Quality Management System

The Quality Management System is developed under the project entitled “Quality Assurance of educational, research activities and services and infrastructure of AUTh (QMS – AUTH)”. Funded by the European Union (European Social Fund) and National Resources and is included in the Operational Programme “Education and Lifelong Learning” (ELLP –ΕΚΔιΒιΜ), of ESPA 2007-2013, Priority Axis 2, “Upgrading of the quality of education and promotion of the social integration in the 3 exit districts”.
According to the project schedule, the first part of the system has already been completed, while its first version is expected to be completed by the end of the academic year 2011-2012.  A gradual implementation of its various subsystems is to be conducted during the current academic year (2011-2012), while it will be available in full function in the next academic year. The customization and optimization of the system, once its completed, will be an ongoing process.
The acquisition and processing a plethora of data from all entities that consist AUTh is required in the framework of the QMS. A key feature that governs its development is the utilization and support of the elements and data that are already available or being collected by the units or departments of AUTh. For this reason, is made every possible effort of interconnection of the QMS to other systems, such as the Students’ Care applications of I.T., the University Directory Service (PYKA) and the central AUTh user authentication mechanism of I.T., the applications of Central Administration (Personnel Management, Economic Affairs & Supplies, Educational Programmes), the Institutional Repository of Scientific Publications (IKEE) of the Central Library and Research Committee’s Charter for Researchers.
Furthermore, the development of QMS creates suitable conditions for:

  1. Reliability testing, homogenization and synchronization of the primary data related to quality (between different systems and applications).
  2. Upgrading of the applications, when they do not provide the necessary data associated to quality.
  3. Improving the existing administrative procedures and creating new ones, when and if considered required for the registration of the necessary data associated to quality.

Basic principle of QMS is to avoid duplicate entries of the same data for the whole of the educational, research, administrative and social work of AUTh’s members, on two or more databases for avoiding mistakes, to facilitating and time saving for all stakeholders.
QMS is available to everyone via Internet. However, the accessible information to any anonymous and logged in users will depend on their position and role in the academic community. A special effort is being carried out in order to make the system compatible with the general users management policy of AUTh. Thus, members of AUTh (students, academic and research staff and other staff) will be able to access the system using their institutional account. Which means that a new account will not be required.
The QMS consists of the following subsystems:

  • Electronic Studies’ Guide
  • Courses’ Evaluation Questionnaires
  • Inventory Cards
  • Faculty Projects’ Database
  • Quality Indicators
  • Statistic Reports
  • Evaluation Reports