Informazioni sull’Insegnamento
Ciclo / Livello di Studi1. Corso di Laurea
Semestre di InsegnamentoWinter/Spring
Course ID280000916

Programma di Studio: PPS Tmīmatos Filologías 2015-sīmera

Registered students: 46
IndirizzoTipo di FrequenzaSemestreAnnoECTS
Mesaiōnikīs kai Neóterīs Ellīnikīs FilologíasFacoltativo a scelta obbligataWinter/Spring-6

Informazioni sull’Insegnamento
Anno Accademico2023 – 2024
Instructors from Other Categories
Weekly Hours3
Total Hours39
Class ID
Course Type 2016-2020
  • Area Scientifica
Organizzazione della Didattica
  • In presenza
Language of Instruction
  • Greco (Insegnamento, Esame)
Abilita’ Generali
  • Applicazione pratica delle conoscenze acquisite
  • Ricerca, analisi e raccolta dati e informazioni, con l’utilizzo di tecnologie adeguate
  • Adattamento a nuove situazioni
  • Lavoro autonomo
  • Lavoro in gruppo
  • Lavoro in equipe interdisciplinari
  • Promuovere il pensiero indipendente, creativo e intuitivo
Tipologia di Materiale Didattico
  • Libro
  • Appunti
  • Audio
Use of Information and Communication Technologies
Use of ICT
  • Uso delle TIC   nell’ insegnamento
  • Uso delle TIC nella comunicazione con gli studenti
Organizzazione dell’Insegnamento
ActivitiesCarico di LavoroECTSIndividualeGruppoErasmus
Studio e analisi bibliografica50.2
Elaborazione tesina/tesine521.9
Student Assessment
Student Assessment methods
  • Prova scritta semistrutturata con risposta breve (Formativa)
  • Prova scritta con rispote aperte (Formativa)
  • Prova scritta con soluzione di problemi (Formativa)
Additional bibliography for study
• Ιστορία και λογοτεχνία Ρ. Α. Agapitos, «Teachers, pupils, and imperial power in eleventh-century Byzantium», στο: Yun Lee Too – N. Livingstone (έκδ.), Pedagogy and Power: Rhetorics of Classical Learning [Ideas in Context 50], Cambridge 1998, 170-191. H. Ahrweiler, «Recherches sur la société byzantine au XIe siecle: nouvelles hiérarchies et nouvelles solidarités», TM 6 (1976), 99-124. M. Angold, The Byzantine Aristocracy, IX to XIII Centuries [BAR Int. Ser. 221], Oxford 1984. M. Angold, Church and Society in Byzantium under the Comneni, 1081–1261, Cambridge 1995. M. Angold, Η βυζαντινή αυτοκρατορία από το 1025 έως το 1204. Μια πολιτική ιστορία, μτφ. Ε. Καργιανιώτη, Αθήνα 1997. R. Browning, «Enlightenment and Repression in Byzantium in the Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries», Past and Present 69 (1975) 3-23 (= R. Browning, Studies on Byzantine History, Literature and Education, London 1977, XV). A. Bucossi (έκδ.), John II Komnenos, emperor of Byzantium: in the shadow of father and son, London – New York 2016. F. Chalandon, Les Comnène. Études sur l’Empire byzantin aux XIe et XIIe siècles, τόμ. I-II, Paris 1900-1912 (ανατ. New York 1960). S. C. Ferruolo, «The Twelfth-Century Renaissance», στο: W. Treadgold (έκδ.), Renaissances before the Renaissance: Cultural Revivals of Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages, Stanford 1984, 114-143. J. Howard-Johnston (έκδ.), Social Change in Town and Country in Eleventh-Century Byzantium [Oxford Studies in Byzantium], Oxford 2020. A. P. Kazhdan – A. Wharton Epstein, Αλλαγές στον βυζαντινό πολιτισμό κατά τον 11ο και 12ο αιώνα, μτφ. Α. Παππάς, Αθήνα 1997. P. Lemerle, Cinq études sur le XIe siècle byzantin [Le monde byzantin], Paris 1977. P. Magdalino, Ἡ αὐτοκρατορία τοῦ Μανουὴλ Α΄ Κομνηνοῦ 1143-1180, Αθήνα 2008. M. Mullett – D. Smythe (έκδ.), Alexios I Komnenos, τόμ. I-II [Belfast Byzantine Texts and Translations 4/1-2], Belfast 1996. M. Mullett, «Aristocracy and Patronage in the Literary Circles of Comnenian Constantinople», στο: M. Angold (έκδ.), The Byzantine Aristocracy, ό.π., 173-201. Ν. Οἰκονομίδης (ἐκδ.), Τὸ Βυζάντιο κατὰ τὸν 12ο αἰώνα. Κανονικὸ δίκαιο, κράτος καὶ κοινωνία, Ἀθήνα 1991. Κ. Βαρζός, Ἡ γενεαλογία τῶν Κομνηνῶν, τόμ. Α΄-Β΄ [Βυζαντινὰ Κείμενα καὶ Μελέται 20], Θεσσαλονίκη 1984. Β. Ν. Βλυσίδου (έκδ.), Η αυτοκρατορία σε κρίση (;) Το Βυζάντιο τον 11ο αιώνα (1025–1081) [Εθνικό Ίδρυμα Ερευνών. Ινστιτούτο Βυζαντινών Ερευνών. Διεθνή Συμπόσια 11], Αθήνα 2003. • Ποίηση F. Bernard, Writing and Reading Byzantine Secular Poetry, 1025-1081 [Oxford Studies in Byzantium], Oxford 2014. F. Bernard – K. Demoen (έκδ.), Poetry and its Contexts in Eleventh-century Byzantium, Farnham – Burlington 2012. W. Hörandner, «La poesie profane au XIe siecle et la connaissance des auteurs anciens», TM 6 (1976) 245-263. W. Hörandner, «Traditionelle und populäre Züge in der Profandichtung der Komnenenzeit», στο: XVe Congrès International d’Études Byzantines. Rapports et Corapports. Athènes, 5-11 septembre 1976, Vol. II. Langue, Littérature, Philologie, Athènes 1976, 3-15. W. Hörandner, «Court Poetry: questions of motifs, structure and function», στο: E. Jeffreys (έκδ.), Rhetoric in Byzantium. Papers from the Thirty-fifth Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies, Exeter College, University of Oxford, March 2001 [Society for the Promotion of Byzantine Studies, Publications 11], Aldershot 2003, 75-85. W. Hörandner, Ἡ ποίηση στὴ βυζαντινὴ κοινωνία. Μορφὴ καὶ λειτουργία, Αθήνα 2017. Σ. Λαμπάκης, «Η “κρίσιμη” επικαιρότητα του 11ου αιώνα στην ποίηση της εποχής. Συγκρίσεις και παραλληλισμοί με τα ιστοριογραφικά κείμενα», στο: Β. Ν. Βλυσίδου (έκδ.), Η αυτοκρατορία σε κρίση, ό.π. 393-408. M. D. Lauxtermann, Byzantine Poetry from Pisides to Geometres: Texts and Contexts, τόμ. 1-2 [WBS XXIV/1-2], Wien 2003-2009. M. D. Lauxtermann – M. Whittow (έκδ.), Byzantium in the Eleventh Century. Being in Between [Society for the Promotion of Byzantine Studies, Publications 19], London – New York 2017. M. Mullett, «The Imperial Vocabulary of Alexios I Komnenos», στο: M. Mullet – D. Smythe (έκδ.), Alexios I Komnenos, ό.π., τόμ. I, 359-397. I. Nilsson, Raconter Byzance : la littérature au XIIe siècle [Séminaires byzantins 3], Paris 2014. P. Roilos, «Satirical Modulations in 12th-Century Greek Literature», στο: P. Marciniak – I. Nilsson (έκδ.), Satire in the Middle Byzantine Period. The Golden Age of Laughter? [Explorations in Medieval Culture 12], Leiden – Boston 2021, 254-278. A. Rhoby, «Verschiedene Bemerkungen zur Sebastokratorissa Eirene und zu Autoren in ihrem Umfeld», Νέα Ῥώμη 6 (2009) (Ἔξεμπλον. Studi in onore di Irmgard Hutter) 305-336. Α. Rhoby – N. Zagklas – W. Hörandner (έκδ.), A Companion to Byzantine Poetry [Brill’s Companions to the Byzantine World 4], Leiden 2019. I. Taxidis, The “Ekphraseis” in the Byzantine Literature of the 12th Century [Hellenica 90], Alessandria 2021. N. Zagklas, «Experimenting with Prose and Verse in Twelfth-Century Byzantium: A Preliminary Study», Dumbarton Oaks Papers 71 (2017) 229-248. N. Zagklas, «“How Many Verses Shall I Write and Say?”: Poetry in the Komnenian Period (1081–1204)», στο: Hörandner – Rhoby – Zagklas (έκδ.), A Companion to Byzantine Poetry, ό.π., 237-263. • Μετρική F. Bernard, «Rhythm in the Byzantine Dodecasyllable: Practices and Perceptions», στο: Α. Rhoby – N. Zagklas (έκδ.), Middle and Late Byzantine Poetry: Texts and Contexts [ΒΥΖΑΝΤΙΟs. Studies in Byzantine History and Civilization 14], Turnhout 2018. H. Hunger, Βυζαντινή λογοτεχνία, Ἡ λόγια κοσμικὴ γραμματεία τῶν βυζαντινῶν, τόμ. Β΄, μτφ. Τ. Κόλιας – Κ. Συνέλλη – Γ. Χ. Μακρῆς – Ἰ. Βάσσης, Αθήνα 1997, 484-494. M. D. Lauxtermann, «The Velocity of Pure Iambs. Byzantine Observations on the Metre and Rhythm of the Dodecasyllable», JÖB 48 (1998) 9-33. Μ. D. Lauxtermann, Οι απαρχές του ρυθμού, μτφ. Ε. Καλτσογιάννη, Θεσσαλονίκη 2007. P. Maas, «Der byzantinische Zwölfsilber», BZ 12 (1903) 278-323. A. Rhoby, «Vom jambischen Trimeter zum byzantinischen Zwölfsilber. Beobachtungen zur Metrik des spätantiken und byzantinischen Epigramms», Wiener Studien 124 (2011) 117-142. Ιωάννης Γεωμέτρης ΕΚΔΟΣΕΙΣ E. M. van Opstall, Jean Géomètre. Poèmes en hexamètres et en distiques élégiaques. Edition, tradition, commentaire [The medieval Mediterranean 75], Leiden ‒ Boston 2008. M. Tomadaki, Iohannes Geometra, Carmina iambica [CCSG 100], Turnhout 2023. ΜΕΛΕΤΕΣ M. De Groote, , «The metre in the poems of Christopher Mitylenaios», BZ 103 (2010) 571-594. K. Demoen, «A Homeric Garden in 10th-Century Constantinople, John Geometres’ Rhetorical ekphraseis of his Estate», στο: H. Bodin – R. Hedlund (έκδ.), Byzantine Gardens and Beyond [Studia Byzantina Upsaliensia 13], Uppsala 2013, 114-127. Κ. Demoen – E. M. van Opstall, «One for the road. John Geometres, reader and imitator of Gregory Nazianzen’s Poems» στο: A. Schmidt (έκδ.), Studia Nazianzenica II [CCSG 73], Turnhout 2010, 223-248. Α. Kazdhan, «John Geometres and ‘Political’ Poetry», στο: Α. Kazdhan, A History of Byzantine Literature (850-1000) [Institute for Byzantine Research, Research Series 4], Athens 2006, 249-272. M. D. Lauxtermann, «John Geometres: Poet and Soldier», Byz 68 (1998) 356-380. P. Magdalino, «Cultural Change? The Context of Byzantine Poetry from Geometres to Prodromos», στο: Bernard – Demoen (έκδ.), Poetry and its Contexts, ό.π., 19-36. P. Orgels, «Les deux cometes de Jean Géomètre», Byz 42 (1972) 420-422. Μ. Raev, «Notes on John Geometres’ work Eἰς τοὺς Βουλγάρους», στο: R. Rashev. (έκδ.), Проф. Тотю Тотев и столицата Велики Преслав, Sofia 2006, 180-187. F. Scheidweiler, «Studien zu Johannes Geometres», BZ 45 (1952) 277-319. M. Tomadaki, The Reception of Ancient Greek literature in the Iambic Poems of John Geometres, στο: A. Rhoby – N. Zagklas (eds.), Middle and Late Byzantine Poetry, ό.π., 73-95. Μ. Τζιάτζη Παπαγιάννη, «Το ποίημα του Ιωάννη Γεωμέτρη ‘Εἰς τὴν ἀποστασίαν’», Ελληνικά 52 (2002) 263-277. E. M. van Opstall – M. Tomadaki, John Geometres: A Poet Around the Year 1000, στο: Rhoby – Zagklas – Hörandner (έκδ.), A Companion to Byzantine Poetry, ό.π., 191-211. Χριστόφορος Μυτιληναίος ΕΚΔΟΣΕΙΣ F. Bernard – C. Livanos, The Poems of Christopher of Mytilene and John Mauropous, edited and translated [Dumbarton Oaks Medieval Library 50], Washington, D.C. 2018. M. De Groote, Christophori Mitylenaii Versuum variorum Collectio Cryptensis [CCSG 74], Turnhout 2012. ΜΕΛΕΤΕΣ Μ. Σ. Ἀναγνώστου, «Ἡ παρουσία τοῦ Ὁμήρου στὸ ἔργο Στίχοι διάφοροι τοῦ Χριστοφόρου Μυτιληναίου», Βυζαντιακά 34 (2018) 115-124. R. Anastasi – C. Crimi – R. Gentile – A. M. Milazzo – G. Musumeci – M. Solarino, Cristoforo di Mitilene, Canzoniere [Quaderni dell’Istituto di Filologia Bizantina], Catania 1983. M. Casas-Olea, «Λόγων στεφάνοις, οἷα τιμίοις λίθοις. Procedimientos retóricos y discursivos en el calendario yámbico de Cristóforo Mitileneo», Byzantion Nea Hellás 41 (2022) 113-150. C. Crimi, Graeca et bizantina, Catania 1983, 35-40, 41-43, 45-50. U. Criscuolo, «Sui “carmina historica” di Cristoforo di Mitilene», στο: F. Conca – G. Fiaccadori (έκδ.), Bisanzio nell’età dei Macedoni. Forme della produzione letteraria e artistica. VIII Giornata di Studi Bizantini (Milano, 15-16 marzo 2005) [Quaderni di Acme 87], Milano 2007, 51-75. K. Demoen, «Phrasis poikilê. Imitatio and Variatio in the Poetry Book of Christophoros Mitylenaios», στο: A. Rhoby – E. Schiffer (έκδ.), Imitatio – Aemulatio – Variatio. Akten des internationalen wissenschaftlichen Symposions zur byzantinischen Sprache und Literatur (Wien 22.-25. Oktober 2008) [Denkschriften der phil.-hist. Kl. 402 / Veröffentlichungen zur Byzanzforschung XXI], Wien 2010, 103-118. C. De Stefani, «Note agli Στίχοι διάφοροι di Cristoforo di Mitilene», στο: C. Crimi – R. Gentile – L. Giordano – M. D. Spadaro (έκδ.), Studi e rassegne su Antico, Tardoantico e Medioevo [Orpheus 1], Roma 2013, 109-140. E. Follieri, «Le poesie di Cristoforo Mitileneo come fonte storica», ZRVI 8/2 (1964) (Mélanges G. Ostrogorsky II) 133-148. C. Giannelli, «Ramenta Byzantina II. Cristoforo di Mitilene e la teoria bizantina circa la dilazione delle pene infernali e dei premi celesti», Classica et Mediaevalia 17 (1956) 41-45. F. Lauritzen, «An Ironic Portrait of a Social Monk: Christopher of Mytilene and Niketas Stethatos», Byzantinoslavica 65 (2007) 201-210. F. Lauritzen, «Christopher of Mytilene’s Parody of the Haughty Mauropous», BZ 100 (2007) 125-132. F. Lauritzen, «Students of Pindar and readers of Mitylenaios. Allusions in Christopher Mitylenaios 6 Kurtz», Byz 80 (2010) 188-196. C. Livanos, «Justice, Equality, and Dirt in the Poems of Christopher of Mytilene», JÖB 57 (2007) 49-74. P. Magdalino, «Cosmological confectionary and equal opportunity in the eleventh century. An ekphrasis by Christopher of Mitylene (Poem 42)», στο: J. W. Nesbitt (έκδ.), Byzantine Authors: Literary Activities and Preoccupations. Texts and Translations dedicated to the Memory of Nicolas Oikonomides [The Medieval Mediterranean 49], Leiden – Boston 2003, 1-6. Δ. Ι. Μονιοῦ, Χριστοφόρου Μυτιληναίου Στίχοι διάφοροι. Εἰσαγωγή, μετάφραση, σημειώσεις [Βυζαντινὰ Λογοτεχνήματα 1], Ἀθήνα 2017. O. Schissel, «Interpretationen zu Christophoros Mitylenaios», BZ 29 (1929-1930) 161-167. E. van Opstall, «Epigrammata Epistulam Faciunt? Christopher of Mitylene to his Friends», στο: K. Kubina – A. Riehle (έκδ.), Epistolary Poetry in Byzantium and Beyond. An Anthology with Critical Essays, New York – London 2021, 45-63. Θ. Ξύδης, «Ὁ βυζαντινὸς ποιητὴς Χριστόφορος ὁ Μυτιληναῖος», Δελτίον τῆς Χριστιανικῆς Ἀρχαιολογικῆς Ἑταιρείας Δ΄ 4 (1964) (Τιμητικὸς τόμος Γ. Σωτηρίου), 245-252. Ιωάννης Μαυρόπους ΕΚΔΟΣΕΙΣ Bernard – Livanos, The Poems of Christopher of Mytilene and John Mauropous, ό.π. P. De Lagarde, Ioannis Euchaitorum metropolitae quae in codice Vaticano graeco 676 supersunt [Abhandlungen der hist.-phil. Cl. der königlichen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Göttingen 28], Göttingen 1881 (ανατ. Amsterdam 1979). ΜΕΛΕΤΕΣ R. Anastasi, Giovanni Mauropode, metropolita di Euchaita, Canzoniere [Istituto di studi bizantini e neoellenici. Pubblicazioni 1], Catania 1984. F. Bernard, «The Poems ‘‘To Oneself’’ of John Mauropous: Traditions and self representative strategies», στο: V. Vlyssidou (έκδ.), Byzantine Authors and Their Times [Research Series 8], Athens 2021, 199-222. G. Cortassa, «“Signore e padrone della terra e del mare”: poesia e ideologia del potere imperiale in Giovanni Mauropode», Νέα Ῥώμη 2 (2005) 205-226. J. Dräseke, «Johannes Mauropous», BZ 2 (1893) 461-493. J. Hussey, «The Writings of John Mauropous: A Bibliographical Note», BZ 44 (1951) 278-282. Α. Καρπόζηλος, Συμβολὴ στὴ μελέτη τοῦ βίου καὶ τοῦ ἔργου τοῦ Ἰωάννη Μαυρόποδος [Δωδώνη. Παράρτημα 18], Ἰωάννινα 1982. A. Karpozilos, «The Biography of Ioannes Mauropous again», Ελληνικά 44 (1994) 51- 60. A. Kazhdan, «Some problems in the Biography of John Mauropous», JÖB 43 (1993) 87-111. A. Kazhdan, «Some problems in the Biography of John Mauropous II», Byz 65 (1995) 362-387. F. Lauritzen, «Christopher of Mytilene’s Parody of the Haughty Mauropous», BZ 100 (2007) 125-132. Μ. D. Lauxtermann, «The intertwined lives of Michael Psellos and John Mauropous», στο: M. Jeffreys – M. Lauxtermann (έκδ.), The Letters of Michael Psellos. Cultural Networks and Historical Realities [Oxford Studies in Byzantium], Oxford 2017, 89-127. C. Livanos, «Exile and Return in John Mauropous, Poem 47», BMGS 32 (2008) 38-49. P. Volpe Cacciatore, «I carmi “autobiografici” di Giovanni Mauropode», στο: L. Torraca (έκδ.), Scritti in onore di Italo Gallo [Sezione Atti Convegni Miscellanee 79] Napoli 2002, 561-569. Μιχαήλ Ψελλός ΕΚΔΟΣΕΙΣ M. D. Spadaro, Michaelis Pselli, Ιn Mariam Sclerenam. Testo Critico, Introduzione e Commentario, Catane 1984. L. G. Westerink, Michaelis Pselli, poemata, Stuttgart – Leipzig 1992. ΜΕΛΕΤΕΣ P. A. Agapitos, «Public and private death in Psellos: Maria Skleraina and Styliane Psellaina», BZ 101 (2008) 555-607. F. Bernard, «The Circulation of Poetry in eleventh-century Byzantium», στο: S. Neocleous (έκδ.), Papers from the First and Second Postgraduate Forums in Byzantine Studies: Sailing to Byzantium, Trinity College Dublin, 16–17 April 2007 and 15–16 May 2008, Newcastle-upon-Tyne 2009, 145-162. F. Bernard, «The 11th Century: Michael Psellos and Contemporaries», στο: Hörandner – Rhoby – Zagklas (έκδ.), A Companion to Byzantine Poetry, ό.π., 212-236. F. Conca, «La lingua e lo stile dei carmi satirici di Psello (“Contro il Sabbaita”; “Contro il monaco Iacopo”)», Eikasmós 12 (2001) 187-196. Z. Farkas, «Epigrammata Pselli», Acta Antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 50 (2010) 97-102. W. Hörandner – A. Paul, «Zu Ps.-Psellos, Gedichte 67 (Ad monachum superbum) und 68 (Ad eundem)», Medioevo Greco 11 (2011) 107-137. W. Hörandner, «Teaching with verse in Byzantium», στο: Hörandner – Rhoby – Zagklas (έκδ.), A Companion to Byzantine Poetry, ό.π., 459-486. Ἐ. Κριαρᾶς, «Ὁ Μιχαὴλ Ψελλός», Βυζαντινὰ 4 (1972) 53-128. F. Lauritzen, «Psellos’ Imperial Poetry», Parekbolai 7 (2017) 151-158. F. Lauritzen, «Ιl mecenate Costantino Licudi e la monodia di Michele Psello in memoria di Maria Sclerena (poema 17 Westerink)», Parekbolai 8 (2018) 23-35. M. Lauxtermann, «The intertwined lives of Michael Psellos and John Mauropous», ό.π., 89-127. J. N. Ljubarskij, Η προσωπικότητα και το έργο του Μιχαήλ Ψελλού. Συνεισφορά στην ιστορία του βυζαντινού ουμανισμού. Έκδοση δεύτερη, διορθωμένη και συμπληρωμένη, μτφ. Α. Τζέλεσι, Αθήνα 2004. E. V. Maltese, «Osservazioni sul carme “Contro il Sabbaita” di Michele Psello», στο: A. M. Taragna (έκδ.), La poesia tardoantica e medievale. Atti del II Convegno internazionale di studi. Perugia, 15-16 novembre 2001, Alessandria 2004, 207-214. Σ. Παπαϊωάννου, Μιχαὴλ Ψελλός. Ἡ ρητορικὴ καὶ ὁ λογοτέχνης στὸ Βυζάντιο, Ηράκλειο 2021. E. Renauld, Etude de la langue et du style de Michel Psellos, Paris 1920. L. Sarriu, «Metrica e stile nei dodecasillabi di Michele Psello», Quaderni del Dipartimento di Filologia, Linguistica e Tradizione classica “Augusto Rostagni” dell’Università degli Studi di Torino n.s. 2 (2003) 293-306. L. Sarriu, «Ritmo, metro, poesia e stile. Alcune considerazioni sul dodecasillabo di Michele Psello», Medioevo Greco 6 (2006) 171-197. Νικόλαος Καλλικλής ΕΚΔΟΣΕΙΣ R. Romano, Nicola Callicle, carmi [Byzantina et Neo-hellenica Neapolitana VIII], Napoli 1980. ΜΕΛΕΤΕΣ B. Hostetler, «Image, Epigram, and Nature in Middle Byzantine Personal Devotion», στο: R. Bartal – N. Bodner – B. 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