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Report CV
Curriculum Vitae
Kalliopi Koliadimou
Laboratory Teaching Staff, School of Geology
Personal Information
Course Work
Courses of Winter semester of 2017–18 academic year
GGΕ 427Υ
Physical Geography
GGΕ 768Ε
Courses of Spring semester of 2017–18 academic year
GGΕ 322Υ
GGΕ 647Υ
Journal Article
Chantzopoulou K
Vasileiadou A
Koliadimou Kalliopi
Tsoukala Evangelia
Rabeder G
Nagel D
Preliminary report on the Late Pleistocene small mammal fauna from the Loutraki Bear-cave (Pella, Macedonia, Greece)
Cadernos do Laboratorio Xeolóxico de Laxe
vol.26 p.485-495
Koufos George
Vasileiadou K
Koliadimou Kalliopi
Syridis Georgios
Early Pleistocene small mammals from Marathoussa, a new locality in the Mygdonia basin, Macedonia Greece
vol.8 p.49-102
Koliadimou Kalliopi
Koufos George
Preliminary report about the Neogene/Quaternary micromammals of the Mygdonia Basin
Romanian Journal of Stratigraphy
vol.78 p.75-82
Koufos George
Syridis Georgios
Kostopoulos Dimitrios
Koliadimou Kalliopi
Sylvestrou Ioanna
Seitanides G
Vlachou Th
New excavations in the Neogene mammalian localities of Mytilinii, Samos island, Greece; Preliminary informations on the stratigraphy and paleontology
vol.19 no.4 p.877-885
Syridis Georgios
Koliadimou Kalliopi
Koufos George
New Neogene molluscan and mammalian sites from Thrace, Greece
Comptes Rendus De L Academie Des Sciences Serie Ii Fascicule A-Sciences De La Terre Et Des Planetes
vol.324 no.5 p.427-433
Kostopoulos Dimitrios
Koliadimou Kalliopi
Koufos George
The giraffids (Mammalia, Artiodactyla) from the Late Miocene mammalian localities of Nikiti (Macedonia, Greece)
Palaeontographica, A
vol.239 no.1-3 p.61-88
Koufos George
Syridis Georgios
Koliadimou Kalliopi
Kostopoulos Dimitrios
Preliminary results about the stratigraphy and the palaeoenvironment of Mygdonia basin, Macedonia, Greece
Geobios (Lyon, France). Memoire special
vol.18 p.243-249
Syridis Georgios
Koliadimou Kalliopi
A new Pleistocene locality from the Strymon basin (Macedonia, Greece) with continental mollusks and micromammals
Buletin of the Geological Society of Greece
vol.30 no.1 p.331-339
Koufos George
Syridis Georgios
Kostopoulos Dimitrios
Koliadimou Kalliopi
Apollonia, a New Vertebrate Site in the Pleistocene of the Mygdonia Basin (Macedonia, Greece) - the 1st Fossil Fresh-Water Mollusks in the Area
Comptes Rendus De L Academie Des Sciences Serie Ii
vol.315 no.8 p.1041-1046
Koufos George
Koliadimou Kalliopi
Two lagomorphs from the Pliocene of Macedonia (Greece)
Bulletin Geological Society of Greece=Δελτίον της Ελληνικής Γεωλογικής Εταιρίας
vol.28 no.3 p.117-129
Koliadimou Kalliopi
Koufos George
The Hystricidae from the Pleistocene of Macedonia (Greece) and a review of the european representatives of the family
Bulletin Geological Society of Greece
vol.XXV no.2 p.453-471
Koufos George
Syridis Georgios
Koliadimou Kalliopi
Kostopoulos Dimitrios
A New Vertebrate Locality with Hominoid in the Late Miocene of Macedonia (Greece)
Comptes Rendus De L Academie Des Sciences Serie Ii
vol.313 no.6 p.691-696
Koufos George
Syridis Georgios
Koliadimou Kalliopi
A Pliocene Primate from Macedonia (Greece)
Journal of human evolution
vol.21 no.4 p.283-294
Koufos George
Kostopoulos Dimitrios
Koliadimou Kalliopi
A New Mammalian Locality in the Villafranchian of Western Macedonia (Greece)
Comptes Rendus De L Academie Des Sciences Serie Ii
vol.313 no.7 p.831-836
Syridis Georgios
Koliadimou Kalliopi
A new Pleistocene mammal locality from Macedonia, Greece. Contribution to the study of Villafranchian (Villanyian) in central Macedonia
Bulletin Geological Society of Greece
vol.XXIII no.2 p.113-124
Technical Report
Μπαρμπαργύρης Κωνσταντίνος
Κολιαδήμου Καλλιόπη
Μελέτη οργάνωσης σεμιναρίων εκπαίδευσης στα συστήματα και τις υπηρεσίες που υποστηρίζονται από το τηλεπικοινωνιακό περιβάλλον ISDN του Α.Π.Θ
Updated: 2018-01-24