Additional bibliography for study
Ewen, C.J. and H. van der Hulst (2001) The phonological structure of words: An introduction. Cambridge University Press
Gussenhoven, C. and H. Jacobs (2017) Understanding Phonology. 4th edition. London: Arnold
Gussmann, E. (2002) Phonology. Cambridge University Press
Hayes, B. (1995). Metrical Stress Theory. Chicago University Press
Kager, R. (1999) Optimality Theory. Cambridge University Press
Kennedy, R. (2016). Phonology: A Coursebook. Cambridge University Press
Kenstowicz, M. (1994) Phonology in Generative Grammar. Oxford: Blackwell
Ladefoged, P. (1975) A Course in Phonetics. 4th edition 2001, New York: Harcourt
Odden, D. (2013) Introducing Phonology. 2nd edition. Cambridge University Press
Peng, L. (2013) Analyzing Sound Patterns. Cambridge University Press
Roca, I. & W. Johnson (1999). Course in phonology. Oxford: Blackwell.
Zsiga, E. (2013). The Sounds of Language: An Introduction to Phonetics and Phonology. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.