Additional bibliography for study
• Adam, E. 1989. A technological and typological analysis of Upper Palaeolithic stone industries of Epirus, northwestern Greece. Oxford:British Archaeological Reports. International series S512.
• Bailey, G. N. (Ed.). 1999. The Palaeolithic archaeology of Greece and adjacent areas: Proceedings of the ICOPAG Conference, Ioannina, September 1994 (Vol. 3). British School of Athens.
• Dakaris, S.I., Higgs, E.S. & Hey, R.W. 1964. The climate, environment and industries of Stone Age Greece, part I, Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 30: 199–244.
• Galanidou, N. 2014. Advances in the Palaeolithic and Mesolithic archaeology of Greece for the new millennium. Pharos (Journal Of The Netherlands Institute At Athens) , 1 (20), σσ. 1-40.
• Galanidou, N., Cole, J., Iliopoulos, G., & McNabb, J. 2013. East meets West: The Middle Pleistocene site of Rodafnidia on Lesvos, Greece. Antiquity , 87 (336).
• Higgs, E.S. & Vita-Finzi, C. 1966. The climate, environment and industries of Stone Age Greece, part II, Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 32: 1–29.
• Higgs, E.S., Vita-Finzi, C. Harris, D.R. & Fagg, A.E. 1967. The climate, environment and industries of Stone Age Greece, part III,Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 33: 1–29.
• Jacobsen, T.W. 1973. Excavation in the Franchthi Cave, 19691971, Part I and Part II, Hesperia 42: 45–88, 253–83.
• Perlès, C. 1987. Les industries lithiques taillées de Franchthi (Argolide, Grèce). Tome I: présentation général et industries paléolithiques. Bloomington (IN): Indiana University Press. Excavations at Franchthi Cave, Greece, fascicule 3.
• Runnels, C. 2001. The stone age of Greece from the Palaeolithic to the advent of the Neolithic, with an addendum. Στο Cullen, T. (2001). Aegean prehistory: a review (Vol. 1) (σσ. 225-58). Boston: Archaeological Institute of America.
• Tourloukis, V. & Karkanas, P. 2012. The Middle Pleistocene archaeological record of Greece and the role of the Aegean in hominin dispersals: new data and interpretations. Quaternary Science Reviews, 43, 1-15.
• Van Andel, TJ.H. & Sutton, S.B. 1987. Landscape and people of the Franchthi Region. Bloomington (IN): Indiana University Press. Excavations at Franchthi Cave, Greece, fascicule 2.