Informationen zur Lehrveranstaltung
Cycle / Level1. Grund- und Hauptstudiengang, 2. Magisterstudiengang
Course ID600007257

Studienplan: 2024-2025

Registered students: 0
FachrichtungForm des KursbesuchsSemesterJahrECTS

Informationen zur Veranstaltung
Akademisches Jahr2017 – 2018
Faculty Instructors
Total Hours52
Class ID
Course Type 2016-2020
  • Wissenschaftlicher Fachbereich
  • Persönliche Anwesenheit
Elektronischer Zugang zu Unterrichtsmaterialien
The course is also offered to exchange programme students.
  • Englisch (Lehre, Prüfung)
Allgemeine Kompetenzen
  • Anwendung des Wissens in der Praxis
  • Recherche, Analyse und Verarbeitung von Daten und Informationen mittels der Verwendung technologischer Medien
  • Autonomes Arbeiten
  • Arbeit in einem multidisziplinären Umfeld
  • Respektieren von Vielfalt und Multikulturalität
  • Respekt gegenüber der Umwelt
  • Soziale, berufliche und ethische Verantwortung und Sensibilität gegenüber Geschlechterfragen
  • Förderung des freien, kreativen und induktiven Denkens
  • Buch
  • Audio
  • Interaktive Übungen
Einsatz von Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie
  • Einsatz von IKT in der Lehre
  • Einsatz von IKT in der Bewertung der Studierenden
Rezeption/ Analyse von Texten30
Sonstiges / Sonstige30
Bewertung der Studierenden
Beschreibung des Verfahrens
  • Schriftliche Prüf. mit ausführlichen Antworten auf Fragen (Entwicklung, Endnote)
  • Schriftliche Prüfung mit Problemlösung (Entwicklung, Endnote)
Empfohlene Bibliographie
zum Kurs (Eudoxos)
Ηollywood Genres by Thomas Schatz
Weitere Bibliographie
Altman, Rick. Film/Genre. BFI Publishing, 1999. 1-11, 13-29. Altman, Rick. The American Film Musical. London: BFI; Bloomington, Ind: Indiana UP, 1987. «"The American Film Musical as Dual-Focus Narrative». 16-27. «The Structure of the American Musical». 28-58. Browne, Nick. Refiguring American Film Genres. Berkeley: U of California P, 1998. Cook, Pam and Mieke Bernink, eds. The Cinema Book. 2nd Ed. BFI Publishing, 1999. "Part 5-Genre. History of Genre Criticism,”137-147; “Τhe Western,” 147-156; "Melodrama," 157-171; "The Musical," 209-217. Feuer, Jane. The Hollywood Musical. London: BFI/MacMillan, 1982. Grant, Barry Keith. Film Genre Reader II. 2nd ed. Austin, Texas: U of Texas P, 1995. Kaminski, Stuart M. American Film Genres. Chicago: Nelson-Hall, 1985. "Introduction," 1-20; Conclusion and Summary: The Importance of Film Genres," 225-231. Πατσαλίδης, Σάββας και Αναστασία Νικολοπούλου. Μελόδραμα: Ειδολογικοί και Ιδεολογικοί Μετασχηματισμοί. Θεσσαλονίκη: University Studio P, 2001. Patsalidis, Savas. Hellenism and the U.S.: Constructions and Deconstructions. Thessaloniki: Hellenic Association of American Studies, 1994. Solomon, Stalnley. Beyond Formula: American Film Genres. New York & London: Harcourt, Brace and Jovanovich, Publishers, 1976. "Introduction," 1-10; "The western," 12-58; "Singing and Dancing: The Sound of Metaphor," 60-110. Schatz, Thomas. Hollywood Genres: Formulas, Filmmaking and the Studio System. New York & London: McGraw-Hill, 1981. "The Genius of the System," 3-13; "Film Genres and the Genre Film," 14-43; "Epilogue: Hollywood Filmmaking and American Mythmaking," 261-268. In your corpus 1 Genre Theory 1.1 Cook, Pam and Mieke Bernink, eds. The Cinema Book. 2nd Ed. BFI Publishing, 1999. "Part 5-Genre. History of Genre Criticism,”137-147; 1.2 Neal, Steven. Genre. BFI, 1983. 1.3 Schatz, Thomas. Hollywood Genres: Formulas, Filmmaking and the Studio System. New York & London: McGraw-Hill, 1981. "The Genius of the System," 3-13; "Film Genres and the Genre Film," 14-43; 1.4 Cavell, Stanley. «Types; Cycles as genres». In Gerald Mast and Marshall Cohen, eds. Film Theory and Criticism. N.Y. and London: Oxford UP, 1974. 359-365. 2 On the western: 2.1 Cook, Pam and Mieke Bernink, eds. The Cinema Book. 2nd Ed. BFI Publishing, 1999. «The Western». 147-156 2.2 Schatz, Thomas. Hollywood Genres: Formulas, Filmmaking and the Studio System. New York & London: McGraw-Hill, 1981. "The Western," 45-80; 2.3 Warshow, Robert. The Immediate Experience. New York: Atheneum, 1971. «Movie Chronicle: The Westerner». 135-154. 2.4. Kokonis, Michalis. «Η κρυφή γοητεία της μυθοπλασίας:το παράδειγμα του γουέστερν». Στο Ιστορίες και (Μυθ)ιστορίες: Made in the U.S.A. Επιμ. Σάββας Πατσαλίδης και Γεωργία Θεοδοσιάδου, Θεσσαλονίκη: Ελληνική Εταιρία Αμερικανικών Σπουδών, 2000. 3 On the Musical 3.1 Cook, Pam and Mieke Bernink, eds. The Cinema Book. 2nd Ed. BFI Publishing, 1999. «The Musical». 209-217. 3.2 Schatz, Thomas. Hollywood Genres: Formulas, Filmmaking and the Studio System. New York & London: McGraw-Hill, 1981. «The Musical». 186-218 3.3 Feuer, Jane. «The Self-Reflexive Musical and the Myth of Entertainment». In Grant, Barry Keith, ed. Film Genre Reader II. Austin, Tx. U of Texas P. 1995: 441-455. 3.4 Kokonis, Michalis. «The Sea-Blue Beads (Οι Θαλασσιές οι χάντρες):The Greek Musical and Hollywood: Artistic and Cultural Influences» in Hellenism and the U.S.: Constructions and Deconstructions. Ed. Savas Patsalidis. Thessaloniki: Hellenic Society of American Studies, 1994: 67-76. 3.5. Κοκκώνης, Μιχάλης. «Το ελληνικό μιούζικαλ, το Χόλιγουντ...και «οι θαλασσιές οι χάντρες» Επίλογος ’95, Αθήνα: Γαλλαίος, 1995: 414-422. 4 On Melodrama 4.1 Cook, Pam and Mieke Bernink, eds. The Cinema Book. 2nd Ed. BFI Publishing, 1999. «Melodrama». 157-171. 4.2 Gerould, Daniel. «Russian Formalist Theories of Melodrama». In Imitations of Life, ed. Marcia Landy, Detroit: Wayne State UP, 1991: 118-134. 4.3 Durgnat, Raymond. «Ways of Melodrama». ». In Imitations of Life, ed. Marcia Landy, Detroit: Wayne State UP, 1991: 135-147. 4.5 Schatz, Thomas. Hollywood Genres: Formulas, Filmmaking and the Studio System. New York & London: McGraw-Hill, 1981. "The Family Melodrama," 221-256; 4.6 Wiiliams, Linda. «Melodrama Revisited». In Nick Browne, ed. Refiguring American Film Genres. Berkeley: U of California P, 1998: 42-88.
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