Course Content (Syllabus)
This course concerns language learning and teaching skills: Reading comprehension, writing, listening comprehension and speaking, as well as the various subskills relevant with the main four skills, differentiation, class management
Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening, skills, subskills, learning, teaching
Additional bibliography for study
Field, J. 2008. Listening in the Language Classroom. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Firkins, A., G. Forey, and S. Sengupta. 2007.‘Teaching writing to low proficiency EFL
students’. ELT Journal 61/4: 341–51.
Grabe, W. 2009. Reading in a Second Language:Moving from Theory to Practice. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
Hedgcock, J. S. and D. R. Ferris. 2009. Teaching Readers of English: Students, Texts and Contexts. New York, NY: Routledge.
Hess, N. (2001).Teaching large multilevel classes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Hughes, R. 2010. ‘Materials to develop the speaking skill’ in N. Harwood (ed.). English Language Teaching Materials: Theory and Practice.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Renandya, W. A. and G. M. Jacobs. 2002.‘Extensive reading: why aren’t we all doing it?’in J. C. Richards and W. A. Renandya (eds.)Methodology in Language Teaching: An Anthology of Current Practice. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
Ur, P. (2002). A course in language teaching. Cambridge: CUP