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Study Guide

Qualification AwardedPtychion Iatrikes (Hellas)
Programma di StudioPPS Tmīmatos Iatrikīs (2019-sīmera)
Ciclo / Livello di Studi1. Corso di Laurea
Anno Accademico2023 - 2024
Contact emailinfo@med.auth.gr
ECTS / WorkloadOne ECTS unit corresponds to 28 hours of workload.

Courses of the 1st semester

1st semester
11 classes
ΙΑ1001Medical Biology7O
ΙΑ1002Medical Physics5O
ΙΑ1003General Anatomy4O
ΙΑ1004General Biochemistry7O
ΙΑ1005Introduction to Clinical Skills and Practice3O
ΙΑ1006History of Medicine2O
ΙΑ1007αEnglish Medical Terminology I2XG
ΙΑ1007βFrench Medical Terminology I2XG
ΙΑ1007γGerman Medical Terminology I2XG
ΙΑ1007δGreek Medical Terminology I2XG
ΙΑ2001Introduction to Biomedical Technology2EA

Courses of the 2nd semester

2nd semester
20 classes
ΙΑ1008Medical Informatics2O
ΙΑ1009Anatomy I7O
ΙΑ1010General Histology5O
ΙΑ1011Biochemistry I7O
ΙΑ1012General Physiology5O
ΙΑ1013αEnglish Medical Terminology II2XG
ΙΑ1013βFrench Medical Terminology II2XG
ΙΑ1013γGerman Medical Terminology II2XG
ΙΑ1013δGreek Medical Terminology II2XG
ΙΑ2003Medical Education2EA
ΙΑ2004Medical Psychology2EA
ΙΑ2005Environment and Health2EA
ΙΑ2006Medicine History Subjects2EA
ΙΑ2014αEnglish Medical Terminology IV2EA
ΙΑ2014βFrench Language IV2EA
ΙΑ2014γGerman Language IV2EA
ΙΑ2014δGreek Language IV2EA
ΙΑ2015Regional and Functional Anatomy2EA
ΙΑ2017Bioinformatics with Applications in Medicine2EA
ΙΑ2054Gender and Health2EA

Courses of the 3rd semester

3rd semester
13 classes
ΙΑ1014Medical Statistics2O
ΙΑ1015Communication with Patient3O
ΙΑ1016Anatomy II8O
ΙΑ1017Systemic Histology4O
ΙΑ1018Biochemistry II5O
ΙΑ1019Physiology I6O
ΙΑ2008αEnglish Medical Terminology III2EA
ΙΑ2008β French Medical Terminology III2EA
ΙΑ2008γGerman Medical Terminology III2EA
ΙΑ2008δGreek Medical Terminology III2EA
ΙΑ2009Psychobiology of Behaviour2EA
ΙΑ2011Entrepreneurship and Digital Innovation2EA
ΙΑ2013Specific Learning Difficulties: Clinical Practices of Assessment and Intervention2EA

Courses of the 4th semester

4th semester
7 classes
ΙΑ1020Medical Genetics3O
ΙΑ1021Basic Clinical Skills2O
ΙΑ1022Anatomy III8O
ΙΑ1024Clinical Biochemistry4O
ΙΑ1025Physiology II6O
ΙΑ2002Human Considerations and Soft Skills in Clinical Practice2EA

Courses of the 5th semester

5th semester
16 classes
ΙΑ1026General Pathology 7O
ΙΑ1028Introduction to Pharmacology4O
ΙΑ1029Microbiology I4O
ΙΑ1030Mental Health2O
ΙΑ1031Introduction to Clinical Typology (Internal Medicine, Surgery and Pediatrics)8O
ΙΑ2012Biochemistry and Physiology of Physical Exercise2EB
ΙΑ2018Applied Physiology2EB
ΙΑ2020Principles of Clinical Nutrition2EB
ΙΑ2021Introduction to Neurosciences2EB
ΙΑ2023Practice in Applying New Technologies to Health Services2EB
ΙΑ2024Communication Disorders2EB
ΙΑ2060Thromboembolic Disorders2EB
ΙΑ2061Clinical Genetics2EB
ΙΑ2070Biomedical Data and Artificial Intelligence in Health Sciences2EB

Courses of the 6th semester

6th semester
39 classes
ΙΑ1035Hygiene - Epidemiology3O
ΙΑ1036Social Medicine - Public Health3O
ΙΑ1037Pathological Physiology5O
ΙΑ1038Microbiology II4O
ΙΑ1068Systemic Pathology8O
ΙΑ1069Radiology - Nuclear Medicine5O
ΙΑ2016Clinical Embryology2EB
ΙΑ2022Introduction to Health Policy and Primary Health Care2EB
ΙΑ2025Rehabilitation Medicine2EB
ΙΑ2026Sports Medicine2EB
ΙΑ2027Molecular Pharmacology2EB
ΙΑ2028Introduction to Auditory Neuroscience2EB
ΙΑ2034Connection of Neurosurgery with other Specialities2EB
ΙΑ2036Transplant Surgery2EB
ΙΑ2037Psychogeriatric Medicine2EB
ΙΑ2038Bone and Joint Infections2EB
ΙΑ2039Tropical Diseases - Hospital Infections2EB
ΙΑ2046Paediatric Cardiology2EB
ΙΑ2047Paediatric Neurology2EB
ΙΑ2048Paediatric Development and Social Paediatrics2EB
ΙΑ2049Genetic Councelling2EB
ΙΑ2050Gynaecology Oncology2EB
ΙΑ2052Invasive Radiology2EB
ΙΑ2053Endocrinology - Diabetes - Metabolism2EB
ΙΑ2056Free Radicals and Oxidative Stress in the Pathophysiology of Systemic Diseases2EB
ΙΑ2057Special Topics in Clinical Bioethics2EB
ΙΑ2058Surgical Oncology of the Chest2EB
ΙΑ2059Sleep medicine2EB
ΙΑ2067Pain Management2EB
ΙΑ2069Haemodynamic Pathophysiology of Vascular Diseases2EB
ΙΑ2072Advanced Clinical Skills2EB
ΙΑ2073Human Reproduction2EB
ΙΑ2075Vasikés Archés tīs Peiramatikīs Iatrikīs2EB

Courses of the 7th semester

7th semester
23 classes
ΙΑ1040Cardiothoracic Surgery3O
ΙΑ1041Pulmonary Medicine4O
ΙΑ1042Psychiatry I3O
ΙΑ1043Psychiatry of Child and Adolescent2O
ΙΑ1044Neurology I4O
ΙΑ1046Medical Law and Ethics2O
ΙΑ2029Clinical Microbiology2EB
ΙΑ2030Intercultural Psychiatry2EB
ΙΑ2031Neurophysiology of Sensory Organs2EB
ΙΑ2032Emergency Situations in Ophthalmology2EB
ΙΑ2033Drug Dependencies2EB
ΙΑ2040Radiotherapeutic Oncology2EB
ΙΑ2041Evidence Based Prescription - Therapeutics2EB
ΙΑ2042Regenerative Medicine2EB
ΙΑ2043Basic Principles of Surgical Oncology2EB
ΙΑ2044Diseases of the Orbit and the Surroundings2EB
ΙΑ2045Medical Oncology2EB
ΙΑ2055Hematologic Manifastations in Systematic Diseases2EB
ΙΑ2063Chronic Kidney Disease and Renal Transplantation2EB
ΙΑ2065Intensive Care2EB
ΙΑ2071Current Vascular Technology2EB

Courses of the 8th semester

8th semester
9 classes
ΙΑ1047Internal Medicine I9O
ΙΑ1048Surgery I9O
ΙΑ1049Vascular Surgery2O
ΙΑ1050Plastic Surgery2O
ΙΑ1051Evidence Based Medicine2O
ΙΑ2064Clinical Electrocardiogram2EB
ΙΑ2066Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics – Case Studies2EB
ΙΑ2068Psychiatry of Adolescent and Young Adult2EB
ΙΑ2074Clinical Diagnostic and Therapeutic Applications of Nuclear Medicine2EB

Courses of the 9th semester

9th semester
6 classes
ΙΑ1052Obstetrics - Gynaecology I8O
ΙΑ1056Emergency Medicine2O
ΙΑ1057Forensic Medicine and Toxicology3O

Courses of the 10th semester

10th semester
9 classes
ΙΑ1058Clinical Immunology3O
ΙΑ1060Clinical Pharmacology2O
ΙΑ1061Clinical Nutrition2O
ΙΑ1062Paediatrics I8O
ΙΑ1064Εφηβική Ιατρική2O
ΙΑ1065Paediatric Surgery3O
ΙΑ2035Metabolic Bone Diseases2EB

Courses of the 11th semester

11th semester
2 classes
ΙΑ1070Internal Medicine II18Y-KA
ΙΑ1071Surgery II (and Neurosurgery)18Y-KA

Courses of the 12th semester

12th semester
5 classes
ΙΑ1072Paediatrics II9Y-KA
ΙΑ1073Obstetrics - Gynaecology II4Y-KA
ΙΑ1074Neurology II3Y-KA
ΙΑ1075Psychiatry II3Y-KA
ΙΑ1076Primary Care Medicine & General Medicine5Y-KA