Additional bibliography for study
-Buhalis, D. (Eds.). (2022). Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing. Cheltenham, UK:
Edward Elgar Publishing
-Fürsich, E. (2002). How can global journalists represent the ‘other’? A critical assessment of the cultural studies concept for media practice’ Journalism, 3(1), 57–84.
-Fürsich, E., & Kavoori, A. P. (2001). Mapping a critical framework for the study of travel journalism. International Journal of Cultural Studies, 4(2), 149–171.
-Hay, N. A., Chien, P. M., & Ruhanen, L. (2022). Tell me your story: Branding destinations through residents’ (place) stories. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 28(3), 319–334
-Hanusch, F., Fürsich, E. (2014) Travel Journalism. Palgrave Macmillan.
-Hartman, S., Parra, C. Roo, G. (2019) Framing strategic storytelling in the context of transition management to stimulate tourism destination development, Tourism Management, 75 (1), 90-98.
-Youssef,K.B., Leicht, T., Marongiu, L. (2019) Storytelling in the context of destination marketing: an analysis of conceptualisations and impact measurement, Journal of Strategic Marketing, 27:8, 696-7
-Mansfield, C. (2017). ‘Travel writing in place branding–a case study on Nantes’, Journal of Tourism.Heritage & Services Marketing, 3(2), 1–7.
-McGaurr, L. (2015). Environmental Communication and Travel Journalism. NY: Routledge.
-Pan, B., MacLaurin, T., & Crotts, J. C. (2007). Travel blogs and the implications for destination marketing. Journal of Travel Research, 46(1), 35–45.
-Pera, R. (2017) Empowering the new traveller: storytelling as a co-creative behaviour in tourism, Current Issues in Tourism, 20:4, 331-338
-Tran, N. L., & Rudolf, W. (2022). Social Media and Destination Branding in Tourism: A Systematic Review of the Literature. Sustainability, 14(20