Additional bibliography for study
G. Μisch, A History of Autobiography in Antiquity, τ. 1,2, Λονδίνο 1973
D. Nock (λήμμα “Bekehrung”), RLAC, II, A. 105-118
H. Leclercq (λήμμα “Conversion”) DACL 3,2, 2797/2800.
E. S. Jones, Conversion, New York 1959.
Young Woon Lee, “Toward a better understanding of Educational Conversation”, Torch Trinity Journal 1 (1998) 148-169
L. Salzman, «Types of religious conversion», Pastoral Psychology 17(166) (1966) 8-20
B.Kilbourne και J. Richardson, «Paradigm conflict, types of conversion, and conversion theories», Sociological Analysis 50 (1989) 1-21
J. Lofland και N. Skonovd, «Conversion motifs» Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 20 (1981) 373-85
L. R. Rambo, «Conversion: Toward a holistic model of religious change», Pastoral Psychology 38 (1993) 47-63
P. E. Morentz, «Conversion: A way of resolving conflict», Pastoral Psychology 35(4) (1987) 254-62
D. K. O'Rourke, A Process Called Conversion, Garden City, New York 1987
J. E. Loder, The Transforming Moments: Understanding Convictional Experienc, San Francisco 1981.