Learning Outcomes
The purpose of the course is for the students:
1) to get familiarized with the use of electrical measurement instruments
2) to acquire experience on experimentally constructing electrical circuits and monitoring their function by taking measurements
3) to acquire knowledge on circuit analysis methods and theorems and applying this knowledge in practice
4) to practice their skills in written presentation and discussing experimental results
5) to study basics of transformer theory.
Course Content (Syllabus)
Circuit elements. General Resistive circuits (theorems and methods of analysis).
First-order circuits (Circuits driven by sinusoidal signals, by arbitrary signals, or by an impulse; zero-input response).
Second-order signals (Circuits driven by sinusoidal signals, by arbitrary signals, or by an impulse; zero-input response). Experimental realization.
General dynamic circuits (Linear coupled inductors: characterization, stored energy, sign of M, transformers). Experimental realization.
Two-port circuits. Frequency response. (Response diagrams, Resonance).
Filters (LP, HP, Band-pass, Band-stop, Double-tuned). Experimental realization.
Laplace and Fourier transformation.
First and second order circuits, Filters, sign of M, transformers