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Study Guide

Qualification Awarded
Programma di StudioPPS Tmīma Politikṓn Epistīmṓn 2023-sīmera
Ciclo / Livello di Studi1. Corso di Laurea
Anno Accademico2023 - 2024
Contact emailinfo@polsci.auth.gr
ECTS / WorkloadOne ECTS unit corresponds to 27.5 hours of workload.

Courses of the 1st semester

1st semester
6 classes
ΚΥ0101Introduction to Political Science 5O
ΚΥ0102Political Philosophy in Ancient Greece5O
ΚΥ0103Modern Greek Political History ( 1821 - 1909 )5O
ΚΥ0104Contemporary Political Philosophy 5O
ΚΥ0105International Relations5O
ΚΥ0206Mathematics in Political Science: An Introduction5O

Courses of the 2nd semester

2nd semester
6 classes
ΚΥ0106Contemporary European History5O
ΚΥ0203Contemporary Greek Political History ( 1910 - 1974 )5O
ΚΥ0204Political Philosophy; 19th century5O
ΚΥ0208Political Behaviour5O
ΚΥ0401The Greek System of Governance5O
ΚΥ0404Political Economy5O

Courses of the 3rd semester

3rd semester
6 classes
ΚΥ0201Comparative Politics and Political Systems5O
ΚΥ0301Political Sociology5O
ΚΥ0302Contemporary Political Philosophy 5O
ΚΥ0304Political System and Party Formations in Contemporary Greece ( 1946 - 1974 )5O
ΚΥ0305Social Statistics5O
ΚΥ0402Classic Social Theory5O

Courses of the 4th semester

4th semester
9 classes
ΚΥ0201Comparative Politics and Political Systems (repeating)5O
ΚΥ0301Political Sociology (repeating)5O
ΚΥ0302Contemporary Political Philosophy (repeating)5O
ΚΥ0303Enlightenment and Formation of Political Ideologies in Greece5O
ΚΥ0403History and Institutions of European Integration5O
ΚΥ0405Méthodoi Análysīs stis Koinōnikés Epistīmes5O
ΚΥ0502The State, Institutions and Public Policies5O
ΚΥ0602Contemporary Political Theories 5O
ΚΥ0701Contemporary Social Theory5O

Courses of the Winter semester

Winter semester
34 classes
ER000Greece Today4PAN
ESC101Constitutional Law of the EU10PAN
ESC102History and Institutions of European Integration10PAN
ESC103Euroscepticism: parties, policies and people10PAN
ΕΕ1000ΠΑ202 Electoral Sociology4EE
ΕΕ2000Free Election Course4EE
ΚΕ0Ε19Politics and Religions5EU
ΚΕ0Ε22Solidarity and cohesion in the European Union4FsL
ΚΕ0Ε28China: Society Politics and International Role 4FsL
ΚΕ0Ε33Models of Electoral Behaviour Analysis4FsL
ΚΕ0Ε45Populism and Democracy4FsL
ΚΕ0Ε54The Notion of "National Mindness". History, Ideology and Political Practice4FsL
ΚΕ0Χ03The Mass Media in Contemporary Greece4FsL
ΚΕ0Χ11Issues of Applied Political Analysis5EU
ΚΕ0Χ31Contemporary Issues of International Politics5EU
ΚΕ0Χ32Antisemitism and the Holocaust in modern times5EU
ΚΕ0Χ33Special Issues in Comparative Politics. The Political Systems of the United States and Russia4FsL
ΚΕ0Χ39Greek Politics4FsL
ΚΕ0Χ46Civic Education4FsL
ΚΕ0Χ48Energy Resources and Politics: 19th to 21st century4FsL
ΚΕ0Χ49Educational practices and policy4FsL
ΚΕ0Χ56Ancient Greek Political Societies4FsL
ΚΕ0Χ60Literature and Politics4FsL
ΚΕΣ001Vocational Training4FsL
ΚΕΧΕ000Βachelor Τhesis8FsL
ΚΥ0000Introduction to Academic Research in Political Sciences5O
ΚΥ0501The Political System of the European Union5EU
ΚΥ0503Greek Foreign Policy (after the Second World War)5EU
ΚΥ0504Political Discourse Analysis5EU
ΚΥ0604Anti-Parliamentarianism, Dictatorships and the Far Right5EU
ΚΥ0606Theories of Social Contract5EU
ΚΥ0702Social and Electoral Geography of Greece5EU
ΚΥ0705International Political Economy and Development5EU
ΚΥ0706War and Politics5EU

Courses of the Spring semester

Spring semester
37 classes
ER000Greece Today4PAN
ΚΕ0Ε02The Cyprus Question4FsL
ΚΕ0Ε04Political Systems in the Balkans4FsL
ΚΕ0Ε20Philosophies of Freedom4FsL
ΚΕ0Ε21Gender and Politics5EU
ΚΕ0Ε25Introduction to Political Communication4FsL
ΚΕ0Ε30Spatial Analysis of Elections4FsL
ΚΕ0Ε31Policies of the European Union5EU
ΚΕ0Ε38Reconstruction of Europe after WWII 4FsL
ΚΕ0Ε40Game Theory and Strategy Formation4FsL
ΚΕ0Ε43Voting Advice Applications4FsL
ΚΕ0Ε50Russian Revolution and Soviet Power4FsL
ΚΕ0Ε51Youth Political Action and School4FsL
ΚΕ0Ε52International Organizations4FsL
ΚΕ0Ε56Politics and Government in Southern Europe. A Comparative Analysis4FsL
ΚΕ0Ε59Topics in Social Philosophy4FsL
ΚΕ0Ε62Economy, Society and Politics in the post Cold-War world4FsL
ΚΕ0Ε64Electoral Systems: Theory and procedures4FsL
ΚΕ0Ε68Military Occupations4FsL
ΚΕ0Ε69Europe and Political Competition5EU
ΚΕ0Ε70Religion and Politics4FsL
ΚΕ0Ε71Digital governance4FsL
ΚΕ0Χ30The Greek State: Administrative Structure4FsL
ΚΕ0Χ34Political Web Surveys5EU
ΚΕ0Χ46Civic Education4FsL
ΚΕ0Χ47 The Middle East Today4FsL
ΚΕ0Χ53Qualitative Research Methods in the Digital Age4FsL
ΚΕ0Χ59Protest event analysis4FsL
ΚΕΣ001Vocational Training4FsL
ΚΕΧΕ000Βachelor Τhesis8FsL
ΚΥ0000Introduction to Academic Research in Political Sciences5O
ΚΥ0205Constitutional and administrative foundations of the State5EU
ΚΥ0607Politics and Minorities in the Balkans5EU
ΚΥ0802Ethics and Politics5EU
ΚΥ0804Civil Wars in the Modern World5EU
ΚΥ0805Greek Political Parties since 19745EU
ΚΥ0806Collective action and social movements5EU