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Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης
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e-Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae
Georgios Mallinis
Temporary Teaching Staff, School of Rural and Surveying Engineering
Personal Information
Course Work
Courses of Spring semester of 2018–19 academic year
Theses Supervised
Student Theses within AUTh
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Without Type
Mallinis Georgios
Mitsopoulos Ιoannis
Stournara Panagiota
Patias Petros
Dimitrakopoulos Alexandros
Canopy Fuel Load Mapping of Mediterranean Pine Sites Based on Individual Tree-Crown Delineation
Remote Sensing
vol.5 no.12 p.6461-6480
Without Type
Mallinis G
Gitas I
Giannakopoulos V
Maris F
Tsakiri-Strati M
An object-based approach for flood area delineation in a transboundary area using ENVISAT ASAR and LANDSAT TM data
International Journal of Digital Earth
Theodorisou Ifigeneia
Karteris Marinos
Mallinis Georgios
Papadopoulos Agis
Hegger Manfred
Assessment of retrofitting measures and solar systems' potential in urban areas using Geographical Information Systems: application to a Mediterranean city
Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews
vol. 8 no.16 p.6239-6261
Without Type
Toukiloglou P
Gitas I
Mallinis G
Katagis T
Burned Area Mapping in a Meditteranean Environment Using Time-Series VEGETATION and Simulated PROBA-V Imagery by Employing an Object-Based Change Detection Approach
32nd EARSeL Symposium and 36th General Assembly
Without Type
Mitsopoulos I. D
Mallinis Georgios
Stournara P
Dimitrakopoulos Alexandros
Gitas Ioannis
Patias Petros
Mapping canopy fuel load in Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis mill.) forests in Greece using high spatial resolution satellite imagery
Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop of the EARSeL Special Interest Group on Forest Fire. Advances in Remote Sensing and GIS applications in Forest Fire Management: from local to global assessments
8th International Workshop of the EARSeL Special Interest Group on Forest Fire
(ed) San-Miguel-Ayanz, J
Stresa (Italy)
JRC Scientific and Technical Report
Without Type
Mallinis Georgios
Koutsias Nikos
Doxani G
Tsakiri-Strati Maria
Object-based change detection of tree line and tree cover in four mountain peaks in south Europe using historical panchromatic air-photos
Ghent, Belgium
Without Type
Mallinis G
Gitas I
Strati-Tsakiri M
Apostolakakis I
Semi-automated analysis of time series satellite imagery to assess changes in water storage capacity in a lake in Northern Greece
Maktav D
Proceedings 28th Annual EARSeL Symposium – Remote Sensing for a changing Europe
IOS Press
Stergiopoulos I
Polychronaki A
Gitas I
Galidaki G
Dimitrakopoulos K
Mallinis G
Fuel type mapping using SPOT-5 imagery and object based image analysis
Chuvieco E
Proceedings of the VII International EARSeL Workshop E. Advances on Remote Sensing and GIS applications in Forest Fire Management Towards an operational use of Remote Sensing in Forest Fire Management
Matera, Italy
Without Type
Gitas I
Polychronaki A
Katagis T
Mallinis G
Contribution of remote sensing to disaster management activities: A case study of the large fires in the Peloponnese Greece
International Journal of Remote Sensing
vol.29 no.6 p.1847-1853
Koutsias N
Mallinis G
Karteris M
A forward/backward principal component analysis of Landsat-7 ETM+ data to enhance the spectral signal of burned surfaces
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
vol.64 no.1 p.37-46
Mallinis G
Mitsopoulos I. D
Dimitrakopoulos A. P
Gitas I
Karteris M
Local-Scale Fuel-Type Mapping and Fire Behavior Prediction by Employing High-Resolution Satellite Imagery
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing
vol.1 no.4 p.230-239
Mallinis G
Mitsopoulos I. D
Dimitrakopoulos A. P
Gitas I
Karteris M
Local – scale fuel – type mapping and fire behavior prediction by employing high – resolution satellite imagery
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing
vol.1 no.4 p.230-239
Mallinis G
Koutsias N
Tsakiri-Strati M
Karteris M
Object-based classification using Quickbird imagery for delineating forest vegetation polygons in a Mediterranean
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
vol.63 no.2 p.237-250
Mallinis Georgios
Koutsias N
Tsakiri-Strati Maria
Karteris Michail
Object-based classification of a Quickbird high spatial resolution imagery for delineating forest vegetation polygons in a Mediterranean test site
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
vol.63 no.2 p.237-250
Βάκκας Μ
Μαλλίνης Γ
Γιαννακόπουλος Β
Καρτέρης Μ
Εντοπισμός και χαρτογράφηση εποχιακών αλλαγών στον υγρότοπο του δέλτα του Αξιού με τη χρήση πολυφασματικών δεδομένων του δορυφόρου Landsat-5 TM και Γεωγραφικών Συστημάτων Πληροφοριών
Επιστημονική Επετηρίδα του Τμήματος Δασολογίας και Φυσικού Περιβάλλοντος
vol.2 p.883-898
Μαλλίνης Γεώργιος
Τσακίρη-Στρατή Μαρία
Αξιολόγηση μεθόδων συγχώνευσης δορυφορικών εικόνων πολύ υψηλής χωρικής ευκρίνειας σε δασικές περιοχές
Γεωτεχνικά Επιστημονικά Θέματα, Σειρά ΙΙ
vol.19 no.2/2008 p.14-23
Without Type
Mallinis G
Karamanolis D
Karteris M
Gitas I
An object based approach for the implementation of forest legislation in Greece using very high resolution satellite data
Blaschke T
Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography. Object-Based Image Analysis Spatial concepts for knowledge-driven remote sensing applications
Without Type
Andreopoulou Z
Kokkinakis A. K
Mallinis G
Environmental and fishery management of trans-boundary Prespa lakes (Micro and Macro) and their invading torrents with spatial data organization
Proceedings of the3d Conference of Balkan Water Observation and Information System- BALWOIS
Ohrid, FYROM
Kalogeropoulos C
Gitas I
Mallinis G
Rodrigues M. J
Kotroni V
Assessing forest fire occurrence potential in Greece using meteorological data and satellite imagery
Proceedings 1st EARSeL Conference on Disaster Management and Emergency Response in the Mediterranean Region
Zadar, Croatia
Without Type
Koutsias N
Mallinis Georgios
Tsakiri-Strati Maria
Assessing the information content of Landsat-5 Thematic Mapper data for mapping and characterizing fire scars
Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop of the EARSeL, Special Interest Group on Forest Fires “Advances in Remote Sensing and GIS Applications in Forest Fire Management Towards an Operational Use of Remote Sensing in Forest Fire Management”
6th International Workshop of the EARSeL
Thessaloniki, Greece
Mallinis G
Mitsopoulos I. D
Dimitrakopoulos A. P
Gitas I
Karteris M
Integration of local scale fuel type mapping and fire behavior prediction using high spatial resolution imagery
Gitas I
Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop of the EARSeL Special Interest Group on Forest Fires: Towards an Operational Use of Remote Sensing in Forest Fire Management
Thessaloniki, Greece
Office for Official Publications of the European Communities
Stergiopoulos I
Mallinis G
Gitas I
Fuel type mapping using medium resolution imagery and GIS considering radiometric, spatial and spectral enhancements of the original dataset
Gitas I
Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop of the EARSeL Special Interest Group on Forest Fires: Towards an Operational Use of Remote Sensing in Forest Fire Management
Thessaloniki, Greece
Office for Official Publications of the European Communities
Without Type
Mallinis G
Karamanolis D
Karteris M. A
Gitas I
An object oriented approach for the discrimination of forest areas under the criteria of forest legislation in Greece using very high resolution data
Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Object-based Image Analysis
Salzburg, Austria
vol.XXXVI- 4/C42
Καρτέρης Μ
Μαλλίνης Γ
Αειφορική Διαχείριση Δασικών Οικοσυστημάτων
Ημερίδα Γεωγραφικά και Δορυφορικά Συστήματα Πληροφοριών, Νομαρχιακή Αυτοδιοίκηση Γρεβενών
Without Type
Mallinis G
Karamanolis D
Karteris M
Gitas I
An object oriented approach for the discrimination of forest areas under the criteria of forest legislation in Greece using very high resolution data
International Conference on Object-based Image Analysis (OBIA 2006)
Without Type
Γιαννακόπουλος Β
Μαλλίνης Γ
Καρτέρης Μ
Εκτίμηση του κατακερματισμού των δασικών οικοσυστημάτων στη Χερσόνησο της Κασσάνδρας με τη χρήση διαχρονικών δορυφορικών εικόνων και δεικτών τοπίου
12ο Δασολογικό Συνέδριο
Without Type
Mallinis G
Koutsias N
Makras A
Karteris M
Forest parameters estimation in a European Mediterranean landscape using remotely sensed data
Forest Science
vol.50 no.4 p.450-460
Without Type
Γιαννακόπουλος Β
Μαλλίνης Γ
Καρτέρης Μ
Χωρική περιγραφική στατιστική ανάλυση ιστορικών δεδομένων δασικών πυρκαγιών
Πρακτικά 6ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο Περιβάλλοντος « Ολοκληρωμένη Ανάπτυξη και Περιβάλλον», Ένωση Ελλήνων Φυσικών
Μαλλίνης Γ
Κούτσιας Ν
Μάκρας Α
Καρτέρης Μ
Αξιολόγηση της θεματικής πληροφορίας των διαύλων του LANDSAT 5 TM για την εκτίμηση παραμέτρων των δασικών συστάδων στη Χερσόνησο της Κασσάνδρας
Πρακτικά 7ο Πανελλήνιο Συνέδριο, Ελληνική Γεωγραφική Εταιρεία
Aggiornato: 2018-09-24