Learning Outcomes
1) the basic parts of the technique in sprints ,
2)jumps and throws as long as,
3)the steps to follow in order to teach new athletes and elite athletes too.
4)Instruction of the form of a training plan through different phases ,
5)research methods to follow through a research in bibliography and track & field training.
Course Content (Syllabus)
Instruction of the technique in every single contest .Wrongs – ways to correct the form of the technique ,differencies between age ,scientific remarks related to track&field . Conditioning and technique training in track&field ,Modulation of training in young athletes and elite athletes too , rules, research methods .
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
Δρόμοι, ταχύτητες, εμπόδια, Μεγάλες αποστάσεις, βάδην.1993, Heinrich, W.D, Αραμπατζή Φ.
Προπόνηση Αλμάτων, Μπογδάνης, Γ., Δεληγκέκας