Learning Outcomes
The students are expected:
-To learn about the availiability of the main sources of aromatic and aliphatic raw materials and the basic chemical operations αππλιεδ in the chemical industry for the production of aromatic and aliphatic intermediates, which are used to produce a large number of industrial products.
-Τo understand these operations given that they were taught the basic rection and its mechanism in Organic Chemistry.
-To be able to adapt their knowlwdge to the needs of industry.
Course Content (Syllabus)
Sources of aromatic and aliphatic raw materials for the chemical industry:
Petroleum: Thermal cracking, catalytic reforming. Natural gas. Coal: Coal carbonization. Fats and oils. Hydrocarbons. Basic chemical operations. Industrial production of basic aromatic and aliphatic intermediates.
Petroleum, natural gas, coal, fats, oils, hydrocarbons, chemical operations.
Course Bibliography (Eudoxus)
1. «Βιομηχανική Οργανική Χημεία»
Σ. Πεγιάδου-Κοεμτζοπούλου, Ε. Τσατσαρώνη, Ι. Ελευθεριάδης, Εκδόσεις ΓΑΡΤΑΓΑΝΗΣ, Θεσσαλονίκη, 2008.