Additional bibliography for study
1. Deligiannis A., Anastasakis A., Antoniades L., Bobotis G., Geleris P., Goudevenos J., Hahalis G., Kouidi E., Kranidis A., Kremastinos D., Lekakis J., Parcharidis G., Pyrgakis V., Rontogiannis G., Stefanadis C., Styliadis I., Vardas P. Recommendations for the cardiovascular screening of athletes. Hellenic J Cardiol 2010; 51(6):530-7.
2. Vanhees L, Geladas N, Hansen D, Kouidi E, Niebauer J, Reiner Z, Cornelissen V, Adamopoulos S, Prescott E, Börjesson M; on behalf of the writing group. Importance of characteristics and modalities of physical activity and exercise in the management of cardiovascular health in individuals with cardiovascular risk factors: recommendations from the EACPR (Part II). Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2012; 19(5):1005-33
3. Corrado D, Pelliccia A, Heidbuchel H, Sharma S, Link M, Basso C, Biffi A, Buja G, Delise P, Gussac I, Anastasakis A, Borjesson M, Bjørnstad HH, Carrè F, Deligiannis A, Dugmore D, Fagard R, Hoogsteen J, Mellwig KP, Panhuyzen-Goedkoop N, Solberg E, Vanhees L, Drezner J, Estes NA 3rd, Iliceto S, Maron BJ, Peidro R, Schwartz PJ, Stein R, Thiene G, Zeppilli P, McKenna WJ; Section of Sports Cardiology, European Association of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation. Recommendations for interpretation of 12-lead electrocardiogram in the athlete. Eur Heart J. 2010; 31(2):243-59.
4. Garber CE, Blissmer B, Deschenes MR, Franklin BA, Lamonte MJ, Lee IM, Nieman DC, Swain DP. American College of Sports Medicine position stand. Quantity and quality of exercise for developing and maintaining cardiorespiratory, musculoskeletal, and neuromotor fitness in apparently healthy adults: guidance for prescribing exercise Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2011; 43(7):1334-59.
5. American College of Sports Medicine. American College of Sports Medicine position stand. Progression models in resistance training for healthy adults. Med Sci Sports Exerc 2009; 41(3):687-708.
6. Vanhees L, De Sutter J, GeladaS N, Doyle F, Prescott E, Cornelissen V, Kouidi E, Dugmore D, Vanuzzo D, Börjesson M, Doherty P; EACPR. Importance of characteristics and modalities of physical activity and exercise in defining the benefits to cardiovascular health within the general population: recommendations from the EACPR (Part I). Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2012; 19(4): 670-86.
7. Churilla JR, Johnson TM, Magyari PM, Crouter SE Descriptive analysis of resistance exercise and metabolic syndrome. Diabetes Metab Syndr. 2012; 6(1):42-7.
8. O'Donovan G, Blazevich AJ, Boreham C, Cooper AR, Crank H, Ekelund U, Fox KR, Gately P, Giles-Corti B, Gill JM, Hamer M, McDermott I, Murphy M, Mutrie N, Reilly JJ, Saxton JM, Stamatakis E. The ABC of Physical Activity for Health: a consensus statement from the British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences J Sports Sci. 2010; 28(6):573-91.
9. Linke A, Erbs S, Hambrecht R. Exercise and the coronary circulation-alterations and adaptations in coronary artery disease. Prog Cardiovasc Dis 2006; 48: 270-284.
10. Meyer AA, Kundt G, Lenschow U, Schuff-Werner P, Kienast W. Improvement of early vascular changes and cardiovascular risk factors in obese children after a six-month exercise program. J Am Coll Cardiol 2006; 48: 1865-70.
11. Deligiannis A, Björnstad H, Carre F, Heidbüchel H, Kouidi E, Panhuyzen-Goedkoop NM, Pigozzi F, Schänzer W, Vanhees L; ESC Study Group of Sports Cardiology. ESC study group of sports cardiology position paper on adverse cardiovascular effects of doping in athletes. Eur J Cardiovasc Prev Rehabil 2006;13(5):687-94.
12. Okura T, Rankinen T, Gagnon J, et al. Effect of regular exercise on homocysteine concentrations: the HERITAGE family study. Eur J Appl Physiol 2006; 98: 394-401.
13. Ostergard T, Nyholm B, Hansen TK, et al. Endothelial function and biochemical vascular markers in first-degree relatives of type 2 diabetic patients: the effect of exercise training. Metabolism 2006; 55: 1508-1515.
14. Pagkalos M, Koutlianos N, Kouidi E, Pagkalos E, Mandroukas K, Deliagiannis A. Heart rate variability modifications following exercise training in type 2 diabetic patients with definite cardiac autonomic neuropathy. Br J Sports Med 2008; 42: 47-54