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Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης
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e-Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae
Eleni Pavlidou
Professor, School of Physics
Personal Information
Scopus IDs
Γνωστικό Αντικείμενο
Ηλεκτρονική Μικροσκοπία Δομικές και Ηλεκτρονικές Ιδιότητες Στερεών
Επιστημονική Ειδίκευση
Προπτυχιακές Σπουδές
Τμήμα Φυσικής
Πανεπιστήμιο του Βουκουρεστίου
Μεταπτυχιακές Σπουδές
Τμήμα Φυσικής της Σχολής Θετικών Επιστημών
Αριστοτέλειου Πανεπιστήμιου Θεσσαλονίκης.
Μεταπτυχιακό Ηλεκτρονικής Φυσικής (Ραδιοηλεκτρολογίας)
Διδακτορικό Δίπλωμα
Τμήμα Φυσικής της Σχολής Θετικών Επιστημών
Αριστοτέλειου Πανεπιστήμιου Θεσσαλονίκης.
Course Work
Courses of Winter semester of 2017–18 academic year
Physics I (Mechanics)
Structure of Materials Laboratory
Methods of Polymer Characterization
Methods of Materials Characterization
Courses of Spring semester of 2017–18 academic year
Introductory Physics Laboratory
Structure of Materials Laboratory
Theoretical, Practical and Field Seminars on Archaeometry Case Studies IΙ
Theses Supervised
Student Theses within AUTh
In progress
Patsiaoura Dimitra. "Χαρακτηρισμός και μελέτη νανοσύνθετων πολυμερών με νανοσωματίδια κυτταρίνης"
Koultoukīs Eyangelos. Νέα μεταλλικά υβρίδια για εφαρμογές σε συστήματα συμπιεστών υδρογόνου
Syropoulos Vasileios. "Ανάπτυξη και μελέτη προστατευτικών επικαλύψεων δομικού χάλυβα"
Serafeimidou Foteini. "Συγκριτική μελέτη αμφιβόλων με φασματοσκοπικές μεθόδους"
Syropoulos Vasileios. "Ανάπτυξη και μελέτη γαλβανισμένων επικαλύψεων Zn με προσμίξεις Mg ή Al, με ηλεκτρονική μικροσκοπία σάρωσης και περίθλαση ακτίνων Χ"
Patsiaoura Dimitra. "Μελέτη και χαρακτηρισμός μεταβυζαντικής εικόνας με δεύτερο στρώμα ζωγραφικής, από την περιοχή Γάζωρου Σερρών"
Filippousī Maria. "Μελέτη μαγνητικών σωματιδίων και ζεολίθων ως φορείς μετάλλων" Εξειδίκευση: "Μελέτη και χαρακτηρισμός μαγνητικών νανοσωματιδίων και ζεολίθων ως φορείς μετάλλων"
Gkogkou Dimitra. "Μελέτη παραμέτρων πολυ(γαλακτικού-γλυγολικού) οξέος για την ενθυλάκωση μικροσφαιριδίων"
Research Projects
Τα υλικά των χρωμάτων απο τους πρ/ϊστορικούς μέχρι τους μεταΒυζαντινούς χρόνους. Τα χρώματα στην ιστορία και την αρχαιολογία
Χημική ανάλυση δειγμάτων με φασματοσκόπιο φθορισμού ακτινών Χ
Μελέτη, χαρακτηρισμός και χημικές αναλύσεις υλικών στο εργαστήριο ηλεκτρονικής μικροσκοπίας σάρωσης
Without Type
Chaliampalias D
Kolaklieva L
Kakanakov R
Saltidou K
Prochaska Charikleia
Chitanov V
Cholakova T
Bahchedjiev H
Sotiropoulos Sotirios
Sazou Dimitra
Pavlidou Eleni
, et al
Thermal and corrosion resistance of nanocomposite gradient TiAlSiN films
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
vol.123 no.1 p.169-179
Siafaka Panoraia
Üstündağ Okur Neslihan
Mone Mariza
Giannakopoulou Spyridoula
Er Sevda
Pavlidou Eleni
Karavas Evangelos
Bikiaris Dimitrios
Two Different Approaches for Oral Administration of Voriconazole Loaded Formulations: Electrospun Fibers versus β-Cyclodextrin Complexes
International Journal of Molecular Sciences
vol.17 no.3 p.282
Tsivintzelis Ioannis
Sanxaridou Georgia
Pavlidou Eleni
Panagiotou Konstantinos
Foaming of polymers with supercritical fluids: A thermodynamic investigation
The Journal of Supercritical Fluids
vol.110 no.C p.240-250
Without Type
Ζαγκλιβέρης Δ. Ι
Γιουβανάκης Ι
Τσιπάς Δημήτριος
Κανίδου Δ
Παυλίδου Ελένη
Καντηράνης Νικόλαος
Τριανταφυλλίδης Γεώργιος
Ερμηνεία της μεταλλογραφίας βοριωμένου ελατού χυτοσιδήρου υψηλού πυριτίου
6ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Μεταλλικών Υλικών, Ιωάννινα, 7-9 Δεκεμβρίου 2016, Πρακτικά Συνεδρίου
6ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Μεταλλικών Υλικών 1
Ιωάννινα - Ελλάδα
Without Type
Kyzas G.Z
Siafaka P.I
Pavlidou Eleni
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Bikiaris Dimitrios
Synthesis and adsorption application of succinyl-grafted chitosan for the simultaneous removal of zinc and cationic dye from binary hazardous mixtures
Chemical Engineering Journal
Pavlidou Eleni
Vourlias Georgios
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Stergioudis Georgios
Examination of Zinc coatings on Copper substrates by thermal analysis
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
Pavlidou Eleni
Flame-retarded hydrophobic cellulose through impregnation with aqueous solutions and supercritical CO2
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
Pavlidou Eleni
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Effect of clay modification on structure-property relationships and thermal degradation kinetics of β-polypropylene/clay composite materials
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
Pavlidou Eleni
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Vourlias Georgios
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Oxidation resistance of magnesium silicide under high-temperature air exposure
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
Pavlidou Eleni
Vourlias Georgios
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Karakostas Theodoros
Devitrification routes of a vitrified chromium-loaded ash
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
Roumeli E
Pavlidou Eleni
Avgeropoulos A
Vourlias Georgios
Bikiaris Dimitrios
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Factors controlling the enhanced mechanical and thermal properties of nanodiamond-reinforced cross-linked high density polyethylene
Journal of Physical Chemistry B
Roumeli Eleftheria
Terzopoulou Zoe
Pavlidou Eleni
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Papadopoulou Electra
Athanasiadou Eleftheria
Triantafyllidis Konstantinos
Bikiaris Dimitrios
Effect of maleic anhydride on the mechanical and thermal properties of hemp/high-density polyethylene green composites
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
Vourlias Georgios
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Pavlidou Eleni
Compatibility study between trandolapril and natural excipients used in solid dosage forms
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
Vouvoudi E
Prochaska Charikleia
Panytsidou T
Sotiropoulos Sotirios
Pavlidou Eleni
Sideridou Eirini
Contemporary Dental Polymer Nanocomposites Light-Cured Under Polyester Strip: Evaluation of Surface Characteristics Using SEM and AFM
Polymer - Plastics Technology and Engineering
vol.54 no.11 p.1159-1171
Without Type
Σαγξαρίδου Γεωργία
Τζιμπιλής Ευάγγελος
Παυλίδου Ελένη
Τσιβιντζέλης Ιωάννης
Παναγιώτου Κωνσταντίνος
Πειραματική και θεωρητική μελέτη του αφρισμού πολυμερών με χρήση υπερκρίσιμου CO2
10ο Πανελλήνιο Επιστημονικό Συνέδριο Χημικής Μηχανικής
Πάτρα, Ελλάδα
Without Type
Chaliampalias D
Andronis S
Pliatsikas N
Pavlidou Eleni
Tsipas D
Skolianos S
Chrissafis K
Stergioudis G
Patsalas Panagiotis
Vourlias Georgios
Formation and oxidation resistance of Al/Ni coatings on low carbon steel by flame spray
Surface and Coatings Technology
vol.255 no.C p.62-68
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Pavlidou Eleni
Vouvoudi E
Bikiaris Dimitrios
Decomposition kinetic and mechanism of syndiotactic polystyrene nanocomposites with MWCNTs and nanodiamonds studied by TGA and Py-GC/MS
Thermochimica Acta
Vol. 583 p. 15–24
Papageorgiou Dimitrios G
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Pavlidou Eleni
Deliyanni E.A
Papageorgiou G.Z
Terzopoulou Z
Bikiaris Dimitrios
Effect of nanofiller's size and shape on the solid state microstructure and thermal properties of poly(butylene succinate) nanocomposites
Thermochimica Acta
Vol. 590 p. 181–190
Roumeli E
Avgeropoulos A
Pavlidou Eleni
Vourlias G
Kyratsi Th
Bikiaris Dimitrios
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Understanding the mechanical and thermal property reinforcement of crosslinked polyethylene by nanodiamonds and carbon nanotubes
RSC Advances
Roumeli E
Pavlidou Eleni
Bikiaris Dimitrios
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Microscopic observation and micromechanical modeling to predict the enhanced mechanical properties of multi-walled carbon nanotubes reinforced crosslinked high density polyethylene
Siozios A
Zoubos H
Pliatsikas N
Koutsogeorgis D.C
Vourlias Georgios
Pavlidou Eleni
Cranton W
Patsalas Panagiotis
Growth and annealing strategies to control the microstructure of AlN:Ag nanocomposite films for plasmonic applications
Surface and Coatings Technology
vol.255 no.C p.28-36
Stathokostopoulos D
Chaliampalias D
Tarani E
Theodorakakos A
Giannoulatou V
Polymeris G.S
Pavlidou Eleni
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Hatzikraniotis Euripides
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Vourlias Georgios
Formation of the Thermoelectric Candidate Chromium Silicide by Use of a Pack-Cementation Process
Journal of Electronic Materials
Stathokostopoulos D
Chaliampalias D
Pavlidou Eleni
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Stergioudis Georgios
Patsalas Panagiotis
Vourlias Georgios
Protection of Cu components with Mg and Al coatings deposited by pack cementation
Surface Engineering
Stathokostopoulos D
Stefanaki E.-C
Ioannou M
Polymeris G.S
Chaliampalias D
Pavlidou Eleni
Kyratsi T
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Vourlias Georgios
Hatzikraniotis Euripides
Thermoelectric properties of Mg2Si coatings deposited by pack cementation assisted process on heavily doped Si substrates
Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials Science
Without Type
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Pavlidou Eleni
Gkogkou Dimitra
Bikiaris Dimitrios
Effect of Cu-nanofibers and Ag-nanoparticles on syndiotactic polystyrene thermal stability and on its decomposition mechanism
Thermochimica Acta
Vol. 561 p. 26–35
Filippousi M
Papadimitriou S.A
Bikiaris Dimitrios
Pavlidou Eleni
Angelakeris Mavroeidis
Zamboulis D
Tian H
Van Tendeloo G
Novel core-shell magnetic nanoparticles for Taxol encapsulation in biodegradable and biocompatible block copolymers: Preparation, characterization and release properties
International Journal of Pharmaceutics
Ioannou M
Chrissafis K
Pavlidou E
Gascoin F
Kyratsi T
Solid-state synthesis of Mg 2Si via short-duration ball-milling and low-temperature annealing
Journal of Solid State Chemistry
vol.197 p.172-180
Kaprara E
Seridou P
Tsamili V
Mitrakas Manassis
Tsiaousis Ioannis
Kaimakamis Georgios
Pavlidou Eleni
Andritsos N
Simeonidis Konstantinos
Cu-Zn powders as potential Cr(VI) adsorbents for drinking water
Journal Hazardous Materials
vol.262 p.606 -613
Stathokostopoulos D
Chaliampalias D
Stefanaki E.-C
Polymeris G
Pavlidou Eleni
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Hatzikraniotis Euripides
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Vourlias Georgios
Structure, morphology and electrical properties of Mg2Si layers deposited by pack cementation
Applied Surface Science
Tzetzis Dimitrios
Mansour Gabriel
Tsiafis Ioannis
Pavlidou Eleni
Nanoindentation Measurments of Fumed Silica Epoxy Reinforced Nanocomposites
Journal of Reinforced Plastics & Composites
vol.32(3) p.160-173
Zervos M
Othonos A
Tsokkou D
Kioseoglou Iosif
Pavlidou Eleni
Komninou Philomela
Structural properties of SnO2 nanowires and the effect of donor like defects on its charge distribution
Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials Science
Without Type
Polymeris G.S
Hatzikraniotis Euripides
Stefanaki E.-C
Pavlidou Eleni
Kyratsi T
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Kanatzidis M.G
Carrier mapping in thermoelectric materials
2013 MRS Spring Meeting
Vourlias Georgios
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Pavlidou Eleni
High temperature oxidation of Cr-Mo-V tool steel in carbon dioxide
Advanced topics of 15th International Congress of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
Without Type
Berberidou C
Paspaltsis I
Pavlidou E
Sklaviadis T
Poulios I
Heterogenous photocatalytic inactivation of B. stearothermophilus endospores in aqueous suspensions under artificial and solar irradiation
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental
vol.125 p.375-382
Chaliampalias D
Vourlias G
Pavlidou E
Chrissafis K
Examination of the oxidation resistance of Cr-Mo-V tool steel by thermal analysis
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
vol.108 no.2 p.677-684
Koultoukis E. D
Makridis Sofoklis S
Röntzsch L
Pavlidou Eleni
Ioannidou Alexandra
Kikkinides Eustathios
Stubos A. K
Structural, microchemistry, and hydrogenation properties of TiMnh 0.4Fe 0.2V 0.4, TiMn 0.1Fe 0.2V 0.7 and Ti 0.4Zr0.6Mn 0.4Fe 0.2V 0.4 Metal Hydrides
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
vol.12 no.6 p.4688-4696
Koultoukis E. D
Makridis Sofoklis S
Rontzsch L
Pavlidou Eleni
Ioannidou Alexandra
Kikkinides Eustathios
Stubos A. K
Structural, Microchemistry, and Hydrogenation Properties of TiMn0.4Fe0.2V0.4, TiMn0.1Fe0.2V0.7 and Ti0.4Zr0.6Mn0.4Fe0.2V0.4 Metal Hydrides
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
vol.12 no.6 p.4688-4696
Noli Foteini
Misailidis Panagiotis
Pavlidou Eleni
Lagoyannis A
Application of ion beam analysis techniques for the investigation of the oxidation and corrosion resistance of low-energy high-flux nitrogen-implanted stainless steel
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms
vol.270 no.1 p.1-8
Pavlidou E
Systematic analysis of natural pozzolans from Greece suitable for repair mortars
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
vol.108 no.2 p.671-675
Roumeli E
Tsiapranta A
Pavlidou E
Vourlias G
Kachrimanis K
Bikiaris D
Chrissafis K
Compatibility study between trandolapril and natural excipients used in solid dosage forms
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
Roumeli E
Papadopoulou E
Pavlidou E
Vourlias G
Bikiaris D
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Chrissafis K
Synthesis, characterization and thermal analysis of urea-formaldehyde/nanoSiO(2) resins
Thermochimica Acta
vol.527 p.33-39
Vourlias G
Chaliampalias D
Pavlidou E
Stergioudis G
Chrissafis K
Examination of Zinc coatings on Copper substrates by thermal analysis
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
Without Type
Fillipousi M
Pavlidou Eleni
Zampoulis Dimitrios
Katsikini Maria
Papadopoulou L
Bals S
Misailidis Panagiotis
Vourlias Georgios
Pinakidou F
Van Tendeloo G
Sorption of Zinc and Silver by Heu-type zeolite
Book of Abstracts of the 9th International Conference on “Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies”-NN12
9th International Conference on “Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies”-NN12
Θεσσαλονίκη - Ελλάδα
Without Type
Filippousi M
Pavlidou Eleni
Zampoulis Dimitrios
Filippidis Anestis
Papadopoulou Lamprini
Katsikini Maria
Paloura Eleni
Tzamos Evangelos
Van Tendeloo G
Sorption of zinc and silver by nanozeolitic tuff
9th International Conference on Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies
Thessaloniki - Greece
Without Type
Bouzakis K. D
Batsiolas M
Sagris D
Michailidis N
Pappa M
Pavlidou E
Diffusion and oxidation phenomena at elevated temperatures in the contact area between hardened steel and various PVD coatings
Surface and Coatings Technology
vol.205 suppl.2 p.S115-S118
Chaliampalias D
Papazoglou M
Tsipas S
Pavlidou E
Skolianos S
Stergioudis G
Vourlias Georgios
Fabrication and examination of oxidation resistance of zinc coated copper and brass components by chemical deposition
Surface Engineering
vol.27 no.5 p.362-367
Chrissafis K
Pavlidou E
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Beslikas T
Nianias N
Bikiaris D
Enhancing mechanical and thermal properties of PLLA ligaments with fumed silica nanoparticles and montmorillonite
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
vol.105 no.1 p.313-323
Grigoriadou I
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Chrissafis K
Pavlidou E
Stamkopoulos T. G
Bikiaris D
Effect of different nanoparticles on HDPE UV stability
Polymer Degradation and Stability
vol.96 no.1 p.151-163
Michailidis N
Stergioudi F
Tsouknidas A
Pavlidou E
Compressive response of Al-foams produced via a powder sintering process based on a leachable space-holder material
Materials Science and Engineering A
vol.528 no.3 p.1662-1667
Nikolić P. M
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Pavlidou E
Zorba T. T
Ivetić T
Vujatović S. S
Aleksić O. S
Nikolić N
Cvetković O
Blagojević V
Nikolić M. V
Temperature dependence of In1-xGaxSb reflectivity in the far infrared
Materials Chemistry and Physics
vol.125 no.1-2 p.72-76
Noli Foteini
Misailidis Panagiotis
Pavlidou Eleni
The beneficial role of Y-implantation on the aqueous corrosion of stainless steel
Surface and Coatings Technology
vol.205 no.11 p.3506-3511
Vourlias G
Chaliampalias D
Zorba T. T
Pavlidou E
Psyllaki P
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Stergioudis G
Chrissafis K
A combined study of the oxidation mechanism and resistance of AISI D6 steel exposed at high temperature environments
Applied Surface Science
vol.257 no.15 p.6687-6698
Without Type
Chaliampalias D
Stathokostopoulos D
Stergioudis G
Vourlias G
Pavlidou E
SEM examination of pack cementation coatings formed on varioussubstrates
Proceedings of the MC 2011, Microscopy Conference 2011
Kiel, Germany
Chaliampalias D
Andronis S
Stergioudis G
Tsipas D
Vourlias G
Pavlidou E
Deposition of multilayer NiCrBSiFe and Al coatings on low carbon steels
Microscopy Conference 2011
Kiel, Germany
Filippousi M
Sakellari D
Zampoulis Dimitrios
Vouroutzis Nikolaos
Angelakeris Mavroeidis
Kalogirou Orestis
Pavlidou Eleni
Synthesis and characterization of iron oxides nanoparticles for magnetic fluid hyperthermia
XXVII Panhellenic Conference on Solid State and Materials Science
XXVII Panhellenic Conference on Solid State and Materials Science
Limassol, Cyprus
Stathokostopoulos D
Chaliampalias D
Pavlidou E
Hatzikraniotis E
Stergioudis G
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Vourlias G
Formation of Mg2Si thick films on Si substrates using pack cementation process
9th European Conference on Thermoelectrics
Stefanidou M
Papayianni I
Pavlidou E
Altanzis Th
Lioutas Ch B
Structural Changes in Nano-modified Repair Mortars
13th Euroseminar on Microscopy Applied to Building Materials
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Without Type
Filippousi M
Papadimitriou S
Zamboulis D
Vouroutzis N
Angelakeris M
Bikiaris D
Pavlidou E
Biocompatible and biodegradable block copolymers with iron oxide nanoparticles encapsulation as novel nano-drug carriers
8th International Conference on Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies – NN11
Thessaloniki, Greece
Without Type
Kolaklieva L
Kakanakov R
Polychroniadis E
Pavlidou E
Tsiaousis I
Albert B
Andreadou A
Formation and characterization of nanolayered Pd-based metal/p-4H SiC systems with ohmic behaviour
Journal of Nano Research
vol.10 p.77-85
Nikolic M. V
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Ivetić T
Zorba T. T
Vujatovic S. S
Pavlidou E
Blagojevic V
Bojicic A
Aleksic O. S
Nikolic N
König W
, et al
Optical properties of PbTe doped with Nd
Journal of Materials Science
vol.45 no.21 p.5910-5914
Nikolić P. M
Vujatović S. S
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Pavlidou E
Zorba T. T
Ivetić T
Cvetković O
Aleksić O. S
Blagojević V
Vesna Nikolić M
Far infrared properties of PbTe doped with Hg
Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials, Rapid Communications
vol.4 no.2 p.151-153
Papadimitriou S
Armyanov S
Valova E
Hubin A
Steenhaut O
Pavlidou E
Kokkinidis G
Sotiropoulos S
Methanol oxidation at Pt-Cu, Pt-Ni, and Pt-Co electrode coatings prepared by a galvanic replacement process
Journal of Physical Chemistry C
vol.114 no.11 p.5217-5223
Papazoglou M
Chaliampalias D
Vourlias G
Pavlidou E
Skolianos S
Stergioudis G
Polychroniadis E. K
Deposition of oxidation resistant zinc coatings on copper and leaded brass substrates with pack cementation process
Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials
vol.12 no.7 p.1520-1523
Pistofidis N
Vourlias G
Chaliampalias D
Pavlidou E
Chrissafis K
Stergioudis G
Polychroniadis E. K
A comparative study of yttria stabilized zirconia coatings deposited with atmospheric plasma spray and detonation gun
Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials
vol.12 no.7 p.1515-1519
Tsilika I
Eleftheriadis I
Kehagias T
Pavlidou E
Karakostas T
Komninou P
Crystallization process of thermally treated vitrified EAFD waste
Journal of the European Ceramic Society
vol.30 no.10 p.2009-2015
Vourlias G
Pistofidis N
Psyllaki P
Pavlidou E
Chrissafis K
Initial stages of oxidation of a precipitation-hardening (PH) steel
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
vol.101 no.3 p.893-898
Vourlias G
Chaliampalias D
Papazoglou M
Tsipas S
Pavlidou E
Skolianos S
Stergioudis G
Vourlias Georgios
The effect of Al and Cr additions on pack cementation zinc coatings
Applied Surface Science
vol.256 no.11 p.3618-3623
Without Type
Chaliampalias D
Vourlias G
Pavlidou E
Psyllaki P
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Stergioudis G
Chrissafis K
Thermogravimetric analysis of tool steels for the evaluation of the irresistance in high temperature oxidation environments
10th European Symposium on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Chaliampalias D
Pavlidou E
Psyllaki P
Chrissafis K
Vourlias G
Crystal nucleation in plasma deposited DLC coatings during annealing
vol.1203 p.466-471
Fekas I
Chaliampalias D
Zorba T
Pavlidou E
Chrissafis K
Vourlias G
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Characterization of the oxide scales formed on AISI D6 tool steel exposed in high temperature aggressive environments
XXVI Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science
Filippousi M
Kotoulas A
Vourlias Georgios
Vouroutzis Nikolaos
Angelakeris Mavroeidis
Kalogirou Orestis
Zampoulis Dimitrios
Pavlidou Eleni
Synthesis of iron oxides nanoparticles for biomedical applications
7th International Conference on Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies
7th International Conference on Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies
Ouranoupolis, Halkidiki, Greece
Ganitis V
Stefanaki E. C
Zorba T
Pavlidou E
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Pigments and painting techniques in Abel Monastery Church, a representative monument, inscribed by famous Chioniades iconographers
IIC Congress 2010: Conservation and the Eastern Mediterranean
Grigoriadou I
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Chrissafis K
Pavlidou E
Stamkopoulos T. G
Bikiaris D
Thermal and Optical analysis of the influence of UV radiation on different nanocomposites of HDPE
Proceedings of the XXVI Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science
Kakanakov R
Bahchedjiev Hr
Kolaklieva L
Cholakova T
Evtimova Sv
Polyhroniadis E
Pavlidou E
Tsiaoussis I
Investigation of ZrN hard coatings obtained by cathodic arc evaporation
2nd International Conference on Nanostructured Materials, Thin Films and Hard Coatings for Advanced Application
vol.159 p.113-116
Kavatzikidou P
Kassavetis S
Logothetidis S
Pavlidou E
Patsalas P
E-MRS 2010 Spring Meeting, European Materials Research Society
Strasbourg, France
Pistofidis N
Papanastasiou K
Chaliampalias D
Pavlidou E
Stergioudis G
Vourlias G
Oxidation of zinc hot-dip galvanized coatings
XXVI PanHellenic Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science
Ioannina, Greece
Sakellariou E
Zorba T
Pavlidou E
Angelova S
Paraskevopoulos K. M
The byzantine church of "40 holy martyrs" in Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria: Pigments and technique
7th International Conference of the Balkan Physical Union, AIP Conference Proceedings
Alexandroupolis, Greece
vol.1203 p.501-506
Stefanaki E. C
Ganitis V
Zorba T
Pavlidou E
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Study of Materials and Painting Techniques Chioniades Painters in Abel Monastery (18th, Epirus, Greece)
XXVI Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science
Ζορμπά Τ
Παυλίδου Ε
Παρασκευόπουλος Κ. Μ
Η συνδυασμένη χρήση της φασματοσκοπίας Υπερύθρου και μικροαναλυτή ακτίνων Χ στη μελέτη των υλικών και των τεχνικών κατασκευής τοιχογραφιών και φορητών εικόνων
Ημερίδα: Αρχαιομετρικές Εφαρμογές στην Ελλάδα
Αρχαιολογικό Μουσείο Θεσσαλονίκης
Παυλίδου Ε
Χρυσάφης Κ
Χαλιαμπάλιας Δ
Βουρλιάς Γ
Παρασκευόπουλος Κ. Μ
Μελέτη του μηχανισμού οξείδωσης των εργαλειομηχανών AISI D6 εκτεθειμένων σε περιβάλλον υψηλών θερμοκρασιών
4ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Θερμικής Ανάλυσης (ΘΕΡΜΑ)
p.Lect. 19
Πιστοφίδης Ν
Χαλιαμπάλιας Δ
Παυλίδου Ε
Τσιπάς Δ
Στεργιούδης Γ
Βουρλιάς Γ
Προκαταρτική αξιολόγηση της προστασίας των επικαλύψεων ψευδαργύρου σε υψηλή θερμοκρασία
4ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Μεταλλικών Υλικών
Θεσσαλονίκη, Ελλάδα
Πιστοφίδης Ν
Χαλιαμπάλιας Δ
Παυλίδου Ε
Τσιπάς Δ
Στεργιούδης Γ
Βουρλιάς Γ
Μελέτη επιφανειακών φάσεων επικαλύψεων ψευδαργυρου
4ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Μεταλλικών Υλικών
Θεσσαλονίκη, Ελλάδα
Without Type
Chaliampalias D
Vourlias Georgios
Pavlidou Eleni
Stergioudis Georgios
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Examination of the oxidation resistance of high-alloyed tool steels at elevated temperatures
Applied Surface Science
Published Version
vol.255 no.12 p.6244-6251
Chaliampalias D
Vourlias Georgios
Pavlidou Eleni
Skolianos Stefanos
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Stergioudis Georgios
Comparative examination of the microstructure and high temperature oxidation performance of NiCrBSi flame sprayed and pack cementation coatings
Applied Surface Science
Published Version
vol.256 no.6 p.3605-3612
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Pavlidou Eleni
Bikiaris Dimitrios
Thermal degradation mechanism of HDPE nanocomposites containing fumed silica nanoparticles
Thermochimica Acta
Published Version
vol.485 no.1-2 p.65-71
Nikolic P. M
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Nikolic M. V
Vujatovic S. S
Pavlidou E
Zorba T. T
Ivetic T
Stamenovic B
Labus N
Jovic M
Ristic M. M
Far infrared properties of sintered Pb0.9Sn0.1Te doped with palladium
Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics
vol.48 no.5-6 p.353-357
Nikolić P. M
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Vujatović S. S
Nikolić M. V
Chatzistavrou X
Pavlidou E
Ivetić T
Blagojević V
Bojičić A
Dinulović D
Optical properties of PbTe and PbSnTe doped with Cr
Journal of Alloys and Compounds
vol.480 no.2 p.893-896
Valianou L
Stathopoulou K
Karapanagiotis I
Magiatis P
Pavlidou E
Skaltsounis A. L
Chryssoulakis Y
Phytochemical analysis of young fustic (Cotinus coggygria heartwood) and identification of isolated colourants in historical textiles
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry
vol.394 no.3 p.871-882
Vourlias G
Pistofidis N
Pavlidou E
Stergioudis G
Reinforcement of Al-Fe-Ni alloys with the in situ formation of composite materials
Journal of Alloys and Compounds
vol.483 no.1-2 p.178-181
Vourlias Georgios
Pistofidis N
Psyllaki P
Pavlidou Eleni
Stergioudis Georgios
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Plasma-sprayed YSZ coatings: Microstructural features and resistance to molten metals
Journal of Alloys and Compounds
Published Version
vol.483 no.1-2 p.382-385
Vourlias Georgios
Pistofidis N
Psyllaki P
Pavlidou Eleni
Stergioudis Georgios
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Nano-phenomena during exposure of plasma-sprayed ceria stabilised zirconia coatings to oxygen rich environments
Journal of Alloys and Compounds
Published Version
vol.483 no.1-2 p.378-381
Vourlias Georgios
Pistofidis N
Pavlidou Eleni
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Oxidation behaviour of precipitation hardened steel TG, X-Ray, XRD and SEM study
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
Published Version
vol.95 no.1 p.63-68
Without Type
Hatzikraniotis E
Zorbas K. T
Pavlidou E
Kyratsi T
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Long-Term performance of a commercial Thermoelectric Power Generator
Mater. Res. Soc. Symp
vol.1166 p.N03-14
Kakanakov R
Bahchedjiev Hr
Kolaklieva L
Cholakova T
Evtimova Sv
Polychroniadis E. K
Pavlidou E
Tsiaousis I
Deposition and Investigation of ZrN Hard Coatings obtained by ARC-Evaporation
International Conference NANOHARD
Sozopol, Bulgaria
Karagkiozaki V
Logothetidis S
Choli-Papadopoulou T
Laskarakis A
Melachrinos A
Pavlidou E
Karagiannidis P
Kassavetis S
Giannoglou G
Biofunctionalization of Carbon Nanomaterials to Promote in-situ Endothelization
6th International Conference on Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies- NN09
Θεσσαλονίκη, Ελλάδα
Kavatzikidou P
Lousinian S
Kalfagiannis N
Logothetidis S
Pavlidou E
Choli-Papadopoulou T
Initial Stages of Biological Evaluation of Titanium Diboride Thin Films: Cytotoxicity, Cell Adhesion and Blood Plasma Protein Adsorption Analysis
6th International Conference on Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies- NN09
Θεσσαλονίκη, Ελλάδα
Papazoglou M
Chaliampalias D
Vourlias G
Pavlidou E
Skolianos S
Stergioudis G
Polychroniadis E. K
Deposition of oxidation resistant zinc coatings on Copper and Leaded Brass substrates with pack cementation process
Proceedings of the Romanian Conference on Advanced Materials (ROCAM 2009)
Brasov, Romania
Pavlidou E
Kyriakou A
Mirtsou E
Anastasiou M
Zorba T
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Study of the Painting Materials from 4th Century B.C. Vergina Tomb
XXV Panhellenic Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science
Pavlidou E
Civici N
Zorba T
Vouroutzis N
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Technique and Painting Materials Characterization of St Athanasius Church in Moschopolis, Albania (18th Century)
XXV Panhellenic Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science
Pavlidou E
Arapi M
Civici N
Zorba T
Stamati F
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Wall painting materials and technique: The case of the famous iconographer Onoufrios
XXV Panhellenic Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science
Pavlidou Eleni
Filippousi M
Zampoulis Dimitrios
Vouroutzis Nikolaos
Filippidis Anestis
Georgiadis I
Preparation and characterization of Palladium supported on zeolites
XXV Panhellenic Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science
Thessaloniki - Greece
Pistofidis N
Vourlias G
Chaliampalias D
Pavlidou E
Chrissafis K
Stergioudis G
Polychroniadis E. K
A comparative study of Yttria Stabilized Zirconia coatings deposited with atmospheric plasma spray and detonation gun
Proceedings of the Romanian Conference on Advanced Materials (ROCAM 2009)
Brasov, Romania
Sakellariou E
Zorba T
Pavlidou E
Angelova S
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Studying Technique and Pigments of wall paintings in the Byzantine Church of 40 Holy Martyrs in Veliko - Turnovo in Bulgaria
XXV Panhellenic Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science
Vassiliou A
Bikiaris D. N
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Pavlidou E
Chrissafis K
Thermal degradation kinetics of in-situ prepared poly(ethylene terephthalate) nanocomposites with multi-walled carbon nanotubes (PET/MWCNTs)
9th Mediterranean Conference on Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis
Marseille, France
Καβατζικίδου Π
Λουσινιάν Σ
Λογοθετίδης Σ
Πατσαλάς Π
Χολή-Παπαδοπούλου Θ
Παυλίδου Ε
Εκτίμηση της αιμοσυμβατότητας λεπτών υμενίων άμορφου υδρογονωμένου άνθρακα ανεπτυγμένων με PECVD
Without Type
Zampoulis Dimitrios
Filippousi M
Pavlidou Eleni
Vouroutzis Nikolaos
Misailidis Panagiotis
Filippidis Anestis
Angelakeris Mavroeidis
Synthesis of magnetite nanoparticles for magnetic hyperthermia measurements and as palladium-103 carriers
6th International Conference on Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies
Thessaloniki - Greece
Without Type
Chaliampalias D
Vourlias Georgios
Pavlidou Eleni
Stergioudis Georgios
Skolianos S
Chrysafis Konstantinos
High temperature oxidation and corrosion in marine environments of thermal spray deposited coatings
Applied Surface Science
Published Version
vol.255 no.5 Part 2 p.3104-3111
Delimitis A
Komninou P
Kehagias T
Pavlidou E
Karakostas T
Gladkov P
Nohavica D
Controlled growth of porous networks in phosphide semiconductors
Journal of Porous Materials
vol.15 no.1 p.75-81
Horopanitis E. E
Perentzis G
Pavlidou E
Papadimitriou L
Ion transport through LiCoO2/(Li2O)x · (B2O3) thin-film bi-layers
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids
vol.354 no.2-9 p.386-392
Ivetić T
Nikolić M. V
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Pavlidou E
Zorba T. T
Nikolić P. M
Ristić M. M
Combined FTIR and SEM-EDS study of Bi2O3 doped ZnO-SnO2 ceramics
Journal of Microscopy
vol.232 no.3 p.498-503
Karamalidis A. K
Psycharis V
Nicolis I
Pavlidou E
Bénazeth S
Voudrias E. A
Characterization of stabilized/solidified refinery oily sludge and incinerated refinery sludge with cement using XRD, SEM and EXAFS
Journal of Environmental Science and Health - Part A Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering
vol.43 no.10 p.1144-1156
Makridis S. S
Panagiotopoulos I
Tsiaousis Ioannis
Frangis Nikolaos
Pavlidou Eleni
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Papathanasiou Georgios
Efthymiadis Konstantinos
Hadjipanayis G. C
Niarchos D
Structural, microstructural and magnetic properties of nanocomposite isotropic Sm(CobalFe0.1MyZr0.04B0 .04)7.5 ribbons with M=Ni, Cu and y=0.09 and 0.12
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
vol.320 no.19 p.2322-2329
Makridis S.S
Panagiotopoulos I
Tsiaousis Ioannis
Fragkis Nikolaos
Pavlidou Eleni
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Papathanasiou G.F
Efthymiadis Konstantinos
Hadjipanayis G.C
Niarchos D
Structural, microstructural and magnetic properties of nanocomposite isotropic Sm(CobalFe0.1MyZr0.04B0.04)7.5 ribbons with M=Ni, Cu and y=0.09 and 0.12
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
Published Version
vol.320 no.19 p.2322-2329
Papadimitriou S
Tegou A
Pavlidou E
Armyanov S
Valova E
Kokkinidis G
Sotiropoulos S
Preparation and characterisation of platinum- And gold-coated copper, iron, cobalt and nickel deposits on glassy carbon substrates
Electrochimica Acta
vol.53 no.22 p.6559-6567
Vourlias Georgios
Pistofidis N
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Pavlidou Eleni
Stergioudis Georgios
Mechanism and kinetics of the formation of zinc pack coatings
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
Published Version
vol.91 no.2 p.497-501
Without Type
Chaliampalias D
Vourlias G
Pavlidou E
Stergioudis G
Skolianos S
Chrissafis K
A study of Al coated steels with thermal spray process in different environments
XXIV Panhellenic Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science
Heraklion, Crete
Chaliampalias D
Vourlias G
Pavlidou E
Stergioudis G
Chrissafis K
On the corrosion of high alloyed tool steels
XXIV Panhellenic Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science
Heraklion, Crete
Chaliampalias D
Vourlias G
Pavlidou E
Chrissafis K
Stergioudis G
Skolianos S
Microstructural examination of Al and Cr alloyed zinc coatings on low carbon steels
Proceedings of EMC 2008 14th European Microscopy Congress
Aachen, Germany
vol.2: Materials Science p.701-702
Chaliampalias D
Vourlias G
Pavlidou E
Chrissafis K
Stergioudis G
Skolianos S
A comparative study of NiCrBSi and Al coated steels with thermal spray process in different environments
Proceedings of EMC 2008 14th European Microscopy Congress
Aachen, Germany
Berlin Heidelberg
vol.2: Materials Science p.705-706
Civici N
Dilo T
Gjongecaj S
Stamati F
Pistofidis N
Vourlias G
Pavlidou E
Stergioudis G
Polychroniadis E. K
IIIrd century BC silver coins from Kreshpan hoard (Albania): data form bulk elemental analysis and microstructure studies
2nd International Symposium Ancient and Medieval Metalworks. Archaeology-Numismatics-Nuclear Analyses
Bucharest, Romania
Hasapis Th
Hatzikraniotis E
Han M.-K
Chung D. Y
Pavlidou E
Kyratsi Th
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Kanatzidis M. G
SEM and Infrared Spectroscopic scan in AgPb18-xSbTe20 (LAST-18) materials
E-MRS 2008 Spring Meeting, (symposium M: Unconventional thermoelectrics)
Strasbourg, France
Kassavetis S
Logothetidis S
Fachouri S
Kazinakis G
Pavlidou E
Expansion Effect on the Coated Coronary Stent Surface and Nanomechanical Properties
MRS Fall Meeting 2008
Boston, MA, U.S.A
Kassavetis S
Fachouri S
Logothetidis S
Kazinakis G
Pavlidou E
Expansion effect on the coated coronary stent surface properties
5th International Conference on Nanoscienses & Nanotechnologies- NN08
Θεσσαλονίκη, Ελλάδα
Pavlidou E
Mahmoud H. Marey
Roumeli E
Zorba F
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Ali M. F
Identifying pigments in the temple of Seti I in Abydos (Egypt)
14th European Microscopy Congress, EMC 2008
vol.2: Materials Science p.829
Pavlidou E
Civici N
Caushi E
Anastasiou L
Zorba T
Hatzikraniotis E
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Study of Painting Materials and Techniques in the 18th Century St.Athanasius Church in Moschopolis, Albania
Mater. Res. Soc
vol.1047 p.Y03-05
Pavlidou E
Civici N
Caushi E
Anastasiou L
Zorba T
Hatzikraniotis E
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Study of painting materials and techniques in the 18th century St. Athanasius Church in Moschopolis, Albania
vol.1047 p.61-69
Pavlidou E
Chaliampalias D
Vourlias G
Chrissafis K
Study of the structure and high temperature oxidation resistance of high alloyed tool steels
Proceedings of EMC 2008 14th European Microscopy Congress
Aachen, Germany
Berlin Heidelberg
vol.2: Materials Science p.703-704
Pistofidis N
Chaliampalias D
Chrissafis K
Pavlidou E
Stergioudis G
Vourlias G
Examination of the Corrosion Performance of Zirconia Coatings in Aggressive Environments
5th International conference on Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies
Thessaloniki, Greece
Sahonta S.-L
Adikimenakis A
Dimitrakopulos G. P
Komninou Ph
Kirmse H
Pavlidou E
Iliopoulos E
Georgakilas A
Karakostas Th
Neumann W
Microstructure and growth model of MBE-grown InAlN thin films
Richter S
Schwedt A
Proceedings of the 14th European Microscopy Congress 2008 (EMC2008)
Aachen, Germany
vol.2: Materials Science p.55-56
Toumpas N
Kyratsi T
Hatzikraniotis E
Tsiappos A
Pavlidou E
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Chung D. Y
Kanatzidis M. G
Mechanical alloying synthesis of K2Bi8Se 13- type solid solutions
vol.1044 p.83-88
Toumpas Nikolaos
Kyratsi Theodora
Hatzikraniotis Euripides
Tsiappos Andreas
Pavlidou Eleni
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Kanatzidis M. G
Chung Duck Young
Mercouri G
Mechanical Alloying Synthesis of K2Bi8Se13 type Solid Solutions
Mater. Res. Soc
vol.1044 p.U03-07
Tsilika I
Kehagias Th
Dimitrakopulos G. P
Pavlidou E
Karakostas Th
Komninou Ph
Diffusion kinetics of metallic elements in thermally treated vitrified electric arc furnace dust
24ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Φυσικής Στερεάς Κατάστασης & Επιστήμης Υλικών
Συμεωνίδης Κ
Μουρδικούδης Σ
Τσιαούσης Ιωάννης
Παυλίδου Ελένη
Αγγελακέρης Μαυροειδής
Μπουλσουράνη Ρ
Δενδρινού - Σαμαρά Αικατερίνη
Καλογήρου Ορέστης
Σύνθεση και διάταξη νανοσωματιδίων FePt
6ο Συνέδριο Χημικής Μηχανικής
6ο Συνέδριο Χημικής Μηχανικής
Without Type
Bikiaris D. N
Papageorgiou G. Z
Achilias D. S
Pavlidou E
Stergiou A
Miscibility and enzymatic degradation studies of poly(ε-caprolactone)/poly(propylene succinate) blends
European Polymer Journal
vol.43 no.6 p.2491-2503
Bouzakis K. D
Asimakopoulos A
Skordaris G
Pavlidou E
Erkens G
Microabrasion of coatings investigated by the inclined impact test at various loads under dry and lubricated conditions
Plasma Processes and Polymers
vol.4 suppl.1 p.S840-S845
Bouzakis K. D
Asimakopoulos A
Skordaris G
Pavlidou E
Erkens G
The inclined impact test: A novel method for the quantification of the adhesion properties of PVD films
vol.262 no.11-12 p.1471-1478
Chaliampalias D
Vourlias G
Pistofidis N
Pavlidou E
Stergiou A
Stergioudis G
Polychroniadis E. K
Tsipas D
On the phase sequence formation of zinc protective coatings on low carbon steel in fluidized bed reactor
Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials-Rapid Communications
vol.1 no.1 p.41-46
Chaliampalias D
Vourlias G
Pistofidis N
Pavlidou E
Stergiou A
Stergioudis G
Polychroniadis E. K
Tsipas D
Deposition of zinc coatings with fluidized bed technique
Materials Letters
vol.61 no.1 p.223-226
Civici N
Gjongecaj Sh
Stamati F
Dilo T
Pavlidou E
Polychroniadis E. K
Smit Z
Compositional study of IIIrd century BC silver coins from Kreshpan hoard (Albania) using EDXRF spectrometry
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms
vol.258 no.2 p.414-420
Katenidis V
Chaliampalias D
Pistofidis N
Vourlias G
Pavlidou E
Stergiou A
Stergioudis G
Study of the structure of wear resistant thermal sprayed coatings on low alloy steels
Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials
vol.9 no.6 p.1665-1670
Papadimitriou S
Tegou A
Pavlidou E
Kokkinidis G
Sotiropoulos S
Methanol oxidation at platinized lead coatings prepared by a two-step electrodeposition-electroless deposition process on glassy carbon and platinum substrates
Electrochimica Acta
vol.52 no.21 p.6254-6260
Patsalas P
Lekatou A
Pavlidou E
Foulias S
Kamaratos M
Evangelakis G. A
Yavari A. R
Surface properties and activity of Fe-Ni-B ternary glasses
Journal of Alloys and Compounds
vol.434-435 no.SPEC. ISS. p.229-233
Pistofidis N
Vourlias G
Pavlidou E
Stergioudis G
Effect of Ti, Ni and Bi addition to the corrosion resistance of Zn hot-dip galvanized coatings
Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials
vol.9 no.6 p.1653-1659
Pistofidis N
Vourlias G
Konidaris S
Pavlidou E
Stergioudis G
The combined effect of nickel and bismuth on the structure of hot-dip zinc coatings
Materials Letters
vol.61 no.10 p.2007-2010
Pistofidis N
Vourlias G
Konidaris S
Pavlidou E
Stergiou A
Stergioudis G
The effect of bismuth on the structure of zinc hot-dip galvanized coatings
Materials Letters
vol.61 no.4-5 p.994-997
Sazou D
Kourouzidou M
Pavlidou E
Potentiodynamic and potentiostatic deposition of polyaniline on stainless steel: Electrochemical and structural studies for a potential application to corrosion control
Electrochimica Acta
vol.52 no.13 p.4385-4397
Stergioudis G
Vourlias G
Pistofidis N
Chaliampalias D
Pavlidou E
On the corrosion mechanism of zinc pack coatings deposited on tow carbon steel: results of laboratory tests
Corrosion Engineering Science and Technology
vol.42 no.2 p.152-160
Tegou A
Papadimitriou S
Pavlidou E
Kokkinidis G
Sotiropoulos S
Oxygen reduction at platinum- and gold-coated copper deposits on glassy carbon substrates
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry
vol.608 no.1 p.67-77
Tsivintzelis Ioannis
Pavlidou Eleni
Panagiotou Konstantinos
Porous scaffolds prepared by phase inversion using supercritical CO2 as antisolvent. I. Poly(l-lactic acid)
Journal of Supercritical Fluids
vol.40 no.2 p.317-322
Tsivintzelis Ioannis
Pavlidou Eleni
Panagiotou Konstantinos
Biodegradable polymer foams prepared with supercritical CO2-ethanol mixtures as blowing agents
Journal of Supercritical Fluids
vol.42 no.2 p.265-272
Tsivintzelis Ioannis
Pavlidou Eleni
Panagiotou Konstantinos
Porous scaffolds prepared by phase inversion using supercritical CO 2 as antisolvent. I. Poly(l-lactic acid)
Journal of Supercritical Fluids
vol.40 no.2 p.317-322
Tsivintzelis Ioannis
Pavlidou Eleni
Panagiotou Konstantinos
Biodegradable polymer foams prepared with supercritical CO 2-ethanol mixtures as blowing agents
Journal of Supercritical Fluids
vol.42 no.2 p.265-272
Vourlias G
Pistofidis N
Pavlidou E. L
Stergioudis G
Polychroniadis E. K
Study of the structure of hot-dip galvanizing byproducts
Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials
vol.9 no.9 p.2937-2942
Vourlias G
Pistofidis N
Chaliampalias D
Pavlidou E
Stergioudis G
On the corrosion mechanism of zinc pack coatings deposited on low carbon steel: Results of laboratory tests
Corrosion Engineering Science and Technology
vol.42 no.2 p.152-160
Vourlias Georgios
Pistofidis N
Pavlidou Eleni
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Zinc coatings for oxidation protection of ferrous substrates Part II. Microscopic and oxidation mechanism examination
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
Published Version
vol.90 no.3 p.777-782
Vourlias Georgios
Pistofidis N
Chaliambalias D
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Pavlidou Eleni
Stergioudis Georgios
Resistance of zinc thermal sprayed coatings on different corrosive environments
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
Published Version
vol.87 no.2 p.401-409
Zorba T
Andrikopoulos K. S
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Pavlidou E
Popkonstantinov K
Kostova R
Platnyov V
Daniilia S
Infrared and Raman vibrational spectroscopies reveal the palette of frescos found in the Medieval Monastery of Karaach Teke
Annali di Chimica
vol.97 no.7 p.491-503
Without Type
Chaliampalias D
Vourlias G
Pistofidis N
Pavlidou E
Stergiou A
Stergioudis G
Polychroniadis E. K
Structure analysis of corrosion resistant thermal sprayed coatings on low alloy steels
vol.899 p.797
Chaliampalias D
Vourlias G
Pistofidis N
Kolaklieva L
Kakanakov R
Tsiaoussis I
Pavlidou E
Stergioudis G
Polychroniadis E. K
Microstructural study of superhard coatings with TEM and SEM
vol.899 p.455-456
Fryda L
Panopoulos K
Vourliotis P
Kakaras E
Pavlidou E
Meat and bone meal as secondary fuel in fluidized bed combustion
vol.31 II p.2829-2837
Konidaris S
Pistofidis N
Vourlias G
Pavlidou E
Stergiou A
Stergioudis G
Polychroniadis E. K
On the effect of zinc melt composition on the structure of hot-dip galvanized coatings
vol.899 p.796
Konidaris S
Pistofidis N
Vourlias G
Pavlidou E
Stergiou A
Stergioudis G
Polychroniadis E. K
Microstructural study of zinc hot dip galvanized coatings with titanium additions in the zinc melt
vol.899 p.799
Pavlidou E
Kyriakou A
Mirtsou E
Anastasiou L
Zorba T
Hatzikraniotis E
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Painted decoration studies in a fourth century BC Vergina Tomb
MRS Online Proceedings Library
vol.1047 p.Y03-04
Pistofidis N
Vourlias G
Pavlidou E
Dilo T
Civici N
Stamati F
Gjongecaj Sh
Prifti I
Bilani O
Stergioudis G
Polychroniadis E. K
Microscopical examination of ancient silver coins
vol.899 p.798
Without Type
Alexandrou G
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Vasileiadis Leonidas
Pavlidou Eleni
Polychroniadis Efstathios
Effect of heat sterilization on surface characteristics and microstructure of Mani NRT rotary nickel–titanium instruments
International Endontic Journal
Published Version
vol.39 no.10 p.770–778
Alexandrou Georgia B
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Vasileiadis Leonidas
Pavlidou Eleni
Polychroniadis Efstathios
SEM Observations and Differential Scanning Calorimetric Studies of New and Sterilized Nickel-Titanium Rotary Endodontic Instruments
Journal of Endodontics
Published Version
vol.32 no.7 p.675-679
Anastasiou M
Hasapis Th
Zorba T
Pavlidou E
Chrissafis K
Paraskevopoulos K. M
TG-DTA and FTIR analyses of plasters from byzantine monuments in Balkan region : Comparative study
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
vol.84 no.1 p.27-32
Anastasiou M
Hasapis Thοmas
Zormpa Triantafyllia
Pavlidou Eleni
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
TG-DTA and FTIR analyses of plasters from byzantine monuments in Balkan region: Comparative study
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
Published Version
vol.84 no.1 p.27-32
Bikiaris D. N
Papageorgiou G. Z
Pavlidou E
Vouroutzis N
Palatzoglou P
Karayannidis G. P
Preparation by melt mixing and characterization of isotactic polypropylene/SiO2 nanocomposites containing untreated and surface-treated nanoparticles
Journal of Applied Polymer Science
vol.100 no.4 p.2684-2696
Bouzakis K. D
Mirisidis I
Lili E
Michailidis N
Sampris A
Skordaris G
Pavlidou E
Erkens G
Wirth I
Impact resistance of PVD films and milling performance of coated tools at various temperature levels
CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology
vol.55 no.1 p.67-70
Fryda L
Panopoulos K
Vourliotis P
Pavlidou E
Kakaras E
Experimental investigation of fluidised bed co-combustion of meat and bone meal with coals and olive bagasse
vol.85 no.12-13 p.1685-1699
Konidaris S
Pistofidis N
Vourlias G
Pavlidou E
Stergioudis G
Tsipas D
Environmental and technical considerations of preflux bath composition on structure of hot dip zinc galvanised coatings
Surface Engineering
vol.22 no.6 p.455-461
Misailidis Panagiotis
Gallios Georgios
Sarri S
Zampoulis Dimitrios
Pavlidou Eleni
Kantiranis Nikolaos
Anousis Ioannis
Zhuravlev I
Strelko V. V
Separation of uranium from aqueous solutions using Al3+ - and Fe3+ -modified titanium- and zirconium phosphates
Separation Science and Technology
vol.41 no.1 p.97-110
Noli Foteini
Misaelides P
Chatzidimitriou Antonios
Pavlidou Eleni
Pogrebnjak A. D
Investigation of the characteristics and corrosion resistance of Al2O3/TiN coatings
Applied Surface Science
vol.252 no.23 p.8043-8049
Pavlidou E
Arapi M
Zorba T
Anastasiou M
Civici N
Stamati F
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Onoufrios, the famous XVI's century iconographer, creator of the "Berati School": Studying the technique and materials used in wall paintings of inscribed churches
Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing
vol.83 no.4 p.709-717
Pistofidis N
Vourlias G
Pavlidou E
Patsalas P
Stergioudis G
Polychroniadis E. K
Study of the structure and morphology of plasma-sprayed tin coating
Surface and Coatings Technology
vol.200 no.22-23 SPEC. ISS. p.6245-6250
Pistofidis N
Vourlias G
Pavlidou E
Dilo T
Civici N
Stamati F
Gjongecaj S
Prifti I
Bilani O
Stergioudis G
Polychroniadis E. K
On the comparative study of three silver coins of the IIIrd century B.C. minted in Korkyra, Dyrrachion and by the Illyrian king Monounios
Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing
vol.83 no.4 p.637-642
Pistofidis N
Vourlias G
Konidaris S
Pavlidou E
Stergioudis G
Tsipas D
The effect of preflux bath additives on the morphology and structure of the hot-dip galvanized coatings
Crystal Research and Technology
vol.41 no.8 p.759-765
Pistofidis N
Vourlias G
Konidaris S
Pavlidou E
Stergiou A
Stergioudis G
Microstructure of zinc hot-dip galvanized coatings used for corrosion protection
Materials Letters
vol.60 no.6 p.786-789
Pistofidis N
Vourlias G
Chaliampalias D
Pavlidou E
Stergioudis G
Polychroniadis E. K
Comparative study of the corrosion behavior of zinc coatings deposited on low carbon steel substrates
Surface and Interface Analysis
vol.38 no.4 p.252-254
Pistofidis N
Vourlias Georgios
Chaliampalias D
Pavlidou Eleni
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Stergioudis Georgios
Polychroniadis Efstathios
Tsipas Dimitrios
DSC study of the deposition reactions of zinc pack coatings up to 550°C
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
Published Version
vol.84 no.1 p.191-194
Pistofidis Nikolaos
Vourlias Georgios
Pavlidou Eleni
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Stergioudis Georgios
Polychroniadis Efstathios
Tsipas Dimitrios
A combined characterization of zinc hot-dip galvanized wireswith DSC, XRD and SEM
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
Published Version
vol.86 no.2 p.417-422
Polychroniadis E. K
Pistofidis N
Vourlias G
Chaliampalias D
Pavlidou E
Chrissafis K
Stergioudis G
Tsipaa D
DSC study of the deposition reactions of zinc pack coatings up to 550 degrees C
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry
vol.84 no.1 p.191-194
Tserki V
Matzinos P
Pavlidou E
Vachliotis D
Panayiotou C
Biodegradable aliphatic polyesters. Part I. Properties and biodegradation of poly(butylene succinate-co-butylene adipate)
Polymer Degradation and Stability
vol.91 no.2 p.367-376
Tserki V
Matzinos P
Pavlidou E
Panayiotou C
Biodegradable aliphatic polyesters. Part II. Synthesis and characterization of chain extended poly(butylene succinate-co-butylene adipate)
Polymer Degradation and Stability
vol.91 no.2 p.377-384
Vourlias G
Pistofidis N
Chaliampalias D
Pavlidou E
Stergioudis G
Polychroniadis E. K
Tsipas D
Zinc deposition with pack cementation on low carbon steel substrates
Journal of Alloys and Compounds
vol.416 no.1-2 p.125-130
Vourlias G
Pistofidis N
Chaliampalias D
Pavlidou E
Stergioudis G
Polychroniadis E. K
Tsipas D
Effect of simulated marine atmosphere on tin plasma-sprayed coatings
Surface and Interface Analysis
vol.38 no.4 p.255-258
Vourlias G
Pistofidis N
Chaliampalias D
Pavlidou E
Patsalas P
Stergioudis G
Tsipas D
Polychroniadis E. K
A comparative study of the structure and the corrosion behavior of zinc coatings deposited with various methods
Surface and Coatings Technology
vol.200 no.22-23 SPEC. ISS. p.6594-6600
Zorba T
Pavlidou E
Stanojlovic M
Bikiaris D
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Nikolic V
Nikolic P. M
Technique and palette of XIIIth century painting in the monastery of Mileseva
Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing
vol.83 no.4 p.719-725
Without Type
Makridis S. S
Pavlidou E
Neudert A
McCord J
Schäfer R
Hadjipanays G. C
Niarchos D
Stubos A. K
Effect of wheel speed and boron content on microstructure and crystallographic texture of boron substituted Sm-Co melt spun ribbons
3rd International Materials Symposium and 12th Portuguese Materials Society Meeting 2005
vol.514-516 p.359-363
Makridis S. S
Pavlidou E
Konstantakou M
Stubos A. K
Structural, microstructural and magnetic properties of ball milled boron-substituted sm(Co,Fe,Cu,Zr)7.5 compounds
3rd International Materials Symposium and 12th Portuguese Materials Society Meeting 2005
vol.514-516 p.1289-1293
Makridis S. S
Konstantakou M
Steriotis T. A
Pavlidou E
Efthimiadis K. G
Daniil M
Ioannidou A
Kikkinidis E. S
Stubos A. K
Structural and magnetic properties of new Zr(Fe0.8Cu 0.2)2 and Zr(Fe0.8Cu0.1Co 0.1)2 hydrogen storage materials
3rd International Materials Symposium and 12th Portuguese Materials Society Meeting 2005
vol.514-516 p.432-436
Without Type
Bikiaris D
Papageorgiou G. Z
Stergiou A
Pavlidou E
Karavas E
Kanaze F
Georgarakis M
Physicochemical studies on solid dispersions of poorly water-soluble drugs: Evaluation of capabilities and limitations of thermal analysis techniques
Thermochimica Acta
vol.439 no.1-2 p.58-67
Bikiaris D. N
Vassiliou A
Pavlidou E
Karayannidis G. P
Compatibilisation effect of PP-g-MA copolymer on iPP/SiO2 nanocomposites prepared by melt mixing
European Polymer Journal
vol.41 no.9 p.1965-1978
Bouzakis K. D
Skordaris G
Mirisidis I
Michailidis N
Mesomeris G
Pavlidou E
Erkens G
Cutting performance improvement through micro-blasting on well-adherent PVD films on cemented carbide inserts
Surface and Coatings Technology
vol.200 no.5-6 p.1879-1884
Bouzakis K. D
Skordaris G
Mirisidis I
Mesomeris G
Michailidis N
Pavlidou E
Erkens G
Micro-blasting of PVD films, an effective way to increase the cutting performance of coated cemented carbide tools
CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology
vol.54 no.1 p.95-98
Bouzakis K. D
Asimakopoulos A
Michailidis N
Pavlidou E
Erkens G
The inclined impact test, an efficient method to characterize coatings cohesion and adhesion properties
Tribology in Industry
vol.27 no.1-2 p.3-11
Iacomi F
Vasile A
Pavlidou E
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Varoutzis N
Lioutas C
Polychroniadis E. K
Formation of MnS clusters into laumontite zeolite
Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials
vol.7 no.2 p.859-863
Kalogiannis C. G
Pavlidou E
Panayiotou C. G
Production of amoxicillin microparticles by supercritical antisolvent precipitation
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research
vol.44 no.24 p.9339-9346
Makridis S. S
Konstantakou M
Steriotis Th A
Efthymiadis Konstantinos
Pavlidou Eleni
Kikkinides Eustathios
Stubos A. K
Structural and magnetic properties of rare earth-transition metal compounds for hydrogen storage materials
Journal of Alloys and Compounds
vol.404-406 no.SPEC. ISS. p.216-219
Mitric A
Duffar Th
Amariei A
Chatzistavrou X
Pavlidou E
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Polychroniadis E. K
On the synthesis and characterization of polycrystalline GaSb suitable for thermophoto voltaic (TPV) applications
Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials
vol.7 no.2 p.659-664
Noli Foteini
Misaelides P
Pavlidou Eleni
Kokkoris M
Investigation of copper patinas using ion beam analysis and scanning electron microscopy
Surface and Interface Analysis
vol.37 no.3 p.288-293
Pavlidou E
Pistofidis N
Vourlias G
Stergioudis G
Modification of the growth-direction of the zinc coatings associated with element additions to the galvanizing bath
Materials Letters
vol.59 no.13 p.1619-1622
Pavlidou E
Bikiaris D
Vassiliou A
Chiotelli M
Karayannidis G
Mechanical properties and morphological examination of isotactic Polypropylene/SiO2 nanocomposites containing PP-g-MA as compatibilizer
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
vol.10 no.1 p.190-193
Vourlias G
Pistofidis N
Patsalas P
Pavlidou E
Stergioudis G
Polychroniadis E. K
Study of the phases formed during the growth of thick coatings with coarse grained tin
High Temperature Material Processes
vol.9 no.2 p.227-236
Without Type
Chatzistavrou X
Zormpa Triantafyllia
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Pavlidou Eleni
Kontonasaki Eleana
Koidis Petros
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Effect of alumina addition on bioactive glass thermal behaviour
MEDICTA 2005-7th Mediterranean Conference on Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis
MEDICTA 2005-7th Mediterranean Conference on Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis
Thessaloniki, Greece
Published Version
Kalogiannis C. G
Pavlidou E
Panayiotou C. G
Phase Separation and Micronisation Study of the Ternary System Poly(L-lactic acid) + Carbon Dioxide + Dichloromethane
7th Mediterranean Conference on Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis
Pavlidou E
Pistofidis N
Vourlias G
Stergioudis G
Inhibition layer breakdown by a fast diffusion procedure of zinc in galvanized coatings
1st International Meeting on Applied Physics
vol.480-481 p.585-588
Tsivintzelis Ioannis
Marras I. S
Zuburtikudis I
Pavlidou Eleni
Panagiotou Konstantinos
Morphology and Thermal Characteristics of Poly(L-Lactic Acid)/Layered Silicate Nanocomposite Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering
7th Medeterranean Conference on Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis
Τσιβιντζέλης Ιωάννης
Μαρράς Σ
Αγγελοπούλου Α. Γ
Παυλίδου Ελένη
Παναγιώτου Κωνσταντίνος
Παραγωγή νανοσύνθετων πορωδών υλικών με υπερκρίσιμο διοξείδιο του άνθρακα
5ο Πανελλήνιο Επιστημονικό Συνέδριο Χημικής Μηχανικής
Without Type
Bouzakis K. D
Hadjiyiannis S
Skordaris G
Mirisidis I
Michailidis N
Efstathiou K
Pavlidou E
Erkens G
Cremer R
Rambadt S
Wirth I
The effect of coating thickness, mechanical strength and hardness properties on the milling performance of PVD coated cemented carbides inserts
Surface and Coatings Technology
vol.177-178 p.657-664
Bouzakis K. D
Asimakopoulos A
Michailidis N
Kompogiannis S
Maliaris G
Giannopoulos G
Pavlidou E
Erkens G
The inclined impact test, an efficient method to characterize coatings' cohesion and adhesion properties
Thin Solid Films
vol.469-470 no.SPEC. ISS. p.254-262
Crisan O
Angelakeris Mavroeidis
Vouroutzis Nikolaos
Crisan A. D
Pavlidou Eleni
Kostic I
Sobal N
Giersig M
Flevaris Nikolaos
Magnetic nanostructures obtained by colloidal crystallization onto patterned substrates
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
vol.272-276 suppl.1 p.e1285-e1287
Ganitis V
Pavlidou E
Zorba F
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Bikiaris D
A post-Byzantine icon of St Nicholas painted on a leather support. Microanalysis and characterisation of technique
Journal of Cultural Heritage
vol.5 no.4 p.349-360
Hadjiapostolidou D
Gjoka M
Sarafidis Charalampos
Pavlidou Eleni
Bakas T
Kalogirou Orestis
Structural and magnetic properties of rare earth - Iron-cobalt-vanadium intermetallic compounds (R: Tb, Dy)
Journal of Alloys and Compounds
vol.367 no.1-2 p.255-261
Litsardakis G
Makridis S. S
Daniil M
Efthimiadis K. G
Pavlidou E
Tsiaoussis I
Frangis N
Stergiou A. C
Structure and magnetic properties of Sm9(Co1-xZr x)4 alloys
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
vol.272-276 suppl.1 p.e377-e379
Perentzis G
Horopanitis E. E
Pavlidou E
Papadimitriou L
Thermally activated ionic conduction in LiNbO3 electrolyte thin films
Materials Science and Engineering B: Solid-State Materials for Advanced Technology
vol.108 no.1-2 p.174-178
Vourlias G
Pistofidis N
Stergioudis G
Pavlidou E
Tsipas D
Influence of alloying elements on the structure and corrosion resistance of galvanized coatings
Physica Status Solidi (A) Applied Research
vol.201 no.7 p.1518-1527
Without Type
Androulakis J
Katsarakis N
Giapintzakis J
Vouroutzis Nikolaos
Pavlidou Eleni
Chrysafis Konstantinos
Polychroniadis Efstathios
Perdikatsis V
LaSrMnCoO6: a new cubic double perovskite oxide
Journal of Solid State Chemistry
Published Version
vol.173 no.2 p.350-354
Angelakeris Mavroeidis
Crisan O
Papaioannou E
Vouroutzis N
Tsiaoussis I
Pavlidou Eleni
Crisan A. D
Kostic I
Sobal N
Giersig M
Flevaris N. K
Fabrication of novel magnetic nanostructures by colloidal bimetallic nanocrystals and multilayers
Materials Science and Engineering C
vol.23 no.6-8 p.873-878
Bouzakis K. D
Michailidis N
Skordaris G
Kombogiannis S
Hadjiyiannis S
Efstathiou K
Pavlidou E
Erkens G
Rambadt S
Wirth I
Optimisatioin of the cutting edge roundness and its manufacturing procedures of cemented carbide inserts, to improve their milling performance after a PVD caoting deposition
Surface and Coatings Technology
vol.163-164 p.625-630
Horopanitis E. E
Perentzis G
Pavlidou E
Papadimitriou L
Electrical properties of lithiated boron oxide fast-ion conducting glasses
vol.9 no.1-2 p.88-94
Kavouras P
Kaimakamis Georgios
Ioannidis Th.A
Kechagias Thomas
Komninou Filomila
Kokkou Sokratis
Pavlidou Eleni
Antonopoulos Ioannis
Sofoniou Michail
Zoumpoylis Anastasios
Chatziantoniou-Marouli Konstantina
, et al
Vitrification of lead-rich solid ashes from incineration of hazardous industrial wastes
Waste Management
Published Version
vol.23 no.4 p.361-371
Kontonasaki Eleana
Papadopoulou L
Zormpa Triantafyllia
Pavlidou Eleni
Paraskevopoulos Konstantinos
Koidis Petros
Apatite formation on dental ceramics modified by a bioactive glass
Journal of Oral Rehabilitation
Published Version
vol.30 no.9 p.893–902
Makridis S. S
Litsardakis G
Efthimiadis K. G
Pavlidou E
Panagiotopoulos I
Hadjipanayis G. C
Niarchos D
Structural and Magnetic Properties of Rhombohedral Sm 2(Co,Fe,Cr)17Bx and Sm 2(Co,Fe,Mn)17Bx Compounds
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics
vol.39 no.5 II p.2872-2874
Noli Foteini
Misaelides P
Chatzidimitriou Antonios
Pavlidou Eleni
Kokkoris M
Investigation of artificially produced and natural copper patina layers
Journal of Materials Chemistry
vol.13 no.1 p.114-120
Papadopoulou L
Kontonasaki E
Zorba T
Chatzistavrou X
Pavlidou E
Paraskevopoulos K
Sklavounos S
Koidis P
Dental ceramics coated with bioactive glass: Surface changes after exposure in a simulated body fluid under static and dynamic conditions
Physica Status Solidi (Α) Applied Research
vol.198 no.1 p.65-75
Without Type
Kontonasaki E
Zorba T
Papadopoulou L
Pavlidou E
Chatzistavrou X
Paraskevopoulos K
Koidis P
Hydroxy carbonate apatite formation on particulate bioglass in vitro as a function of time
Crystal Research and Technology
vol.37 no.11 p.1165-1171
Koutsoupakis C
Gialou I
Pavlidou E
Kapetanaki S
Varotsis C
Antimalarial endoperoxides: Synthesis and implications of the mode of action
vol.2002 no.13 p.62-69
Maragoudakis N. E
Stergioudis G
Omar H
Pavlidou E
Tsipas D. N
Boro-nitriding of steel US 37-1
Materials Letters
vol.57 no.4 p.949-952
Matzinos P
Tserki V
Gianikouris C
Pavlidou E
Panayiotou C
Processing and characterization of LDPE/starch/PCL blends
European Polymer Journal
vol.38 no.9 p.1713-1720
Without Type
Zorba T
Paraskevopoulos K. M
Siapkas D. I
Pavlidou E
Angelova S
Kushev D. B
The Xth cent. church in Drustar: Study of wall paintings by spectroscopic methods
vol.712 p.175-182
Without Type
Bouzakis K. D
Michailidis N
Hadjiyiannis S
Pavlidou E
Erkens G
An effective way to improve the cutting performance of coated tools through annealing
Surface and Coatings Technology
vol.146-147 p.436-442
Bouzakis K. D
Michailidis N
Hadjiyiannis S
Efstathiou K
Pavlidou E
Erkens G
Rambadt S
Wirth I
Improvement of PVD coated inserts cutting performance, through appropriate mechanical treatments of substrate and coating surface
Surface and Coatings Technology
vol.146-147 p.443-450
Noli Foteini
Misaelides P
Pavlidou Eleni
Theodossiu W
Riviere J. P
Influence of implantation dose on the high-temperature oxidation of Al-implanted AISI-321 steel
Oxidation of Metals
vol.56 no.5-6 p.571-582
Without Type
Bikiaris D
Daniilia S
Sotiropoulou S
Katsimbiri O
Pavlidou E
Moutsatsou A. P
Chryssoulakis Y
Ochre-differentiation through micro-Raman and micro-FTIR spectroscopies: Application on wall paintings at Meteora and Mount Athos, Greece
Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy
vol.56 no.1 p.3-18
Noli Foteini
Misailidis Panagiotis
Giorginis G
Baumann H
Pavlidou Eleni
Effect of Al implantation on the thermal oxidation of stainless steel in aggressive environments
Oxidation of Metals
vol.53 no.3 p.303-322
Without Type
Godelitsas Athanasios
Μισαηλίδης Παναγιώτης
Φιλιππίδης Ανέστης
Παυλίδου Ελένη
Καντηράνης Νικόλαος
Interaction of the marly limestone from Lignite Center of Ptolemais-Amynteon with solutions containing toxic concentrations of heavy metals
Proceedings of 1st Conference of Economic Geology, Mineralogy & Geochemistry Committee of the Geological Society of Greece
1st Conference of Economic Geology, Mineralogy & Geochemistry Committee of the Geological Society of Greece
Kozani, Greece
Without Type
Orechovska J
Misaelides P
Godelitsas A
Rajec P
Klewe-Nebenius H
Noli Foteini
Pavlidou Eleni
Investigation of HEU-type zeolite crystals after interaction with Sr2+ cations in aqueous solution using nuclear and surface analytical techniques
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry
vol.241 no.3 p.519-527
Without Type
Bikiaris D
Prinos J
Koutsopoulos K
Vouroutzis N
Pavlidou E
Frangis N
Panayiotou C
LDPE/plasticized starch blends containing PE-g-MA copolymer as compatibilizer
Polymer Degradation and Stability
vol.59 no.1-3 p.287-291
Bikiaris D
Pavlidou E
Prinos J
Aburto J
Alric I
Borredon E
Panayiotou C
Biodegradation of octanoated starch and its blends with LDPE
Polymer Degradation and Stability
vol.60 no.2-3 p.437-447
Papaioannou V
Pavlidou E
Stoemenos J
Reichert W
Obermeier E
Structural characterization of 3C-SiC epitaxially grown on Si-On-insulator
Materials Science Forum
vol.264-268 p.445-448
Without Type
Sarafianos N
Kyriakopoulos B
Pavlidou E
Planar interface growth in SMA welding of Ti-stabilized austenitic stainless steel and carbon steel
Journal of Materials Science Letters
vol.15 no.7 p.582-585
Without Type
Angelidis T. N
Papadakis V. G
Pavlidou E
Causes of deactivation and regeneration of an industrial Pt-NiO/Al 2O 3 nitrogen oxides reduction catalyst
Applied Catalysis B, Environmental
vol.4 no.4 p.301-313
Without Type
Kotali A
Glaveri U
Pavlidou E
Tsoungas P. G
A novel and facile synthesis of 1,2,3-triacylbenzenes
no.12 p.1172-1173
Without Type
Valassiades O
Pavlidou E
Economou N. A
Non-linear transport properties of the PbTeGeTe system
Solid State Communications
vol.62 no.7 p.503-507
Without Type
Kamou A
Simeonidis K
Karfaridis D
Polychroniadis Efstathios
Pavlidou Eleni
Mitrakas Manassis
Vourlias Georgios
Development of layered double hydroxides for heavy metal removal
E-MRS 2017 Spring Meeting
Strasbourg - France
Aggiornato: 2018-06-26