Course Content (Syllabus)
1. Introductory review of electrochemical applications:
General introduction to Electrochemistry and its applications. Thermodynamic equilibrium of electrode reaction and Nernst equation. Electrochemical kinetics, Butler-Volmer equation, Tafel diagrams, electrocatalysis. Mass transfer phenomena. Stable and pseudo-steady state conditions.
Types of electrodes and reactors, examples of cells. Process performance parameters. Distribution of potential and current in an electrochemical cell
2. Electrochemical production and energy storage:
Fuel cells
Photovoltaic cells
3. Electrochemical treatment of environmental pollutants:
General principles of electrochemical treatment of environmental pollutants. Electrochemical removal of toxic and heavy metals
Electrochemical oxidation of pollutants
Photocatalytic oxidation of pollutants
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
1. Ι.Α.Μουμτζής και Δ.Π.Σαζού, “Ηλεκτροχημεία”, Eκδόσεις Ζήτη, Θεσσαλονίκη, 1997.
2. Γ.Κοκκινίδης, “Αρχές και μέθοδοι μελέτης ηλεκτροδιακών δράσεων”, Eκδόσεις Γιαχούδη-Γιαπούλη Ο.Ε., Θεσσαλονίκη, 1992.
Additional bibliography for study
1. Bockris, J. O'M. (John O'M.), 1923-, Reddy, Amulya K. N.Modern electrochemistry : an introduction to an interdisciplinaryarea / New York : Plenum Press, [1970]
2. D. Pletcher , “A First Course in Electrode Processes”, The Electrochemical Consultancy, Romsey, England, 1991.
2. D. Pletcher and F.C.Walsh, “Industrial Electrochemistry”, 2nd Edition, Blackie Academic & Professional, 1993. (Βιβλιοθήκη Χημικού, TP255.P57)
3. Walsh, Frank C., “A first course in electrochemical engineering”, The Electrochemical Consultancy, 1993. (Βιβλιοθήκη Χημικού, QD273.W35)