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e-Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae
Anastasios Liolios
Professor, School of Physics
Personal Information
Scopus ID
Γνωστικό Αντικείμενο
Επιστημονική Ειδίκευση
Φυσικές επιστήμες
Προπτυχιακές Σπουδές
Πτυχίο Φυσικής
Τμήμα Φυσικής, Σχολή Θετικών Επιστημών
Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης
Διδακτορικό Δίπλωμα
Τμήμα Φυσικής, Σχολή Θετικών Επιστημών
Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης
Course Work
Courses of Winter semester of 2017–18 academic year
Atomic and Molecular Physics Laboratory
History and Evolution of Physics
Physics and Philoshophy
Neuclear Physics Laboratory II
Nuclear Physics and Elementary Particles
Nuclear Physics Laboratory
Courses of Spring semester of 2017–18 academic year
Atomic and Molecular Physics Laboratory
Cosmic Radiation
Nuclear Physics Laboratory
Theses Supervised
Student Theses within AUTh
In progress
Atreidis Georgios. "Ατμοσφαιρικοί καταιγισμοί σωματιδίων", Εξειδίκευση σε: "Μελέτη των κατανομών δευτερογενών σωματιδίων σε εκτεταμένους ατμοσφαιρικούς καταιγισμούς που προκαλούνται από κοσμικά σωματίδια υψηλών ενεργειών"
Stergioula Eirini-Chrysovalantou. "Μελέτη του υποστρώματος της ακτινοβολίας γάμμα με ανιχνευτή σπινθηρισμών NaI(Tl)"
Theses outside AUTh
Doctoral Level
Αντώνιος Γαρδικιώτης
Ανίχνευση ηλιακών αξιονίων με το πείραμα CAST, Πανεπιστήμιο Πατρών
Γεώργιος Ατρείδης
Ατμοσφαιρικοί καταιγισμοί σωματιδίων, ΑΠΘ
Administrative Work
Θέση Όργανο / Επιτροπή
Director, Τομέα
Head, Εργαστηρίων
Member, Σχεδιασμού της Δομής του Νέου Τμήματος
Member, Προγράμματος Σπουδών
Member, Υποδοχής Πρωτοετών Φοιτητών
Head, Εκδόσεων
Member, Ωρολογίου Προγράμματος και Αιθουσών
Member, Συλλογής Στατιστικών Στοιχείων
Member, Υποδοχής και Καθοδήγησης Πρωτοετών Φοιτητών
Head, Εκδόσεων
Member, Ωρολογίου Προγράμματος και Αιθουσιολογίου
Head, Εκδόσεων
Member, Γ.Σ. Τμήματος
Member, Γ.Σ. Τομέα ΠΦΦΣΣ
Θέση Όργανο / Επιτροπή
Member, Επιτροπή (Σχολής Θ.Ε.) Ισότητας και Φύλου
Member, Επιτροπή (Πρυτανείας) Πολιτιστικής Πολιτικής
Member, Επιτροπή (Σχολής Θ.Ε.) Επετηρίδας της Σχολής-Διαρκούς Αξιολόγησης
Member, Επιτροπή (Πρυτανείας) Εθελοντισμού
Θέση Περιγραφή
Μέλος, Συμμετοχή στην επίβλεψη διδακτορικών διατριβών εκτος ΑΠΘ
Research Projects
Ευκλείδης:Ανάπτυξη, σχεδίαση και κατασκευή συστήματος αυτόματου ελέγχου (ΣΑΕ) ανιχνευτικών διατάξεων σωματιδίων υψηλών ενεργειών
Connection to Society
Συνεργασίες με κοινωνικούς, πολιτιστικούς και παραγωγικούς φορείς
Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης
Without Type
Arik M
Aune S
Barth K
Belov A
Bräuninger H
Bremer J
Burwitz V
Cantatore G
Carmona J. M
Cetin S. A
Collar J. I
, et al
New solar axion search using the CERN Axion Solar Telescope with He 4 filling
Physical Review D
vol.92 no.2
Without Type
Adrián-Martínez S
Ageron M
Aharonian F
Aiello S
Albert A
Ameli F
Anassontzis E. G
Anghinolfi M
Anton G
Anvar S
Ardid M
, et al
Deep sea tests of a prototype of the KM3NeT digital optical module
The European Physical Journal C
vol.74 no.9
Arik M
Aune S
Barth K
Belov A
Borghi S
Bräuninger H
Cantatore G
Carmona J. M
Cetin S. A
Collar J. I
Da Riva E
, et al
Search for Solar Axions by the CERN Axion Solar Telescope with He 3 Buffer Gas: Closing the Hot Dark Matter Gap
Physical Review Letters
vol.112 no.9
Without Type
Lakić B
Arik M
Aune S
Barth K
Belov A
Borghi S
Bräuninger H
Cantatore G
Carmona J. M
Cetin S. A
Collar J. I
, et al
Status and perspectives of the CAST experiment
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
vol.375 no.PART 2
Without Type
Ferrer-Ribas E
Arik M
Aune S
Barth K
Belov A
Borghi S
Bräuninger H
Cantatore G
Carmona J. M
Cetin S. A
Collar J. I
, et al
Results and perspectives of the solar axion search with the CAST experiment
24th Rencontres de Blois on Particle Physics and Cosmology
Without Type
Actis M
Agnetta G
Aharonian F
Akhperjanian A
Aleksić J
Aliu E
Allan D
Allekotte I
Antico F
Antonelli L. A
Antoranz P
, et al
Design concepts for the Cherenkov Telescope Array CTA: An advanced facility for ground-based high-energy gamma-ray astronomy
Experimental Astronomy
vol.32 no.3 p.193-316
Arik M
Aune S
Barth K
Belov A
Borghi S
Bräuninger H
Cantatore G
Carmona J. M
Cetin S. A
Collar J. I
Dafni T
, et al
Search for sub-eV mass solar axions by the CERN axion solar telescope with He3 buffer gas
Physical Review Letters
vol.107 no.26
Irastorza G
Aune S
Barth K
Belov A
Borghi S
Bräuninger H
Cantatore G
Carmona M
Cetin S. A
Collar I
Dafni T
, et al
Latest results and prospects of the CERN Axion Solar Telescope
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
vol.309 no.1
Without Type
Dafni T
Aune S
Barth K
Belov A
Borghi S
Brauninger H
Cantatore G
Carmona J. M
Cetin S. A
Collar J. I
Davenport M
, et al
CAST: Status and Latest Results
DESY Library
Manousos A
Liolios A
Eleftheriadis C
Energetic axion-like particle production in galaxies
(2011) PoS IDM2010, 8th International Workshop on Identif Conference, pp. 034
Without Type
Andriamonje S
Aune S
Autiero D
Barth K
Belov A
Beltrn B
Bräuninger H
Carmona J. M
Cebrin S
Collar J. I
Dafni T
, et al
Search for 14.4 keV solar axions emitted in the M1-transition of 57Fe nuclei with CAST
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
vol.2009 no.12
Arik E
Aune S
Autiero D
Barth K
Belov A
Beltrn B
Borghi S
Bourlis G
Boydag F. S
Bräuninger H
Carmona J. M
, et al
Probing eV-scale axions with CAST
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
vol.2009 no.2
Polymeris G. S
Kitis G
Liolios A. K
Sakalis A
Zioutas K
Anassontzis E. G
Tsirliganis N. C
Luminescence dating of the top of a deep water core from the NESTOR site near the Hellenic Trench, east Mediterranean Sea
Quaternary Geochronology
vol.4 no.1 p.68-81
Without Type
Liolios A
Planetary produced axionlike particles and gamma-ray flashes
vol.1085 p.230-233
Sdrolia A
Sfamba I
Liolios Anastasios
Kitis Georgios
Cosmic radiation intensity measurements using TL dosimeters at various mountain altitudes
AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 1203, pp. 40-42 (2010)
7th International Conference of the Balkan Physical Union
vol. 1203, p. 4042
Without Type
Aad G
Abat E
Abdallah J
Abdelalim A. A
Abdesselam A
Abdinov O
Abi B. A
Abolins M
Abramowicz H
Acerbi E
Acharya B. S
, et al
The ATLAS experiment at the CERN large hadron collider
Journal of Instrumentation
vol.3 no.8
Without Type
Andriamonje S
Aune S
Autiero D
Barth K
Belov A
Beltrán B
Bräuninger H
Carmona J. M
Cebrián S
Collar J. I
Dafni T
, et al
An improved limit on the axion-photon coupling from the CAST experiment
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
Bachas K
Bouzakis K
Krepouri A
Liolios A
Petridou Ch
Sampsonidis D
Tsiafis I
Valderanis Ch
Wotschack J
The construction and the quality assurance-quality control of the 112 MDT-Barrel Inner Small precision chambers of the ATLAS Muon Spectrometer
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment
vol.581 no.1-2 SPEC. ISS. p.198-201
Jakovčić K
Andriamonje S
Aune S
Avignone F
Barth K
Belov A
Beltrán B
Bräuninger H
Carmona J. M
Cebrián S
Collar J. I
, et al
Prospects for the CERN Axion Solar Telescope sensitivity to 14.4 keV axions
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment
vol.580 no.1 SPEC. ISS. p.37-39
Liolios A
Axions from the Earth
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics
vol.645 no.2-3 p.113-118
Riemer-S.rensen S
Zioutas K
Hansen S. H
Pedersen K
Dahle H
Liolios A
Searching for decaying axionlike dark matter from clusters of galaxies
Physical Review Letters
vol.99 no.13
Without Type
Arik E
Aune S
Autiero D
Barth K
Belov A
Beltran B
Bourlis G
Boydag F. S
Brauninger H
Carmona J
Cebrian S
, et al
Cast - A cern experiment to search for solar axions
vol.899 p.37-40
Without Type
Dafni T
Andriamonje S
Arsov V
Aune S
Autiero D
Barth K
Belov A
Beltrán B
Bräuninger H
Carmona J
Cebrián S
, et al
First results from the CAST experiment
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
vol.39 no.1 p.117-119
Polymeris G. S
Kitis G
Liolios A. K
Tsirliganis N. C
Zioutas K
Minerals as Time-Integrating Luminescence Detectors for setting bounds on dark matter particle characteristics
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment
vol.562 no.1 p.207-213
Without Type
Andriamonje S
Aune S
Barth K
Belov A
Beltrán B
Bräuninger H
Carmona J. M
Cebrián S
Collar J. I
Dafni T
Davenport M
, et al
Search for solar axions: The CAST experiment
2nd International Conference on The Dark Side of the Universe DSU 2006
vol.878 p.395-401
Fanourakis G. K
Andriamonje S
Arsov V
Aune S
Autiero D
Avignone F
Barth K
Belov A
Beltran B
Brauninger H
Carmona J. M
, et al
In search of axions: The CAST experiment
Recent Advances in Astronomy and Astrophysics: 7th International Conference of the Hellenic Astronomical Society. AIP Conference Proceedings
7th International Conference of the Hellenic Astronomical Society
vol.848 p.816-825
Without Type
Andriamonje S
Arsov V
Aune S
Aune T
Avignone III F. T
Barth K
Belov A
Beltran B
Bräuninger H
Carmona J
Cebrián S
, et al
The CERN Axion Solar Telescope (CAST): An update
Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements
vol.138 no.1-3 p.41-44
Zioutas Konstantinos
Andriamonje S
Arsov V
Aune S
Autiero D
Avignone F. T
Barth K
Belov A
Beltrán B
Bräuninger H
Carmona J. M
, et al
First results from the CERN axion solar telescope
Physical Review Letters
vol.94 no.12
Without Type
Sampsonidis D
Krepouri A
Petridou Ch
Manolopoulou M
Liolios A
Dedousis S
Study of the response of the ATLAS monitored drift tubes to heavily ionizing particles and of their performance with cosmic rays
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment
vol.535 no.1-2 p.260-264
Without Type
Sampsonidis D
Manolopoulou M
Petridou Ch
Liolios A
Anastopoulos C
Study of the performance of the ATLAS monitored drift tube chambers under the influence of heavily ionizing α-particles
vol.4 p.2068-2071
Without Type
Alexopoulos T
Avramidou R
Bratzler U
Cernoch C
Dris M
Fassouliotis D
Filippas T. A
Fokitis E
Gazis E. N
Ioannou P
Katsoufis E. C
, et al
Extensive Performance Studies for the ATLAS BIS-MDT Precision Muon Chambers with Cosmic Rays
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science
vol.50 no.6 II p.2420-2426
Irastorza I. G
Andriamonje S
Arik E
Autiero D
Avignone F
Barth K
Brauninger H
Brodzinski R
Carmona J
Cebrian S
Cetin S. A
, et al
The CERN Axion Solar Telescope (CAST): Status and prospects
Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements
vol.114 p.75-80
Without Type
Sampsonidis D
Manolopoulou M
Petridou Ch
Liolios A
Aging studies for the ATLAS monitor drift tubes using alpha particles
vol.5 p.3719-3722
Without Type
Aalseth C. E
Arik E
Autiero D
Avignone III F. T
Barth K
Bowyer S. M
Brauninger H
Brodzinski R. L
Carmona J. M
Cebrian S
Celebi G
, et al
The CERN Axion Solar Telescope (CAST)
Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements
vol.110 p.85-87
Without Type
Alexopoulos Th
Avramidou R
Bratzler U
Cernoch C
Dris M
Fassouliotis D
Filippas T. A
Fokitis E
Gazis E. N
Ioannou P
Katsoufis E. C
, et al
Extensive performance studies for the ATLAS BIS-MDT precision muon chambers with cosmic rays
vol.1 p.254-258
Without Type
Zioutas K
Aalseth C. E
Abriola D
Avignone III F. T. A
Brodzinski R. L
Collar J. I
Creswick R
Gregorio D. E. D
Farach H
Gattone A. O
Guérard C. K
, et al
Decommissioned LHC model magnet as an axion telescope
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment
vol.425 no.3 p.480-487
Without Type
Angelopoulos A
Apostolakis A
Aslanides E
Backenstoss G
Bargassa P
Behnke O
Benelli A
Bertin V
Blanc F
Bloch P
Carlson P
, et al
Measurement of the CP-violation parameter η00 using tagged K̄ 0 and K 0
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics
vol.420 no.1-2 p.191-195
Angelopoulos A
Apostolakis A
Aslanides E
Backenstoss G
Bargassa P
Behnke O
Benelli A
Bertin V
Blanc F
Bloch P
Carlson P
, et al
Direct determination of two-pion correlations for p̄p → 2π +2π - annihilation at rest
European Physical Journal C
vol.1 no.1-2 p.139-148
Without Type
Adler R
Angelopoulos A
Apostolakis A
Aslanides E
Backenstoss G
Bargassa P
Bee C. P
Behnke O
Benelli A
Bertin V
Blanc F
, et al
CPLEAR results on the CP parameters of neutral kaons decaying to π +π -π 0
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics
vol.407 no.2 p.193-200
Adler R
Alhalel T
Angelopoulos A
Apostolakis A
Aslanides E
Backenstoss G
Bargassa P
Bee C. P
Behnke O
Benelli A
Bertin V
, et al
Upper limit for the branching ratio of K s → e +e - decay
Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements
vol.56 no.1-2 p.178-182
Adler R
Alhalel T
Angelopoulos A
Apostolakis A
Aslanides E
Backenstoss G
Bargassa P
Bee C. P
Behnke O
Benelli A
Bertin V
, et al
Measurement of η +- with the cplear experiment
Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements
vol.56 no.1-2 p.371-376
Adler R
Alhalel T
Angelopoulos A
Apostolakis A
Aslanides E
Backenstoss G
Bargassa P
Bee C. P
Behnke O
Benelli A
Bertin V
, et al
Experimental measurement of the K SK S/K SK L ratio in antiproton annihilations at rest in gaseous hydrogen at 15 and 27 bar
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics
vol.403 no.3-4 p.383-389
Adler R
Alhalel T
Angelopoulos A
Apostolakis A
Aslanides E
Backenstoss G
Bargassa P
Bee C. P
Behnke O
Benelli A
Bertin V
, et al
The CPLEAR-experiment at CERN
Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements
vol.59 no.1-3 p.182-191
Adler R
Alhalel T
Angelopoulos A
Apostolakis A
Aslanides E
Backenstoss G
Bargassa P
Bee C. P
Behnke O
Benelli A
Bertin V
, et al
The CPLEAR collaboration
Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements
vol.56 no.1-2 p.361-370
Angelopoulos A
Apostolakis A
Aslanides E
Backenstoss G
Bargassa P
Behnke O
Benelli A
Bertin V
Blanc F
Bloch P
Carlson P
, et al
An upper limit for the branching ratio of the decay K s → e +e - CPLEAR Collaboration
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics
vol.413 no.1-2 p.232-238
Angelopoulos A
Apostolakis A
Aslanides E
Backenstoss G
Bargassa P
Behnke O
Benelli A
Bertin V
Blanc F
Bloch P
Carlson P
, et al
Measurement of the neutral kaon regeneration amplitude in carbon at momenta below 1 GeV/c
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics
vol.413 no.3-4 p.422-430
Lagouri Th
Dedoussis S
Chardalas M
Liolios A
Positron annihilation studies in high-Tc superconductors RBa2Cu3Oy, R: La, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Dy, Ho, Y, Er
Physics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics
vol.229 no.4 p.259-261
Without Type
Adler R
Angelopoulos A
Apostolakis A
Aslanides E
Backenstoss G
Bee C. P
Behnke O
Benelli A
Bertin V
Blanc F
Bloch P
, et al
Evaluation of the phase of the CP violation parameter η +- and the K L - K S mass difference from a correlation analysis of different experiments
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics
vol.369 no.3-4 p.367-371
Adler R
Alhalel T
Angelopoulos A
Apostolakis A
Aslanides E
Backenstoss G
Bee C. P
Behnke O
Benelli A
Bertin V
Blanc F
, et al
CP, T, and CPT violation in the neutral-kaon system in the CPLEAR experiment
Physics of Atomic Nuclei
vol.59 no.9 p.1529-1541
Adler R
Alhalel T
Angelopoulos A
Apostolakis A
Aslanides E
Backenstoss G
Bee C. P
Behnke O
Benelli A
Bertin V
Blanc F
, et al
Bose-Einstein Pion Correlations
Physics of Atomic Nuclei
vol.59 no.8 p.1363-1370
Adler R
Alhalel T
Angelopoulos A
Apostolakis A
Aslanides E
Backenstoss G
Bee C. P
Behnke O
Benelli A
Bennet J
Bertin V
, et al
Search for CP violation in the decay of neutral kaons to π +π -π 0
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics
vol.370 no.1-2 p.167-173
Adler R
Alhalel T
Angelopoulos A
Apostolakis A
Aslanides E
Backenstoss G
Bee C. P
Behnke O
Benelli A
Bennet J
Bertin V
, et al
Observation of the CP-conserving K s → π +π - π 0 decay amplitude
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics
vol.374 no.4 p.313-318
Adler R
Alhalel T
Angelopoulos A
Apostolakis A
Aslanides E
Backenstoss G
Bee C. P
Behnke O
Benelli A
Bennet J
Bertin V
, et al
First observation of a particle-antiparticle asymmetry in the decay of neutral kaons into π 0π 0
Zeitschrift fur Physik C-Particles and Fields
vol.70 no.2 p.211-217
Adler R
Albrecht W
Alhalel T
Angelopoulos A
Apostolakis A
Aslanides E
Backenstoss G
Bal F
Bard J. P
Barraca D
Bee C. P
, et al
The CPLEAR detector at CERN
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment
vol.379 no.1 p.76-100
Lagouri Th
Dedoussis S
Chardalas M
Liolios A
Positron annihilation studies in YBa2Cu3Ox (6<;c≤7)
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry
vol.211 no.1 p.187-191
Lagouri Th
Dedoussis S
Chardalas M
Liolios A
Positron annihilation studies in high Tc superconductor YBa2Cu3CdxOy (x = 0, 0.05)
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry
vol.211 no.1 p.181-185
Without Type
Adler R
Angelopoulos A
Apostolakis A
Aslanides E
Backenstoss G
Bee C. P
Behnke O
Benelli A
Bertin V
Blanc F
Bloch R
, et al
Tests of CPT symmetry and quantum mechanics with experimental data from CPLEAR
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics
vol.364 no.4 p.239-245
Adler R
Alhalel T
Angelopoulos A
Apostolakis A
Aslanides E
Backenstoss G
Bee C. P
Behnke O
Bennet J
Bertin V
Bienlein J. K
, et al
Inclusive measurement of {Mathematical expression} annihilation at rest in gaseous hydrogen to final states containing ρ and f 2
Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields
vol.65 no.2 p.199-205
Andriamonje S
Angelopoulos Athanasios
Apostolakis A
Attale F
Brillard L
Buono S
Calero J
Carminati F
Casagrande F
Cennini P
Charalambous S
, et al
Experimental determination of the energy generated in nuclear cascades by a high energy beam
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics
vol.348 no.3-4 p.697-709
Without Type
Adler R
Alhalel T
Angelopoulos A
Apostolakis A
Aslanides E
Backenstoss G
Bee C. P
Behnke O
Bennet J
Bertin V
Bienlein J. K
, et al
Bose-Einstein correlations in {Mathematical expression}p annihilations at rest
Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields
vol.63 no.4 p.541-547
Without Type
Adler R
Alhalel T
Angelopoulos A
Apostolakis A
Aslanides E
Backenstoss G
Bienlein J. K
Bee C. P
Bennet J
Bertin V
Bloch P
, et al
Recent results on CP violation from the CPLEAR experiment
Nuclear Physics B (Proceedings Supplements)
vol.31 no.C p.196-199
Adler R
Alhalel T
Angelopoulos A
Apostolakis A
Aslanides E
Backenstoss G
Bee C. P
Bennet J
Bertin V
Bienlein J. K
Bloch P
, et al
A study of T violation via the semileptonic decays of neutral kaons in CPLEAR
Nuclear Physics, Section A
vol.558 no.C p.449-456
Adler R
Alhalel T
Angelopoulos A
Apostolakis A
Aslanides E
Backenstoss G
Bee C. P
Bennet J
Bertin V
Bienlein J. K
Bloch P
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Recent results of the CPLEAR experiment
Nuclear Physics, Section A
vol.558 no.C p.437-447
Adler R
Alhalel A
Angelopoulos A
Apostolakis A
Aslanides E
Backenstoss G
Bee C. P
Bennet J
Bertin V
Bienlein J. K
Bloch P
, et al
Two pion Bose-Einstein correlations in pp annihilations at rest
Nuclear Physics, Section A
vol.558 no.C p.43-51
Without Type
Liolios Anastasios
Stergioudis Georgios
Dedoussis Spyridon
Chardalas Michael
Eleftheriadis Christos
Rentzeperis Panagiotis
Yakinthos Ioannis
Charalambous Stefanos
Saturation magnetization and positron annihilation in dependence of the composition of Fe 78-xCo xSi 9B 13 amorphous alloys
Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde/Materials Research and Advanced Techniques
vol.83 no.11 p.794-796
Without Type
Charalambous S
Chardalas M
Dedoussis S
Eleftheriadis C. A
Liolios A. K
Parameters affecting three-photon positron annihilation spectrometers
Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A
vol.300 no.2 p.297-302
Meng X. T
Liolios A. K
Chardalas M
Dedoussis S
Eleftheriadis C. A
Charalambous Stef
Point defects in neutron-transmutation-doped Czochralski-grown Si studied by positron annihilation
Physics Letters A
vol.157 no.1 p.73-77
Without Type
Chardalas M
Dedoussis S
Liolios A. K
Charalambous Stef
Troev T
Positron lifetime in amorphous transition metal-metalloid alloys
Physica B: Physics of Condensed Matter
vol.167 no.1 p.71-74
Without Type
Charalambous Stef
Chardalas M
Dedoussis S
Elefteriades C
Liolios A. K
Niarchos D
Temperature dependence of Doppler broadening of the annihilation line in a high Tc superconductor
Physics Letters A
vol.128 no.1-2 p.97-99
Without Type
Schiltz A
Elefteriades C
Liolios A
Chardalas M
Dedoussis S
Zioutas K
Charalambous Stef
Light losses in BGO and BaF2 scintillators due to positron states
Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A
vol.235 no.1 p.37-40
Without Type
Aad G
Abbott B
Abdallah J
Abdelalim A. A
Abdesselam A
Abdinov O
Abi B
Abolins M
Abramowicz H
Abreu H
Acharya B. S
, et al
Readiness of the ATLAS liquid argon calorimeter for LHC collisions
European Physical Journal C
vol.70 no.3 p.723-753
Aad G
Abbott B
Abdallah J
Abdelalim A. A
Abdesselam A
Abdinov O
Abi B
Abolins M
Abramowicz H
Abreu H
Acharya B. S
, et al
Drift Time Measurement in the ATLAS Liquid Argon Electromagnetic Calorimeter using Cosmic Muons
European Physical Journal C
vol.70 no.3 p.755-785
Aune S
Barth K
Belov A
Borghi S
Bräuninger H
Cantatore G
Carmona J. M
Cetin S. A
Collar J. I
Dafni T
Davenport M
, et al
Probing the eV-Mass range for solar axions with CAST
Without Type
Dedousis S
Krepouri A
Liolios A
Paschalias P
Petridou Ch
Sampsonidis D
Valderanis Ch
Vichou I
Wotschack J
Bouzakis K
Tsiafis I
ATLAS muon precision chamber construction at the University of Thessaloniki
vol.1 p.5/16-5/20
Mis à jour: 2018-07-01