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Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
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Curriculum Vitae
Myrto-Georgia Trakatelli
Assistant Professor, School of Medicine
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Theses Supervised
Student Theses within AUTh
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Research Projects
Ομιλία με τίτλο: Βιολογικές θεραπείες σε ειδικές ομάδες πληθυσμού
Ευρωπαική Πρωτοβουλία για την πρόληψη καρκίνων του δέρματος. Καταγραφή και θεραπεία
Ευρωπαική Πρωτοβουλία για την πρόληψη καρκίνων του δέρματος. Καταγραφή και θεραπεία
Journal Article
Spyropoulou Georgia-Alexandra
Pavlidis Leonidas
Trakatelli Myrto-Georgia
Athanasiou E
Pazarli E
Sotiriadis Dimitrios
Demiri Efterpi
Rare benign tumours of the nipple
Journal of European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology
vol. 21 no. 1 p. 7-13
Journal Article
Blume-Peytavi U
Blumeyer A
Tosti A
Finner A
Marmol V
Trakatelli Myrto-Georgia
Reygagne P
Messenger A
S1 guideline for diagnostic evaluation in androgenetic alopecia in men, women and adolescents
British Journal of Dermatology
vol.164 no.1 p.5-15
Blumeyer A
Tosti A
Messenger A
Reygagne P
Del Marmol V
Spuls P. I
Trakatelli Myrto-Georgia
Finner A
Kiesewetter F
Trüeb R
Rzany B
, et al
Evidence-based (S3) guideline for the treatment of androgenetic alopecia in women and in men
JDDG: Journal der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft
vol.9 suppl.6 p.S1-57
van der Leest RJ
de Vries E
Bulliard J
Paoli J
Peris K
Stratigos A. J
Trakatelli Myrto-Georgia
Maselis T
Situm M
Pallouras A. C
Hercogova J
, et al
The Euromelanoma skin cancer prevention campaign in Europe: characteristics and results of 2009 and 2010
Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology JEADV
vol.25 no.12 p.1455-1465
Journal Article
Kalampalikis Dimitrios
Patsatsi Aikaterini
Trakatelli Myrto-Georgia
Pitsari P
Efstratiou I
Sotiriadis Dimitrios
Hyperpigmented forearms and nail: a quiz
Acta Dermato-Venereologica
vol.90 no.6 p.657-659
Kalampalikis Dimitrios
Patsatsi Aikaterini
Trakatelli Myrto-Georgia
Efstratiou I
Sotiriadis Dimitrios
Hemorrhagic bullae and skin fragility--a clinicopathologic challenge
International Journal of Dermatology
vol.49 no.1 p.21-23
Trakatelli Myrto-Georgia
Katsanos G
Ulrich C
Kalampalikis Dimitrios
Sotiriadis Dimitrios
Stockfleth E
Efforts to counteract locally the effects of systemic immunosupression: a review on the use of imiquimod, a topical immunostimulator in organ transplant recipients
International Journal of Immunopathology and Pharmacology
vol.23 no.2 p.387-396
Journal Article
Trakatelli Myrto-Georgia
Charalampidis S
Novakovic L. B
Patsatsi Aikaterini
Kalampalikis Dimitrios
Sotiriadis Dimitrios
Photodermatoses with onset in the elderly
British Journal of Dermatology
vol.161 suppl.3 p.69-77
Journal Article
Gogas H
Trakatelli Myrto-Georgia
Dessypris N
Terzidis A
Katsambas A
Chrousos G. P
Petridou Evanthia
Melanoma risk in association with serum leptin levels and lifestyle parameters: a case-control study
Annals of Oncology
vol.19 no.2 p.384-389
Hutin A
Heenen M
Vereecken P
Van Geertruyden J
De Lathouwer O
Steels E
Gordower L
Trakatelli Myrto-Georgia
Laporte M
Is sentinel lymph node biopsy useful in regressive and/or ulcerated thin cutaneous melanomas?
Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology
vol.22 no.4 p.514-515
Journal Article
Laporte M
Trakatelli Myrto-Georgia
Vereecken P
Blocklet D
Lespagnard M
Petein M
Goldman M
Velu T
Heenen M
Skin biopsies in DC vaccines for stage III-IV melanoma patients: role of neutrophils?
Archives of Dermatological Research
vol.299 no.10 p.483-486
Mantzoros C. S
Trakatelli Myrto-Georgia
Gogas H
Dessypris N
Stratigos A
Chrousos G. P
Petridou E. T
Circulating adiponectin levels in relation to melanoma: a case-control study
European Journal of Cancer
vol.43 no.9 p.1430-1436
Trakatelli Myrto-Georgia
Ulrich C
V. Del Marmol
Euvrard S
Euvard S
Stockfleth E
Abeni D
Epidemiology of nonmelanoma skin cancer (NMSC) in Europe: accurate and comparable data are needed for effective public health monitoring and interventions
British Journal of Dermatology
vol.156 suppl.3 p.1-7
Journal Article
Hatzifilippou E
Koutsouraki Effrosyni
Banaki T
Trakatelli Myrto-Georgia
Kosta Vasiliki
Balogiannis Stavros
Apolipoprotein E phenotype in Greek demented patients
European Journal of Neurology
vol.13 p.197
Κοτσοβασίλογλου Χ
Τρακατέλλη Μυρτώ-Γεωργία
Μπαλογιάννης Σταύρος
Αξιολόγησις της ικανότητος αναγνώρισις εικόνων με «θόρυβο» σε συνάρτηση με την ηλικία
vol.43 no. 3 p.101-104
Journal Article
Trakatelli Myrto-Georgia
Koutsouraki Effrosyni
Kygitsidou E
Patsiou A
Kosta Vasiliki
Balogiannis Stavros
Dystonic phenomena in MS patients hospitalized during 1992-2002 in the 1st Department of Neurology of Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki
Encephalos Journal
vol.41 no.4 p.212-217
Τρακατέλλη Μυρτώ-Γεωργία
Κουτσουράκη Ευφροσύνη
Κυγιτσίδου Ε
Πάτσιου Α
Κώστα Βασιλική
Μπαλογιάννης Σταύρος
Δυστονικά φαινόμενα στη πολλαπλή σκλήρυνση ασθενών της Α’ Νευρολογικής Κλινικής του ΑΠΘ, του Πανεπιστημιακού Νοσοκομείου ΑΧΕΠΑ κατά τα έτη 1992-2002
vol.41 no. 4 p. 212-215
Updated: 2018-09-25