accuracy and precision of luminescence dating techniques for fired ceramics
Journal of Archaeological Science
vol.38 no.7 p.1591-1602
Polymeris G. S
Kitis G
Kiyak N. G
Sfamba I
Subedi B
Pagonis V
Dissolution and subsequent re-crystallization as zeroing mechanism, thermal properties and component resolved dose response of salt (NaCl) for retrospective dosimetry
Applied Radiation and Isotopes
vol.69 no.9 p.1255-1262
Polymeris G. S
Kitis G
Irsl dating of a deep water core from Pylos, Greece; comparison to post ir blue Osl and TL dating results
Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry
vol.11 no.2 p.107-120
Polymeris G. S
Goudouri O. M
Kontonasaki E
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Tsirliganis N. C
Kitis G
Thermoluminescence as a probe in bioactivity studies; The case of 58S sol-gel bioactive glass
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics
vol.44 no.39
Polymeris G. S
Afouxenidis D
Raptis S
Liritzis I
Tsirliganis N. C
Kitis G
Relative response of TL and component-resolved OSL to alpha and beta radiations in annealed sedimentary quartz
Radiation Measurements
Schiff E. R
Lee S. S
Chao Y
Kew Yoon S
Bessone F
Wu S
Kryczka W
Lurie Y
Gadano A
Kitis G
Beebe S
, et al
Long-Term Treatment With Entecavir Induces Reversal of Advanced Fibrosis or Cirrhosis in Patients With Chronic Hepatitis B
Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology
vol.9 no.3 p.274-276.e1
Subedi B
Oniya E
Polymeris G. S
Afouxenidis D
Tsirliganis N. C
Kitis G
Thermal quenching of thermoluminescence in quartz samples of various origin
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms
vol.269 no.6 p.572-581
Without Type
Basbas Sokratis
Kitis Georgios
Stamos I
The implementation of a contra flow bus lane in the city of Thessaloniki: energy and environmental impacts
Proc. of the 3rd International Conference on Environmental Management, Engineering, Planning and Economics (C.E.M.E.P.E.) and SECOTOX Conference, Department of Planning and Regional Development, School of Engineering University of Thessaly, Sector of Industrial Management and Operations Research, School of Mechanical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, TEI of Thessaloniki, Technical Chamber of Greece, International Society of Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety (SECOTOX)
3rd International Conference on Environmental Management, Engineering, Planning and Economics (C.E.M.E.P.E.) and SECOTOX Conference, Department of Planning and Regional Development, School of Engineering University of Thessaly, Sector of Industrial Management and Operations Research, School of Mechanical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, TEI of Thessaloniki, Technical Chamber of Greece, International Society of Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety (SECOTOX)
Editors: Kungolos, A. and Karagiannidis, A. and Aravossis, K. and Samaras, P. and Schramm, K.W
Skiathos, Greece
Without Type
Avgerinos A
Nalmpantidis G. A
Abuouda H
Avramidis I
Samantara F
Maris Th
Kapetanos D
Ilias A
Penopoulos V
Tsalis K
Gianouzakos V
, et al
Neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy plus adjuvant chemotherapy versus adjuvant chemoradiotherapy in the treatment of patients with resectable rectal adenocarcinoma: A single-center 6-year study
Annals of Gastroenterology
vol.23 no.1 p.53-60
Dallas G. I
Polymeris G. S
Afouxenidis D
Tsirliganis N. C
Tsagas N. F
Kitis G
Correlation between TL and OSL signals in KMgF3:Ce 3+: Bleaching study of individual glow-peaks
Radiation Measurements
vol.45 no.3-6 p.537-539
Kapetanos D
Abuouda H
Iordanidis F
Katsinelos Panagiotis
Kitis Georgios
Unique case of intestinal lymphangiectasia in an immunocompetent adult, caused by CMV and EBV co-infection
Annals of Gastroenterology
vol.23 no.2 p.136-138
Kitis G
Kiyak N. G
Polymeris G. S
Pagonis V
Investigation of OSL signals from very deep traps in unfired and fired quartz samples
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms
vol.268 no.6 p.592-598
Kitis G
Kiyak N. G
Polymeris G. S
Thermoluminescence and optically stimulated luminescence properties of natural barytes
Applied Radiation and Isotopes
vol.68 no.12 p.2409-2415
Kitis G
Kiyak N
Polymeris G. S
Tsirliganis N. C
The correlation of fast OSL component with the TL peak at 325 {ring operator} C in quartz of various origins
Journal of Luminescence
vol.130 no.2 p.298-303
Kitis G
The Practice of Gastrointestinal Oncology and the role of the Gastroenterologist
Annals of Gastroenterology
vol.23 no.1 p.13-14
Kiyak N. G
Polymeris G. S
Kitis G
TL/OSL properties of crystalline inclusions from heavy, barytes loaded, concrete
Radiation Measurements
vol.45 no.3-6 p.543-545
Koul D. K
Polymeris G. S
Tsirliganis N. C
Kitis G
Possibility of pure thermal sensitization in the pre-dose mechanism of the 110 °C TL peak of quartz
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms
vol.268 no.5 p.493-498
Liritzis I
Zacharias N
Polymeris G. S
Kitis G
Ernstson K
Sudhaus D
Neumair A
Mayer W
Rappenglück M. A
Rappenglück B
The chiemgau meteorite impact and tsunami event (southeast germany): First osl dating
Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry
vol.10 no.SPEC.ISSUE 4 p.17-33
Maris T
Kapetanos D
Ilias A
Augerinos A
Xiarhos P
Kitis G
Mid term results of pneumatic balloon dilatation in patients with achalasia
Annals of Gastroenterology
vol.23 no.1 p.61-63
Polymeris G. S
Raptis S
Afouxenidis D
Tsirliganis N. C
Kitis G
Thermally assisted OSL from deep traps in Al2O3:C
Radiation Measurements
vol.45 no.3-6 p.519-522
Polymeris G. S
Gogou D
Afouxenidis D
Rapti S
Tsirliganis N. C
Kitis G
Preliminary tl and osl investigations of obsidian samples
Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry
vol.10 no.SPEC.ISSUE 4 p.83-91
Subedi B
Kitis G
Pagonis V
Simulation of the influence of thermal quenching on thermoluminescence glow-peaks
Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials
vol.207 no.5 p.1216-1226
Subedi B
Afouxenidis D
Polymeris G. S
Tsirliganis N. C
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Kitis G
TL and OSL response of turquoise for dosimetric application
Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry
vol.10 no.SPEC.ISSUE 4 p.61-67
Subedi B
Afouxenidis D
Polymeris G. S
Bakoglidis K
Raptis S
Tsirliganis N. C
Kitis G
Thermal quenching of thermoluminescence in quartz samples of various origins
Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry
vol.10 no.SPEC.ISSUE 4 p.69-75
Without Type
Afouxenidis D
Polymeris G. S
Goudouri O. M
Kontonasaki E
Chatzistavrou X
Tsirliganis N. C
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Kitis G
Thermoluminescence as an experimental tool towards the characterization of bioactive materials: The case of 58S bioactive glass
23rd European Conference on Biomaterials (ESB)
Tampere, Finland
Goudouri O. M
Afouxenidis D
Polymeris G. S
Kontonasaki E
Chatzistavrou X
Kitis G
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Studying bioactive materials by applying Thermoluminescence
XXVI Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science
Polymeris George S
Kiyak Nafiye G
Zorba Triantafyllia
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Kitis George
Firing temperature of pottery and dating of wall-paintings; two promising potential luminescence applications of archaeological interest
2nd Symposium Αrchaeological Research and New Technologies (ARCH_RNT)
Without Type
Buster E. H. C. J
Flink H. J
Simsek H
Heathcote E. J
Sharmila S
Kitis G. E
Gerken G
Buti M
De Vries R. A
Verhey E
Hansen B. E
, et al
Early hbeag loss during peginterferon α-2b therapy predicts HBsAg loss: Results of a long-term follow-up study in chronic hepatitis B patients
American Journal of Gastroenterology
vol.104 no.10 p.2449-2457
Kitis G
Furetta C
Pagonis V
Mixed-order kinetics model for optically stimulated luminescence
Modern Physics Letters B
vol.23 no.27 p.3191-3207
Kitis G
Helicobacter pylori and Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease: A complex relationship
Annals of Gastroenterology
vol.22 no.3 p.141-142
Polymeris G. S
Kiyak N. G
Kitis G
Component resolved IR bleaching study of the blue LM-OSL signal of various quartz samples
vol.32 no.1 p.79-85
Polymeris G. S
Kitis G
Liolios A. K
Sakalis A
Zioutas K
Anassontzis E. G
Tsirliganis N. C
Luminescence dating of the top of a deep water core from the NESTOR site near the Hellenic Trench, east Mediterranean Sea
Quaternary Geochronology
vol.4 no.1 p.68-81
Polymeris G. S
Afouxenidis D
Tsirliganis N. C
Kitis G
The TL and room temperature OSL properties of the glow peak at 110 °C in natural milky quartz: A case study
Radiation Measurements
vol.44 no.1 p.23-31
Rivera T
Kitis G
AzorÍn J
Furetta C
Deconvolution method on osl curves from ZrO2 irradiated by beta and UV radiations
Modern Physics Letters B
vol.23 no.5 p.699-707
Stefanaki E. C
Afouxenidis D
Polymeris G. S
Sakalis A
Tsirliganis N. C
Kitis G
Optically stimulated luminescence properties of natural schist
Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry
vol.9 no.1 p.1-16
Without Type
Afouxenidis D
Chatzistavrou X
Polymeris G. S
Tsirliganis N. C
Kitis G
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Preliminary TL/OSL Characterization on Synthetic Bioactive Materials
7th International Conference on Luminescent Detectors and Transformers of Ionizing Radiation (LUMDETR 2009)
Krakow, Poland
Afouxenidis D
Chatzistavrou X
Polymeris G. S
Tsirliganis N. C
Kitis G
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Preliminary TL/OSL Characterization On Synthetic Bioactive Materials
XXV Panhellenic Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science
Sdrolia A
Sfamba I
Liolios Anastasios
Kitis Georgios
Cosmic radiation intensity measurements using TL dosimeters at various mountain altitudes
AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1203, pp. 40-42 (2010)
7th International Conference of the Balkan Physical Union
vol. 1203, p. 4042
Subedi B
Afouxenidis D
Polymeris G. S
Tsirliganis N. C
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Kitis G
Towards Luminescence Dating of Turquoise Gemstone Using TL and OSL Methods
XXV Panhellenic Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science
Without Type
Dallas G. I
Polymeris G. S
Stefanaki E. C
Afouxenidis D
Tsirliganis N. C
Kitis G
Sample dependent correlation between TL and LM-OSL in Al2 O3 : C
Radiation Measurements
vol.43 no.2-6 p.335-340
Dallas G. I
Afouxenidis D
Stefanaki E. C
Tsagas N. F
Polymeris G. S
Tsirliganis N. C
Kitis G
Reconstruction of the thermally quenched glow-curve of Al2O 3:C
Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials
vol.205 no.7 p.1672-1679
Kapetanos D
Kokozidis G
Maris T
Ilias A
Augerinos A
Vasiliou K
Samantara F
Christopoulou O
Avramidis I
Kitis G
Three cases of esophageal perforation treated successfully with plastic stents and clips
Annals of Gastroenterology
vol.21 no.3 p.194-196
Kitis G
Pagonis V
Computerized curve deconvolution analysis for LM-OSL
Radiation Measurements
vol.43 no.2-6 p.737-741
Kitis G
Chen R
Pagonis V
Thermoluminescence glow-peak shape methods based on mixed order Kinetics
Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials
vol.205 no.5 p.1181-1189
Kiyak N. G
Polymeris G. S
Kitis G
LM-OSL thermal activation curves of quartz: Relevance to the thermal activation of the 110 °C TL glow-peak
Radiation Measurements
vol.43 no.2-6 p.263-268
Liritzis I
Kitis G
Galloway R. B
Vafiadou A
Tsirliganis N. C
Polymeris G. S
Probing luminescence dating of archaeologically significant carved rock types
Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry
vol.8 no.1 p.61-79
Maris T
Ilias A
Kapetanos D
Augerinos A
Xiarhos P
Gagalis A
Kokozidis G
Akriviadis E
Koliouskas D
Sion M
Kitis G
Helicobacter pylori eradication improves acid reflux and esophageal motility in patients with Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease and antral gastritis
Annals of Gastroenterology
vol.21 no.4 p.233-236
Penopoulos V
Handolias M
Avgerinos A
Maris T
Ilias T
Issopoulos N
Christianopoulos G
Betsis D
Vrettou E
Kitis G
Pistevou K
A short course of preoperative radiotherapy improves prognosis of operable rectal carcinoma: a case control study
vol.55 no.85 p.1280-1287
Without Type
Afouxenidis D
Stefanaki E. C
Polymeris G. S
Sakalis A
Tsirliganis N. C
Kitis G
TL/OSL properties of natural schist for archaeological dating and retrospective dosimetry
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment
vol.580 no.1 SPEC. ISS. p.705-709
Bernal R
Alday-Samaniego K. R
Furetta C
Cruz-Zaragoza E
Kitis G
Brown F
Cruz-V.zquez C
Thermoluminescence characterization of LiMgF3:DyF3 phosphors exposed to beta radiation
Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids
vol.162 no.10-11 p.699-708
Flink H. J
Buster E. H. C. J
Merican I
Nevens F
Kitis G
Cianciara J
De Vries R. A
Hansen B. E
Schalm S. W
Janssen H. L. A
Relapse after treatment with peginterferon α-2b alone or in combination with lamivudine in HBeAg positive chronic hepatitis B
vol.56 no.10 p.1485-1486
Furetta C
Favalli A
Zaragoza E. C
Gomez-Ros J. M
Kitis G
Evaluation of thermoluminescent kinetics parameters of inorganic dust from the camomile
Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids
vol.162 no.10-11 p.751-757
García-Haro A. R
Bernal R
Kitis G
Castaño V. M
Barboza-Flores M
Cruz-V.zquez C
Fabrication and characterization of new LiF:Eu3+ sintered phosphors exposed to beta particles
Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids
vol.162 no.10-11 p.715-721
Kapetanos D
Kokozidis G
Kinigopoulou P
Xiarchos P
Antonopoulos Z
Progia E
Kitis G
The value of serum amylase and elastase measurements in the prediction of post-ERCP acute pancreatitis
vol.54 no.74 p.556-560
Kapetanos D
Kokozidis G
Christodoulou Dimitrios
Mistakidis K
Sigounas D
Dimakopoulos K
Kitis Georgios
Tsianos E. V
A randomized controlled trial of pentoxifylline for the prevention of post-ERCP pancreatitis
Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
vol.66 no.3 p.513-518
Kitis G
Polymeris G. S
Kiyak N. G
Component-resolved thermal stability and recuperation study of the LM-OSL curves of four sedimentary quartz samples
Radiation Measurements
vol.42 no.8 p.1273-1279
Kitis G
Pagonis V
Peak shape methods for general order thermoluminescence glow-peaks: A reappraisal
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms
vol.262 no.2 p.313-322
Kiyak N. G
Polymeris G. S
Kitis G
Component resolved OSL dose response and sensitization of various sedimentary quartz samples
Radiation Measurements
vol.42 no.2 p.144-155
Polymeris G. S
Sakalis A
Papadopoulou D
Dallas G
Kitis G
Tsirliganis N. C
Firing temperature of pottery using TL and OSL techniques
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment
vol.580 no.1 SPEC. ISS. p.747-750
Tsirliganis N. C
Polymeris G. S
Kitis G
Pagonis V
Dependence of the anomalous fading of the TL and blue-OSL of fluorapatite on the occupancy of the tunnelling recombination sites
Journal of Luminescence
vol.126 no.2 p.303-308
Without Type
Cruz-Zaragoza E
Furetta C
Kitis G
Torres Gomez B
Polymeris G. S
Tsirliganis N
Loukou Z
Thermoluminescence characterization of the irradiated minerals extracted from nopal
Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids
vol.161 no.5 p.267-278
Hadziyannis S. J
Tassopoulos N. C
Heathcote E. J
Chang T
Kitis G
Rizzetto M
Marcellin P
Lim S. G
Goodman Z
Ma J
Brosgart C. L
, et al
Long-term Therapy With Adefovir Dipivoxil for HBeAg-Negative Chronic Hepatitis B for up to 5 Years
vol.131 no.6 p.1743-1751
Katsoulidou A
Sypsa V
Tassopoulos N. C
Boletis J
Karafoulidou A
Ketikoglou I
Tsantoulas D
Vafiadi I
Hatzis G
Skoutelis A
Akriviadis E
, et al
Molecular epidemiology of hepatitis C virus (HCV) in Greece: Temporal trends in HCV genotype-specific incidence and molecular characterization of genotype 4 isolates
Journal of Viral Hepatitis
vol.13 no.1 p.19-27
Kitis G
Zaragoza E. C
Furetta C
Critical analysis of the peak-shape methods based on only one temperature value
Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids
vol.161 no.3 p.149-160
Kitis G
Polymeris G. S
Pagonis V
Tsirliganis N. C
Thermoluminescence response and apparent anomalous fading factor of Durango fluorapatite as a function of the heating rate
Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials
vol.203 no.15 p.3816-3823
Kitis G
Pagonis V
Chen R
Polymeris G
A comprehensive comparative study of the predose effect for three quartz crystals of different origin
Radiation Protection Dosimetry
vol.119 no.1-4 p.438-441
Kitis G
Pagonis V
Chen R
Comparison of experimental and modelled quartz thermal-activation curves obtained using multiple- and single-aliquot procedures
Radiation Measurements
vol.41 no.7-8 p.910-916
Kitis G
Chen R
Pagonis V
Carinou E
Kamenopoulou V
Thermoluminescence under an exponential heating function: I. Theory
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics
vol.39 no.8 p.1500-1507
Kitis G
Chen R
Pagonis V
Carinou E
Ascounis P
Kamenopoulou V
Thermoluminescence under an exponential heating function: II. Glow-curve deconvolution of experimental glow-curves
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics
vol.39 no.8 p.1508-1514
Morales A. O
Furetta C
Kitis G
Mendoza A. N
Zaragoza E. C
Thermoluminescent properties of NaCl monocrystal double doped with CaCl2 and CdCl2
Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids
vol.161 no.7 p.383-393
Pagonis V
Chen R
Kitis G
Theoretical modelling of experimental diagnostic procedures employed during pre-dose dosimetry of quartz
Radiation Protection Dosimetry
vol.119 no.1-4 p.111-114
Polymeris G
Kitis G
Pagonis V
The effects of annealing and irradiation on the sensitivity and superlinearity properties of the 110 ° C thermoluminescence peak of quartz
Radiation Measurements
vol.41 no.5 p.554-564
Polymeris G. S
Tsirliganis N
Loukou Z
Kitis G
A comparative study of the anomalous fading effects of TL and OSL signals of Durango apatite
Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials
vol.203 no.3 p.578-590
Polymeris G. S
Kitis G
Tsirliganis N. C
Correlation between TL and OSL properties of CaF2:N
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms
vol.251 no.1 p.133-142
Polymeris G. S
Kitis G
Liolios A. K
Tsirliganis N. C
Zioutas K
Minerals as Time-Integrating Luminescence Detectors for setting bounds on dark matter particle characteristics
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment
vol.562 no.1 p.207-213
Tsirliganis N
Polymeris G
Loukou Z
Kitis G
Anomalous fading of the TL, Blue-SL and IR-SL signals of fluorapatite
Radiation Measurements
vol.41 no.7-8 p.954-960
van Zonneveld M
Zondervan P. E
Cakaloglu Y
Simon C
Akarca U. S
So T. M. K
Flink H. J
de Man R. A
Schalm S. W
Janssen H. L. A
Niesters H. G. M
, et al
Peg-interferon improves liver histology in patients with HBeAg-positive chronic hepatitis B: No additional benefit of combination with lamivudine
Liver International
vol.26 no.4 p.399-405
Yannaki E
Anagnostopoulos A
Kapetanos D
Xagorari A
Iordanidis F
Batsis I
Kaloyannidis P
Athanasiou E
Dourvas G
Kitis G
Fassas A
Lasting amelioration in the clinical course of decompensated alcoholic cirrhosis with boost infusions of mobilized peripheral blood stem cells
Experimental Hematology
vol.34 no.11 p.1583-1587
Without Type
Dimakopoulos K
Saltas D
Penopoulos V
Maris T
Hristaki P
Kokozidis G
Kitis G
Gastrointestinal Tuberculosis mimicking Crohn's Disease. Case report and review of the literature
Annals of Gastroenterology
vol.18 no.1 p.84-87
Hadziyannis S. J
Tassopoulos N. C
Jenny Heathcote E
Chang T. T
Kitis G
Rizzetto M
Marcellin P
Seng G. L
Goodman Z
Ma J
Arterburn S
, et al
Long-term therapy with adefovir dipivoxil for HBeAg-negative chronic hepatitis B
New England Journal of Medicine
vol.352 no.26 p.2673-2681
Kitis G
Maris T
Dysplastic area in ulcerative colitis. Endoscopic resection or total colectomy?
Annals of Gastroenterology
vol.18 no.2 p.112-113
Kitis G
Furetta C
Simulation of competing irradiation and fading effects in thermoluminescence dosimetry
Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids
vol.160 no.7 p.285-296
Kitis G
Cruz Zaragoza E
Furetta C
Thermoluminescence properties of Chile Guajillo (paprika) Mexicano
Applied Radiation and Isotopes
vol.63 no.2 p.247-254
Papatheodoridis G. V
Dimou E
Dimakopoulos K
Manolakopoulos S
Rapti I
Kitis G
Tzourmakliotis D
Manesis E
Hadziyannis S. J
Outcome of hepatitis B e antigen-negative chronic hepatitis B on long-term nucleos(t)ide analog therapy starting with lamivudine
vol.42 no.1 p.121-129
Triantafillidis J. K
Kitis G
Karamanolis D
Karagiannis I
Tzourmakliotits D
Clinicoepidemiological characteristics of adult patients with inflammatory bowel disease diagnosed in 5 Greek teaching hospitals during the year 2003
Annals of Gastroenterology
vol.18 no.1 p.70-74
Without Type
Abbondanno U
Aerts G
Alvarez H
Andriamonje S
Angelopoulos A
Assimakopoulos P
Bacri C. O
Badurek G
Baumann P
Bečvář F
Beer H
, et al
New experimental validation of the pulse height weighting technique for capture cross-section measurements
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment
vol.521 no.2-3 p.454-467
Furetta C
Kitis G
Models in thermoluminescence
Journal of Materials Science
vol.39 no.7 p.2277-2294
González P. R
Furetta C
Azorín J
Rivera T
Kitis G
Sepúlveda F
Sanipoli C
Thermoluminescence (TL) characterization of the perovskite-like KMgF 3, activated by Lu impurity
Journal of Materials Science
vol.39 no.5 p.1601-1607
Lorusso G
Colonna N
Marrone S
Tagliente G
Heil M
Cano-Ott D
Mosconi M
Moreau C
Mengoni A
Abbondanno U
Aerts G
, et al
Time-energy relation of the n_TOF neutron beam: Energy standards revisited
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment
vol.532 no.3 p.622-630
Mastinu P. F
Abbondanno U
Aerts G
Alvarez H
Andriamonje S
Angelopoulos A
Assimakopoulos P
Bacri C. O
Badurek G
Baumann P
Bečvář F
, et al
A low-mass neutron flux monitor for the n_TOF facility at CERN
Brazilian Journal of Physics
vol.34 no.3 A p.914-918
Montalvo T. R
Furetta C
Kitis G
Azorín J
Vite R. M
Influence of heating rate on thermoluminescence of zirconium oxide UV irradiated
Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids
vol.159 no.4 p.217-222
Pancin J
Abbondanno U
Aerts G
Alvarez H
Andriamonje S
Angelopoulos A
Assimakopoulos P
Bacri C
Badurek G
Baumann P
Bečvář F
, et al
Measurement of the n_TOF beam profile with a micromegas detector
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment
vol.524 no.1-3 p.102-114
Patsanas T
Kapetanos D
Ilias A
Gessiou Ch
Tzarou V
Kokozidis G
Kitis G
Octreotide in the treatment of inoperable hepatocellular carcinoma
Annals of Gastroenterology
vol.17 no.1 p.69-74
Without Type
Hadziyannis S. J
Tassopoulos N. C
Heathcote E. J
Chang T. T
Kitis G
Rizzetto M
Marcellin P
Lim S. G
Goodman Z
Wulfsohn M. S
Xiong S
, et al
Adefovir dipivoxil for the treatment of hepatitis B e antigen-negative chronic hepatitis B
New England Journal of Medicine
vol.348 no.9 p.800-807
Kitis G
Pagonis V
Drupieski C
Cooling rate effects on the thermoluminescence glow curves of Arkansas quartz
Physica Status Solidi (A) Applied Research
vol.198 no.2 p.312-321
Pagonis V
Kitis G
Chen R
Applicability of the Zimmerman predose model in the thermoluminescence of predosed and annealed synthetic quartz samples
Radiation Measurements
vol.37 no.3 p.267-274
Penopoulos V
Gougoulias N
Walonga J
Christianopoulos G
Pistevou-Gobaki K
Kokozidis G
Kitis G
Synchronous adenocarcinomas of the small (Jejunum) and large (Transverse and Sigmoid Colon) bowel. A case study
Annals of Gastroenterology
vol.16 no.2 p.166-169
Without Type
Abánades A
Aleixandre J
Andriamonje S
Angelopoulos A
Apostolakis A
Arnould H
Belle E
Bompas C. A
Brozzi D
Bueno J
Buono S
, et al
Results from the TARC experiment: Spallation neutron phenomenology in lead and neutron-driven nuclear transmutation by adiabatic resonance crossing
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment
vol.478 no.3 p.577-730
Gomez Rost J. M
Kitis G
Horowitz Y. S
Oster L
Computerised glow curve deconvolution using general and mixed order kinetics
Radiation Protection Dosimetry
vol.101 no.1-4 p.47-52
Kitis G
Pagontis V
Carty H
Tatsis E
Horowitz Y. S
Oster L
Detailed kinetic study of the thermoluminescence glow curve of synthetic quartz
Radiation Protection Dosimetry
vol.100 no.1-4 p.225-228
Kitis G
Liritzis I
Vafeiadou A
Deconvolution of optical stimulated luminescence decay curves
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry
vol.254 no.1 p.143-149
Kitis G
Furetta C
Sanipoli C
Horowitz Y. S
Oster L
Thermoluminescence properties of LiMgF3 doped with Ce, Er and Dy
Radiation Protection Dosimetry
vol.100 no.1-4 p.247-250
Kitis G
Confirmation of the influence of thermal quenching on the initial rise method in α-Al2O3:C
Physica Status Solidi (A) Applied Research
vol.191 no.2 p.621-627
Pagonis V
Tatsis E
Kitis G
Drupieski C
Search for common characteristics in the glow curves of quartz of various origins
Radiation Protection Dosimetry
vol.100 no.1-4 p.373-376
Pagonis V
Kitis G
On the possibility of using commercial software packages for thermoluminescence glow curve deconvolution analysis
Radiation Protection Dosimetry
vol.101 no.1-4 p.93-98
Patsanas Th
Kousopoulou N
Kapetanos D
Ilias A
Kokozidis G
Kitis G
A randomised controlled trial comparing octreotide vs octreotide plus sclerotherapy in the control of bleeding and early mortality from esophageal varices
Annals of Gastroenterology
vol.15 no.2 p.153-157
Penopoulos V
Maris T
Gougoulias N
Kapetanos D
Christianopoulos G
Kokozidis G
Kitis G
Spontaneous extraperitoneal rupture of the rectum
Annals of Gastroenterology
vol.15 no.2 p.186-189
Savvidis E
Eleftheriadis C. A
Kitis G
Mapping of the thermal neutron distribution in the lead block assembly of the PS-211 experiment at CERN, using thermoluminescence and nuclear track detectors
Radiation Protection Dosimetry
vol.101 no.1-4 p.103-106
Tzilves D
Patsanas Th
Rapti E
Kokozidis G
Kitis G
Co-administration of granulocyte colony-stimulation factor allows completion of interferon therapy in chronic viral hepatitis with neutropenia
Annals of Gastroenterology
vol.15 no.1 p.62-66
Without Type
Abánades A
Aleixandre J
Andriamonje S
Angelopoulos A
Apostolakis A
Arnould H
Belle E
Bompas C. A
Brozzi D
Bueno J
Buono S
, et al
Experimental verification of neutron phenomenology in lead and of transmutation by adiabatic resonance crossing in accelerator driven systems: A summary of the TARC Project at CERN
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment
vol.463 no.3 p.586-592
Furetta C
Santopietro F
Sanipoli C
Kitis G
Thermoluminescent (TL) properties of the perovskite KMgF3 activated by Ce and Er impurities
Applied Radiation and Isotopes
vol.55 no.4 p.533-542
Furetta C
Sanipoli C
Kitis G
Thermoluminescent kinetics of the perovskite KMgF3 activated by Ce and Er impurities
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics
vol.34 no.6 p.857-861
Furetta C
Prokic M
Salamon R
Prokic V
Kitis G
Dosimetric characteristics of tissue equivalent thermoluminescent solid TL detectors based on lithium borate
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment
vol.456 no.3 p.411-417
Kapetanos D
Xiarhos P
Kapetis E
Avgerinos A
Ilias A
Kokozidis G
Kitis G
Hereditary corpoporphyria presenting with deep jaundice and photosensitivity
Annals of Gastroenterology
vol.14 no.4 p.319-324
Kitis G
TL glow-curve deconvolution functions for various kinetic orders and continuous trap distribution: Acceptance criteria for E and s values
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry
vol.247 no.3 p.697-703
Pagonis V
Mian S. M
Kitis G
Fit of first order thermoluminescence glow peaks using the weibull distribution function
Radiation Protection Dosimetry
vol.93 no.1 p.11-17
Pagonis V
Kitis G
Fit of second order thermoluminescence glow peaks using the logistic distribution function
Radiation Protection Dosimetry
vol.95 no.3 p.225-229
Without Type
Charitidis C
Kitis G
Furetta C
Charalambous S
Superlinearity of synthetic quartz: dependence on the firing temperature
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms
vol.168 no.3 p.404-410
Furetta C
Prokic M
Salamon R
Kitis G
Dosimetric characterisation of a new production of MgB4O7:Dy,Na thermoluminescent material
Applied Radiation and Isotopes
vol.52 no.2 p.243-250
Furetta C
Kitis G
Kuo C. H
Kinetics parameters of CVD diamond by computerized glow-curve deconvolution (CGCD)
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms
vol.160 no.1 p.65-72
Hatziioannou K. A
Psarrakos K
Molyvda-Athanasopoulou E
Kitis G
Papanastassiou E
Sofroniadis I
Kimoundri O
Dosimetric considerations in mammography
European Radiology
vol.10 no.7 p.1193-1196
Kitis G
Otto T
Peculiarities of the glow-peak 5a of LiF:Mg,Ti
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms
vol.160 no.2 p.262-273
Kitis G
Gomez-Ros J. M
Thermoluminescence glow-curve deconvolution functions for mixed order of kinetics and continuous trap distribution
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment
vol.440 no.1 p.224-231
Kitis G
Furetta C
Prokic M
Prokic V
Kinetic parameters of some tissue equivalent thermoluminescence materials
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics
vol.33 no.11 p.1252-1262
Kokozidis G
Kinigopoulou P
Kapetanos D
Paikos D
Papaioannou A
Kitis G
The value of elastase evaluation in comparison with amylase and lipase in prediction and diagnosis of post-ERCP pancreatitis
Annals of Gastroenterology
vol.13 no.2 p.135-137
Without Type
Arnould H
Bompas C. A
Del Moral R
Lacoste V
Vlachoudis V
Aleixandre J
Bueno J
Cerro E
González O
Tamarit J
Andriamonje S
, et al
Experimental verification of neutron phenomenology in lead and transmutation by adiabatic resonance crossing in accelerator driven systems
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics
vol.458 no.2-3 p.167-180
Charitidis C
Kitis G
Furetta C
Charalambous S
Superlinearity of synthetic quartz: Dependence on pre-dose
Radiation Protection Dosimetry
vol.84 no.1-4 p.95-98
Furetta C
Kitis G
Weng P. S
Chu T. C
Thermoluminescence characteristics of MgB 4O 7 : Dy,Na
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment
vol.420 no.3 p.441-445
Furetta C
Kitis G
Brambilla A
Jany C
Bergonzo P
Foulon F
Thermoluminescence characteristics of a new production of chemical vapour deposition diamond
Radiation Protection Dosimetry
vol.84 no.1-4 p.201-205
Kitis G
Tuyn J. W. N
Correction for temperature lag and thermal gradient effects arising during thermoluminescence readout
Radiation Protection Dosimetry
vol.84 no.1-4 p.371-374
Kitis G
Otto T
Isothermal decay readout: Application to LiF:Mg,Cu,P and α-Al2O3:C
Radiation Protection Dosimetry
vol.86 no.3 p.181-190
Kitis G
Furetta C
Sanipoli C
Scacco A
KMgF3:Ce, an ultra-high sensitivity thermoluminescent material
Radiation Protection Dosimetry
vol.82 no.2 p.151-152
Without Type
Kitis G
Tuyn J. W. N
A simple method to correct for the temperature lag in TL glow-curve measurements
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics
vol.31 no.16 p.2065-2073
Kitis G
Gomez-Ros J. M
Tuyn J. W. N
Thermoluminescence glow-curve deconvolution functions for first, second and general orders of kinetics
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics
vol.31 no.19 p.2636-2641
Without Type
Furetta C
Kitis G
Kuo J. H
Vismara L
Weng P. S
Impact of non-ideal heat transfer on the determination of thermoluminescent kinetics parameters
Journal of Luminescence
vol.75 no.4 p.341-351
Kitis G
Tuyn J. W. N
Sensitivity of LiF : Mg,Ti thermoluminescence detectors after various annealing procedures
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms
vol.132 no.4 p.639-646
Without Type
Borchi E
Furetta C
Kitis G
Leroy C
Sussmann R. S
Whitehead A. J
Assessment of CVD diamond as a thermoluminescence dosemeter material
Radiation Protection Dosimetry
vol.65 no.1-4 p.291-295
Charitidis C
Kitis G
Charalambous S
Supralinearity of synthetic quartz at different irradiation temperatures
Radiation Protection Dosimetry
vol.65 no.1-4 p.347-350
Kitis G
Tzima A
Cai G. G
Furetta C
Low-temperature (80-240°C) annealing characteristics of LiF:Mg, Cu, P
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics
vol.29 no.6 p.1601-1612
Kitis G
Furetta C
Sanipoli C
Scacco A
Thermoluminescence properties of KMgF3 doped with Pb, Cr and Ag
Radiation Protection Dosimetry
vol.65 no.1-4 p.93-96
Kitis G
Charalambous S
Tuyn J. W. N
The dose response function of α-Al 2O 3:C under isothermal decay conditions
Radiation Protection Dosimetry
vol.65 no.1-4 p.239-242
Without Type
Kitis G
Spiropulu M
Charalambous S
Weber E. R
Supralinearity of the 100°C thermoluminescence glow-peak of synthetic quartz obtained with isothermal measurements
Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, B
vol.101 no.3 p.255-257
Without Type
Kitis G
Papadopoulos J. G
Charalambous S
Tuyn J. W. N
The influence of heating rate on the response and trapping parameters of α-Al 2O 3:C
Radiation Protection Dosimetry
vol.55 no.3 p.183-190
Kitis G
Furetta C
Thermoluminescence dosimetric characteristics of monocrystalline LiF:Mg,Ti(DTG-4)
Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, B
vol.94 no.4 p.441-448
Without Type
Kitis G
Spiropulu M
Papadopoulos J
Charalambous Stef
Heating rate effects on the TL glow-peaks of three thermoluminescent phosphors
Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, B
vol.73 no.3 p.367-372
Kitis G
Katsetsiadis L
Charalambous S
Cai G. G
Influence of irradiation temperature on the TL response of LiF: Mg, Cu,P
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics
vol.26 no.7 p.1094-1097
Kitis G
Charalambous S
Tuyn J. W. N
Thermoluminescence response of heavy concrete used in the shielding of the CERN 600 MeV synchrocyclotron
Radiation Protection Dosimetry
vol.47 no.1-4 p.589-593
Kitis G
Charalambous S
Tuyn J. W. N
Supralinearity of the thermoluminescence glow-peak 5 of LiF(TLD-700) obtained with isothermal measurements
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics
vol.26 no.11 p.2036-2040
Without Type
Kitis G
Charalambous S
Tuyn J. W. N
Thermoluminescent response of LiF:Mg,Ti (TLD-100) as a function of irradiation temperature for various types of radiation
Radiation Protection Dosimetry
vol.40 no.2 p.117-122
Without Type
Kitis G
Charalambous S
Relative thermoluminescence response of alpha to beta radiation as a function of irradiation temperature
International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation. Part
vol.18 no.1-2 p.95-99
Kitis G
Charalambous S
Alpha to beta particle thermoluminescence response of quartz as a function of irradiation temperature
Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, B
vol.58 no.2 p.211-215
Kitis G
Bousbouras P
Antypas C
Charalambous S
Anomalous fading in apatite
International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation. Part
vol.18 no.1-2 p.61-65
Without Type
Kitis G
Kaldoudi E
Charalambous Stef
Thermoluminescence dose response of quartz as a function of irradiation temperature
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics
vol.23 no.7 p.945-949
Kitis G
Charitidis C
Charalambous Stef
Thermoluminescence sensitization of LiF:Mg, Ti under heat treatment between 150 and 400° C
Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, B
vol.51 no.3 p.263-268
Kitis G
Charalambous S
Thermoluminescence of high temperature glow peaks of LiF at various irradiation temperatures
Radiation Protection Dosimetry
vol.33 no.1-4 p.259-262
Without Type
Kitis G
Charalambous Stef
Physica Status Solidi (A) Applied Research
vol.105 no.2 p.k175-k179
Kitis G
Charalambous Stef
Behaviour of TL-dosimeters irradiated at various temperatures
International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation. Part
vol.14 no.1-2 p.199-202
Kitis G
Charalambous S
Thermoluminescence response as a function of irradiation temperature
International Journal of Radiation Applications and Instrumentation. Part
vol.14 no.1-2 p.91-95
Without Type
Hasan F
Kitis G
Charalambous S
The thermoluminescence behavior of CaSO4-Dy (TLD-900) for doses up to 30 Mrad
Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, B
vol.9 no.2 p.218-222
Kitis G
Hasan F
Tsakiri M
Charalambous S
The influence of regenerated thermoluminescence on low-dose dosimetry
Health Physics
vol.49 no.6 p.1193-1196
Kitis G
Hasan F
Tsakiri M
Charalambous S
Implication of regenerated thermoluminescence on low dose measurements
Nuclear Tracks and Radiation Measurements (1982)
vol.10 no.4-6 p.571-574
Kitis G
Hasan F
Charalambous S
Regenerated thermoluminescence: Some new data
Nuclear Tracks and Radiation Measurements (1982)
vol.10 no.4-6 p.565-570
Kitis G
Charalambous S
Enrichment of quartz fine grains for TL and ESR dating
Nuclear Tracks and Radiation Measurements (1982)
vol.10 no.4-6 p.609-612
Aktualisiert: 2018-07-03