Electromagnetic Wave Propagation I

Informazioni sull’Insegnamento
TitoloΔΙΑΔΟΣΗ Η/Μ ΚΥΜΑΤΟΣ Ι / Electromagnetic Wave Propagation I
Ciclo / Livello di Studi1. Corso di Laurea
Semestre di InsegnamentoWinter
CoordinatorChristos Antonopoulos
Course ID20000574

Informazioni sull’Insegnamento
Anno Accademico2016 – 2017
Faculty Instructors
Weekly Hours4
Class ID
Course Type 2016-2020
  • Introduttivo
Organizzazione della Didattica
  • In presenza
The course is also offered to exchange programme students.
Language of Instruction
  • Greco (Insegnamento, Esame)
  • Inglese (Esame)
Abilita’ Generali
  • Applicazione pratica delle conoscenze acquisite
  • Produzione di nuove idee di ricerca
Tipologia di Materiale Didattico
  • Esercizi interattivi
Organizzazione dell’Insegnamento
ActivitiesCarico di LavoroECTSIndividualeGruppoErasmus
Frontistirio (Sostegno)260.9
Student Assessment
Student Assessment methods
    Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
    1. T. D. Tsiboukis, Electromagnetic Field – Basic Theory and Applications, Vol. II, Crete University Press, Heraklion, 2011. (in Greek) 2. J. Roumeliotis and J. Tsalamengas, Electromagnetic Fields, Vol. 1, A. Tziolas & Sons Publications, Thessaloniki, 2010. (in Greek) 3. J. L. Vomvoridis, Electromagnetic Fields, Part A, Simeon Publications, Athens, 2009. (in Greek)
    Additional bibliography for study
    1. D. J. Griffiths, Introduction to Electrodynamics, Crete University Press, Heraklion, 2012. (in Greek) 2. J. G. Van Bladel, Electromagnetic Fields, 2nd edition, Wiley-IEEE Press, 2007. 3. R. E. Collin, Field Theory of Guided Waves, 2nd edition, Wiley-IEEE Press, 1990. 4. J. R. Jackson, Classical Electrodynamics, 3rd edition, Wiley, 1998.
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