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Study Guide

SchoolFrench Language and Literature
Programme of StudyUPS of French Language and Literature (2010-today)
Cycle / Level1st / Undergraduate
Academic Year2024 - 2025
ECTS / WorkloadOne ECTS unit corresponds to 25 hours of workload.

Courses of the 1st semester

1st semester
11 classes
Υ-ΓΛΩ-01Written discourse-Morphology/Syntax5COR
Υ-ΓΛΩ-02French language I: oral discours3COR
Υ-ΛΟΓ-01Literary analysis techniques I5COR
Υ-ΛΟΓ-02French History and Civilization I (until the French Revolution)4COR
Υ-ΜΕΤ-01Text Analysis and Production in Greek I5COR
ΥΠΟ-01Language Reinforcement I4BCK
ΥΠΟ-02Digital Literacy2BCK
ΥΠΟ-03-Α1English Language I2BCK
ΥΠΟ-03-Γ1German Language I2BCK
ΥΠΟ-03-ΕΛ1Greek Language I2BCK
ΥΠΟ-03-Ι1Italien Language I2BCK

Courses of the 2nd semester

2nd semester
11 classes
Υ-ΓΛΩ-03Introduction to Applied Linguistics2COR
Υ-ΓΛΩ-04Written discourse- Morphology/Syntax II5COR
Υ-ΓΛΩ-05French language II :oral speech3COR
Υ-ΛΟΓ-03Literary analysis techniques II5COR
Υ-ΛΟΓ-04French History and Civilization II (from the French Revolution until the 20th cntury)4COR
Υ-ΜΕΤ-02Text Analysis and Production in Greek II5COR
ΥΠΟ-04Language Reinforcement II4BCK
ΥΠΟ-05-Α2English Language II2BCK
ΥΠΟ-05-Γ2German Language II2BCK
ΥΠΟ-05-ΕΛ2Greek Language II2BCK
ΥΠΟ-05-Ι2Italien Language II2BCK

Courses of the 3rd semester

3rd semester
8 classes
Υ-ΓΛΩ-06French Language ΙΙΙ: Organization of writing and cohesion of text4COR
Υ-ΓΛΩ-07French language III : Oral speech 2COR
Υ-ΓΛΩ-08Introduction of general linguistics3COR
Υ-ΛΟΓ-05Critical discourse production5COR
Υ-ΛΟΓ-06French Literature I : Poetry5COR
Υ-ΛΟΓ-07Contemporary French Civilization and Institutions of the French society3COR
Υ-ΜΕΤ-03Comprehension Techniques in Translation I5COR

Courses of the 4th semester

4th semester
8 classes
Υ-ΓΛΩ-10French language IV: Organisation of writing and cohesion of text4COR
Υ-ΓΛΩ-11French language IV : Oral speech 2COR
Υ-ΓΛΩ-12Phonetics – Phonologie applied to French language3COR
Υ-ΓΛΩ-13Structure of languages3COR
Υ-ΛΟΓ-08Essay writing practice5COR
Υ-ΛΟΓ-09French Literature II : Theater5COR
Υ-ΛΟΓ-10Introduction to General and Comparative Literature3COR
Υ-ΜΕΤ-04Comprehension Techniques in Translation II5COR

Courses of the 5th semester

5th semester
8 classes
Υ-ΓΛΩ-14Teaching/learning methodology of French as a foreign language 4COR
Υ-ΓΛΩ-15French language V : Text types and genres3COR
Υ-ΓΛΩ-16French language V : Oral speech skills development2COR
Υ-ΛΟΓ-11Introduction to European Literature3COR
Υ-ΛΟΓ-12French Literature III: Novel5COR
Υ-ΛΟΓ-13Clacisism and the age of Enlightenment4COR
Υ-ΜΕΤ-05General Translation I5COR
Υ-ΜΕΤ-06Introduction to Translation Studies4COR

Courses of the 6th semester

6th semester
4 classes
Υ-ΓΛΩ-17French language V :Text types and genres II3COR
Υ-ΓΛΩ-18French language VΙ : Oral speech skills development 2COR
Υ-ΛΟΓ-14A general Introduction to literary criticism5COR
Υ-ΛΟΓ-15French Literature IV: Novel5COR

Courses of the 7th semester

7th semester
2 classes
Υ-ΓΛΩ-19Practice Programme6COR
ΥΠΟ-06Academic writing techniques4BCK

Courses of the 8th semester

8th semester
1 class
Υ-ΓΛΩ-19Practice Programme (repeating)6COR

Courses of the Winter semester

Winter semester
18 classes
ΚΕ-ΓΛΩ-01ICT in language learning – Multilingual digital environments5ELC
ΚΕ-ΓΛΩ-02ICT in language learning – Multimedia databases & development of electronic dictionaries5ELC
ΚΕ-ΓΛΩ-05Pragmatics and Communication I5ELC
ΚΕ-ΓΛΩ-25Sociolinguistics Approaches of plurilingualism5ELC
ΚΕ-ΓΛΩ-27Linguistic loans and semantic problems5ELC
ΚΕ-ΓΛΩ-32The advertising discourse5ELC
ΚΕ-ΛΟΓ-02Renaissance and Humanism5ELC
ΚΕ-ΛΟΓ-09Contemporary French novel5ELC
ΚΕ-ΛΟΓ-25Specific cultural topics5ELC
ΚΕ-ΛΟΓ-38Art and Literature5ELC
ΚΕ-ΜΕΤ-05Machine Translation5ELC
ΚΕ-ΜΕΤ-08Terminological Research and Documentation5ELC
ΚΕ-ΜΕΤ-12Specialized Translation I5ELC
ΚΕ-ΜΕΤ-16Sociolinguistics, Translation and Cultural Mediation5ELC
ΚΕ-ΜΕΤ-17Translation from Greek into French I5ELC
ΚΕ-ΜΕΤ-19The Cultural Dimension of Translation5ELC
ΚΕ-ΜΕΤ-20Audiovisual Translation / Subtitling I5ELC
ΚΕ-ΜΕΤ-23Theories of Semiotics and Translation5ELC

Courses of the Spring semester

Spring semester
25 classes
ΚΕ-ΓΛΩ-01ICT in language learning – Multilingual digital environments5ELC
ΚΕ-ΓΛΩ-06Pragmatics and Communication II5ELC
ΚΕ-ΓΛΩ-07Didactic and Pedagological approaches of Teaching foreign language to young learners5ELC
ΚΕ-ΓΛΩ-08ICT in language learning – Multimedia & network technologies5ELC
ΚΕ-ΓΛΩ-09ICT in language learning – Interactive applications and authoring tools5ELC
ΚΕ-ΓΛΩ-24Introduction to Sociolinguistics5ELC
ΚΕ-ΓΛΩ-26Sociolinguistic representations, code-switching and plurilingualism5ELC
ΚΕ-ΓΛΩ-28ICT in language learning – Digital technologies in Classroom5ELC
ΚΕ-ΓΛΩ-32The advertising discourse5ELC
ΚΕ-ΛΟΓ-15Science fiction5ELC
ΚΕ-ΛΟΓ-17Philosophy and literature5ELC
ΚΕ-ΛΟΓ-22Contemporary French theater5ELC
ΚΕ-ΛΟΓ-32Poetry topics5ELC
ΚΕ-ΛΟΓ-34Creative writing5ELC
ΚΕ-ΛΟΓ-35French language teaching through literature5ELC
ΚΕ-ΜΕΤ-01General Translation II5ELC
ΚΕ-ΜΕΤ-03Utterer-centered Linguistics and Translation5ELC
ΚΕ-ΜΕΤ-04Contrastive Linguistics and Translation5ELC
ΚΕ-ΜΕΤ-06Translation Tools I5ELC
ΚΕ-ΜΕΤ-13Specialized Translation II5ELC
ΚΕ-ΜΕΤ-15Aplications Semiotics to Translation5ELC
ΚΕ-ΜΕΤ-18Translation from Greek into French II5ELC
ΚΕ-ΜΕΤ-21Audiovisual Translation / Subtitling II5ELC
ΚΕ-ΜΕΤ-22Interpretation I5ELC
ΚΕ-ΜΕΤ-24Localization Techniques5ELC