Learning Outcomes
Students after the end of courses they will be capable of:
1. Designing a layout of forest road network and constructing a Forest road,
2. Slope and road stabilization,
3. Road maintenance and protection of environment by the construction of a forest road
4. Dimensioning and construction of economical and Calculation of a durable and economic road pavement’s thickness and technical works or projects use of byproducts and recycled materials.
5. Environmental Low - Volume Road construction
6. Environmental Impact Assessment for road construction, paths, etc
Course Content (Syllabus)
General about the road design, construction, upgrade and maintainence of roads in nature, the environmental forest road consturction vehicles and their historical development. Road classification, general aspects for the study and laying out of roads.Subject , purpose,historical development and seperations of forest road construction , classification of forest roads.Data for the study and the laying out of forest roads.laying out, process and drawing up the forest road surveying . report of general recognition , preliminary or recognition study, final study, indirect and direct laying out.construction of forest roads,infrastructure construction, study of soil natural properties, soil mechanical, soil technical problemsand research. Soil classification, surface preparation for road construction, excavations, rock removal, soil transport, surface formation and construction of embankments, drainage works. Construction of technical works(ditches,drains,bridges,support walls etc.) Construction of forest road’s surface structure, earthen roads, forest roads with stabilized surface and surface’s stabilization methods.Calculation of road pavement’s thickness,flexible pavements from concrete. Calculation and construction of technical projects.Knowledge of soil mechanics for the erosions, the landslides and precipitations of slopes, protection of slopes with biological mechanics methods, phytotechnical correction of stability, covering and draining of constructions and selection of methods and construction materials.Maintenance of forest roads ant the effects on the environment by the construction of forest roads.
Forest Road Construction, Desiging a layout of forest road network, construction of pavement and technical project, using by-products for road uper layer, stabilization of slopes, maintenance of forest road