Weitere Bibliographie
1.Limits to medicine: medical nemesis: the expropriation of health. Illich, I.
2.Κοινωνιολογία της ψυχικής υγείας και ασθένειας. Pilgrim, D. & Rogers, A.
3.Mental health and inequality. Rogers, A. & Pilgrim, D.
4.Medical power and social knowledge. Turner, B. S.
5.Κοινωνικός Σχεδιασμός και Αξιολόγηση. Κασσιμάτη, Κ.
6.Social movements in health, Brown
7.Social epidemiology: strategies for public health activism. Cwikel, J.
8.Community organizing and community building for health. Minkler, M. 9.Neoliberalism, globalization, and inequalities: consequences for health and quality of life. Navarro, V.