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Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
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Curriculum Vitae
Timoleon Rallis
Professor, School of Veterinary Sciences
Personal Information
Course Work
Courses of Winter semester of 2017–18 academic year
Propaedeutics of Obstetrics, Veterinary Medicine and Surgery
Canine and Feline Medicine II
Clinical Training in Companion Animals
Clinical Training in Companion Animals
Courses of Spring semester of 2017–18 academic year
Clinical Training in Companion Animals
Clinical Training in Companion Animals
Theses Supervised
Student Theses within AUTh
No results were found.
Research Projects
Χρηματοδότηση από ΠΔΕ ΥΠΕΠΘ 2017 - ΠΜΣ "ΚΤΗΝΙΑΤΡΙΚΗΣ" ΑΠΘ
Συγκέντρωση των προφλεγμονωδών κυτταροκινών IL-2, TNF-a, IL-23, IL-1β και CCL28 στον βλεννογόνο του παχέος εντέρου και στη βλέννα σε σκύλους με χρόνια φλεγμονώδη νόσο του παχέος εντέρου
Μετεκπαίδευση στρατιωτικών κτηνιάτρων στην κλινική Ζώων Συντροφιάς του Τμήματος Κτηνιατρικής ΑΠΘ
Αγορά ακτινολογικού μηχανήματος.
Κλινική άσκηση των φοιτητών του Τμήματος Κτηνιατρικής Α.Π.Θ.
Εργασίες ανακατασκευής και συντήρησης των εσωτερικών χώρων της Μονάδας Παθολογίας της Κλινικής Ζώων Συντροφιάς.
Η αποτελεσματικότητα του εμβολίου ενάντια στη Λεϊσμανίωση σε σκύλους ανοιχτών εκτροφείων με φυσική έκθση στο φορέα στην Ελλάδα
Η συμβολή του σκευάσματος FortiFlora στη συμπτωματική αντιμετώπιση της χρόνιας διάρροιας στο σκύλο. Τυφλή τυχαιοποιημένη μελέτη σε 30 περιστατικά
Άσκηση των φοιτητών της Κτηνιατρικής Σχολής στην εφαρμοσμένη διατροφή των ζώων συντροφιάς
Μελέτη φαρμακοκινητικής κτηνιατρικών σκευασμάτων σε σκύλους της φυλής Beagle
Κλινική έρευνα της αποτελεσματικότητας του αντιδιαρροϊκού ιδιοσκευάσματος CANIKUR σε γάτες με διαρροϊκό σύνδρομο
Journal Article
Frezoulis Petros S
Angelidou Elisavet
Diakou Anastasia
Rallis Timoleon
Mylonakis Matthaios
Optimization of fecal cytology in the dog
Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation
Kalli I
Adamama-Moraitou Aikaterini
Patsikas Michail
Pardali Dimitra
Steiner J
Suchodolski J
Menexes G
Brellou G
Rallis Timoleon
Prevalence of increased canine pancreas- specific lipase concentrations in young dogs with parvovirus enteritis
Veterinary Clinical Pathology
vol.46 no.1 p.111-119
Journal Article
Fragkou F.C
Adamama-Moraitou Aikaterini
Poutahidis Theofilos
Prassinos Nikitas
Kritsepi-Konstantinou Maria
Xenoulis P.G
Steiner J.M
Lidbury J.A
Suchodolski J.S
Rallis Timoleon
Prevalence and Clinicopathological Features of Triaditis in a Prospective Case Series of Symptomatic and Asymptomatic Cats
Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine
vol.30 no.4 p.1031-1045
Journal Article
Adamama-Moraitou Aikaterini
Soumpasis Nektarios
Pardali Dimitra
Papazoglou Lyssimachos
Prassinos Nikitas
Rallis Timoleon
Anagnostou Tilemachos
Psalla Dimitra
Recurrent intraluminal eosinophilic tracheal granuloma in a Siberian husky
Veterinary Quarterly
vol.17 p.1-7
Journal Article
Mylonakis Matthaios
Xenoulis Panagiotis G
Theodorou Konstantina
Siarkou Victoria
Steiner Jörg M
Harrus Shimon
Leontides Leonidas
Rallis Timoleon
Suchodolski Jan S
Koutinas Christos
Koutinas Alexander F
Serum canine pancreatic lipase immunoreactivity in experimentally induced and naturally occurring canine monocytic ehrlichiosis (Ehrlichia canis)
Veterinary Microbiology
vol.169 no.3-4 p.198-202
Journal Article
Athanasiou Lambrini V
Kontos V
Saridomichelakis Emmanouil
Rallis Timoleon
Diakou Anastasia
A cross-sectional sero-epidemiological study of canine leishmaniasis in Greek mainland
Acta Tropica
vol.122 p.291-295
Journal Article
Anagnostou Tilemachos
Kazakos George
Savvas Ioannis
Papazoglou Lyssimachos
Raptopoulos Dimitrios
Rallis Timoleon
Remifentanil/isoflurane anesthesia in five dogs with liver disease undergoing liver biopsy
Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association
vol.47 p.e103-e109
Kouti V
Papazoglou L
Flaskos J
Angelopoulou K
Karkavelas G
Rallis T
Ursodeoxycholic acid promotes intestinal adaptation in a cat model of short bowel syndrome
Fundam Clin Pharmacol
vol.25 no.6 p.734-742
Journal Article
Adamama-Moraitou KK
Pardali Dimitra
Prassinos Nikitas
Papazoglou Lyssimachos
Makris D
Gourgoulianis KI
Papaioannou Nikolaos
Rallis Timoleon
Analysis of tidal breathing flow volume loop in dogs with tracheal masses
Australian Veterinary Journal
vol.88 p.351-356
Papazoglou Lyssimachos
Tontis D
Loukopoulos Panagiotis
Patsikas Michail
Hermanns W
Kouti V
Timotheou T
Liapis I
Tziris N
Rallis Timoleon
Foreign body-associated intestinal pyogranuloma resulting in intestinal obstruction in four dogs
Veterinary Record
Published Version
vol.166 no.16 p.494-497
Journal Article
Anagnostou Tilemachos
Savvas Ioannis
Kazakos George
Ververidis Charalampos
Haritopoulou MR
Rallis Timoleon
Raptopoulos Dimitrios
Effect of endogenous progesterone and oestradiol-17b on the incidence of gastro-oesophageal reflux and on the barrier pressure during general anaesthesia in the female dog
Veterinary Anaesthesia & Analgesia
vol.36 p.308-318
Journal Article
Adamama-Moraitou K. K
Rallis T. S
Koutinas A. F
Tontis D. K
Plevraki K
Kritsepi M
Asymptomatic colitis in naturally infected dogs with Leishmania infantum: a prospective study
American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
vol.76 p.53-57
Prassinos N. N
Adamama-Moraitou K. K
Gouletsou G. T
Rallis T. S
Symphyseal distraction-osteotomy using a novel spacer of spirally fashioned orthopaedic wire for the management of obstipation
Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery
vol.9 p.23-28
Rallis T. S
Patsikas M. N
Mylonakis M. E
Day M. J
Petanides T. A
Papazoglou L. G
Koutinas A. F
Giant hypertrophic gastritis (Menetrier’s like disease) in an Old English sheepdog
Journal of the American Animal Hospital Association
vol.43 p.122-127
Journal Article
Adamama-Moraitou K. K
Brellou G. D
Rallis T. S
Zavros N
Pardali D
Ntinopoulos Athanasios
Vlemmas I
Chronic progressive autonomic dysfunction in a dog
Journal Veterinary Medicine A
vol.53 p.81-84
Kouti V. I
Papazoglou L. G
Rallis T. S
Short –bowel syndrome in dogs and cats
Compendium on Continuing Education for the Practicing Veterinarian
vol.28 p.182-195
Mylonakis M. E
Rallis T. S
Koutinas A. F
Leontides L. S
Patsikas M. N
Florou M
Papadopoulos E
Fytianou A
Clinical signs and clinicopathologic abnormalities in dogs with clinical spirocercosis: 39 cases (1996-2004)
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association
vol.228 no.7 p.1063-1067
Soubasis N
Rallis T. S
Vlemmas I
Roubies N
Adamama-Moraitou K. K
Prassinos N. N
Brellou G. D
Serum and liver iron concentration in dogs with experimentally induced hepatopathy
Journal of gastroenterology and hepatology
vol.21 p.599-604
Journal Article
Kazakos G. M
Papazoglou L. G
Rallis T. S
Tsimopoulos G
Adamama-Moraitou K. K
Tea A
The effects of meloxicam on haemostatic homeostasis in dogs undergoing orthopaedic surgical procedures
Veterinary Record
vol.157 (15) p.444-446
Papazoglou L. G
Patsikas M. N
Rallis T. S
Linear foreign bodies in the intestine. A review
Compendium Continuing Education
vol.25 (11) p.830-844
Rallis T. S
Day M. J
Saridomichelakis M. N
Adamama-Moraitou K. K
Papazoglou L. G
Fytianou A
Koutinas A. F
Chronic hepatitis associated with canine leishmaniosis (Leishmania infantum): a clinicopathological study of 26 cases
Journal of comparative pathology
vol.132 p.145-152
Journal Article
Adamama-Moraitou K. K
Rallis T. S
Papazoglou L. G
Papasteriadis Α
Roubies N
Kaldrymidou E
Leontidis L
Liver biochemistry and histopathology in dogs with experimentally induced exocrine pancreatic insufficiency
Canadian Journal of Veterinary Research
vol.68 p.56-61
Adamama-Moraitou K. K
Prassinos N. N
Psychas V
Patsikas M. N
Tsioli V
Rallis T. S
Sclerosing encapsulating peritonitis in a dog with Leishmaniosis
Journal of Small Animal Practice
vol.45 p.117-121
Mylonakis M. E
Rallis T. S
Koutinas A. F
Ververidis H. N
Fytianou A
Α comparison between ethanol-induced chemical ablation and ivermectin therapy in dogs with oesophageal spirocercosis
Veterinary parasitology
vol.120 p.131-138
Papazoglou L. G
Patsikas M. N
Papadopoulou P
Savvas I
Petanides T. A
Rallis T. S
Intestinal obstruction due to sand in a dog
Veterinary Record
vol.155 p.809
Journal Article
Hatzigiannakis C
Adamama-Moraitou K. K
Rallis T. S
Gastroesophageal reflux esophagitis in dogs
Veterinary Focus
vol.13 no.1 p.22-26
Mylonakis M. E
Koutinas A. F
Papadopoulos O
Rallis T. S
Evaluation of cytology in the diagnosis of acute canine monocytic ehrlichiosis.A comparison between five methods
Veterinary microbiology
vol.91 p.197-204
Papazoglou Lyssimachos
Patsikas Michail
Rallis Timoleon
Intestinal foreign bodies in dogs and cats
Compendium on Continuing Education for the Practicing Veterinarian
vol.25 p.830- 844
Prassinos Nikitas
Papazoglou Lyssimachos
Adamama-Moraitou Aikaterini
Galatos A. D
Gouletsou P. G
Rallis Timoleon
Congenital anorectal anomalies in the dog. A report of six cases
Veterinary Record
vol.153 p.81-85
Μυλωνάκης Μ
Κουτίνας Α
Ράλλης Τ
Σπειροκέρκωση του σκύλου. Νεότερα δεδομένα
Περιοδικό της Ελληνικής Κτηνιατρικής Εταιρείας
vol.54; 54 no.4 p.11-20
Journal Article
Rallis Timoleon
Tontis Dimitrios
Adamama-Moraitou Aikaterini
Mylonakis Matthaios
Papazoglou Lyssimachos
Protothecal colitis in a German Shepherd dog
Australian Veterinary Journal
vol.80 p.406-408
Journal Article
Κουτίνας Αλέξανδρος
Ράλλης Τιμολέων
Παπαδιαμάντης Κ
Μπόσκος Κωνσταντίνος
Ρουμπιές Νικόλαος
Εργαστηριακή διερεύνηση του συνδρόμου της διάσπαρτης ενδοαγγειακής πήξης σε 21 ύποπτους του συνδρόμου σκύλους
Journal of the Hellenic Veterinary Medical Society
vol.45 no.2 p.123-130
Updated: 2018-07-04