Facolta’ | |
Dipartimento | |
Qualification Awarded | |
Programma di Studio | PPS Tmīma Politikṓn Epistīmṓn 2023-sīmera |
Ciclo / Livello di Studi | 1. Corso di Laurea |
Anno Accademico | 2016 - 2017 |
Stato | Attivo |
Website | http://www.polsci.auth.gr |
Contact email | info@polsci.auth.gr |
ECTS / Workload | One ECTS unit corresponds to 27.5 hours of workload. |
Codice | Titolo | ECTS | Tipo |
ΚΥ0101 | Introduction to Political Science | 5 | O |
ΚΥ0102 | Political Philosophy in Ancient Greece | 5 | O |
ΚΥ0103 | Modern Greek Political History ( 1821 - 1909 ) | 5 | O |
ΚΥ0104 | Contemporary Political Philosophy | 5 | O |
ΚΥ0105 | International Relations | 5 | O |
ΚΥ0206 | Mathematics in Political Science: An Introduction | 5 | O |
Codice | Titolo | ECTS | Tipo |
ΚΥ0106 | Contemporary European History | 5 | O |
ΚΥ0203 | Contemporary Greek Political History ( 1910 - 1974 ) | 5 | O |
ΚΥ0401 | The Greek System of Governance | 5 | O |
Codice | Titolo | ECTS | Tipo |
ΚΥ0304 | Political System and Party Formations in Contemporary Greece ( 1946 - 1974 ) | 5 | O |
ΚΥ0305 | Social Statistics | 5 | O |
ΚΥ0402 | Classic Social Theory | 5 | O |
Codice | Titolo | ECTS | Tipo |
ΚΥ0303 | Enlightenment and Formation of Political Ideologies in Greece | 5 | O |
ΚΥ0502 | The State, Institutions and Public Policies | 5 | O |
ΚΥ0602 | Contemporary Political Theories | 5 | O |
ΚΥ0701 | Contemporary Social Theory | 5 | O |
Codice | Titolo | ECTS | Tipo |
ΚΥ0705 | International Political Economy and Development | 5 | EU |
Codice | Titolo | ECTS | Tipo |
ER000 | Greece Today | 4 | PAN |
ΕΕ1000 | ΠΑ202 Electoral Sociology | 4 | EE |
ΕΕ2000 | Free Election Course | 4 | EE |
ΚΕ0Χ03 | The Mass Media in Contemporary Greece | 4 | FsL |
ΚΕ0Χ11 | Issues of Applied Political Analysis | 5 | EU |
ΚΕ0Χ20 | The Political Economy of Postwar Greece | 4 | FsL |
ΚΕ0Χ32 | Antisemitism and the Holocaust in modern times | 5 | EU |
ΚΕΣ001 | Vocational Training | 4 | FsL |
ΚΥ0000 | Introduction to Academic Research in Political Sciences | 5 | O |
ΚΥ0501 | The Political System of the European Union | 5 | EU |
ΚΥ0503 | Greek Foreign Policy (after the Second World War) | 5 | EU |
ΚΥ0504 | Political Discourse Analysis | 5 | EU |
ΚΥ0604 | Anti-Parliamentarianism, Dictatorships and the Far Right | 5 | EU |
ΚΥ0606 | Theories of Social Contract | 5 | EU |
ΚΥ0702 | Social and Electoral Geography of Greece | 5 | EU |
ΚΥ0706 | War and Politics | 5 | EU |
Codice | Titolo | ECTS | Tipo |
ER000 | Greece Today | 4 | PAN |
ΕΕ1000 | ΠΑ202 Electoral Sociology | 4 | EE |
ΕΕ2000 | Free Election Course | 4 | EE |
ΚΕ0Ε01 | State and Society in Modern Greece | 5 | EU |
ΚΕ0Ε02 | The Cyprus Question | 4 | FsL |
ΚΕ0Ε03 | Introduction to Public Finance | 4 | FsL |
ΚΕ0Ε04 | Political Systems in the Balkans | 4 | FsL |
ΚΕ0Ε25 | Introduction to Political Communication | 4 | FsL |
ΚΕ0Ε30 | Spatial Analysis of Elections | 4 | FsL |
ΚΕ0Ε31 | Policies of the European Union | 5 | EU |
ΚΕ0Ε40 | Game Theory and Strategy Formation | 4 | FsL |
ΚΕ0Ε42 | Contemporary Democracy Issues | 4 | FsL |
ΚΕ0Ε43 | Voting Advice Applications | 4 | FsL |
ΚΕΣ001 | Vocational Training | 4 | FsL |
ΚΥ0000 | Introduction to Academic Research in Political Sciences | 5 | O |
ΚΥ0607 | Politics and Minorities in the Balkans | 5 | EU |
ΚΥ0802 | Ethics and Politics | 5 | EU |
ΚΥ0804 | Civil Wars in the Modern World | 5 | EU |
ΚΥ0805 | Greek Political Parties since 1974 | 5 | EU |
ΚΥ0806 | Collective action and social movements | 5 | EU |