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Curriculum Vitae
Sophia Lavrentiadou
Assistant Professor, School of Veterinary Sciences
Personal Information
Scopus ID
Γνωστικό Αντικείμενο
Επιστημονική Ειδίκευση
Επιστήμη ζωής
Βιολογία και βιοχημεία
Προπτυχιακές Σπουδές
Βιολογίας/Θετικών Σπουδών
Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης
Διδακτορικό Δίπλωμα
Department of Biochemistry/Medical School
Boston University
Course Work
Courses of Winter semester of 2018–19 academic year
Physiology I
Physiology III
Courses of Spring semester of 2018–19 academic year
Physiology II
Theses Supervised
Student Theses within AUTh
No results were found.
Theses outside AUTh
Όνομα υποψηφίου
Βασίλειος Ράγιας
Ο ρόλος του συστήματος ενεργοποιού του πλασμινογόνου (tPA) και του αναστολέα του (PAI-1) στην έκφραση του οξειδωτικού στρες σε κυτταροκαλλιέργειες
Journal Article
Kokoli Alexandra
Lavrentiadou Sophia
Zervos Ioannis
Tsantarliotou Maria
Georgiadis Marios
Botsoglou Nikolaos
Boscos Constantin
Nikolaidis Efstathios
Taitzoglou Ioannis
Dietary omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids induce a lipid peroxidation-mediated increase in plasminogen activator activity and apoptosis in rabbit spermatozoa
Vol.49 no.10
Journal Article
Sapanidou V
Taitzoglou Ioannis
Tsakmakidis Ioannis
Kourtzelis I
Fletouris Dimitrios
Theodoridis Alexandros
Lavrentiadou Sophia
Tsantarliotou Maria
Protective effect of crocetin οn bovine spermatozoa against oxidative stress during in vitro fertilization
vol.4 no.6 p.1138-1149
Journal Article
Franceschi V
Stellari F.F
Mangia C
Jacca S
Lavrentiadou Sophia
Cavirani S
Heikenwalder M
Donofrio G
In vivo image analysis of BoHV-4-based vector in mice
vol.9 no.4 p.e95799
Karamanavi E
Angelopoulou Aikaterini
Lavrentiadou Sophia
Tsingotjidou Anastasia
Abas Zafeiris
Taitzoglou Ioannis
Vlemmas Ioannis
Erdman S.E
Poutahidis Theofilos
Urokinase-type plasminogen activator deficiency promotes neoplasmatogenesis in the colon of mice
Translational Oncology
vol.7 no.2 p.174-187
Stellari FF
Lavrentiadou Sofia
Ruscitti F
Jacca S
Franceschi V
Civelli M
Carnini C
Viletti G
Donofrio G
Enlightened Mannhemia haemolytica lung inflammation in bovinized mice
Veterinary Research
vol.45 no.8
Conference Proceedings Article
Margaritis Ioannis
Zervos Ioannis
Lavrentiadou Sophia
Tsantarliotou Maria
Taitzoglou Ioannis
Standardization of the streptozotocin - nicotinamide - induced rad diabetes model: practical issues faced, suggesting solutions and sharing experience
European meeting of HSBLAS- ESLAV-ESLAM laboratory animal Science and Medicine in translational research : from contribution to completion , 22-23 September 2014
Αθήνα - Ελλάδα
vol.s506 no.36 p.37
Conference Announcement
Margaritis Ioannis
Zervos Ioannis
Lavrentiadou Sophia
Tsantarliotou Maria
Taitzoglou Ioannis
Standardization of the streptozotocin - nicotinamide- induced rat diabetes model: Practical issues faced, suggesting solutions and sharing experience
Laboratory animals science and medicine in traslation research : from contribution to completion
Athens, Greece
Journal Article
Lavrentiadou Sophia
Tsantarliotou Maria
Zervos Ioannis
Nikolaidis Efstathios
Georgiadis Marios
Taitzoglou Ioannis
CCl4 induces tissue-type plasminogen activator in rat brain; protective effects of oregano, rosemary or vitamin E
Food and Chemical Toxicology
vol. 61 p.196-202
Tsantarliotou Maria
Poutahidis Theofilos
Markala Dimitra
Kazakos George
Sapanidou V
Lavrentiadou Sophia
Zervos Ioannis
Taitzoglou Ioannis
Sinakos Zacharias
Crocetin administration ameliorates endotoxin - induced disseminated intravascular coagulation in rabbits
Blood coagulation & fibrinolysis
vol.24 no.3 p.305-310
Journal Article
Τσανταρλιώτου Μαρία
Sapanidou V
Ζερβός Ιωάννης
Λαυρεντιάδου Σοφία
Taitzoglou Ioannis
Κοκόλης Νικόλαος
O ρόλος των ενεργοποιών του πλασμινογόνου και της πλασμίνης στην αναπαραγωγή των θηλαστικών
Περιοδικό της Ελληνικής Κτηνιατρικής Εταιρείας. Journal of the Hellenic Veterinary Medical Society
vol.63 no.2 p.113-126
Conference Proceedings Article
Sapanidou V
Abas Z
Taitzoglou Ioannis
Tsakmakidis Ioannis
Zervos Ioannis
Lavrentiadou Sofia
Tsantarliotou Maria
Crocin promotes in vitro sperm capacitation of bοvine sperm
2nd (ISANH- International Society of Antioxidants in Nutrition and Health) World Congress on Fertility and Antioxidants
Paris - France
Sapanidou Vassiliki
Taitzoglou Ioannis
Tsakmakidis Ioannis
Abas Zafiris
Zervos Ioannis
Lavrentiadou Sofia
Tsantarliotou Maria
Crocin improves frozen/thawed bovine semen motility and viability
16th Annual Conference of the European Society for Domestic Animals Reproduction (ESDAR)
16th Annual Conference of the European Society for Domestic Animals Reproduction (ESDAR)
Dublin - Ireland
vol.47 no.s5 p.108
Tsantarliotou Maria
M De Blasi
Lavrentiadou Sophia
Sapanidou V
Boccui L
S Di Francesco
Gasparrini B
Plasminogen activator activity in Buffalo in vitro matured oocytes after vitrification warming
38th Intermational Embryo Tranfer Society Phoenix Arizona
Arizona - ΗΠΑ
no.134 p.135
Journal Article
M De Blasi
Rubessa M
Albero G
Lavrentiadou Sophia
Sapanidou V
Gasparrini B
Tsantarliotou Maria
44 Reactive oxygen species in vitrified bovine in vitro matured oocytes
Reproduction Fertility and Development
vol.24 no.1 p.134
M De Blasi
Rubessa M
Albero G
Lavrentiadou Sophia
Sapanidou V
Gasparrini B
Tsantarliotou Maria
Reactive oxygen species in vitrified bovine in vitro matured oocytes
Reproduction fertility and development
vol.24 no.1 p.134
Tsantarliotou Maria
M De Blasi
Lavrentiadou Sophia
Sapanidou V
Boccia L
S Di Francesco
Gasparrini B
46 plasminogen activator activity in buffalo in vitro matured oocytes after vitrification Warming
Reproduction Fertility and development
vol.24 no.1 p.135
Tsantarliotou Maria
M De Blasi
Lavrentiadou Sophia
Sapanidou V
Boccia L
Gasparrini B
Plasminogen activator activity in buffalo in vitro matured oocytes after vitrification - warming
Reproduction Fertility and Development
vol.24 no.1 p.135
Zervos Ioannis
Nikolaidis Efstathios
Lavrentiadou Sophia
Tsantarliotou Maria
Eleftheriadou E
Papapanagiotou E.R
Fletouris Dj
Georgiadis Marios
Taitzoglou Ioannis
Endosulfan - induced lipid peroxidation in rat brain and its effect on t-PA and PAI-1: ameliorating effect of vitamins C and E
The journal of toxicological sciences
vol.36 no.4 p.423-433
Zervos Ioannis
Nikolaidis Efstathios
Lavrentiadou Sophia
Tsantarliotou Maria
Eleftheriadou E
Endosulfan-induced lipid peroxidation in rat brain and its effect on t-PA and PAI-1: ameliorating effect of vitamins C and E
The Journal of Toxicological Sciences
vol.36 no.4 p.423-433
Conference Proceedings Article
Tsantarliotou Maria
Poutahidis Theofilos
Markala D
Kazakos G
Sapanidou V
Lavrentiadou Sophia
Zervos Ioannis
Taitzoglou Ioannis
Sinakos Zacharias
Endotoxin- induced Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) in rabbits : Crocetin administration prevents plasminogen activator activity
XIIITH International Workshop on Molecular and Cellural Biology of Plasminogen Activation
Camrich - Αγγλία
Journal Article
Kokoli N. A
Lavrentiadou Sophia
Zervos Ioannis
Tsantarliotou Maria
Georgiadis Marios
Botsoglou Nikolaos
Boscos C
Taitzoglou Ioannis
Stimulation of plasminogen activator activity and apoptosis by lipid peroxidation in n-3-PUFA-endiriched rabbit spermatozoa: protective effect of geen tea catechins
Journal of thrombosis and Haemostasis
Lavrentiadou Sophia
Zervos Ioannis
Tsantarliotou Maria
Eleftheriadou E
Kokoli Alexandra
Nikolaidis Efstathios
Papapanagiotou E.R
Fletouris D.J
Taitzoglou Ioannis
Dietary supplementation of vitamins C and E increases tissue plasminogen activator activity in healthy Wistar rat brain
Journal of thrombosis and Haemostasis
Zervos Ioannis
Lavrentiadou Sophia
Tsantarliotou Maria
Kokolis Nikolaos
Taitzoglou Ioannis
Seasonal variation of plasminogen activator activity in spermatozoa and seminal plasma of boar, buck, bull and stallion
Reproduction in Domestic Animals
vol.45 no.6 p.440-446
Conference Proceedings Article
Kokoli A
Lavrentiadou Sophia
Zervos Ioannis
Tsantarliotou Maria
Georgiadis Marios
Botsoglou Nikolaos
Boscos C
Taitzoglou Ioannis
Stimulation of plasminogen activator activity and apoptosis by lipid peroxidation in n3 PUFA enriched rabbit epermatozoa: Protective effect of green tea catechins
20th international congress on fibrinolysis and proteolysis
Amsterdam - Holland
no.134 p.134
Lavrentiadou Sophia
Zervos Ioannis
Tsantarliotou Maria
eleftheriadou Ek
Kokoli A
Nikolaidis Efstathios
Papapanagiotou Er
Dj Fletouris
Taitzoglou Ioannis
Dietary supplementation of vitamins C or E increases tissue plasminogen activator activity in healthy wistar rat brain
20th International Congress on Fibrinolysis
Amsterdam - Holland
no.145 p.145
Zervos Ioannis
Lavrentiadou Sophia
Tsantarliotou Maria
Eleftheriadou E
Kokoli A
Nikolaidis Efstathios
Papapanagiotou Er
Fletouris Dj
Taitzoglou Ioannis
Plasminogen activator activity stimulation by endosulfan induced lipid peroxidation in wistrar rat brain: Ameliorating effect of vitamin c and E
20th international congress on fibrinolysis and proteolysis
Amsterdam - Holland
no.145 p.146
Τσανταρλιώτου Μαρία
Πουταχίδης Θεόφιλος
Μαρκαλα Δ
Καζάκος Γεώργιος
Σαπανίδου Β
Ζερβός Ιωάννης
Λαυρεντιάδου Σοφία
Λάτσαρη Μ
Ταϊτζόγλου Ιωάννης
Σινάκος Ζαχαρίας
Η χορήγηση κροκετίνης περιορίζει τις βλάβες της διάχυτης ενδοαγγειακής πήξης στους κόνικλους
21ο Πανελλήνιο Αιματολογικό Συνέδριο
Θεσσαλονίκη - Ελλάδα
no.21 p.21
Journal Article
Botsoglou Nikolaos
Taitzoglou Ioannis
Botsoglou E
Lavrentiadou Sophia
Kokolis Nikolaos
Roubies N
Effect of long-term dietary administration of oregano on the alleviation of carbon tetrachloride-induced oxidative stress in rats
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemisty
vol.56 no.15 p.6287-6293
Kokoli A
Lavrentiadou Sophia
Zervos Ioannis
Botsoglou Nikolaos
Boscos Constantin
Taitzoglou Ioannis
Attenuation of PUFA-mediated Lipid Peroxidation in Rabbit Sperm by Green Tea Catechin Extract Supplementation
Reproduction in Domestic Animals
vol.43 no.s5 p.60
Kokoli N. A
Lavrentiadou Sophia
Zervos Ioannis
Tsantarliotou Maria
Nikolaidis Efstathios
Taitzoglou Ioannis
PUFA induced lipid peroxidation in rabbit sperm : protective role of dried tomato pulp
Reproduction in domestic animals
vol.43 no.3 p.207
Tsantarliotou Maria
Zervos Ioannis
Lavrentiadou Sophia
Kokoli N. A
Taitzoglou Ioannis
Diet supplementation with oegano and osemary increases plasminogen activator activity in healthy rat brain
Journal of thrombosis and Haemostasis
vol.6 no.s1 p.159
Tsantarliotou Maria
Lavrentiadou Sophia
Zervos Ioannis
Kokoli Alexandra
Taitzoglou Ioannis
Role of the plasminogen activation system in extracellular matrix degradation processes in normal or pathological conditions in sheep
Small Ruminant Research
vol.76 no.1-2 p.120-130
Conference Proceedings Article
Kokoli A
Lavrentiadou Sophia
Zervos Ioannis
Tsantarliotou Maria
Nikolaidis Efstathios
Taitzoglou Ioannis
PUFA induced lipid peroxidation in rabbit sperm protective role of dried tomato pulm(poster 22)
Proceedings of the 16th International Congress on Animal Reproduction
16th international congress of animal reproduction
Budapest - Hungary
no.207 p.207
Zervos Ioannis
Lavrentiadou Sophia
Tsantarliotou Maria
Georgiadis Marios
Taitzoglou Ioannis
Kokoli A
Seasonal variation in sperm plasminogen activator activity in various farm animals
6th Biannual meeting of association for aplied animal andrology(aaaa)
Budapest - Hungay
no.A7 p.A7
Conference Announcement
Kokoli A
Lavrentiadou Sophia
Zervos Ioannis
Botsoglou Nikolaos
Boscos Constantin
Taitzoglou Ioannis
Attenuation of PUFA-mediated Lipid Peroxidation in Rabbit Sperm by Green Tea Catechin Extract Supplementation (2008)
12th conference of the eyropean society for domestic animal reproduction
Utrecht - Netherlands
Kokoli Alexandra
Lavrentiadou Sophia
Zervos Ioannis
Tsantarliotou Maria
Nikolaidis Efstathios
Taitzoglou Ioannis
PUFA-induced lipid peroxidation in rabbit sperm: protective role of dried tomato pulp 16th International Congress of Animal Reproduction
16th international congress of animal reproduction
Budapest - Ουγγαρία
Lavrentiadou Sophia
Zervos Ioannis
Tsantarliotou Maria
Kokoli A
Nikolaidis Efstathios
Taitzoglou Ioannis
Implication of the plasminogen activation system in carbon tetrachloride (CCl4)-induced oxidative stress in rat brain: Antioxidant effect of long-term dietary administration of oregano or rosemary
XIX th international congress on fibrinolysis and proteolysis
Vienna - Austria
Zervos Ioannis
Lavrentiadou Sophia
Tsantarliotou Maria
Georgiadis Marios
Taitzoglou Ioannis
Kokoli N. A
Seasonal variation in sperm plasminogen activator activity in various farm animals
6th Biannual meeting of association for aplied animal andrology(aaaa)
Budapest - Hungary
Journal Article
Lavrentiadou Sophia
Kokoli Alexandra
Zervos Ioannis
Tsantarliotou Maria
Taitzoglou Ioannis
Effect of tried tomato pulp or green tea catechin extract supplementation on sperm apoptosis in n-3 Fatty Acid - treated Male Rabbits
Reproduction in domestic animals
vol.42 no.2 p.84
Tsantarliotou Maria
Lavrentiadou Sophia
Georgiadis Marios
Zervos Ioannis
Plasminogen Activator Activity in Rat Epididymal Sperm
Reproduction in domestic animals
vol.41 no.4 p.326
Conference Proceedings Article
Lavrentiadou Sophia
Kokoli A
Zervos Ioannis
Tsantarliotou Maria
Taitzoglou Ioannis
Effect of dried tomato pulm or green tea catechin extract supplementation on sperm apoptosis in n-3 fatty acid - treated male rabbits
XVII National Congress of Scientific Association of Animal Production
Algero - Italy
no.6 p.488-489
Lavrentiadou Sophia
Kokoli A
Zervos Ioannis
Tsantarliotou Maria
Taitzoglou Ioannis
Effect of dried tomato pulm or green tea catechin extract supplementation on sperm apoptosis in n-3 fatty acid treated male rabbits
11th Annual Conference of the European Society for Domanimal Reproduction (esdar)
Celle - Germany
no.42 p.84
Journal Article
Tsantarliotou Maria
Lavrentiadou Sophia
Georgiadis Marios
Zervos Ioannis
Plasminogen activator activity in rat epididymal spermatozoa
Reproduction in domestic animals
vol.41 no.4 p.256-382
Conference Proceedings Article
Tsantarliotou Maria
Lavrentiadou Sophia
Georgiadis Marios
Zervos Ioannis
Plasminogean activator activity in rat epididymal spermatozoa
10th Conference of the European Society for Domestic Animal Reproduction
Portoroz-lipica, Slovenia
no.41 p.326-
Conference Announcement
Tsantarliotou Maria
Lavrentiadou Sophia
Georgiadis Marios
Zervos Ioannis
Plasminogen Activator Activity In Rat Epididymal Spermatozoa
10TH annual conference of the european society for domestic animal Reproduction
Portoroz lipica, Slovenia
Journal Article
Li X
Kan H.Y
Lavrentiadou Sophia
Kneger M
Zannis V
Reconstituted discoidal apoE-phospholipid particles are ligands for the scavenger receptor B-I. The amino terminal 1-165 domain of apoE suffices for receptor binding
Journal of Biological Chemistry
vol.277 no.24 p.21149-21157
Journal Article
Lavrentiadou Sophia
Chann C
Kawcak T
Ravid T
Tsaba A
Van der Vliet
Rasooly R
Gildkom T
Ceramide-mediated apoptosis in lung epithelial cells is regulated by glutathione
American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology
vol.25 no.6 p.676-684
Book Chapter
Goldkorn T
George J
Lavrentiadou Sofia
Ravid T
Tsaba A
Shoenfeld Y
Harats D
Ceramide Pathway and Apoptosis in Autoimmunity and Atherosclerosis
Atherosclerosis and Autoimmunity
Επιμέλεια:Shoenfeld, Y., Harats D., Wick G
Conference Announcement
Goldkorn T
Lavrentiadou Sophia
Rasooly R
Ravid T
Ceramide activates caspase-3 during apoptosis of lung epithelial cells (2001)
8 th Annual Meeting of the oxygen Society San Diego Kalifornia
San Diego, Kalifornia - ΗΠΑ
Lavrentiadou Sophia
Tsaba A
Goldkorn T
Ceramide-induced apoptosis in lung epithelial cells is regulated by oxidative stress (2001)
American thoracic Society 2001 Meeting, San Francisco, Kalifornia
San francisco - ΗΠΑ
Rasooly R
Lavrentiadou Sophia
Goldkorn T
A putative neutral sphingomyelinase cloned by sequence homology and its role in the lung (2001)
American thoracic society 2001 Meeting, San Francisco, Kalifornia
San Francisco - ΗΠΑ
Ravid T
Tsaba A
Rasooly R
Lavrentiadou Sophia
Goldkorn T
Bcl-2 overexpression affects H2O2-induced apoptosis by modulating both caspase-3 and ceramide pathways in airway epithelial cells (2001)
American thoracic society 2001 Meeting, San Francisco, Kalifornia
San Francisco - ΗΠΑ
Tsaba A
Lavrentiadou Sophia
Ravid T
Goldkorn T
Caspases and ceramide in the apoptosis of airway epithelial cells
American thoracic society 2001 Meeting, San Francisco, Kalifornia
San Francisco - ΗΠΑ
Conference Announcement
Goldkorn T
Lavrentiadou Sophia
Chan C
Rassoly R
Van der Vliet A
Kawcak T
Glutathione regulation of ceramide path in lung epithelial cells (2000)
2000 international Conference of the American Thoracic Society, Toronto, Kanadas
Toronto - Kanadas
Nardini M
Reddy S
Lavrentiadou Sophia
Tarkington B
Goldkorn T
Van der Vliet
Cross C.E
Ozone-induced apoptotic response in human bronchial epithelial cells (2000)
7th annual meeting of the Oxygen Society, San Diego
Καλιφόρνια - ΗΠΑ
Journal Article
Aleshkov Sergei B
Li X
Lavrentiadou Sophia
Zannis V
Contribution of Cysteine 158, the Glycosylation Site Theonine 194, the Amino- and Carboxy-Terminal Domains of Apolipoprotein E in the Binding to Amyloid Peptide β (1−40)
vol.38 no.28 p.8918-8925
Lavrentiadou Sophia
Chatzopoulou-Kladara Margarita
Kardassis D
Zannis V
Binding specificity and modulation of the human ApoCIII promoter activity by heterodimers of ligand-dependent nuclear receptors
vol. 38 no. 3 p. 964-975
Conference Announcement
Lavrentiadou Sophia
Chan C
Van der Vliet
Kawcak T
Goldkorn T
Glutathione regulation of ceramide path in lung epithelial cells (1999)
6th annual meeting of the Oxygen Society, New Orleans
Λουιζιάνα - Νέα Ορλεάνη
Lavrentiadou Sophia
George J
Gilburd B
Harats D
Shoenfeld Y
Barak A
Chavez C
Goldkorn T
ΟxLDL induces ceramide and apoptosis in macrophages but not in aortas of apoΕ-deficient mice
6 TH Annual meeting of the Oxygen society , new orleans Λουιζιάνα
Λουιζιάνα - ΗΠΑ
Journal Article
Chatzopoulou-Kladara Margarita
Lavrentiadou Sophia
Zannis V
Kardassis D
Transactivation of the ApoCIII promoter by ATF-2 and repression by members of the Jun family
vol.37 no.40 p.14078-14087
Conference Announcement
Lavrentiadou Sophia
Chatzopoulou-Kladara Margarita
Ladias J.A. A
Cladaras C
Zannis V
Modulation of the apoCIII promoter activity by heterodimers of ligand-dependent nuclear receptors RXRα-RARα, RXRα-T3Rβ and RXRα-PPARα (1995) Circulation 92 (8 Suppl): 1383
American Heart Association 68Th Scientific sessions Anaheim
Καλιφόρνια - ΗΠΑ
Journal Article
Mavragani-Tsipidou Pinelopi
Skouras Zacharias
Haralampidis K
Lavrentiadou Sophia
Kastritsis Konstantinos
The polytene chromosomes of Drosophila triauraria and D. quadraria, sibling species of D. auraria
vol.35 no.2 p.318-326
Conference Announcement
Haralampidis K
Λαυρεντιάδου Σοφία
Μαυραγάνη - Τσιπίδου Πηνελόπη
Σκούρας Ζαχαρίας
Καστρίτσης Κωνσταντίνος
The polytene chromosomes of Drosophila triauraria and D. quadraria, sibling species of D. auraria
13th Meeting of the Hellenic Society of Biological Sciences, Ηράκλειο Κρήτης, 1991
Ηράκλειο Κρήτης - Ελλάδα
Updated: 2018-10-10