Course Content (Syllabus)
1st-2nd hour Cattle production in Greece. Present status, problems and trends. Form, structure and organization of cattle farms. 3rd-4th hour Assessment of cattle conformation and Body Condition Score. 5th-6th hour Cattle Reproduction. 7th-8th hour Cattle Milk production. 10th-11th hour Cattle housing. 12th-14th hour Rearing methods of dairy and beef cattle. 15th-16th hour Inheritance of qualitative and quantitative characteristics of cattle. Genetic improvement of cattle. 17th-18th hour Sheep and Goat production in Greece and worldwide. Present status, problems and trends. Production systems (migrating and non-migrating flocks). 19th-20th hour Classification, origin and nomenclature of sheep and goats. Conformation of sheep and goats (part and whole body conformation, body condition scoring, fat scores, colours, identification and ageing) 21st-22nd hour Reproduction of sheep and goat (reproduction and factors affecting it, evaluation of reproductive ability, intensive systems for reproduction). 23rd-24th hour Milk production (lactation curves, lactation period, factors affecting milk production, methods to evaluate milk production ability, milking, systems for goat/sheep milk production, milking equipment). 25th-26th hour Meat production and factors affecting them. Evaluation of meat production ability, carcass types and carcass production methods. Wool production. 27th-28th hour Sheep and goat breeds (indigenous Greek breeds and foreign breeds that have been imported to Greece, breeds of general interest). Morphological and production characteristics, significance for Greece. 29th-30th hour Methods of sheep and goat production. Genetic improvement of sheep and goats. Handling of sheep and goats during transport. 31st-32nd hour Sheep and goat housing facilities based on flock/herd health and welfare.