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Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης
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e-Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae
Konstantinos Paraskevopoulos
Professor (Retired), School of Physics
Personal Information
Scopus ID
Γνωστικό Αντικείμενο
Οπτικές Ιδιότητες Υλικών, Φασματοσκοπία Στερεών, Θερμικές Ιδιότητες Υλικών
Επιστημονική Ειδίκευση
Ιστορία και Αρχαιολογία
Προπτυχιακές Σπουδές
Μεταπτυχιακές Σπουδές
MSc Ραδιοηλεκτρολογίας
Διδακτορικό Δίπλωμα
Διδακτορικό Δίπλωμα
Στερεά Κατάσταση και Επιστήμη Υλικών
Course Work
Courses of Winter semester of 2018–19 academic year
Courses of Spring semester of 2018–19 academic year
Theses Supervised
Student Theses within AUTh
In progress
Malletzidou Lamprini. "Συνεισφορά στην αποκατάσταση των ζωγραφικών έργων: Μελέτη της αλληλεπίδρασης χρωματικών στρωμάτων και συνδετικού υλικού και/με χαρακτηρισμό νέων, τεχνητά γηρασμένων και αυθεντικών δειγμάτων από παλαιά έργα ζωγραφικής"
Grigoriadou Ifigeneia. "Μελέτη της επίδρασης νανοσωματιδίων στη γήρανση πολυμερών", Το θέμα εξειδικεύεται σε: "Μελέτη της επίδρασης νανοσωματιδίων στη γήρανση του πολυαιθυλενίου"
Rousaki Anastasia. "Μελετώντας την αυθεντικότητα των έργων ζωγραφικής σε υφασμάτινο υπόστρωμα: Έμμεση και άμεση χρονολόγηση με φυσικοχημικές μεθόδους ανάλυσης και τεχνικές φωταύγειας"
Tzavidopoulos Īlias. "Χρήση πειραματικών τεχνικών για τη συνδυαστική διερεύνηση του Παλαιοπεριβάλλοντος στη Βόρεια Ελλάδα"
Pouroutzidou Georgia. "Σύνθετα νανο-βιοκεραμικά / πολυμερικά ικριώματα για οστική αναγέννηση: Σύνθεση και μελέτη δομικών και μηχανικών ιδιοτήτων"
Stefanaki Eleni-Chrysanthi. " Χαρακτηρισμός και μελέτη θερμοηλεκτρικών ιδιοτήτων Mg2Si και θερμοηλεκτρικών διατάξεων με βάση το Mg2Si ", Εξειδικεύτεται σε: "Μελέτη πολυφασικών θερμοηλεκτρικών υλικών"
Skevi Lorena. "Επίδραση νανοσωματιδίων αλουμίνας και πυριτίας σε συστήματα πηλού"
Tsampali Evangelia-Stavroula. "Επίδραση νανοσωματιδίων πυριτίας και αλουμίνας στο τσιμέντο"
Papazoglou Despoina. "Φυσικοχημική μελέτη δίζωνης μεταβυζαντινής εικόνας: Παναγία Ελεούσα, από τον Ναό Κοιμήσεως της Θεοτόκου Κλειδίου"
Ioannidi Kalliopi. "Διερεύνηση της ενσωμάτωσης άνθρακα μέσω της τεχνικής θερμικού ψεκασμού πλάσματος σε συνθετικό υδροξυαπατίτη"
Kontos Giannis. "Παρασκευή και μελέτη νανοσύνθετων υλικών πολυ(2,5-φουρανικού αιθυλενεστέρα) με τροποποιημένους νανοσωλήνες άνθρακα πολλαπλών τοιχωμάτων και οξείδιο του γραφενίου"
Pouroutzidou Georgia. "Βιοκεραμικά νανοϋλικά: Σύνθεση και χαρακτηρισμός του τριμερούς συστήματος SiO2-CaO-MgO με προσθήκη ιόντων Cu"
Beta Vasiliki. "Μελέτη της αντοχής στην οξείδωση των εργαλειοχαλύβων Sleipner και Orvar με τη μέθοδο της θερμικής ανάλυσης και έλεγχος της διαβρωτικής συμπεριφοράς τους με ηλεκτροχημικές δοκιμές"
Theodorou Georgios. "Βιοκεραμικά Υλικά για την κατασκευή Ικριωμάτων με στόχο την αναγέννηση οδοντικών ιστών"
Petsi Sofia. "Σύνθεση και μελέτη της βιοενεργής συμπεριφοράς ενός βιοκεραμικού υλικού που περιέχει ιόντα ψευδαργύρου ή/και χαλκού"
Malletzidou Lamprini. "Συγκριτική μελέτη μεθόδων χαρακτηρισμού τοιχογραφιών: Το καθολικό της Ιεράς Μονής Αγίου Δημητρίου Στομίου"
Kontonasaki Eleana. "Χαρακτηρισμός μικροδομής και διερεύνηση μηχανικών ιδιοτήτων μονολιθικής ζιρκονίας πριν και μετά την in-vitro γήρανση"
Kyriakou Nikolaos. "Χαρακτηρισμός φορητών εικόνων: Δέησις (17ος αιώνας)"
Giannoulatou Valeria. "Σύνθεση και μελέτη της βιοενεργής συμπεριφοράς ενός βιοκεραμικού υλικού που περιέχει ιόντα χαλκού"
Zorba Triantafyllia. "Μελέτη και χαρακτηρισμός νέων βιοαποικοδομήσιμων πολυεστέρων"
Rousaki Anastasia. Αρχές πειραματικού σχεδιασμού στη συντήρηση των έργων τέχνης/ Η περίπτωση των φορητών εικόνων από τον Ι.Ν. Αγίου Παύλου της ΦΑΑΘ
Chasapis Michail. "Μελέτη της επίδρασης νανοϊνών Cu στις ιδιότητες του HDPE"
Karavasili Maria. "Νανοσύνθετα πολυαιθυλενίου υψηλής πυκνότητας (HDPE)/νανοϊνών χαλκού (Cu nanofibers) με βελτιωμένη σταθερότητα στην υπεριώδη ακτινοβολία"
Goudourī Oyrania - Mentī. "Νέα σύνθετα βιοκεραμικά υλικά για οδοντιατρικές αποκαταστάσεις"
THeodōrou Geōrgios. "Μελέτη του δεσμού ενός μεταλλοκεραμικού συστήματος κατάλληλου για εφαρμογή σε οδοντιατρικές αποκαταστάσεις"
Administrative Work
Θέση Όργανο / Επιτροπή
Director, Τομέας
Research Projects
Συνεισφορά στην αποκατάσταση των ζωγραφικών έργων :Μελέτη της αλληλεπίδρασης χρωματικών στρωμάτων και συνδετικού υλικού και με χαρακτηρισμό νέων, τεχνητά γερασμένων δειγμάτων από παλαιά έργα ζωγραφικής_στα πλαίσια της 1ης προκήρυξης υποτροφιών ΕΛΙΔΕΚ για υποψήφιους διδάκτορες με κωδικό 22
Σύνθεση νέων βιοενεργών οδοντιατρικών μιγμάτων με αντιμικροβιακές ιδιότητες για προσθετικές αποκαταστάσεις
Νανοδομημένα θερμοηλεκτρικά υλικά που βασίζονται στο Mg2Si για τη συλλογή και εκμετάλλευση ενέργειας
Νανοδομημένα θερμοηλεκτρικά υλικά που βασίζονται στο Mg2Si για τη συλλογή και εκμετάλλευση ενέργειας
Συνέδριο: "9ο Ευρωπαϊκό Συνέδριο Θερμοηλεκτρικών (ECT2011)"
Νανοσύνθετα υλικά υψηλών θερμοκρασιών για θερμοηλεκτρικές γεννήτριες ισχύος
Εφαρμογή της θερμοηλεκτρικής τεχνολογίας με νέα βελτιωμένα υλικά για την εκμετάλλευση της διαφεύγουσας θερμικής ενέργειας από τις εξατμίσεις των αυτοκινήτων
Βελτιωμένα θερμοηλεκτρικά και τεχνολογίες.
Φυτοευαίσθητα άμορφα υλικά ως στοιχεία μεταγωγής (ενισχυτές Raman) και αποθήκευσης πληροφορίας (μνήμες οπτικής εγγραφής) ΦΑΣΜΑ
ΠΥΘΑΓΟΡΑΣ ΙΙ (Γενικό): Παρασκευή σύγχρονων υλικών με βιοενεργή συμπεριφορά - μελέτη φυσικοχημικών ιδιοτήτων και κυτταρικής ανταπόκρισης νέου τύπου οδοντιατρικών κεραμικών τροποποιημένω με βιοενεργά κεραμικά
Ανάπτυξη αισθητήρων αέρα, αερίων και υγρασίας: Μελέτη παραγοντικών (fuctional) υλικών
Συγκριτκή μελέτη των υλικών και της τεχνολογίας των τοιχογραφιών σε ναούς της υστεροβυζαντινής και μετα-βυζαντινής περιόδου στην περιοχή της Αλβανίας: Διερεύνηση της αλληλεπίδρασης μεταξύ Ελλάδος και Αλβανίας στην εικονογραφία
Μελέτη και χαρακτηρισμός νημάτων υφαντουργίας με την χρήση της φασματοσκοπίας υπερύθρου (FTIR)
Πιλοτική μελέτη της δηλητηρίασης σε απενεργοποιημένους καταλύτες αυτοκινήτων
Επίδραση του Βυζαντίου στην τεχνολογία της εικόνας στη Βαλκανική χερσόνησο: Τεκμηρίωση Βυζαντινών εικόνων της περιοχής των Βαλκανίων
12ο International conference on solid state ionics.
Νέα γενεά αισθητήρων και διατάξεων ακτινοβολίας για ψηφιακές απεικονίσεις σε πραγματικό χρόνο. Εφαρμογές στην Ασφάλεια αεροδρομίων
Τεκμηρίωση κειμηλίων εικόνων Βυζαντινής περιόδου: Επίδραση του Βυζαντίου στα υλικά της εικονογραφίας της Βουλγαρίας
Μελέτη της παρένθεσης ουδέτερων ανόργανων και οργανικών μορίων σε φυλλόμορφα μονοκρυσταλλικά υλικά
Without Type
Polymeris G.S
Giannoulatou V
Kyriakidou A
Sfampa I.K
Theodorou Georgios
Şahiner E
Meriç N
Kitis Georgios
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Bioactivity characterization of 45S5 bioglass using TL, OSL and EPR: Comparison with the case of 58S sol-gel bioactive glass
Materials Science and Engineering: C
vol.70 no.P1 p.673-680
Without Type
Beketova Anastasia
Poulakis Dimitrios
Bakopoulou Athina
Zormpa Triantafyllia
Papadopoulou Lamprini
Christofilos Dimitrios
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Zachariadis Georgios
Kontonasaki Eleana
Kourouklis Gerasimos
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
, et al
Inducing bioactivity of dental ceramic/bioactive glass composites by Nd: YAG laser
Dental Materials
vol.32 no.11 p.e284-e296
Theodorou Georgios
Kontonasaki Eleana
Theocharidou Anna
Bakopoulou Athina
Bousnaki Maria
Hadjichristou Christina
Papachristou Eleni
Papadopoulou Lamprini
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
, et al
Sol-Gel Derived Mg-Based Ceramic Scaffolds Doped with Zinc or Copper Ions: Preliminary Results on Their Synthesis, Characterization, and Biocompatibility
International Journal of Biomaterials
vol.2016 p.1-11
Without Type
Chasapis Thomas C
Lee Yeseul
Hatzikraniotis Euripides
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Chi Hang
Uher Ctirad
Kanatzidis Mercouri G
Understanding the role and interplay of heavy-hole and light-hole valence bands in the thermoelectric properties of PbSe
Physical Review B
vol.91 no.8
Pavlidou Eleni
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Vourlias Georgios
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Oxidation resistance of magnesium silicide under high-temperature air exposure
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
Without Type
Goudouri O-M
Kontonasaki Eleana
Papadopoulou Lamprini
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Lazaridis Nikolaos
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Chatzistavrou X
Koidis Petros
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Towards the synthesis of an experimental bioactive dental ceramic. Part I: Crystallinity characterization and bioactive behavior evaluation
Materials Chemistry and Physics
vol. 145 no. 1-2 p. 125–134
Goudouri O.M
Theodosoglou E
Kontonasaki E
Will J
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Κοϊδης Πέτρος
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Boccaccini A.R
Development of highly porous scaffolds based on bioactive silicates for dental tissue engineering
Materials Research Bulletin
Goudouri OM
Kontonasaki E
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Zinn K
Hoppe A
Detsch R
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Boccaccini AR
Towards the synthesis of an Mg-containing silicate glass-ceramic to be used as a scaffold for cementum/alveolar bone regeneration
Ceramics International
Siarampi E
Kontonasaki Eleana
Andrikopoulos KS
Kantiranis N
Voyiatzis GA
Zormpa Triantafyllia
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Koidis Petros
Effect of in vitro aging on the flexural strength and probability to fracture of Y-TZP zirconia ceramics for all-ceramic restorations
Dental Materials
Stathokostopoulos D
Chaliampalias D
Tarani E
Theodorakakos A
Giannoulatou V
Polymeris G.S
Pavlidou Eleni
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Hatzikraniotis Euripides
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Vourlias Georgios
Formation of the Thermoelectric Candidate Chromium Silicide by Use of a Pack-Cementation Process
Journal of Electronic Materials
Stathokostopoulos D
Stefanaki E.-C
Ioannou M
Polymeris G.S
Chaliampalias D
Pavlidou Eleni
Kyratsi T
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Vourlias Georgios
Hatzikraniotis Euripides
Thermoelectric properties of Mg2Si coatings deposited by pack cementation assisted process on heavily doped Si substrates
Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials Science
Vatali Anna
Kontonasaki Eleana
Kavouras Panagiotis
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Papadopoulou Lamprini
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Koidis Petros
Effect of heat treatment and in vitro aging on the microstructure and mechanical properties of cold isostatic-pressed zirconia ceramics for dental restorations
Dental Materials
vol. 30 no. 10 p. e272–e282
Without Type
Hatzikraniotis Euripides
Polymeris G.S
Lioutas Christos
Burkov A
Stefanaki E.-C
Samunin A
Isachenko G
Fedorov M.I
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Structural features and dopant gradients in Mg2SnxSi1-x ternary compounds
2013 MRS Fall Meeting
Without Type
Roumeli E
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Bikiaris Dimitrios
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Effect of high energy ball milling on the structure and mechanical properties of cross-linked high density polyethylene
Journal of Materials Science
Stathokostopoulos D
Chaliampalias D
Stefanaki E.-C
Polymeris G
Pavlidou Eleni
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Hatzikraniotis Euripides
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Vourlias Georgios
Structure, morphology and electrical properties of Mg2Si layers deposited by pack cementation
Applied Surface Science
Without Type
Chasapis T.C
Lee Y
Polymeris G.S
Stefanaki E.-C
Hatzikraniotis Euripides
Zhou X
Uher C
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Kanatzidis M.G
Investigation of the valence band structure of PbSe by optical and transport measurement
2012 MRS Fall Meeting
Polymeris G.S
Hatzikraniotis Euripides
Stefanaki E.-C
Pavlidou Eleni
Kyratsi T
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Kanatzidis M.G
Carrier mapping in thermoelectric materials
2013 MRS Spring Meeting
Without Type
Beketova A
Manda M
Charoulis D
Papadopoulou Lamprini
Goudouri O-M
Polychroniadis Efstathios
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Koidis Petros
Laser-induced bioactivity in dental porcelain modified by bioactive glass
Ceramics - Silikaty
Vol.56 no.4 p.323-330
Beketova A
Manda M
Charoulis D
Christofilos D
Papadopoulou L
Goudouri O. M
Polychroniadis E
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Koidis P
vol.56 no.4 p.323-330
Chatzistavrou X
Tsigkou O
Amin H. D
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Salih V
Boccaccini A. R
Sol-gel based fabrication and characterization of new bioactive glass-ceramic composites for dental applications
Journal of the European Ceramic Society
vol.32 no.12 p.3051-3061
Chatzistavrou X
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Salih V
Boccaccini A. R
Kasuga T
Ag-doped sol-gel derived novel composite materials for dental Applications
Key Engineering Materials
vol.493-494 p.637-642
Chrissafis K
Roumeli E
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Nianias N
Bikiaris D. N
Effect of different nanoparticles on thermal decomposition of poly(propylene sebacate)/nanocomposites: Evaluation of mechanisms using TGA and TG-FTIR-GC/MS
Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis
vol.96 p.92-99
Girard S. N
Chasapis T. C
He J. Q
Zhou X. Y
Hatzikraniotis E
Uher C
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Dravid V. P
Kanatzidis M. G
PbTe-PbSnS2 thermoelectric composites: low lattice thermal conductivity from large microstructures
Energy & Environmental Science
vol.5 no.9 p.8716-8725
Girard S. N
Chasapis T. C
He J
Zhou X
Hatzikraniotis E
Uher C
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Dravid V. P
Kanatzidis M. G
PbTe-PbSnS 2 thermoelectric composites: Low lattice thermal conductivity from large microstructures
Energy and Environmental Science
vol.5 no.9 p.8716-8725
Hasapis Th C
Girard S. N
Hatzikraniotis E
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Kanatzidis M. G
On the study of PbTe-based nanocomposite thermoelectric materials
Journal of Nano Research
vol.17 p.165-174
Hatzikraniotis E
Ioannou M
Chrissafis K
Chung D. Y
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Kyratsi T
Effect of sintering in ball-milled K2Bi8Se13 thermoelectric nano-composites
Journal of Solid State Chemistry
vol.193 p.137-141
Ioannou M
Hatzikraniotis E
Lioutas C
Hassapis T
Altantzis T
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Kyratsi T
Fabrication of nanocrystalline Mg 2Si via ball milling process: Structural studies
Powder Technology
vol.217 p.523-532
Kanatzidis M. G
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Journal of Solid State Chemistry
vol.193 p.1
Loannou M
Hatzikraniotis E
Lioutas C
Hassapis T
Altantzis T
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Kyratsi T
Fabrication of nanocrystalline Mg2Si via ball milling process: Structural studies
Powder Technology
vol.217 p.523-532
Manda M
Goudouri O.M
Papadopoulou Lamprini
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Christofilos Dimitrios
Triantaphyllidis Konstantinos
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Koidis Petros
The effect of high tempered firing cycle on the bioactive behavior of sol–gel derived dental porcelain modified by bioactive glass
Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology
Vol. 63 no. 3 p. 481-494
Manda M
Goudouri O.M
Papadopoulou Lamprini
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Zormpa Triantafyllia
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Koidis Petros
The impact of sintering temperature on the bioactive glass dental porcelain composite material
Key Engineering materials
vol.493-494 p.80-84
Manda Marianthi
Goudouri Ourania M
Papadopoulou Lamprini
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Christofilos Dimitrios
Triantaphyllidis Konstantinos
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Koidis Petros
Material characterization and bioactivity evaluation of dental porcelain modified by bioactive glass
Ceramics International
vol.38 no.7 p.5585-5596
Manda Marianthi
Goudouri Ourania-Menti
Papadopoulou Lamprini
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Christofilos Dimitrios
Triantafyllidis Konstantinos
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Koidis Petros
The effect of high tempered firing cycle on the bioactive behavior of sol-gel derived dental porcelain modified by bioactive glass
Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology
Nikolic P. M
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Zachariadis Georgios
Valasiadis Odyssefs
Zormpa Triantafyllia
Vujatovic S. S
Nikolic N
Aleksic O. S
Ivetic T
Cvetkovic O
Blagojevic V
, et al
Far infrared study of local impurity modes of Boron-doped PbTe
Journal of Materials Science
vol.47 no.5 p.2384-2389
Nikolić P. M
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Aleksić O. S
Vujatović S. S
Vasiljević-Radović D
Zorba T. T
Blagojević V
Nikolic N
Radovanović M
Nikolić M. V
Far infrared and photoacoustic characterization of iodine doped PbTe
Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, Rapid Communications
vol.6 no.3-4 p.352-356
Roumeli E
Papadopoulou E
Pavlidou E
Vourlias G
Bikiaris D
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Chrissafis K
Synthesis, characterization and thermal analysis of urea-formaldehyde/nanoSiO(2) resins
Thermochimica Acta
vol.527 p.33-39
Savić S. M
Nikolić M. V
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Zorba T. T
Nikolić N
Blagojević V
Aleksić O. S
Branković G
Far infrared and microstructural studies of mechanically activated nickel manganite
Ceramics International
Siarampi E
Kontonasaki Eleana
Papadopoulou Lamprini
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Zormpa Triantafyllia
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Koidis Petros
Flexural strength and the probability of failure of cold isostatic pressed zirconia core ceramics
Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry
vol.108 no.2 p.84-95
Siarampi Eleni
Kontonasaki Eleana
Papadopoulou Lamprini
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Zormpa Triantafyllia
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Koidis Petros
Flexural strength and the probability of failure of cold isostatic pressed zirconia core ceramics
Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry
vol.108 no.2 p.84-95
Theodorou Georgios
Goudouri Ourania.M
Papadopoulou Lamprini
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Yugeswaran S
Kobayashi Akira
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Comparative evaluation of the bioactive behavior of HA and ZrO2 reinforced coatings
Key Engineering materials
vol.493-494 p.447-452
Vatali A
Siarampi E
Kontonasaki Eleana
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Zormpa Triantafyllia
Vouroutzis Nikolaos
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Koidis Petros
Effect of in vitro ageing on a cold isostatic-pressed zirconia ceramic for all ceramic restorations
Key Engineering Materials, Bioceramics 23
vol.493-494 p.604-608
Yugeswaran S
Yoganand C. P
Kobayashi A
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Subramanian B
Mechanical properties, electrochemical corrosion and in-vitro bioactivity of yttria stabilized zirconia reinforced hydroxyapatite coatings prepared by gas tunnel type plasma spraying
Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials
vol.9 p.22-33
Without Type
Θεοδόσογλου Ε
Κορωναίος Αντώνιος
Παρασκευόπουλος Κωνσταντίνος
Σολδάτος Τριαντάφυλλος
Συσχέτιση της δομής φυσικών καλιούχων αστρίων με περιθλασιμετρία κόνεως ακτίνων-Χ και φασματοσκοπία υπέρυθρου
Επιστημονική Επετηρίδα του Τμήματος Γεωλογίας / Τιμητική έκδοση στη μνήμη του Ομότιμου Καθηγητή Κωνσταντίνου Τρ. Σολδάτου
(ed.) Χριστοφίδης, Γ., Καντηράνης, Ν., Μέλφος, Β., Σολδάτος, Τρ
Α.Π.Θ, Τμήμα Γεωλογίας
vol.101 p.31-36
Without Type
Goudouri O. M
Theodosoglou E
Theocharidou A
Kontonasaki E
Papadopoulou L
Chatzistavrou X
Koidis P
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Magnesium based sol-gel derived bioactive glass ceramics for dental tissue regeneration
23rd Symposium and Annual Meeting of International Society for Ceramics in Medicine
vol.493-494 p.884-889
Goudouri O. M
Perissi M
Theodosoglou E
Papadopoulou L
Chatzistavrou X
Kontonasaki E
Koidis P
Paraskevopoulos K. M
The impact of stirring rate on the crystallinity and bioactivity of 58s bioactive glass
23rd Symposium and Annual Meeting of International Society for Ceramics in Medicine
vol.493-494 p.43-48
Hasapis T. C
Stefanaki E. C
Siozios A
Hatzikraniotis E
Vourlias G
Patsalas P
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Growth and characterization of thermoelectric Mg 2Si thin films
vol.1325 p.23-28
Hasapis T. C
Girard S. N
Hatzikraniotis E
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Kanatzidis M. G
Infrared studies of the (1-x) PbTe - (x) PbSnS 2 system
vol.1325 p.143-148
Hasapis Th C
Hatzikraniotis E
Stefanaki E. C
Vourlias G
Siozios A
Patsalas P
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Influence of Film Thickness and Annealing Temperature in Growth of Mg2Si Thin Films
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Hatzikraniotis E
Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Thermoelectrics
Thessaloniki, Greece
vol.1449 p.215-218
Hasapis Th C
Androulakis J
Hatzikraniotis E
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Kanatzidis M. G
Frequency Dependent Electron Damping in n-type PbSe
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Hatzikraniotis E
9th European Conference on Thermoelectrics
vol.1449 p.155-158
Ioannou M
Hatzikraniotis E
Lioutas Ch
Chrissafis K
Chung D. Y
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Kyratsi Th
Sintering Process in Ball-Milled K2Bi8Se13 Nano-composites
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Hatzikraniotis E
9th European Conference on Thermoelectrics
Thessaloniki, Greece
vol.1449 p.307-310
Manda Marianthi
Goudouri Ourania-Menti
Papadopoulou Lamprini
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Zormpa Triantafyllia
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Koidis Petros
The impact of sintering temperature on the bioactive glassdental porcelain composite material
23rd Symposium and Annual Meeting of International Society for Ceramics in Medicine
23rd Symposium and Annual Meeting of International Society for Ceramics in Medicine
vol.493-494 p.80-84
Nikolic M. V
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Hatzikraniotis E
Nikolic N
Vujatovic S. S
Aleksic O. S
Zorba T. T
Kyratsi Th
Menicanin A
Nikolic P. M
Thermal, Electron Transport and Far Infrared Properties of PbTe Single Crystals Doped with Br
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Hatzikraniotis E
9th European Conference on Thermoelectrics
Thessaloniki, Greece
vol.1449 p.143-146
Polymeris G. S
Goudouri O. M
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Kitis G
The 110°C Thermoluminescence peak as a probe in bioactivity study of the 58S sol-gel bioactive glass
23rd Symposium and Annual Meeting of International Society for Ceramics in Medicine
vol.493-494 p.49-54
Theocharidou A
Tsoptsias K
Kontonasaki E
Papadopoulou L
Panayiotou C
Paraskevopoulos K
Koidis P
SEM observation of composite ceramic scaffolds' surface during incubation in culture medium with or without human PDL fibroblasts
23rd Symposium and Annual Meeting of International Society for Ceramics in Medicine
vol.493-494 p.866-871
Theodorou Georgios
Goudouri Ourania. M
Papadopoulou Lamprini
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Kobayashi Akira
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Comparative evaluation of the bioactive behavior of HA and ZrO 2 reinforced coatings
23rd Symposium and Annual Meeting of International Society for Ceramics in Medicine
23rd Symposium and Annual Meeting of International Society for Ceramics in Medicine
vol.493-494 p.447-452
Without Type
Androulakis J
Chung D. Y
Su X
Zhang L
Uher C
Hasapis T. C
Hatzikraniotis E
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Kanatzidis M. G
High-temperature charge and thermal transport properties of the n-type thermoelectric material PbSe
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
vol.84 no.15
Antoniadis G
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Vassiliou A. A
Papageorgiou G. Z
Bikiaris D
Chrissafis K
Nonisothermal melt-crystallization kinetics for in situ prepared poly(ethylene terephthalate)/monmorilonite (PET/OMMT)
Thermochimica Acta
vol.521 no.1-2 p.161-169
Chrissafis K
Pavlidou E
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Beslikas T
Nianias N
Bikiaris D
Enhancing mechanical and thermal properties of PLLA ligaments with fumed silica nanoparticles and montmorillonite
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
vol.105 no.1 p.313-323
Chrissafis K
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Papageorgiou G. Z
Bikiaris D. N
Thermal decomposition of poly(propylene sebacate) and poly(propylene azelate) biodegradable polyesters: Evaluation of mechanisms using TGA, FTIR and GC/MS
Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis
vol.92 no.1 p.123-130
Chung I
Biswas K
Song J. H
Androulakis J
Chondroudis K
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Freeman A. J
Kanatzidis M. G
Rb4Sn5P4Se20: A semimetallic selenophosphate
Angewandte Chemie - International Edition
vol.50 no.38 p.8834-8838
Goudouri Ourania Menti
Kontonasaki Eleana
Theocharidou A
Papadopoulou Lamprini
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Chatzistavrou X
Koidis Petros
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Modifying a dental ceramic by bioactive glass via the sol-gel route: Characterization and bioactivity investigation
Materials Chemistry and Physics
vol.125 no.1-2 p.309-313
Grigoriadou I
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Chrissafis K
Pavlidou E
Stamkopoulos T. G
Bikiaris D
Effect of different nanoparticles on HDPE UV stability
Polymer Degradation and Stability
vol.96 no.1 p.151-163
Karampelas S
Fritsch E
Zorba T
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Infrared spectroscopy of natural vs. synthetic amethyst: An update
Gems and Gemology
vol.47 no.3 p.196-201
Lioutas Ch B
Hatzikraniotis E
Ioannou M
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Kyratsi Th
Structural features of ball-milled nanostructured K2Bi8Se13 thermoelectric material
Materials Science and Engineering B
Matsou E
Vouroutzis N
Kontonasaki E
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Koidis P
Investigation of the influence of gastric acid on the surface roughness of ceramic materials of metal-ceramic restorations. An in vitro study
The International journal of prosthodontics
vol.24 no.1 p.26-29
Nikolić P. M
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Pavlidou E
Zorba T. T
Ivetić T
Vujatović S. S
Aleksić O. S
Nikolić N
Cvetković O
Blagojević V
Nikolić M. V
Temperature dependence of In1-xGaxSb reflectivity in the far infrared
Materials Chemistry and Physics
vol.125 no.1-2 p.72-76
Polymeris G. S
Goudouri O. M
Kontonasaki E
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Tsirliganis N. C
Kitis G
Thermoluminescence as a probe in bioactivity studies; The case of 58S sol-gel bioactive glass
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics
vol.44 no.39
Protopapa P
Kontonasaki E
Bikiaris D
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Koidis P
Reinforcement of a PMMA resin for fixed interim prostheses with nanodiamonds
Dental Materials Journal
vol.30 no.2 p.222-231
Vourlias G
Chaliampalias D
Zorba T. T
Pavlidou E
Psyllaki P
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Stergioudis G
Chrissafis K
A combined study of the oxidation mechanism and resistance of AISI D6 steel exposed at high temperature environments
Applied Surface Science
vol.257 no.15 p.6687-6698
Yoganand C. P
Selvarajan V
Goudouri O. M
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Wu J
Xu D
Preparation of bovine hydroxyapatite by transferred arc plasma
Current Applied Physics
vol.11 no.3 p.702-709
Without Type
Hasapis T. C
Siozios A
Hatzikraniotis E
Vourlias G
Patsalas P
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Growth and Characterization of Thermoelectric Mg2Si Thin Films
Radousky H
Venkatasubramanian R
Liang H
Energy Harvesting - >From Fundamentals to Devices
Hasapis T. C
Girard S
Hatzikraniotis E
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Kanatzidis M. G
Infrared studies in (1-x)PbTe - (x)PbSnS2 system
Radousky H
Venkatasubramanian R
Liang H
Energy Harvesting - >From Fundamentals to Devices, MSR Spring meeting
Hasapis Th C
Girard S. N
Hatzikraniotis E
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Kanatzidis M. G
Far Infrared Properties of the (PbTe)0.67(PbSnS2)0.33 Thermoelectric Material
XXVIΙ Panhellenic Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science
Molnar G
Dozsa L
Vértesy Z
Koós A. A
Vouroutzis Nikolaos
Dimitriadis Charalampos
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Reactive deposition epitaxy growth of iron silicide nanoparticles on Si(001)
Energy Procedia, EMRS-C ‘Materials devices and economics issues for tomorrow’s photovoltaics’
E-MRS Fall Meeting 2010, Symposium C, EMRS-C "Materials devices and economics issues for tomorrow’s photovoltaics"
Central Campus of Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
vol.3 p.35-41
Stathokostopoulos D
Chaliampalias D
Pavlidou E
Hatzikraniotis E
Stergioudis G
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Vourlias G
Formation of Mg2Si thick films on Si substrates using pack cementation process
9th European Conference on Thermoelectrics
Stefanaki E. C
Siozios A
Hasapis Th C
Vourlias G
Hatzikraniotis E
Patsalas P
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Deposition Conditions Studies in Mg2Si Films
XXVIΙ Panhellenic Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science
Without Type
Antoniadis G
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Bikiaris D
Chrissafis K
Non-isothermal crystallization kinetic of poly(ethylene terephthalate)/fumed silica (PET/SiO2) prepared by in situ polymerization
Thermochimica Acta
vol.510 no.1-2 p.103-112
Chatzistavrou X
Esteve D
Hatzistavrou E
Kontonasaki E
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Boccaccini A. R
Sol-gel based fabrication of novel glass-ceramics and composites for dental applications
Materials Science and Engineering C
vol.30 no.5 p.730-739
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Giannakoudakis Andreas
Beslikas Theodoros
Bikiaris Dimitrios
Oxidized Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes as Effective Reinforcement and Thermal Stability Agents of Poly(lactic acid) Ligaments
Journal of Applied Polymer Science
Vol.118 no.5 p.2712–2721
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Bikiaris Dimitrios
Thermal degradation kinetics and decomposition mechanism of two new aliphatic biodegradable polyesters poly(propylene glutarate) and poly(propylene suberate)
Thermochimica Acta
vol.505 no.1-2 p.59-68
Hatzikraniotis Euripides
Zorbas K. T
Samaras Ioannis
Kyratsi Th
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Efficiency study of a commercial thermoelectric power generator (TEG) under thermal cycling
Journal of Electronic Materials
vol.39 no.9 p.2112-2116
Hatzistavrou E
Chatzistavrou Xanthippi
Papadopoulou Lamprini
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Kontonasaki Eleana
Boccaccini A. R
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Characterisation of the bioactive behaviour of sol–gel hydroxyapatite–CaO and hydroxyapatite–CaO–bioactive glass composites
Materials Science and Engineering
vol.30 no.3 p.497-502
Hatzistavrou E
Chatzistavrou X
Papadopoulou Lamprini
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Kontonasaki Eleana
Boccaccini A. R
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Characterisation of the bioactive behaviour of sol-gel hydroxyapatite-CaO and hydroxyapatite-CaO-bioactive glass composites
Materials Science and Engineering C
vol.30 no.3 p.497-502
Nikolic M. V
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Ivetić T
Zorba T. T
Vujatovic S. S
Pavlidou E
Blagojevic V
Bojicic A
Aleksic O. S
Nikolic N
König W
, et al
Optical properties of PbTe doped with Nd
Journal of Materials Science
vol.45 no.21 p.5910-5914
Nikolić M. V
Vujatović S. S
Ivetić T
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Zorba T. T
Aleksić O. S
Blagojević V
Nikolić N
Nikolić P. M
Optical far infrared properties of FeS 2
Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, Rapid Communications
vol.4 no.12 p.2000-2002
Nikolić N
Vujatović S. S
Ivetić T
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Zorba T. T
Aleksić O. S
Blagojević V
Nikolić M. V
Nikolić P. M
Optical far infrared properties of PtSb2
Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, Rapid Communications
vol.4 no.5 p.668-670
Nikolić P. M
Vujatović S. S
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Pavlidou E
Zorba T. T
Ivetić T
Cvetković O
Aleksić O. S
Blagojević V
Vesna Nikolić M
Far infrared properties of PbTe doped with Hg
Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, Rapid Communications
vol.4 no.2 p.151-153
Papageorgiou Ch
Hatzikraniotis E
Lioutas Ch B
Frangis N
Valassiades O
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Kyratsi T
Thermoelectric properties of nanocrystalline PbTe synthesized by mechanical alloying
Journal of Electronic Materials
vol.39 no.9 p.1665-1668
Subedi B
Afouxenidis D
Polymeris G. S
Tsirliganis N. C
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Kitis G
TL and OSL response of turquoise for dosimetric application
Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry
vol.10 no.SPEC.ISSUE 4 p.61-67
Yoganand C. P
Selvarajan V
Cannillo V
Sola A
Roumeli E
Goudouri O. M
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Rouabhia M
Characterization and in vitro-bioactivity of natural hydroxyapatite based bio-glass-ceramics synthesized by thermal plasma processing
Ceramics International
vol.36 no.6 p.1757-1766
Without Type
Afouxenidis D
Polymeris G. S
Goudouri O. M
Kontonasaki E
Chatzistavrou X
Tsirliganis N. C
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Kitis G
Thermoluminescence as an experimental tool towards the characterization of bioactive materials: The case of 58S bioactive glass
23rd European Conference on Biomaterials (ESB)
Tampere, Finland
Angelakeris Mavroeidis
Vourlias Georgios
Hatzikraniotis Euripides
Siozios A
Patsalas Panagiotis
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Preparation of Mg2Si Thin Films for Thermoelectric Applications
Codecasa M
8th European Conference on Thermoelectrics
Como, Italy
Chaliampalias D
Vourlias G
Pavlidou E
Psyllaki P
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Stergioudis G
Chrissafis K
Thermogravimetric analysis of tool steels for the evaluation of the irresistance in high temperature oxidation environments
10th European Symposium on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Fekas I
Chaliampalias D
Zorba T
Pavlidou E
Chrissafis K
Vourlias G
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Characterization of the oxide scales formed on AISI D6 tool steel exposed in high temperature aggressive environments
XXVI Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science
Ganitis V
Stefanaki E. C
Zorba T
Pavlidou E
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Pigments and painting techniques in Abel Monastery Church, a representative monument, inscribed by famous Chioniades iconographers
IIC Congress 2010: Conservation and the Eastern Mediterranean
Goudouri O. M
Afouxenidis D
Polymeris G. S
Kontonasaki E
Chatzistavrou X
Kitis G
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Studying bioactive materials by applying Thermoluminescence
XXVI Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science
Goudouri Ourania M
Kontonasaki Eleana
Papadopoulou Lamprini
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Chatzistavrou Xanthippi
Koidis Petros
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Synthesis of a novel sol-gel derived bioactive dental ceramic composite:Study of its mechanical and biological properties
XXVI Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science
XXVI Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science
Goudouri Ourania M
Kontonasaki Eleana
Papadopoulou Lamprini
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Chatzistavrou Xanthippi
Koidis Petros
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Investigation of the invitro Bioactivity and Flexural Strength of sol-gel derived Dental Ceramics
23rd European Conference on Biomaterials (ESB
23rd European Conference on Biomaterials (ESB
Tampere, Finland
Grigoriadou I
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Chrissafis K
Pavlidou E
Stamkopoulos T. G
Bikiaris D
Thermal and Optical analysis of the influence of UV radiation on different nanocomposites of HDPE
Proceedings of the XXVI Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science
Hasapis T. C
Hatzikraniotis E
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Andrikopoulos K. S
Yannopoulos S. N
Wagner T
Far Infrared Spectra of the AsS2 and AgAsS2 bulk glasses
XXVI Panhellenic Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science
Hatzikraniotis E
Siozios A
Vourlias G
Patsalas P
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Mg2Si Thin Films Prepared by Dual Cathode Magnetron Sputtering
XXVI Panhellenic Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science
Ioannou M
Hatzikraniotis Euripides
Lioutas Christos
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Kyratsi Th
Structural Characterization of Nano-crystalline Mg2Si Prepared by Ball Milling
Advances in Science and Technology : 5th FORUM ON NEW MATERIALS PART C
12th International Conference on Modern Materials and Technologies Montecatini Terme (CIMTEC 2010)
Tuscany, Italy
vol.74 p.48-53
Ioannou M
Hatzikraniotis E
Chrissafis K
Lioutas Ch B
Chung D. Y
Kyratsi Th
Paraskevopoulos K. M
TEM studies in Ê2Bi8Se13 nano-composites prepared by Ball Milling
7th International Conference on Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies (NN10)
Halkidiki, Greece
Ioannou Μ
Altantzis Th
Hatzikraniotis E
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Lioutas Ch B
Kyratsi Th
Nano-crystalline Mg2Si Prepared by Ball Milling: Effect of Milling Conditions
XXVI Panhellenic Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science
Iona Ch
Hatzikraniotis E
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Kyratsi Th
Synthesis and thermoelectric properties of low-x Bi2Se 3-xS3 series
vol.1203 p.997-1002
Iona Ch
Hatzikraniotis E
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Kyratsi Th
Synthesis and thermoelectric properties of low-xBi2Se3-xS3 series
AIP Conference Proceedings 1203
Polymeris George S
Kiyak Nafiye G
Zorba Triantafyllia
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Kitis George
Firing temperature of pottery and dating of wall-paintings; two promising potential luminescence applications of archaeological interest
2nd Symposium Αrchaeological Research and New Technologies (ARCH_RNT)
Roumeli E
Goudouri Ourania M
Yoganand C. P
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Papadopoulou Lamprini
Selvarajan V
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Study of the Bioactive Hydroxyapatite/SiO2-CaO-MgO System. Part II: The SiO2-CaO-MgO glass ceramic
XXVI Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science
XXVI Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science
Roumeli E
Goudouri Ourania M
Yoganand C. P
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Papadopoulou Lamprini
Selvarajan V
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Study of the Bioactive Hydroxyapatite/SiO2-CaO-MgO System. Part I: Different Forms of Hydroxyapatite (Hap)
XXVI Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science
XXVI Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science
Rousaki Anastasia
Kouloumpi Eleni
Terlixi Agni-Vasileia
Moutsatsou Anna P
Polymeris Georgios S
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Application of traditional recipes for the preparation of the paintings- Physicochemical characterisation and study of the ageing mechanisms towards luminescence dating
International Conference on Works of Art & Conservation Science Today
Thessaloniki, Greece
Sakellariou E
Zorba T
Pavlidou E
Angelova S
Paraskevopoulos K. M
The byzantine church of "40 holy martyrs" in Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria: Pigments and technique
7th International Conference of the Balkan Physical Union, AIP Conference Proceedings
Alexandroupolis, Greece
vol.1203 p.501-506
Siarambi E
Kontonasaki Eleana
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Papadopoulou Lamprini
Zormpa Triantafyllia
Vatali A
Vouroutzis Nikolaos
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Koidis Petros
Effect of ageing on the strength of yttrium-stabilized zirconia ceramics
Interrnational Association for Dental Research
Barcelona, Spain
Stefanaki E. C
Ganitis V
Zorba T
Pavlidou E
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Study of Materials and Painting Techniques Chioniades Painters in Abel Monastery (18th, Epirus, Greece)
XXVI Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science
Theocharidou A
Tsioptsias C
Kontonasaki Eleana
Sivropoulou Afroditi
Panayiotou C
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Koidis Petros
Chitosan/Chitosan-Gelatine Composite Ceramics' degradation during human PDLF cellculture
Interrnational Association for Dental Research
Barcelona, Spain
Theodosoglou C
Karampelas S
Zorba T
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Thermally Treated Freshwater Cultured Pearls: Preliminary Studies
XXVI Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science
Vatali Α
Siarambi E
Kontonasaki Eleana
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Papadopoulou Lamprini
Zormpa Triantafyllia
Vouroutzis Nikolaos
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Koidis Petros
Influence of heat-treatment on the surface microstructure of zirconia ceramics
Proceedings of the Interrnational Association for Dental Research
Interrnational Association for Dental Research
Barcelona, Spain
Zorbas K
Hatzikraniotis E
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Kyratsi Th
On the use of thermoelectric (TE) applications based on commercial modules: The case of TE generator and TE cooler
7th International Conference of the Balkan Physical Union. AIP Conference Proceedings
Alexandroupolis, Greece
vol.1203 p.1137-1142
Ζορμπά Τ
Παυλίδου Ε
Παρασκευόπουλος Κ. Μ
Η συνδυασμένη χρήση της φασματοσκοπίας Υπερύθρου και μικροαναλυτή ακτίνων Χ στη μελέτη των υλικών και των τεχνικών κατασκευής τοιχογραφιών και φορητών εικόνων
Ημερίδα: Αρχαιομετρικές Εφαρμογές στην Ελλάδα
Αρχαιολογικό Μουσείο Θεσσαλονίκης
Παυλίδου Ε
Χρυσάφης Κ
Χαλιαμπάλιας Δ
Βουρλιάς Γ
Παρασκευόπουλος Κ. Μ
Μελέτη του μηχανισμού οξείδωσης των εργαλειομηχανών AISI D6 εκτεθειμένων σε περιβάλλον υψηλών θερμοκρασιών
4ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Θερμικής Ανάλυσης (ΘΕΡΜΑ)
p.Lect. 19
Without Type
Antoniadis G
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Bikiaris Dimitrios
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Kinetics study of cold-crystallization of poly(ethylene terephthalate) nanocomposites with multi-walled carbon nanotubes
Thermochimica Acta
Published Version
vol.493 no.1-2 p.68-75
Antoniadis G
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Bikiaris Dimitrios
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Melt-Crystallization Mechanism of Poly(ethylene terephthalate)/Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Prepared by In Situ Polymerization
Journal of Polymer Science Part B Polymer Physics
Published Version
vol.47 no.15 p.1452–1466
Bretcanu O
Chatzistavrou X
Paraskevopoulos K
Conradt R
Thompson I
Boccaccini A. R
Sintering and crystallisation of 45S5 Bioglass® powder
Journal of the European Ceramic Society
vol.29 no.16 p.3299-3306
Chatzistavrou Xanthippi
Hatzistavrou E
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Papadopoulou Lamprini
Kontonasaki Eleana
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Koidis Petros
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Boccaccini Aldo R
Novel glass-ceramics for dental application by sol gel technique
Key Engineering Materials
Published Version
vol.396-398 p.153-156
Chatzistavrou Xanthippi
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Papadopoulou Lamprini
Kontonasaki Eleana
Boccaccini Aldo R
Koidis Petros
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Dental ceramics modified by ternary glass-ceramic coatings: Characterization and in vitro bioactivity study
Key Engineering Materials
Published Version
vol.396-398 p.111-114
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Tsiaousis Ioannis
Bikiaris Dimitrios
Comparative study of the effect of different nanoparticles on the mechanical properties, permeability, and thermal degradation mechanism of HDPE
Journal of Applied Polymer Science
Published Version
vol.114 no.3 p.1606–1618
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Pavlidou Eleni
Bikiaris Dimitrios
Thermal degradation mechanism of HDPE nanocomposites containing fumed silica nanoparticles
Thermochimica Acta
Published Version
vol.485 no.1-2 p.65-71
Goudouri O.M
Kontonasaki Eleana
Chatzistavrou Xanthippi
Papadopoulou Lambrini
Koidis Petros
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Investigation of the Bioactivity of Dental Ceramic / Bioactive Glass Composites Prepared by the Sol Gel Route
Key Engineering Materials
Published Version
vol.396-398 p.119-122
Goudouri O.M
Kontonasaki Eleana
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Chatzistavrou Xanthippi
Papadopoulou Lamprini
Koidis Petros
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
A bioactive glass/dental porcelain system by the sol gel route: Fabrication and Characterization
Key Engineering Materials
Published Version
vol.396 - 398 p.95-98
Goudouri O.M
Chatzistavrou Xanthippi
Kontonasaki Eleana
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Papadopoulou Lamprini
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Study of the Bioactive Behavior of Thermally Treated Modified 58S Bioactive Glass
Key Engineering Materials
Published Version
vol.396-398 p.131-134
Guéguen A
Poudeu P. F. P
Li C. P
Moses S
Uher C
He J
Dravid V
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Kanatzidis M. G
Thermoelectric properties and nanostructuring in the p-type materials NaPb18-xSnxMTe20 (M = Sb, Bi)
Chemistry of Materials
vol.21 no.8 p.1683-1694
Hatzistavrou E
Chatzistavrou Xanthippi
Papadopoulou Lamprini
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Boccaccini Aldo R
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Sol-Gel Hydroxyapatite-CaO Composites: Fabrication and Bioactivity Studies
Key Engineering Materials
Published Version
vol.396 - 398 p.99-102
Kyratsi Th
Kika I
Chatzikraniotis Evrypidis
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Kanatzidis M.G
Synthetic conditions and their doping effect on β-K2Bi8Se13
Journal of Alloys and Compounds
Published Version
vol.474 no.1-2 p.351-357
Nikolic M. V
Obradovic N
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Zorba T. T
Savic S. M
Ristic M. M
Structural analysis of Zn2TiO4 doped with MgO
Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics
Nikolic P. M
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Nikolic M. V
Vujatovic S. S
Pavlidou E
Zorba T. T
Ivetic T
Stamenovic B
Labus N
Jovic M
Ristic M. M
Far infrared properties of sintered Pb0.9Sn0.1Te doped with palladium
Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics
vol.48 no.5-6 p.353-357
Nikolic P. M
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Nikolic M. V
Stamenovic B
Zorba T. T
Vujatovic S. S
Blagojevic V
Bojicic A
Far infrared study of some rare earth impurities in crystals of Pb 1-xSnx alloys
Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials
vol.11 no.4 p.457-460
Nikolić P. M
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Vujatović S. S
Nikolić M. V
Chatzistavrou X
Pavlidou E
Ivetić T
Blagojević V
Bojičić A
Dinulović D
Optical properties of PbTe and PbSnTe doped with Cr
Journal of Alloys and Compounds
vol.480 no.2 p.893-896
Nikolić P. M
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Nikolić M. V
Vujatović S. S
Zorba T. T
Chatzistavrou X
Stamenović B
Golić D. L
Blagojević V
Bojičić A
Far infrared study of impurity local modes in Pr doped PbTe
Materials Chemistry and Physics
vol.114 no.1 p.185-187
Nikolić P. M
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Djukic S. R
Vujatović S. S
Labus N. J
Zorba T. T
Jović M
Nikolić M. V
Bojicic A
Blagojević V
Stamenovic B
, et al
Far infrared study of impurity local modes in palladium-doped PbTe and PbSnTe
Journal of Alloys and Compounds
vol.475 no.1-2 p.930-934
Papadopoulou E
Papadopoulou L
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Koidis Petros
Sivropoulou Afroditi
Pseudomonas A1 influences the formation of hydroxyapatite and degrades bioglass
Materials Science and Engineering B: Solid-State Materials for Advanced Technology
vol.165 no.3 p.239-242
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Hatzikraniotis E
Vinga E. S
Ozer M
Anagnostopoulos A
Polychroniadis E. K
n-p transformation in TlBi(1-x)SbxTe2 system
Journal of Alloys and Compounds
vol.467 no.1-2 p.65-71
Theodorou Georgios
Goudouri Ourania M
Kontonasaki Eleana
Chatzistavrou Xanthippi
Papadopoulou Lamprini
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Comparative bioactivity study of 45S5 and 58S bioglasses in organic and inorganic environment
vol.22 p.391-394
Yoganand C. P
Selvarajan V
Lusvarghi L
Goudouri O. M
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Rouabhia M
Bioactivity of CaO-MgO-SiO2 glass ceramics synthesized using transferred arc plasma (TAP) process
Materials Science and Engineering C
vol.29 no.5 p.1759-1764
Without Type
Afouxenidis D
Chatzistavrou X
Polymeris G. S
Tsirliganis N. C
Kitis G
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Preliminary TL/OSL Characterization on Synthetic Bioactive Materials
7th International Conference on Luminescent Detectors and Transformers of Ionizing Radiation (LUMDETR 2009)
Krakow, Poland
Afouxenidis D
Chatzistavrou X
Polymeris G. S
Tsirliganis N. C
Kitis G
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Preliminary TL/OSL Characterization On Synthetic Bioactive Materials
XXV Panhellenic Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science
Antoniadis G
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Bikiaris D. N
Chrissafis K
Thermal degradation kinetics of in-situ prepared PET nanocomposites containing organically modified montmorillonite (MMT) nanoparticles
XXV Panhellenic Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science
Chatzistavrou X
Hatzistavrou E
Kontonasaki E
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Boccaccini A. R
Application of the sol-gel technique for the fabrication of novel dental glass-ceramics
8th Pacific Rim Conference on Ceramic and Glass Technology
Vancouver, Canada
Chatzistavrou X
Esteve D
Hatzistavrou E
Kontonasaki E
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Boccaccini A. R
Sol-gel method in fabrication of novel glass-ceramic composite materials for dental application
Proceedings of 22nd International Symposium on Ceramics in Medicine (BIOCERAMICS 22)
Daegu, Korea
The Korean Society for Biomaterials
Chatzistavrou X
Esteve D
Hatzistavrou E
Kontonasaki E
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Boccaccini A. R
Novel composite materials for dental application fabricated by the sol-gel method
12th Annual Seminar & Meeting on CERAMICS, CELLS AND TISSUES, TOPIC: Surface-reactive biomaterials as scaffolds and coatings: interactions with cells and tissues
Faenza, Italy
Chatzistavrou X
Esteve D
Hatzistavrou E
Kontonasaki E
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Boccaccini A. R
Fabrication of composite materials for dental application following the sol-gel process
22nd European Conference on Biomaterials
Lausanne, Switzerland
Chatzistavrou X
Esteve D
Hatzistavrou E
Kontonasaki E
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Boccaccini A. R
Fabrication of bioactive glass/dental ceramics composites by sol-gel method: Characterization and bioactivity investigation
European Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes, EUROMAT 2009
Glasgow, UK
Chatzistavrou X
Esteve D
Hatzistavrou E
Kontonasaki E
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Boccaccini A. R
Application of the sol-gel technique for the fabrication of novel glass-ceramic and composite for dental application
22nd European Conference on Biomaterials
Lausanne, Switzerland
Chrissafis K
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Bikiaris D
Mechanism and Thermal Degradation Kinetics of New Aliphatic Biodegradable Polyesters Poly(Propylene gluterate) and Poly(Propylene Suberate)
3ο Συνέδριο Πράσινης Χημείας και Βιώσιμης Ανάπτυξης
Gamaletsos P
Godelitsas A
Douvalis A. P
Gottlicher J
Zorba T
Chrissafis K
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Bakas T
Spectroscopic (Mossbauer, XANES and FTIR) and Thermal Investigation of Greek Bauxites from the Parnassos-Ghiona Active Mining Area
XXV Panhellenic Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science
Goudouri O. M
Kontonasaki E
Theocharidou A
Papadopoulou L
Chatzistavrou X
Koidis P
Paraskevopoulos K. M
A Dental ceramic/bioactive glass composite: Characterization, in vitro bioactivity and mechanical properties evaluation
4η Διημερίδα Ελληνικής Εταιρείας Βιουλικών
Goudouri Orania M
Kontonasaki Eleana
Papadopoulou Lamprini
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Chatzistavrou Xanthippi
Koidis Petros
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
In vitro bioactivity studies of sol-gel derived dental ceramics/bioactive glass composites in periodically renewed biomimetic solution
Kim S
22nd International Symposium on Ceramics in Medicine (BIOCERAMICS 22)
22nd International Symposium on Ceramics in Medicine
Daegu, Korea
The Korean Society for Biomaterials
Goudouri Ourania M
Kontonasaki Eleana
Theocharidou A
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Chatzistavrou Xanthippi
Koidis Petros
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Dental ceramics/bioactive glass composites: characterization and mechanical properties investigation
Kim S
22nd International Symposium on Ceramics in Medicine (BIOCERAMICS 22)
22nd International Symposium on Ceramics in Medicine
Daegu, Korea
The Korean Society for Biomaterials
Grigoriadou I
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Bikiaris D
Comparative study of the effect of different nanoparticles on the UV stability of HDPE
XXV Panhellenic Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science
Hasapis Th
Papageorgiou Ch
Hatzikraniotis E
Kyratsi Th
Paraskevopoulos K. M
IR Reflectivity Studies of Mechanically Alloyed PbTe Nanocrystals
Mater. Res. Soc. Symp
vol.1166 p.N03-12
Hasapis Th Ch
Hatzikraniotis E
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Andrikopoulos K. S
Yannopoulos S. N
Far Infrared Spectra and Structure of (K2S)x(Sb2S3)100-x Glasses
XXV Panhellenic Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science
Hasapis Th Ch
Hatzikraniotis E
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Andrikopoulos K. S
Dracopoulos V
Wagner T
Yannopoulos S. N
Vibrational Properties of Silver-doped Arsenic Chalcogenide Bulk Glasses
Angelopoulos A
7th International Conference of the Balkan Physical Union, AIP Conference Proceedings 1203
Hatzikraniotis E
Zorbas K. T
Pavlidou E
Kyratsi T
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Long-Term performance of a commercial Thermoelectric Power Generator
Mater. Res. Soc. Symp
vol.1166 p.N03-14
Iona Ch
Hatzikraniotis E
Kyratsi Th
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Synthesis and Thermoelectric Properties of Bi2Se3-xS3 Series
Angelopoulos A
7th International Conference of the Balkan Physical Union,AIP Conference Proceedings 1203
Matsou E
Vouroutzis N
Kontonasaki E
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Koidis P
Investigation on the influence of gastric acid on the surface roughness of ceramic materials of metal-ceramic restorations. An in vitro study
33rd Annual Congress of European Prosthodontic Association
Innsbruck, Austria
Pavlidou E
Kyriakou A
Mirtsou E
Anastasiou M
Zorba T
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Study of the Painting Materials from 4th Century B.C. Vergina Tomb
XXV Panhellenic Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science
Pavlidou E
Civici N
Zorba T
Vouroutzis N
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Technique and Painting Materials Characterization of St Athanasius Church in Moschopolis, Albania (18th Century)
XXV Panhellenic Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science
Pavlidou E
Arapi M
Civici N
Zorba T
Stamati F
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Wall painting materials and technique: The case of the famous iconographer Onoufrios
XXV Panhellenic Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science
Protopapa Popi
Kontonasaki Eleana
Koidis Petros
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Bikiaris Dimitrios
Reinforcement of an autopolymerizing resin (PMMA) used in dental provisional restorations with Ultra Dispersed Diamonds (UDDs)
Diamond 2009
Athens, Greece
Roumeli E
Goudouri Ourania M
Yoganand C. P
Papadopoulou Lamprini
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Selvarajan V
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Study of the bioactive behaviour of hydroxyapatite /SiO2-CaO-MgO glass-ceramics synthesized by Transferred Arc Plasma (TAP) (accepted for presentation)
Kim S
22nd International Symposium on Ceramics in Medicine (BIOCERAMICS 22)
22nd International Symposium on Ceramics in Medicine
Daegu, Korea
The Korean Society for Biomaterials
Roumeli E
Goudouri Ourania M
Yoganand C. P
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Selvarajan V
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Bioactivity Studies of Hydroxyapatite based glass-ceramics synthesized by Transferred Arc Plasma (TAP)
Proceedings of XXV Panhellenic Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science
XXV Panhellenic Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science
Sakellariou E
Zorba T
Pavlidou E
Angelova S
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Studying Technique and Pigments of wall paintings in the Byzantine Church of 40 Holy Martyrs in Veliko - Turnovo in Bulgaria
XXV Panhellenic Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science
Subedi B
Afouxenidis D
Polymeris G. S
Tsirliganis N. C
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Kitis G
Towards Luminescence Dating of Turquoise Gemstone Using TL and OSL Methods
XXV Panhellenic Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science
Theocharidou A
Tsoptsias K
Konstantinidou K
Kontonasaki Eleana
Sivropoulou Afroditi
Panagiotou K
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Koidis Petros
Human PDL fibroblasts proliferation in scaffolds on bioactive glass modified ceramics
33rd Annual Congress of European Prosthodontic Association
33rd Annual Congress of European Prosthodontic Association
Innsbruck, Austria
Theocharidou A
Tsoptsias K
Konstantinidou K
Kontonasaki Eleana
Sivropoulou Afroditi
Panagiotou K
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Koidis Petros
Human PDL fibroblasts in scaffolds attached on dental ceramic composite materials
22nd International Symposium on Ceramics in Medicine (BIOCERAMICS 22)
22nd International Symposium on Ceramics in Medicine
(ed.) Kim, S
Daegu, Korea
The Korean Society for Biomaterials
Theodorou G
Goudouri O. M
Theocharidou A
Kontonasaki E
Chatzistavrou X
Papadopoulou L
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Comparative bioactivity study of 45S5 and 58S bioglasses in organic and inorganic environment
Kim S
22nd International Symposium on Ceramics in Medicine (BIOCERAMICS 22)
Daegu, Korea
The Korean Society for Biomaterials
Theodorou Georgios
Goudouri Ourania M
Theocharidou A
Kontonasaki Eleana
Chatzistavrou Xanthippi
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Bioactivity Studies of Bioactive glasses in different environments: The case of the 45S5 bioglass
XXV Panhellenic Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science
XXV Panhellenic Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science
Vassiliou A
Bikiaris D. N
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Pavlidou E
Chrissafis K
Thermal degradation kinetics of in-situ prepared poly(ethylene terephthalate) nanocomposites with multi-walled carbon nanotubes (PET/MWCNTs)
9th Mediterranean Conference on Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis
Marseille, France
Zorbas K. T
Hatzikraniotis E
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Kyratsi Th
Study of an in-Car Refrigerator Using Commercial Bi2Te3 Thermoelectric Modules
XXV Panhellenic Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science
Σιαραμπή Ε
Κοντονασάκη Ε
Παπαδοπούλου Λ
Καντιράνης Ν
Ζορμπά Τ
Παρασκευόπουλος Κ. Μ
Κοίδης Π
Διερεύνηση της μηχανικής αντοχής στην κάμψη και μελέτη της πιθανότητας αστοχίας πυρήνων ζιρκονίας σταθεροποιημένης με υτρία για ολοκεραμικές αποκαταστάσεις
29ο Πανελλήνιο Οδοντιατρικό Συνέδριο
Χατζησταύρου Ξ
Esteve D
Χατζησταύρου Ε
Κοντονασάκη Ε
Παρασκευόπουλος Κ. Μ
Boccaccini A. R
Εφαρμογή της μεθόδου κολλοειδούς γέλης στην παρασκευή νέων υαλοκεραμικών και σύνθετων υλικών για οδοντιατρικές εφαρμογές
4η Διημερίδα Ελληνικής Εταιρείας Βιουλικών
Without Type
Chatzistavrou X
Kontonasaki Eleana
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Papadopoulou Lamprini
Koidis Petros
Hatzikraniotis Euripides
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Characterization and in vitro bioactivity study of ternary glass-ceramic coatings
Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Papageorgiou George Z
Bikiaris Dimitrios
Thermal and dynamic mechanical behavior of bionanocomposites: Fumed silica nanoparticles dispersed in poly(vinyl pyrrolidone), chitosan, and poly(vinyl alcohol)
Journal of Applied Polymer Science
Published Version
vol.110 no.3 p.1739–1749
Civici N
Anastasiou M
Zorba T
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Dilo T
Stamati F
Arapi M
Studying wall paintings in Berati Castle (Albania): Comparative examination of materials and techniques in XIVth and XVIth century churches
Journal of Cultural Heritage
vol.9 no.2 p.207-213
Han M. K
Hoang K
Kong H
Pcionek R
Uher C
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Mahanti S. D
Kanatzidis M. G
Substitution of Bi for Sb and its role in the thermoelectric properties and nanostructuring in Ag1-xPb18MTe20 (M = Bi, Sb) (x = 0, 0.14, 0.3)
Chemistry of Materials
vol.20 no.10 p.3512-3520
Ivetić T
Nikolić M. V
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Pavlidou E
Zorba T. T
Nikolić P. M
Ristić M. M
Combined FTIR and SEM-EDS study of Bi2O3 doped ZnO-SnO2 ceramics
Journal of Microscopy
vol.232 no.3 p.498-503
Kaidatzis A
Wachter J.B
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Kanatzidis M.G
Crystal/glass phase change in K1−xRbxSb5S8 (x = 0.25, 0.50, 0.75) studied through thermal analysis techniques
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids
Published Version
vol.354 no.30 p.3643-3648
Kaidatzis Andreas
Wachter J. B
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Kanatzidis M. G
Crystal/glass phase change in K1-xRbxSb5S8 (x = 0.25, 0.50, 0.75) studied through thermal analysis techniques
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids
vol.354 no.30 p.3643-3648
Kontonasaki Eleana
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Chatzistavrou Xanthippi
Papadopoulou Lamprini
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Koidis Petros
Studying Dental Ceramic-Bioactive Glass Composites
Key Engineering Materials
Published Version
vol.361 - 363 p.881-884
Kontonasaki Eleana
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Papadopoulou Lamprini
Chatzistavrou Xanthippi
Kavouras Panagiotis
Zormpa Triantafyllia
Sivropoulou Afroditi
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Koidis Petros
Microstructural characterization and comparative evaluation of physical, mechanical and biological properties of three ceramics for metal–ceramic restorations
Dental Materials
Published Version
vol.24 no.10 p.1362-1373
Nikolic P. M
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Vujatovic S. S
Nikolic M. V
Bojicic A
Zorba T. T
Stamenovic B
Blagojevic V
Jovic M
Dasic M
König W
Far infrared study of local impurity modes of Gd doped PbTe
Materials Chemistry and Physics
vol.112 no.2 p.496-499
Nikolic P. M
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Vujatovic S. S
Bojicic A
Zorba T. T
Nikolic M. V
Stamenovic B
Ivetic T
Blagojevic V
Far infrared properties of PbTe doped with Bismuth
Journal of Materials Science
vol.43 no.16 p.5516-5520
Nikolic P. M
Lukovic D
Vujatovic S. S
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Nikolic M. V
Blagojevic V
Zorba T. T
Stamenovic B
König W
Far infrared reflectivity spectra of lead-telluride doped with Ytterbium
Journal of Alloys and Compounds
vol.466 no.1-2 p.319-322
Nikolić M. V
Satoh K
Ivetić T
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Zorba T. T
Blagojević V
Mančić L
Nikolić P. M
Infrared reflection spectroscopy of Zn2SnO4 thin films deposited on silica substrate by radio frequency magnetron sputtering
Thin Solid Films
vol.516 no.18 p.6293-6299
Nikolić M. V
Obradović N
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Zorba T. T
Savić S. M
Ristić M. M
Far infrared reflectance of sintered Zn2TiO4
Journal of Materials Science
vol.43 no.16 p.5564-5568
Nikolić P. M
Vujatović S. S
Golić D. L
Labus N. J
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Zorbas K. T
Nikolić M. V
Bojičić A
Blagojević V
König W
Far infrared spectroscopy of Pb0.85Sn0.15Te alloy doped with Ni
International Journal of Materials Research
vol.99 no.12 p.1393-1396
Samoladas A
Bikiaris D
Zorba T
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Jannakoudakis A
Photochromic behavior of spiropyran in polystyrene and polycaprolactone thin films - Effect of UV absorber and antioxidant compound
Dyes and Pigments
vol.76 no.2 p.386-393
Vassiliou A
Bikiaris Dimitrios
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Stavrev S.Y
Docoslis A
Nanocomposites of isotactic polypropylene with carbon nanoparticles exhibiting enhanced stiffness, thermal stability and gas barrier properties
Composites Science and Technology
Published Version
vol.68 no.3-4 p.933-943
Vouroutzis N
Zorba T. T
Dimitriadis C. A
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Dózsa L
Molnár G
Growth of β-FeSi2 particles on silicon by reactive deposition epitaxy
Journal of Alloys and Compounds
vol.448 no.1-2 p.202-205
Zormpa Triantafyllia
Papadopoulou E
Hatjiissaak A
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Urea-formaldehyde resins characterized by thermal analysis and FTIR method
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
Published Version
vol.92 no.1 p.29-33
Without Type
Antoniadis G
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Bikiaris D
Chrissafis K
Study of crystallization of Poly(ethylene terephthalate)/Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (PET/MWCNTs) nanocomposites
XXIV Panhellenic Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science
Heraklion, Crete
Chatzistavrou Xanthippi
Kontonasaki Eleana
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Papadopoulou Lamprini
Koidis Petros
Hatzikraniotis Euripides
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Characterization and in vitro bioactivity study of ternary glass-ceramic coatings
Proceedings of Materials Research Society Fall Meeting
Materials Research Society Fall Meeting
Boston, MA
vol.1054 p.44-49
Chrissafis K
Palani A
Louka D
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Bikiaris D
The effect of different nanoparticles on the mechanical properties, permeability and thermal degradation mechanism of HDPE
5th International conference on Nanosciences and anotechnologies
Thessaloniki, Greece
Goudouri O. M
Chatzistavrou Xanthippi
Kontonasaki Eleana
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Investigation of the thermal treatment of a modified 58S Bioactive Glass
XXIV Panhellenic Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science
XXIV Panhellenic Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science
Heraklion, Crete
Goudouri Ourania M
Kontonasaki Eleana
Chatzistavrou Xanthippi
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Papadopoulou Lamprini
Koidis Petros
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Bioactive Glass/dental porcelain system produced by the sol-gel route: Study of Bioactive behaviour
XXIV Panhellenic Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science
XXIV Panhellenic Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science
Hasapis Th
Hatzikraniotis E
Han M.-K
Chung D. Y
Pavlidou E
Kyratsi Th
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Kanatzidis M. G
SEM and Infrared Spectroscopic scan in AgPb18-xSbTe20 (LAST-18) materials
E-MRS 2008 Spring Meeting, (symposium M: Unconventional thermoelectrics)
Strasbourg, France
Hasapis Th
Hatzikraniotis E
Andrikopoulos K. S
Kyriazis F
Chrissanthopoulos A
Dracopoulos V
Krbal M
Wagner T
Yannopoulos S. N
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Structural and vibrational studies of the ternary glassy Agx(As33S67)100-x system
XXIV Panhellenic Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science
Hatzikraniotis E
Zorbas K
Triandafyllis I
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Study of Thermoelectric Power Generators and Application in a Small Sized Car
6th European Conference on Thermoelectrics
Paris, France
Hatzikraniotis E
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Zorbas K
Material degradation of Thermoelectric Power Generators (TEG) for use in automobile
E-MRS 2008 Spring Meeting, (symposium M: Unconventional thermoelectrics)
Strasbourg, France
Hatzikraniotis Euripides
Samaras Ioannis
Georgakaki Dimitra
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos M
Application of the Thermal Quadropole Method in the characterization of thermoelectric materials
Mater. Res. Soc
vol.1044 p.U09-14
Hatzikraniotis Euripides
Samaras Ioannis
Georgakaki D
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Application of the thermal quadrupole method in the characterization of thermoelectric modules
vol.1044 p.401-406
Hatzistavrou E
Chatzistavrou Xanthippi
Papadopoulou Lamprini
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Goudouri Ourania M
Kontonasaki Eleana
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Fabrication of sol-gel hydroxyapatite-CaO composites and hydroxyapatite-CaO-bioactive glass mixtures: Study of Bioactive behaviour
XXIV Panhellenic Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science
XXIV Panhellenic Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science
Ioannou M
Hatzikraniotis E
Tsiaousis J
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Kyratsi Th
Ball Milling and Structural Characterization of K2Bi8Se13 thermoelectric material
XXIV Panhellenic Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science
Ivetic T
Nikolic M. V
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Blagojevic V
Nikolic P. M
Ristic M. M
A detailed XRD and FTIR analysis of Bi2O3 doped ZnO-SnO2 ceramics
2nd International Congress on Ceramics
Verona, Italy
Kyratsi Th
Ioannou M
Hatzikraniotis E
Tsiaousis J
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Chung D. Y
On the effect of ball milling on the properties of thermoelectric material K2Bi8Se13
E-MRS 2008 Spring Meeting, (symposium M: Unconventional thermoelectrics)
Strasbourg, France
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Anastasiou M
Identification of late_Byzantine and post-Byzantine wall paintings materials and technology in Albania. The mutual influence between Albanian and Greek iconographers
International Seminar of Greek Albanian cooperation (Greek General Secretariat for Research and Technology)
Pavlidou E
Mahmoud H. Marey
Roumeli E
Zorba F
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Ali M. F
Identifying pigments in the temple of Seti I in Abydos (Egypt)
14th European Microscopy Congress, EMC 2008
vol.2: Materials Science p.829
Pavlidou E
Civici N
Caushi E
Anastasiou L
Zorba T
Hatzikraniotis E
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Study of Painting Materials and Techniques in the 18th Century St.Athanasius Church in Moschopolis, Albania
Mater. Res. Soc
vol.1047 p.Y03-05
Pavlidou E
Civici N
Caushi E
Anastasiou L
Zorba T
Hatzikraniotis E
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Study of painting materials and techniques in the 18th century St. Athanasius Church in Moschopolis, Albania
vol.1047 p.61-69
Toumpas N
Kyratsi T
Hatzikraniotis E
Tsiappos A
Pavlidou E
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Chung D. Y
Kanatzidis M. G
Mechanical alloying synthesis of K2Bi8Se 13- type solid solutions
vol.1044 p.83-88
Toumpas Nikolaos
Kyratsi Theodora
Hatzikraniotis Euripides
Tsiappos Andreas
Pavlidou Eleni
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Kanatzidis M. G
Chung Duck Young
Mercouri G
Mechanical Alloying Synthesis of K2Bi8Se13 type Solid Solutions
Mater. Res. Soc
vol.1044 p.U03-07
Zorbas K. T
Hatzikraniotis E
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Using Commercial Thermoelectric Modules as Cooling Devices
XXIV Panhellenic Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science
Zorbas Konstantinos
Hatzikraniotis Euripides
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos M
Power and Efficiency calculation and evaluation of material properties in Thermoelectric Power Generators
Mater. Res. Soc
vol.1044 p.U09-15
Without Type
Androulakis J
Lin C. H
Kong H. J
Uher C
Wu C. I
Hogan T
Cook B. A
Caillat T
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Kanatzidis M. G
Spinodal decomposition and nucleation and growth as a means to bulk nanostructured thermoelectrics: Enhanced performance in Pb1-xSn xTe-PbS
Journal of the American Chemical Society
vol.129 no.31 p.9780-9788
Bikiaris D. N
Chrissafis K
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Triantafyllidis K. S
Antonakou E. V
Investigation of thermal degradation mechanism of an aliphatic polyester using pyrolysis-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and a kinetic study of the effect of the amount of polymerisation catalyst
Polymer Degradation and Stability
vol.92 no.4 p.525-536
Bikiaris Dimitrios
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Triantafyllidis Konstantinos
Antonakou E.V
Investigation of thermal degradation mechanism of an aliphatic polyester using pyrolysis–gas chromatography–mass spectrometry and a kinetic study of the effect of the amount of polymerisation catalyst
Polymer Degradation and Stability
Published Version
vol.92 no.4 p.525-536
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Stavrev S.Y
Docoslis A
Vassiliou A
Bikiaris Dimitrios
Characterization and thermal degradation mechanism of isotactic polypropylene/carbon black nanocomposites
Thermochimica Acta
Published Version
vol.465 no.1-2 p.6-17
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Antoniadis G
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Vassiliou A
Bikiaris Dimitrios
Comparative study of the effect of different nanoparticles on the mechanical properties and thermal degradation mechanism of in situ prepared poly(ε-caprolactone) nanocomposites
Composites Science and Technology
Published Version
vol.67 no.10 p.2165-2174
Kyriazis I
Zervas E
Lalousis A
Michas D
Paraskevopoulos K
Manias A
Mparlas K
Parthenioy C
Sex specific central obesity and co-morbidity of arterial hypertension in type 2 diabetes patients
International Journal of Obesity
vol.31 p.S123-S123
Kyriazis I
Zervas E
Lalousis A
Drecoudis P
Michas D
Paraskevopoulos K
Apostolos M
Partheniou C
Results of one year follow-up and changes in eating habits with and without Orlistat treatment in obese patients
International Journal of Obesity
vol.31 p.S122-S122
Kyriazis I. A
Zervas E
Mytas D
Stougianos P
Lalousis A
Michas D
Paraskevopoulos K
Pirgakis V
Partheniou C
Does dyslipidemia affect diabetes control in type 2 diabetic patients?
Atherosclerosis Supplements
vol.8 no.1 p.103-103
Nikolic P. M
Vujatovic S. S
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Zorbas K. T
Savic S. M
Nikolic M. V
Aleksic O. S
Pvistic M. M
Effect of ageing on optical and thermal properties of YBa 2Cu3O7-δ
International Journal of Materials Research
vol.98 no.7 p.569-573
Nikolić M. V
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Aleksić O. S
Zorba T. T
Savić S. M
Blagojević V. D
Luković D. T
Nikolić P. M
Far infrared reflectance of sintered nickel manganite samples for negative temperature coefficient thermistors
Materials Research Bulletin
vol.42 no.8 p.1492-1498
Nikolić M. V
Ivetić T
Young D. L
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Zorba T. T
Blagojević V
Nikolić P. M
Vasiljević-Radović D
Ristić M. M
Far infrared properties of bulk sintered and thin film Zn2SnO4
Materials Science and Engineering B: Solid-State Materials for Advanced Technology
vol.138 no.1 p.7-11
Nikolić M. V
Ivetić T
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Zorbas K. T
Blagojević V
Vasiljević-Radović D
Far infrared reflection spectroscopy of Zn2SnO4 ceramics obtained by sintering mechanically activated ZnO-SnO2 powder mixtures
Journal of the European Ceramic Society
vol.27 no.13-15 p.3727-3730
Nikolić M. V
Blagojević V
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Zorba T. T
Vasiljević-Radović D
Nikolić P. M
Ristić M. M
Far infrared properties of sintered NiO
Journal of the European Ceramic Society
vol.27 no.2-3 p.469-474
Nikolić P. M
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Zormpa Triantafyllia
Pavlidou E
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Vujatović S. S
Aleksić O. A
Nikolić M. V
Ivetić T
Savić S
Labus N
, et al
Far infrared properties of sintered pbTe doped with boron
Science of Sintering
vol.39 no.3 p.223-228
Nikolić P. M
Durić S
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Zorba T. T
Luković D
Savić S
Blagojević V
Nikolić M. V
Infrared reflectance of single-crystal jarandolite, CaB3O4(OH)3
Mineralogical Magazine
vol.71 no.3 p.273-283
Papadimitriou Sofia
Bikiaris Dimitrios
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Mourtas S
Synthesis, characterization, and thermal degradation mechanism of fast biodegradable PPSu/PCL copolymers
Journal of Polymer Science Part a Polymer Chemistry
Published Version
vol.45 no.22 p.5076–5090
Paraskevopoulos K
Hough M. A
Sawers R. G
Eady R. R
Hasnain S. S
The structure of the Met144Leu mutant of copper nitrite reductase from Alcaligenes xylosoxidans provides the first glimpse of a protein-protein complex with azurin II
Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry
vol.12 no.6 p.789-796
Samoladas A
Jannakoudakis A
Bikiaris D
Chrissafis K
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Effect of end group content on photochromic behavior of spiropyran in polycaprolactone-poly(ethylene succinate) blends
Journal of Applied Polymer Science
vol.105 no.6 p.3623-3633
Samoladas A
Giannakoudakis Andreas
Bikiaris Dimitrios
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Effect of end group content on photochromic behavior of spiropyran in polycaprolactone–poly(ethylene succinate) blends
Journal of Applied Polymer Science
Published Version
vol.105 no.6 p.3623–3633
Stanciu G. A
Savu B
Sandulescu I
Paraskevopoulos K
Koidis P
Study of hydroxyl carbonate apatite formation on bioactive glass coated dental ceramics by Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy (CLSM) - art. no. 66061K
Advanced Laser Technologies 2006
vol.6606 p.K6061
Stanciu G.A
Sandulescu I
Savu B
Stanciu S.G
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Chatzistavrou X
Kontonasaki Eleana
Koidis Petros
Investigation of the Hydroxyapatite Growth on Bioactive Glass Surface
Journal of Biomedical & Pharmaceutical Engineering
Published Version
vol.1 no.1 p.34-39
Wachter J. B
Chrissafis K
Petkov V
Malliakas C. D
Bilc D
Kyratsi Th
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Mahanti S. D
Torbrügge T
Eckert H
Kanatzidis M. G
Local structure and influence of bonding on the phase-change behavior of the chalcogenide compounds K1-xRbxSb5S8
Journal of Solid State Chemistry
vol.180 no.2 p.420-431
Wachter J.B
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Petkov V
Malliakas C.D
Bilc D
Kyratsi Th
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Mahanti S.D
Torbrügge T
Eckert H
Kanatzidis M.G
Local structure and influence of bonding on the phase-change behavior of the chalcogenide compounds K1−xRbxSb5S8
Journal of Solid State Chemistry
Published Version
vol.180 no.2 p.420-431
Zorba T
Andrikopoulos K. S
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Pavlidou E
Popkonstantinov K
Kostova R
Platnyov V
Daniilia S
Infrared and Raman vibrational spectroscopies reveal the palette of frescos found in the Medieval Monastery of Karaach Teke
Annali di Chimica
vol.97 no.7 p.491-503
Zormpa Triantafyllia
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Bikiaris Dimitrios
Synthesis, characterization and thermal degradation mechanism of three poly(alkylene adipate)s: Comparative study
Polymer Degradation and Stability
Published Version
vol.92 no.2 p.222-230
Without Type
Goudouri Ourania M
Stavrev S
Chatzistavrou Xanthippi
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Zormpa Triantafyllia
Koidis Petros
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Bioactive glass/Nanodiamonds system produced by the sol-gel technique: Study of bioactive behaviour
Proceedings of XXVIII Panhellenic Congress of Solid State & Materials Science
XXVIII Panhellenic Congress of Solid State & Materials Science
Pavlidou E
Kyriakou A
Mirtsou E
Anastasiou L
Zorba T
Hatzikraniotis E
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Painted decoration studies in a fourth century BC Vergina Tomb
MRS Online Proceedings Library
vol.1047 p.Y03-04
Without Type
Adamopoulos G
Heiser T
Giovanella U
Ould-Saad S
van de Wetering K. I
Brochon C
Zorba T
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Hadziioannou G
Electronic transport properties aspects and structure of polymer-fullerene based organic semiconductors for photovoltaic devices
Thin Solid Films
vol.511-512 p.371-376
Anastasiou M
Hasapis Th
Zorba T
Pavlidou E
Chrissafis K
Paraskevopoulos K. M
TG-DTA and FTIR analyses of plasters from byzantine monuments in Balkan region : Comparative study
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
vol.84 no.1 p.27-32
Anastasiou M
Hasapis Thοmas
Zormpa Triantafyllia
Pavlidou Eleni
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
TG-DTA and FTIR analyses of plasters from byzantine monuments in Balkan region: Comparative study
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
Published Version
vol.84 no.1 p.27-32
Chatzistavrou X
Chrissafis K
Polychroniadis E
Kontonasaki E
Koidis P
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Inducing bioactivity in dental porcelain through bioglass®: Changes in thermal behaviour
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
vol.86 no.1 p.255-259
Chatzistavrou X
Chrissafis K
Kontonasaki E
Zorba T
Koidis P
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Sintered hydroxyapatite/bioactive glass composites: Thermal analysis and bioactivity
Key Engineering Materials
vol.309-311 I p.167-170
Chatzistavrou X
Zormpa Triantafyllia
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Kaimakamis Georgios
Kontonasaki Eleana
Koidis Petros
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Influence of particle size on the crystallization process and the bioactive behavior of a bioactive glass system
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
Published Version
vol.85 no.2 p.253-259
Chatzistavrou X
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Polychroniadis Efstathios
Kontonasaki Eleana
Koidis Petros
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Inducing bioactivity in dental porcelain through bioglass®
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
Published Version
vol.86 no.1 p.255-259
Chatzistavrou Xanthippi
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Kontonasaki Eleana
Zormpa Triantafyllia
Koidis Petros
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Sintered Hydroxyapatite / Bioactive Glass Composites: Thermal Analysis and Bioactivity
Key Engineering Materials
Published Version
vol.309 - 311 p.167-170
Chatzistavrou Xanthippi
Kontonasaki Eleana
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Zormpa Triantafyllia
Koidis Petros
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Surface and Bulk Contributions in the Crystallization Process of a Bioactive Glass
Key Engineering Materials
Published Version
vol.309 - 311 p.313-316
Chrissafis K
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Manolikas C
Studying Cu2-xSe phase transformation through DSC examination
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
vol.84 no.1 p.195-199
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Manolikas Konstantinos
Studying Cu2–xSe phase transformation through DSC examination
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
Published Version
vol.84 no.1 p.195-199
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Bikiaris Dimitrios
Effect of molecular weight on thermal degradation mechanism of the biodegradable polyester poly(ethylene succinate)
Thermochimica Acta
Published Version
vol.440 no.2 p.166-175
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Ozer M
Vigka Eleni
Polychroniadis Efstathios
Chatzistavrou X
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Characterization and phase transformation study of TlSbSe2 crystals
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
Published Version
vol.86 no.3 p.839-843
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Bikiaris Dimitrios
Thermal degradation kinetics of the biodegradable aliphatic polyester, poly(propylene succinate)
Polymer Degradation and Stability
Published Version
vol.91 no.1 p.60-68
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Filippidis Anestis
Mouhtaris Th
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Zormpa Triantafyllia
Squires C
Charistos Dimitrios
EPI-type zeolite synthesis from Greek sulphocalcic fly ashes promoted by H2O2 solutions
vol.85 no.3 p.360-366
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Filippidis Anestis
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Thermal distinction of HEU-type mineral phases contained in Greek zeolite-rich volcaniclastic tuffs
European Journal of Mineralogy
vol.18 no.4 p.509-516
Kavouras Panagiotis
Kaimakamis Georgios
Tsilika G
Ioannidis Th A
Kechagias Thomas
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Pavlidou Eleni
Kokkou Sokratis
Dimitraskopoulos George P
Charitidis C
Fournou-Karga E
, et al
Vitrification as a tool for solid waste treatment: A case study for electric arc furnace dust
Journal of environmental protection and ecology
vol.7 no.4 p.838-844
Kontonasaki Eleana
Papazisis K
Papadopoulou Lambrini
Zormpa Triantafyllia
Kortsaris A
Garefis Pavlos
Paraskefopoulos Konstantinos
Koidis Petros
Expression of Bioactivity and Biocompatibility Testing of Bioactive Glass Modified Zinc Phosphate Luting Cement
Key Engineering Materials
Published Version
vol.309-311 p.813-816
Kontonasaki Eleana
Sivropoulou Afroditi
Papadopoulou Lambrini
Garefis Pavlos
Paraskefopoulos Konstantinos
Koidis Petros
Attachment and Proliferation of Human Periodontal Ligament Fibroblasts on Fibronectin-Coated Bioactive Glass Modified Ceramics
Key Engineering Materials
Published Version
vol.309 - 311 p.727-730
Kontonasaki Eleana
Papadopoulou Lambrini
Zormpa Triantafyllia
Siarampi E
Papazisis K
Kortsaris A
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Koidis Petros
Effect of Bioactive Glass/Cement Weight Ratio on Bioactivity and Biocompatibility of a Bioactive Glass Modified Glass Ionomer Cement
Key Engineering Materials
Published Version
vol.309-311 p.877-880
Kyratsi T
Hatzikraniotis E
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Malliakas C. D
Dyck J. S
Uher C
Kanatzidis M. G
Structure inhomogeneities, shallow defects, and charge transport in the series of thermoelectric materials K2Bi8-xSb xSe13
Journal of Applied Physics
vol.100 no.12
Nikolić M. V
Nikolić P. M
Blagojević V
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Zorba T. T
Vasiljević-Radović D
Ristić M. M
Infrared properties of sintered α-MnSe
International Journal of Materials Research
vol.97 no.5 p.666-669
Paraskevopoulos K
Sundararajan M
Surendran R
Hough M. A
Eady R. R
Hillier I. H
Hasnain S. S
Active site structures and the redox properties of blue copper proteins: atomic resolution structure of azurin II and electronic structure calculations of azurin, plastocyanin and stellacyanin
Dalton Transactions
no.25 p.3067-3076
Paraskevopoulos K
Antonyuk S. V
Sawers R. G
Eady R. R
Hasnain S. S
Insight into catalysis of nitrous oxide reductase from high-resolution structures of resting and inhibitor-bound enzyme from Achromobacter cycloclastes
Journal of Molecular Biology
vol.362 no.1 p.55-65
Pavlidou E
Arapi M
Zorba T
Anastasiou M
Civici N
Stamati F
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Onoufrios, the famous XVI's century iconographer, creator of the "Berati School": Studying the technique and materials used in wall paintings of inscribed churches
Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing
vol.83 no.4 p.709-717
Sikalidis Konstantinos
Zormpa Triantafyllia
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Iron oxide pigmenting powders produced by thermal treatment of iron solid wastes from steel mill pickling lines
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
Published Version
vol.86 no.2 p.411-415
Stanciu G
Stanciu S.G
Dan C
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Chatzistavrou Xanthippi
Kontonasaki Eleana
Koidis Petros
Surface Topography Characterization of Apatite Formation on Bioactive Glass Modified Dental Ceramics Using Confocal Laser Scanning CLSM) and Environmental Scanning Electron Microscopy (ESEM)
Key Engineering Materials
Published Version
vol.309 - 311 p.689-692
Stanciu G. A
Stanciu S. G
Dan C
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Chatzistavrou X
Kontonasaki E
Koidis P
Surface topography characterization of apatite formation on bioactive glass modified dental ceramics using confocal laser scanning (CLSM) and environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM)
Key Engineering Materials
vol.309-311 I p.689-692
Zorba T
Pavlidou E
Stanojlovic M
Bikiaris D
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Nikolic V
Nikolic P. M
Technique and palette of XIIIth century painting in the monastery of Mileseva
Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing
vol.83 no.4 p.719-725
Without Type
Hatzikraniotis E
Kyratsi Th
Zorba T
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Kanatzidis M. G
On the optical properties of thermoelectric alkali metal chalcogenide compounds
vol.886 p.269-274
Hatzikraniotis E
Hassapis Th
Kyratsi Th
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Kanatzidis M. G
FTIR Reflectivity spectra of Thermoelectric K2Sb 8Se13 crystals
Kontonasaki Eleana
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Papadopoulou Lamprini
Chatzistavrou X
Zormpa Triantafyllia
Sivropoulou Afroditi
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Koidis Petros
Comparative study of dental ceramics-bioactive glass composites
Proceedings of 20th European Conference on Biomaterials
20th European Conference on Biomaterials
Nantes, France
Published Version
Kyratsi Th
Hatzikraniotis E
Tsiappos A
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Kanatzidis M. G
N-to-p transition on K2Bi8-xSbxSe 13 series
Κοντονασάκη Ελεάνα
Παπαδοπούλου Λ
Καντηράνης Νικόλαος
Κάβουρας Π
Χατζησταύρου Ξ
Ζορμπά Φ
Θεοχαρίδου Α
Κωστόπουλος Ε
Σιβροπούλου Αφροδίτη
Παρασκευόπουλος Κωνσταντίνος
Κοϊδης Πέτρος
Προσδιορισμός μικροδομής και μηχανο-βιολογικών ιδιοτήτων οδοντιατρικής πορσελάνης χαμηλής τήξης
Πρακτικά 26ου Πανελληνίου Οδοντιατρικού Συνεδρίου
26ο Πανελλήνιο Οδοντιατρικό Συνέδριο
Αθήνα, Ελλάδα
Without Type
Amariei A
Chatzistavrou X
Stavrinadis A. I
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Polychroniadis E. K
Detailed study of Ga low compositional substitution by In in polycrystalline GaSb
Physica Status Solidi C - Conferences and Critical Reviews, Vol 2, No 4
vol.2 no.4 p.1304-1309
Chrissafis K
Paraskevopoulos K. M
The effect of sintering on the maximum capture efficiency of CO 2 using a carbonation/calcination cycle of carbonate rocks
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
vol.81 no.2 p.463-468
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Bikiaris Dimitrios
Thermal degradation mechanism of poly(ethylene succinate) and poly(butylene succinate): Comparative study
Thermochimica Acta
Published Version
vol.435 no.2 p.142-150
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
The effect of sintering on the maximum capture efficiency of CO2 using a carbonation/calcination cycle of carbonate rocks
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
Published Version
vol.81 no.2 p.463-468
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Dagounaki C
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
The effects of procedural variables on the maximum capture efficiency of CO2 using a carbonation/calcination cycle of carbonate rocks
Thermochimica Acta
Published Version
vol.428 no.1-2 p.193-198
Gospodinov M. M
Petrova D
Yanchev I. Y
Daviti M
Manolopoulou M
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Anagnostopoulos A. N
Polychroniadis E. K
Growth of single crystals of Hg(BrxI1-x)(2) and their detection capability
Journal of Alloys and Compounds
vol.400 no.1-2 p.249-251
Iacomi F
Vasile A
Pavlidou E
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Varoutzis N
Lioutas C
Polychroniadis E. K
Formation of MnS clusters into laumontite zeolite
Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials
vol.7 no.2 p.859-863
Mitric A
Duffar Th
Amariei A
Chatzistavrou X
Pavlidou E
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Polychroniadis E. K
On the synthesis and characterization of polycrystalline GaSb suitable for thermophoto voltaic (TPV) applications
Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials
vol.7 no.2 p.659-664
Pritsos C
Kontonasaki Eleana
Chatzistavrou X
Papadopoulou L
Pappas F
Koidis Petros
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Studying morphological characteristics of thermally treated bioactive glass ceramic using image analysis
Journal of the european ceramic society
Published Version
vol.25 no.6 p.891-897
Vouroutzis N
Zorba T. T
Dimitriadis C. A
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Dózsa L
Molnár G
Thickness dependent structure of β-FeSi2 grown on silicon by solid phase epitaxy
Journal of Alloys and Compounds
vol.393 no.1-2 p.167-170
Without Type
Chatzistavrou X
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Polychroniadis Efstathios
Kontonasaki Eleana
Koidis Petros
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Modifying dental porcelain through bioglass : changes in thermal properties
MEDICTA 2005-7th Mediterranean Conference on Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis
MEDICTA 2005-7th Mediterranean Conference on Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis
Thessaloniki, Greece
Published Version
Chatzistavrou X
Zormpa Triantafyllia
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Pavlidou Eleni
Kontonasaki Eleana
Koidis Petros
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Effect of alumina addition on bioactive glass thermal behaviour
MEDICTA 2005-7th Mediterranean Conference on Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis
MEDICTA 2005-7th Mediterranean Conference on Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis
Thessaloniki, Greece
Published Version
Chatzistavrou X
Zormpa Triantafyllia
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Kontonasaki Eleana
Koidis Petros
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Crystallization process dependence on particle size : the system SiO2-Na2O-CaO-P2O5
MEDICTA 2005-7th Mediterranean Conference on Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis
MEDICTA 2005-7th Mediterranean Conference on Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis
Thessaloniki, Greece
Published Version
Without Type
Adamopoulos G
Godet C
Zorba T
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Ballutaud D
Electron cyclotron resonance deposition, structure, and properties of oxygen incorporated hydrogenated diamondlike amorphous carbon films
Journal of Applied Physics
vol.96 no.10 p.5456-5461
Antoniades K
Hadjipetrou L
Antoniades V
Paraskevopoulos K
Bilateral bifid mandibular condyle
Oral Surgery Oral Medicine Oral Pathology Oral Radiology and Endodontics
vol.97 no.4 p.535-538
Chatzistavrou X
Zormpa Triantafyllia
Kontonasaki Eleana
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Koidis Petros
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Following bioactive glass behavior beyond melting temperature by thermal and optical methods
Physica Status Solidi a Applications and Materials Science
Published Version
vol.201 no.5 p.944–951
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Vouroutzis Nikolaos
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Fragkis Nikolaos
Manolikas Konstantinos
Phase transformation in CuAgSe: a DSC and electron diffraction examination
Journal of Alloys and Compounds
Published Version
vol.385 no.1-2 p.169-172
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Kyratsi Theodora
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Kanatzidis Mercouri G
Crystal/Glass Phase Change in KSb5S8 Studied through Thermal Analysis Techniques
Chemistry of Materials
Published Version
vol.16 no.10 p.1932–1937
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Vigka Eleni
Ozer M
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Polychroniadis Efstathios
Phase transformation in the system TlBi(Te1-xSex)2
Crystal Research and Technology
Published Version
vol.39 no.4 p.322–327
Dagounaki C
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Kasoli-Fournaraki Anna
Tsirampidis Ananias
Sikalidis Konstantinos
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Thermal characterization of carbonate rocks, Kozani area, North-western Macedonia, Greece
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
Published Version
vol.78 no.1 p.295-306
Ganitis V
Pavlidou E
Zorba F
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Bikiaris D
A post-Byzantine icon of St Nicholas painted on a leather support. Microanalysis and characterisation of technique
Journal of Cultural Heritage
vol.5 no.4 p.349-360
Georgantzi B
Papadopoulou L
Zormpa Triantafyllia
Garefis Pavlos
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Koidis Petros
Development of HydroxyCarbonate Apatite on hybrid polymers used in fixed restorations modified by bioactive glass
Physica Status Solidi a Applications and Materials Science
Published Version
vol.201 no.4 p.733–738
Without Type
Drakoulis Alexandros
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Filippidis Anestis
Stergiou Anagnostis
Zormpa Triantafyllia
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Squires C
The estimation of volcanic glass content in natural materials using PXRD and FTIR techniques
5th European Conference on Mineralogy and Spectroscopy
Vienna - Austria
Without Type
Chrissafis K
Vinga E. S
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Polychroniadis E. K
On the study of the solid-solid phase transformation of TlBiTe2
Physica Status Solidi a-Applied Research
vol.196 no.2 p.515-522
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Vigka Eleni
Paraskefopoulos Konstantinos
Polychroniadis Efstathios
On the study of the solid–solid phase transformation of TlBiTe2
Physica Status Solidi a Applications and Materials Science
Published Version
vol.196 no.2 p.515–522
Katsimpris J. M
Xirou T
Paraskevopoulos K
Petropoulos I. K
Feretis E
Effect of local hypothermia on the anterior chamber and vitreous cavity temperature: In vivo study in rabbits
Klinische Monatsblatter Fur Augenheilkunde
vol.220 no.3 p.148-151
Kavouras P
Komninou Filomila
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Kaimakamis Georgios
Kokkou Sokratis
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Karakostas Theodoros
Microstructural changes of processed vitrified solid waste products
Journal of the European Ceramic Society
Published Version
vol.23 no.8 p.1305-1311
Kontonasaki Eleana
Papadopoulou L
Zormpa Triantafyllia
Pavlidou Eleni
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Koidis Petros
Apatite formation on dental ceramics modified by a bioactive glass
Journal of Oral Rehabilitation
Published Version
vol.30 no.9 p.893–902
Kyratsi T
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Wachter J
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Kanatzidis M.G
KSb5S8: A Wide Bandgap Phase-Change Material for Ultra High Density Rewritable Information Storage
Advanced Materials
Published Version
vol.15 no.17 p.1428–1431
Papadopoulou L
Kontonasaki E
Zorba T
Chatzistavrou X
Pavlidou E
Paraskevopoulos K
Sklavounos S
Koidis P
Dental ceramics coated with bioactive glass: Surface changes after exposure in a simulated body fluid under static and dynamic conditions
Physica Status Solidi (Α) Applied Research
vol.198 no.1 p.65-75
Stanciu G. A
Stanciu S. G
Daviti M
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Polychroniadis E. K
Investigations on the variable large bandgap semiconductor compound HgBrI
Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics
vol.36 no.21 p.2714-2718
Without Type
Kyratsi T
Chung D. Y
Dyck J. S
Uher C
Lal S
Loo S
Hogan T
Ireland J
Kannewurf C. R
Hatzikraniotis E
Paraskevopoulos K. M
, et al
Synthesis, crystal structure and thermoelectric properties of β-K 2Bi8Se13 solid solutions
vol.793 p.359-364
Without Type
Daviti M
Chrissafis K
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Polychroniadis E. K
Spassov T
Kinetic analysis of the alpha-beta HgI2 phase transition - Using isothermal and non-isothermal DSC
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
vol.70 no.2 p.605-614
Daviti M
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Polychroniadis Efstathios
Spassov T
Kinetic analysis of the α-β HgI2 phase transition : Using isothermal and non-isothermal DSC
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
Published Version
vol.70 no.2 p.605-614
Kontonasaki E
Zorba T
Papadopoulou L
Pavlidou E
Chatzistavrou X
Paraskevopoulos K
Koidis P
Hydroxy carbonate apatite formation on particulate bioglass in vitro as a function of time
Crystal Research and Technology
vol.37 no.11 p.1165-1171
Kyratsi T
Dyck J. S
Chen W
Chung D. Y
Uher C
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Kanatzidis M. G
Highly anisotropic crystal growth and thermoelectric properties of K2Bi8-xSbxSe13 solid solutions: Band gap anomaly at low x
Journal of Applied Physics
vol.92 no.2 p.965
Ozer M
Kalkan N
Kyritsi K. G
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Anagnostopoulos A. N
Stergioudis G
Polychroniadis E. K
The influence of Tl4Bi2S5 precipitates on the crystalline TlBiS2 properties
Physica Status Solidi a-Applied Research
vol.193 no.1 p.3-11
Without Type
Kyratsi T
Dyck J. S
Chen W
Chung D. Y
Uher C
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Kanatzidis M. G
Thermoelectric properties of K2Bi8-xSbxSe13 solid solutions and Se doping
vol.691 p.419-424
Zorba T
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Siapkas D. I
Pavlidou E
Angelova S
Kushev D. B
The Xth cent. church in Drustar: Study of wall paintings by spectroscopic methods
vol.712 p.175-182
Without Type
Ζορμπά Τριανταφυλλιά
Κοντονασάκη Ελεάνα
Παπαδοπούλου Λαμπρινή
Παυλίδου Ε
Παρασκευόπουλος Κωνσταντίνος
Κοϊδης Πέτρος
Ανάπτυξη στρώματος βιολογικου απατίτη σε οδοντιατρικά κεραμικά τροποποιημένα με βιοενεργές υάλους: Μελέτη με φασματοσκοπία υπερύθρου
ΧVII Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Φυσικής Στερεάς Κατάστασης
Κοντονασάκη Ελεάνα
Παπαδοπούλου Λαμπρινή
Ζορμπά Τριανταφυλλιά
Παυλίδου E
Παρασκευόπουλος Κωνσταντίνος
Κοϊδης Πέτρος
Ενσωμάτωση βιοενεργών υάλων σε κεραμικά μεταλλοκεραμικών αποκαταστάσεων
21ο Πανελλήνιο Οδοντιατρικό Συνέδριο
Without Type
Marinova V
Shurulinkov S
Daviti M
Paraskevopoulos K
Anagnostopoulos A
Refractive index measurements of mixed HgBrxI2-x single crystals
Optical Materials
vol.14 no.2 p.95-99
Veleva M
Gospodinov M. M
Daviti M
Anagnostopoulos A. N
Paraskevopoulos K
Polychroniadis E. K
Yanchev I. Y
Dielectric behavior of mixed HgBrxI2-x single crystals
Journal of Materials Science Letters
vol.19 no.12 p.1019-1020
Without Type
Daviti M
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Temperature dependence of the fundamental absorption edge of HgBr2 and HgBrI single crystals
Materials Research Bulletin
vol.34 no.3 p.381-388
Hatzikraniotis E
Kyratsi Th
Chrissafis K
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Modification of thermoelectric properties using insertion techniques
Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings
vol.545 p.149-154
Stanciu G. A
Oprica M. H
Oud J. L
Daviti M
Anagnostopoulos A. N
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Polychroniadis E. K
Vapour growth and characterization of HgBr2 crystals using confocal laser scanning microscopy, optical spectroscopy and DC conductivity measurements
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics
vol.32 no.15 p.1928-1933
Without Type
Kalampokis A
Hatzikraniotis E
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Study of the deintercalation process in Bi2Se3 single crystals treated with hydrazine
Materials Research Bulletin
vol.33 no.9 p.1359-1366
Kyratsi Th
Hatzikraniotis E
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Paraskefopoulos Konstantinos
Optimization of thermoelectric properties of Bi2Se3 using insertion techniques
Published Version
vol.4 no.1-2 p.88-92
Siapkas D. I
Mitsas C. L
Samaras I
Zorba T. T
Moumouzias G
Terzidis D
Hatzikraniotis E
Kokkou S
Voulgaropoulos A
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Synthesis and characterization of LiMn2O4 for use in Li-ion batteries
Journal of Power Sources
vol.72 no.1 p.22-26
Özer M
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Anagnostopoulos A. N
Kokkou S
Polychroniadis E. K
Single crystal growth and characterization of narrow-gap (TIBiSe 2) 1-x-(TIBiS 2) x mixed crystals
Semiconductor Science and Technology
vol.13 no.1 p.86-92
Without Type
Chatzistavrou Xanthippi
Kontonasaki Eleana
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Papadopoulou Lamprini
Koidis Petros
Chatzikraniotis Evrypidis
Paraskefopoulos Konstantinos
Characterization and In Vitro Bioactivity Study of Ternary Glass-ceramic Coatings
Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings
Published Version
Daviti M
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Polychroniadis E. K
Miu C
Stanciu A
Stanciu G
On the surface quality and micromorphology of HgBrI single crystals
Crystal Research and Technology
vol.33 no.6 p.881-884
Kyratsi Th
Hatzikraniotis E
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Chrissafis K
Changes in the electronic properties of Bi2X3 (X: Se, Te) single crystals due to intercalation
vol.3 no.3-4 p.305-309
Kyratsi Th
Hatzikraniotis E
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Changes in the Electronic Properties of Bi2X 3 (X: Se, Te) Single Crystals due to Intercalation
Published Version
vol.3 no.3-4 p.305-309
Without Type
Daviti M
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Anagnostopoulos A
Polychroniadis E. K
Growth, optical and electrical characterization of HgBr1.16I0.84 single crystals
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment
vol.380 no.1-2 p.62-65
Hatzikraniotis E
Samaras I
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Julien C
Lithium intercalation studies on MoO3 single crystals
vol.2 no.1 p.24-28
Hatzikraniotis E
Samaras I
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Al-intercalated in MoO3: Optical characterisation
vol.2 no.1 p.29-33
Özer M
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Anagnostopoulos A. N
Kokou S
Polychroniadis E. K
Large single-crystal growth and characterization of the narrow-gap semiconductor TIBiS 2
Semiconductor Science and Technology
vol.11 no.10 p.1405-1410
Without Type
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Julien C
Balkanski M
Porte C
Photoluminescence spectra of Li-intercalated indium selenide
Journal of Luminescence
vol.42 no.1 p.15-20
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Hatzikraniotis E
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Zamani M
Stoimenos Ioannis
Economou N.A
Alexiadis K
Balkanski M
Intercalation studies in bismuth selenide
Materials Science and Engineering B: Advanced Functional Solid-state Materials
Published Version
vol.1 no.2 p.147-154
Without Type
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Julien C
Balkanski M
Fine Structure in the Free Exciton Region of the Emission Spectrum of γ-InSe
Physica Status Solidi (B) Basic Research
vol.143 no.2 p.741-748
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Energy gap dependence on temperature in TlBiTe2 crystals
Journal of Materials Science Letters
vol.6 no.12 p.1422-1424
Without Type
Julien C
Hatzikraniotis E
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Chevy A
Balkanski M
Electrical and optical properties of lithium intercalated III-VI compounds
Solid State Ionics
vol.18-19 no.PART 2 p.859-864
Without Type
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Physica Status Solidi (B) Basic Research
vol.127 no.1 p.k45-k50
Without Type
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Siapkas D
Economou N. A
Physica Status Solidi (B) Basic Research
vol.124 no.1 p.229-234
Without Type
Antonopoulos-Domis M
Paraskevopoulos K
Reactor time constant at criticality
Annals of Nuclear Energy
vol.10 no.10 p.555-557
Aktualisiert: 2018-10-19