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Study Guide

Qualification AwardedPostgraduate (Master) Programme "Synthetic Chemistry, Biochemistry and Applications"
Programme of StudySynthetic Chemistry, Biochemistry and Applications
Cycle / Level2nd / Postgraduate
Academic Year2018 - 2019
ECTS / WorkloadOne ECTS unit corresponds to hours of workload.

Courses of the 1st semester

"Inorganic Compounds, Materials and Applications"
1st semester
6 classes
M1Y22Physical Organic Chemistry–Organic Spectroscopy10ELC
M1Y31Metabolic processes10ELC
M1Y32Signal transduction pathways10ELC
Μ1Υ11Synthesis of inorganic compounds and materials10COR
Μ1Υ12Characterization techniques of Inorganic Compounds and Materials10COR
Μ1Υ21Advanced Organic Synthesis Ι10ELC
1st semester
6 classes
M1Y22Physical Organic Chemistry–Organic Spectroscopy10ELC
M1Y31Metabolic processes10COR
M1Y32Signal transduction pathways10COR
Μ1Υ11Synthesis of inorganic compounds and materials10ELC
Μ1Υ12Characterization techniques of Inorganic Compounds and Materials10ELC
Μ1Υ21Advanced Organic Synthesis Ι10ELC
"Organic Synthesis and Applications"
1st semester
6 classes
M1Y22Physical Organic Chemistry–Organic Spectroscopy10COR
M1Y31Metabolic processes10ELC
M1Y32Signal transduction pathways10ELC
Μ1Υ11Synthesis of inorganic compounds and materials10ELC
Μ1Υ12Characterization techniques of Inorganic Compounds and Materials10ELC
Μ1Υ21Advanced Organic Synthesis Ι10COR

Courses of the 2nd semester

"Inorganic Compounds, Materials and Applications"
2nd semester
7 classes
M1E26Chemistry of Natural Products10ELC
M1Y13Bioapplications of Inorganic Compounds and Nanomaterials10COR
M1Y14Modern applications of inorganic compounds and materials10COR
M1Y23Advanced Organic Synthesis ΙΙ10ELC
M1Y24Medicinal Chemistry10ELC
M1Y33Molecular Biotechnology10ELC
M1Y34Special Topics in Biochemistry10ELC
2nd semester
7 classes
M1E26Chemistry of Natural Products10ELC
M1Y13Bioapplications of Inorganic Compounds and Nanomaterials10ELC
M1Y14Modern applications of inorganic compounds and materials10ELC
M1Y23Advanced Organic Synthesis ΙΙ10ELC
M1Y24Medicinal Chemistry10ELC
M1Y33Molecular Biotechnology10COR
M1Y34Special Topics in Biochemistry10COR
"Organic Synthesis and Applications"
2nd semester
7 classes
M1E26Chemistry of Natural Products10ELC
M1Y13Bioapplications of Inorganic Compounds and Nanomaterials10ELC
M1Y14Modern applications of inorganic compounds and materials10ELC
M1Y23Advanced Organic Synthesis ΙΙ10COR
M1Y24Medicinal Chemistry10COR
M1Y33Molecular Biotechnology10ELC
M1Y34Special Topics in Biochemistry10ELC